Kaspersky Container Security

User profile

June 17, 2024

ID 267266

To go to the user profile page:

  1. In the main menu, click on the block with the current user name.
  2. Select My Profile.

On the My Profile page, Kaspersky Container Security displays key information about the active user account. This information is divided into the following sections:

  • General information—shows the user's name and their displayed user name, a contact email address, and a list of the roles assigned to the user.

    In this section, you can also change the password to enter the Management Console by clicking the Change password button.

  • API token—information about the token for connecting to and accessing the solution using API. The value of the valid API token is hidden by a mask and can be viewed by clicking the unmask icon (Unmask icon) located to the right of the token. You can hide the token value with a mask by clicking the mask icon (Mask icon).

    In this section, you can also copy the value of the active token by using the Copy button. If necessary, you can also generate a new API token by clicking the Reissue token button.

  • Permissions - all rights and permissions assigned to the user are displayed.

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