Kaspersky Embedded Systems Security

Opening the Rule Generator for Applications Launch Control task wizard and properties

October 21, 2022

ID 179145

To start creating a Rule Generator for Applications Launch Control task:

  1. Expand the Managed devices node in the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console tree.
  2. Select the administration group for which you want to configure the task.
  3. Select the Tasks tab.
  4. Click Create a task button.

    The New Task Wizard window opens.

  5. Select the Rule Generator for Applications Launch Control task.
  6. Click Next.

    The Settings window opens.

To configure the existing Rule Generator for Applications Launch Control task:

  1. Expand the Managed devices node in the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console tree.
  2. Select the administration group for which you want to configure the task.
  3. Select the Tasks tab.
  4. Double-click the task name in the list of Kaspersky Security Center tasks.

    The Properties: Rule Generator for Applications Launch Control window opens.

See the Configuring the Rule Generator for Applications Launch Control task section for details on configuring the task.

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