Kaspersky Security Center API description
Virtual server statistic
"KLVSRV_CREATED"paramDateTimeTime of creation of a virtual server.
"KLVSRV_HOSTS"paramIntCount of 'active' hosts with Network Agent installed connected to the virtual server. Active hosts are ones that periodically connect to Administration Server. 'Dead' hosts that have not connected to Administration Server for a long time are excluded.
"KLVSRV_AGENTS"paramIntSupported since Administration Server 12.1. Count of managed hosts (ones that have a Network Agent installed).
"KLVSRV_MOBILIES"paramIntCount of mobile devices connected to the virtual server by a 'aklwngt' protocol.
"KLVSRV_MDMIOS"paramIntCount of iOS MDM devices connected to the virtual server.
"KLVSRV_USERS"paramIntCount of users created on the virtual server.
"KLVSRV_GROUPS"paramIntCount of security groups of internal users created on the virtual server.
"KLVSRV_PRODUCTS"paramParamsDescribes products installed on hosts. The structure is described below.
"KLVSRV_PRODUCTS_2"paramParamsDescribes products installed on hosts. The structure is described below.
"KLVSRV_LICENSES"paramArrayDescribes licenses contained in the license storage of the specified virtual server. The structure is described below.


Container is named after the product's internal name and version and contains the following attributes:

  • KLVSRV_PROD_DN Product display name
  • KLVSRV_PROD_DV Product version with build number
  • KLVSRV_PROD_CNT Count of installations


          +--- <name of product>(paramParams)
               +--- <version of product>(paramParams)
                    +--- KLVSRV_PROD_DN = (paramString)<"display name one of the builds">
                    +--- KLVSRV_PROD_DV =(paramString)<"display version one of the builds">
                    +--- KLVSRV_PROD_CNT =(paramInt)<count of installations>

Structure of KLVSRV_PRODUCTS_2

Container named after the product's internal name and version and contains (paramArray) KLVSRV_PROD_BUILDS. Each entry contains the following attributes:

  • KLVSRV_PROD_DN Product display name
  • KLVSRV_PROD_DV Product version with build number
  • KLVSRV_PROD_CNT Count if installations


          +--- <name of product>(paramParams)
               +--- <version of product>(paramParams)
                    +--- KLVSRV_PROD_BUILDS(paramArray)
                         +---0 (paramParams)
                             +--- KLVSRV_PROD_DN = (paramString)<"display name of à build">
                             +--- KLVSRV_PROD_DV =(paramString)<"display version of a build">
                             +--- KLVSRV_PROD_CNT =(paramInt)<count of installations>


KLVSRV_LICENSES is an IKlAkCollection. Each entry is a (paramParams) and contains the following license key properties:


Statistics example

    +--- (paramParams)
        +---KLVSRV_CREATED = (paramDateTime)Mon Apr 4 16:07:16 UTC+0300 2016
        +---KLVSRV_GROUPS = (paramInt)0
        +---KLVSRV_HOSTS = (paramInt)0
        +---KLVSRV_MDMIOS = (paramInt)0
        +---KLVSRV_MOBILIES = (paramInt)0
        +---KLVSRV_PRODUCTS (paramParams)
        |   +---1093 (paramParams)
        |   |   +--- (paramParams)
        |   |       +---KLVSRV_PROD_CNT = (paramInt)1
        |   |       +---KLVSRV_PROD_DN = (paramString)Kaspersky Security Center 10 Administration Server
        |   |       +---KLVSRV_PROD_DV = (paramString)10.3.407
        |   +---KES (paramParams)
        |   |   +--- (paramParams)
        |   |   |   +---KLVSRV_PROD_CNT = (paramInt)45
        |   |   |   +---KLVSRV_PROD_DN = (paramString)Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 for Windows
        |   |   |   +---KLVSRV_PROD_DV = (paramString)
        |   |   +--- (paramParams)
        |   |       +---KLVSRV_PROD_CNT = (paramInt)2
        |   |       +---KLVSRV_PROD_DN = (paramString)Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 for Windows
        |   |       +---KLVSRV_PROD_DV = (paramString)
        |   +---KLIOSMDM (paramParams)
        |       +--- (paramParams)
        |           +---KLVSRV_PROD_CNT = (paramInt)2
        |           +---KLVSRV_PROD_DN = (paramString)iOS MDM Mobile device server
        |           +---KLVSRV_PROD_DV = (paramString)10.3.407
        +---KLVSRV_PRODUCTS_2 (paramParams)
        |   +---1093 (paramParams)
        |   |   +--- (paramParams)
        |   |       +---KLVSRV_PROD_BUILDS (paramArray)
        |   |           +---0 (paramParams)
        |   |               +---KLVSRV_PROD_CNT = (paramInt)1
        |   |               +---KLVSRV_PROD_DN = (paramString)Kaspersky Security Center 10 Administration Server
        |   |               +---KLVSRV_PROD_DV = (paramString)10.3.407
        |   +---KES (paramParams)
        |   |   +--- (paramParams)
        |   |   |   +---KLVSRV_PROD_BUILDS (paramArray)
        |   |   |       +---0 (paramParams)
        |   |   |       |   +---KLVSRV_PROD_CNT = (paramInt)22
        |   |   |       |   +---KLVSRV_PROD_DN = (paramString)Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 for Windows
        |   |   |       |   +---KLVSRV_PROD_DV = (paramString)
        |   |   |       +---1 (paramParams)
        |   |   |           +---KLVSRV_PROD_CNT = (paramInt)23
        |   |   |           +---KLVSRV_PROD_DN = (paramString)Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 for Windows
        |   |   |           +---KLVSRV_PROD_DV = (paramString)
        |   |   +--- (paramParams)
        |   |       +---KLVSRV_PROD_BUILDS (paramArray)
        |   |           +---0 (paramParams)
        |   |               +---KLVSRV_PROD_CNT = (paramInt)2
        |   |               +---KLVSRV_PROD_DN = (paramString)Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 for Windows
        |   |               +---KLVSRV_PROD_DV = (paramString)
        |   +---KLIOSMDM (paramParams)
        |       +--- (paramParams)
        |           +---KLVSRV_PROD_BUILDS (paramArray)
        |               +---0 (paramParams)
        |                   +---KLVSRV_PROD_CNT = (paramInt)2
        |                   +---KLVSRV_PROD_DN = (paramString)iOS MDM Mobile device server
        |                   +---KLVSRV_PROD_DV = (paramString)10.3.407
        +---KLVSRV_USERS = (paramInt)0