Kaspersky Endpoint Security 12 for Linux

Web Control task settings

July 22, 2024

ID 276244

The table below describes all available values and the default values of all the settings that you can specify for the Web Control task.

Web Control task settings





The default rule, that is, the action that Web Control performs when it detects an attempt to gain access to web resources that are not covered by other rules.

Allow (default value) – allow access to the web resources.

Block – block access to the web resources.


The administrator's email address to which messages about mistaken blocking of web resources are sent.


The [Rules.item_#] section contains the following settings:


Web resource access rule name.



The action of the rule that Web Control will perform when it detects an attempt to access a web resource that matches the rule.

Allow (default value) – allow access to the web resource.

Block – block access to the web resource.

Notify – display a warning that the web resource is undesirable. By clicking links in the warning message, the user can access the requested web resource.


Status of the web resource access rule.

Yes – the rule is enabled, Web Control applies this rule during operation.

No (default value) – the rule is disabled and is not used when Web Control is running.


Schedule ID that is used in the [Schedules.item_#] section.



Use of a web resource address filter in a rule.

Yes – use a web resource address filter in the rule.

No (default value) – do not use a web resource address filter, apply the rule to all web resource addresses.


The address of the web resource for which the rule controls access.

You can use masks to specify the web resource address.


Use of filters by content categories and data type categories in the rule.

None (default) – do not use a web resource content filter.

ContentOnly – use the content category filter in the rule.

FormatOnly – use the data type category filter in the rule.

ContentAndFormat – use the content category filter and the data type category filter in the rule.


Section for specifying the content category.


Content categories.

AdultContent, AlcoholTobaccoNarcotics,

Violence, Profanity, Weapons,

ChatForum, WebMail, OnlineShops,

SocialNets, Recruitment,

HttpQueryRedirection, CreditCards,

PoliceDecision, SoftwareAudioVideo,




CryptocurAndMining, LegislationBE,

ECommerce, ComputerGames, Religions,

News, Torrents, FileSharing,

AudioAndVideo, BankSites, Blogs,

DatingSites, LegislationRF,

LegislationGlobal, SexuallyExplicit,

Sexuality, GenerativeAITools


Section for specifying the data type category.


Data type category.

Video – Video

Audio – Audio data

OfficeDocument – Office application files

Executable – Executable files

Archives – Archives

Images – Image files

Scripts – Scripts


Use of a filter of users that are covered by the web resource access rule.

Yes – use the user filter in the rule.

No (default value) – do not use the user filter, apply the rule to all users.


Section for specifying users that are covered by the web resource access rule.



User or group of users that is covered by the web resource access rule.

<user name>: name of the user to whom the rule applies.

@<group name>: name of the group of users to whom the rule applies.

Default value: The web resource access rule is applied for all users.

The [UrlCategories.item_#] section contains the following settings:


Name of the group of web resource addresses to which the rule controls access.




Address of a web resource that belongs to the group.

You can use masks to specify the web resource address.

The [Schedules.item_#] section contains the rule schedule.


Schedule ID that is used in the [Rules.item_#] section.

1 to 999999

0 is the ID of the Default schedule which lets the rule work without any time limits, that is, at all times.


Specifies a schedule name.



Specifies time intervals for a schedule.

<week_day> — Days of the week. You can use either the full week day names or abbreviations (for example, for Monday, you can specify Mo, or Mon, or Monday). For week days, you can specify intervals or specific days. The week starts from Sunday.

<hour> — Hours [0:24]. You can specify only intervals for hours.

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