Kaspersky Secure Mobility Management

Installing the app

August 28, 2024

ID 231857

To install the Kaspersky Security for iOS app:

  1. Find the email message with the administrator's invitation to install the Kaspersky Security for iOS app from the App Store.
  2. Go to the App Store in one of the following ways:
    • Tap the link in the message if you are reading it on the iOS device on which you want to install the app.
    • Scan the QR code using the iOS device on which you want to install the app, if you are reading the message on a computer.

    The invitation link is valid for 24 hours. If you don't manage to install the app in time, contact your administrator for a new invitation.

  3. Download and install the app from the App Store by following the standard installation procedure on the iOS platform.

The Kaspersky Security for iOS app is installed on your device. To protect the device, active the app.

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