View name | Reference |
"InvSrvViewName" | SrvView Software inventory list |
"InvDisplayNameGroupingSrvView" | SrvView Software inventory list grouping by display name |
"InvLicenseKeysSrvViewName" | SrvView Software inventory License Keys |
"ACExeFilesSrvViewName" | SrvView List of execution files |
"ACHostExeFilesSrvViewName" | SrvView List of execution file instances |
"ACExeFilesSoftInvSrvViewName" | SrvView List of links between application control host exe modules and software inventory applications |
"ACHostExeFilesSoftInvSrvViewName" | SrvView List of links between application control host exe modules and software inventory applications on hosts |
"ACExeFileCertificatesSrvViewName" | SrvView List of Application control file certificates attributes |
"Quarantine" | SrvView List of files from quarantine, backup, and unprocessed network lists |
"Backup" | SrvView List of files from quarantine, backup, and unprocessed network lists |
"TIF" | SrvView List of files from quarantine, backup, and unprocessed network lists |
"v_klever_distrib" | Kaspersky corporate product distributives available for download |
"KLPOL_PROFILE_HST" | Srvview KLPOL_PROFILE_HST - active policy profiles at hosts |
"PolProfileAclRolesSrvViewName" | Srvview PolProfileAclRolesSrvViewName - relation between policy profile and role specified in ACL |
"PLCDevicesSrvViewName" | SrvView list of PLC devices |
"DCDevicesList" | Attributes for controlling devices |
"DCHostDevicesList" | Attributes of host devices |
"GlobalUsersListSrvViewName" | Users and groups list |
"AclAnalysisResults" | ACL analysis results attributes |
"AclAnalysisExeFilesResults" | ACL analysis executable files results attributes |
"SplUserGroupSrvViewName" | SplUserGroupSrvViewName |
"AdUsersListSrvViewName" | AdUsersListSrvViewName |
"AdHostsListSrvViewName" | AdHostsListSrvViewName |
"VirtualMachinesSrvViewName" | SrvView List of virtual machines |
"AdmGroupsAclRolesSrvViewName" | List of ACL roles, administration groups and users |
"KLPOLNLA_LOCATION_NAMES_SRVVIEW" | Network locations specified in the Network Agent connection profiles |
"EventsSrvViewName" | SrvView EventsSrvViewName - Events virtual list |
"SmsQueueSrvViewName" | SMS distribution queue |
"SmsSendersSrvViewName" | SMS sender devices |
"HostTagsRulesSrvView" | SrvView List of host automatic tagging rules |
"CloudContainersSrvViewName" | SrvView List of server cloud containers |
"CloudHostsSrvViewName" | SrvView List of server cloud hosts |
"GlobalUserGroupSrvView" | GlobalUserGroupSrvView |
"SubnetMasksSrvViewName" | Subnet masks |
"HWInvPCSrvViewName" | Configuration of managed device |
"HWInvDeviceSrvViewName" | Device name view |
"HWInvManufSrvViewName" | Device manufacturer view |
"HWInvDrvProvSrvViewName" | Device driver provider view |
"klcategories" | KL-categories view |
"customcategories" | Custom categories view |
"ExtAudObjects" | Extended audit objects view |
"ExtAudInTrashObjects" | List of deleted objects |
"HWInvStorageSrvViewName" | Hardware inventory storage view |
"HWInvStorageHistorySrvViewName" | Hardware inventory storage history view |
"HostTasksSrvView" | Host local tasks view |
"GroupTasksSrvView" | Group tasks view |
"SilverImageHst" | Srvview list of silver-image category hosts |
"SrvHierarchyStatSrvViewName" | Srvview list of group tasks state statistics on the hosts managed by secondary servers |
"v_wus_upd_category" | Srvview list for Microsoft Windows Updates Categories listing |
"v_wus_upd_revision" | Srvview list for Microsoft Windows Updates revisions listing |
"v_vapm_vulnerability" | Srvview list name for vulnerabilities listing |
"v_vapm_update" | Srvview list name for software updates listing |
"AclAnalysisResults" | Srvview results of static analysis |
"AclAnalysisExeFilesResults" | Srvview results of static analysis with .exe files information |
"AdSecDetectResSrvViewName" | Srvview detection results made by Adaptive Anomalies Control rules |
"FDEHostDevices" | Srvview encrypted devices on hosts |
"FDEHostUsers" | Srvview users of encrypted devices |
"HostDpeErrorsList" | Srvview Dpe errors on host |
"FcGSynHstInfoSrvView" | Categories synchronization on hosts SRView |
"EulaSrvViewName" | Accepted EULAs SRView |
"CertStatusSrvViewName" | Certificate status SRView |
"UmdmDevices" | Unified mobile devices list |
"UmdmAllDevices" | Unified mobile devices list joint with computers |
"IpmSrvViewName" | In-Product marketing content's metadata file attributes |
"GroupSyncHstSrvView" | Srvview list name for group synchronization on hosts listing, "GroupSyncHstSrvView" |
"RptViractSrvViewName" | Virus activity report data srvview attributes |
"AkDomainsSrvView" | Srvview containing domains descriptions |