Deploying Kaspersky SD-WAN

You can deploy Kaspersky SD-WAN using the knaas-installer_<version information> installation archive that is part of the distribution kit. Before following this procedure, you must prepare a solution deployment scenario. If you have any problems with preparing a deployment scenario, we recommend contacting Kaspersky Technical Support.

A solution deployment scenario consists of the following steps:

  1. Preparing the administrator device

    Prepare the administrator device for solution deployment. You can use a local or remote virtual machine, or a personal computer as the administrator device. When deploying a Kaspersky SD-WAN testbed in accordance with the all-in-one deployment scenario, you must use a virtual machine as the administrator device.

  2. Ensuring network connectivity between the administrator device and solution components

    Ensure network connectivity between the administrator device and the virtual machines or physical servers on which you want to deploy Kaspersky SD-WAN components. If you plan to deploy multiple nodes of solution components, make sure that the links between virtual machines or physical servers satisfy the hardware and software requirements.

    Virtual machines or physical servers must be deployed in a trusted network segment to avoid compromising the transmitted traffic.

  3. Manually generating passwords

    If necessary, manually generate passwords to ensure the security of Kaspersky SD-WAN components and their SSL certificates.

  4. Preparing the configuration file

    Prepare the configuration file in accordance with the chosen deployment scenario. You can use example configuration files for typical deployment scenarios in the /inventory/external/pnf and /inventory/external/vnf directories of the installation archive.

  5. Replacing the graphics of the orchestrator web interface

    If necessary, replace the graphics of the orchestrator web interface. For example, you can replace the image that is displayed in the background when an error occurs while logging into the orchestrator web interface.

  6. Deploying Kaspersky SD-WAN

    Do the following on the administrator device:

    1. Accept the End User License Agreement by running the following command:

      export KNAAS_EULA_AGREED="true"

    2. Go to the directory with the extracted installation archive.
    3. If you want to deploy Kaspersky SD-WAN in attended mode, do one of the following:
      • If you have generated passwords manually, run the command:

        ansible-playbook -i inventory/generic -e "@<path to configuration file>" -e "@inventory/external/images.yml" -K --ask-vault-pass knaas/knaas-install.yml

        When running the command, enter the root account password and the generated master password.

      • If you have not generated passwords manually, run the command:

        ansible-playbook -i inventory/generic -e "@<path to configuration file>" -e "@inventory/external/images.yml" -K knaas/knaas-install.yml

    4. If you want to deploy Kaspersky SD-WAN in unattended mode, do one of the following:

      We recommend using this mode only in a trusted environment, because otherwise hackers may intercept your passwords.

      • If you have generated passwords manually, run the command:

        ansible-playbook -i inventory/generic -e "@<path to configuration file>" -e "@inventory/external/images.yml" -e "ansible_become_password=yourSudoPassword" --vault-password-file ./passwords/vault_password.txt knaas/knaas-install.yml

      • If you have not generated passwords manually, run the command:

        ansible-playbook -i inventory/generic -e "@<path to configuration file>" -e "@inventory/external/images.yml" -e "ansible_become_password=yourSudoPassword" knaas/knaas-install.yml

The Kaspersky SD-WAN components are deployed on the virtual machines or physical servers that you specified in the configuration file. A successful deployment message is displayed in the console of the administrator device.

If a network connectivity issue occurs with one of the virtual machines or physical servers during the deployment of solution components, an error message is displayed in the administrator device console, and the solution is not deployed. In that case, you need to restore network connectivity, clean up the virtual machines or physical servers, and then run the deployment command again.

In this section

Redundancy of solution components

About the installation archive

About the attended, unattended, and partially attended action modes

Preparing the administrator's device

Managing passwords

Setting up the configuration file

Replacing the graphics of the orchestrator web interface

Replacement of a failed controller node

Upgrading Kaspersky SD-WAN

Removing Kaspersky SD-WAN

See also

Scenario: Deploying a virtual network function

Scenario: Deploying a physical network function

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