Renewing the license using a reserve activation code

October 10, 2022

ID 214985

If you have a new activation code, you can add it to the application to be used as a reserve code. When the current license expires, the application is activated automatically with the reserve activation code. This way, you can ensure uninterrupted protection for your device.

There are cases when you cannot add a reserve activation code.

To add a reserve activation code:

  1. Open the main application window.
  2. Go to the Profile section.
  3. Under license information, click the three dots and select Enter activation code.
  4. In the entry field, enter the activation code and click the Save activation code button.

The reserve activation code will be displayed in the License details window.

If you enter a reserve activation code that was issued for multiple devices, you must follow the steps to apply the reserve code on all devices where you want to renew the license automatically.

An attempt to activate and fully verify the reserve code will be made when the current license expires, or if the license key is removed from the device. The application verifies the expiration date of the reserve activation code, the maximum number of devices that the license can be used on, as well as the compatibility of the license with the installed version of the application. During the activation of a reserve activation code, a connection to the Kaspersky Small Office Security Management Console account may be required.

If the reserve activation code that you are adding has already been applied on this device or on another device, the activation date for the purpose of renewing the license using the reserve code is the date on which the application was activated with this code for the first time. To renew the license, add a reserve activation code that has an expiration date later than the expiration date of the license currently used by the application.

If the application did not automatically activate with a reserve activation code, you can activate it manually by clicking the Try again button. If the current license key is blocked, you can activate the application using a reserve activation code by clicking Activate now.

It can take up to 24 hours after purchase before the correct license status is displayed.

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