Kaspersky Security Center API description
List of server cloud host attributes

"CLOUD_HOST_REGION"paramStringCloud host region.
"CLOUD_HOST_VPC"paramStringCloud host vpc.
"CLOUD_HOST_AVAILABILITYZONE"paramStringCloud host availability zone.
"CLOUD_HOST_SUBNET"paramStringCloud host subnet.
"CLOUD_HOST_PLACEMENTGROUP"paramStringCloud host placement group.
"CLOUD_ID"paramIntInternal database ID of the cloud.
"KLHST_CLOUD_HOST_BINID"paramBinaryInternal ID of the cloud host.
"CLOUD_CONTAINER_PARENT_BIN_ID"paramBinaryInternal ID of the parent container of the cloud host
"CLOUD_HOST_INSTANCE_ID"paramStringID of the cloud host instance
"CLOUD_HOST_DNS_NAME"paramStringCloud host dns name
"CLOUD_HOST_DOMAIN"paramStringCloud host dns domain
"CLOUD_HOST_IP_ADRESS"paramLongCloud host IPv4 address (little-endian byte order)
"KLHST_CLOUD_HOST_PLATFORM"paramIntPublic cloud host platform type, one of following values Instance platform type in public cloud
"CLOUD_TYPE"paramIntCloud type, one of values from Cloud type

Cloud host IPv4 address (little-endian byte order)

Also for cloud host is supporting attributes of common host. See List of host attributes.
