Files for importing a universal project
You can use a universal-format project to import Process Control configurations for devices and tags into Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for Networks. A universal project can be imported by using text files with delimiters (CSV files). CSV format is a text format for presentation of table data.
You can create data files using any method of your choice (for example, from SCADA systems). To import your created files into the application, you need to pack the files into a ZIP archive.
The set of files used for importing a universal project may consist of the following CSV files:
- devices.csv. Contains descriptions of devices and connections.
A connection is a named link between a device, a set of device protocols, and a set of device tags relayed through such protocols.
- connections.csv. Contains descriptions of connection protocols.
- variables.csv. Contains descriptions of variables and tags for connections.
- enums.csv. Contains descriptions of enumerations for the IEC 61850 standard.
- datasets.csv. Contains descriptions of data sets for the IEC 61850 standard.
- iec61850_mms_reports.csv. Contains descriptions of reports for the IEC 61850: MMS protocol.
When using data files, consider the following specifics:
- Data files must have UTF-8 encoding.
- The list of tags in the variables.csv file has the "connection" grouping attribute.
- You can specify several different protocols and addresses for one connection in the connections.csv file.
- A protocol can have one or several addresses.
- One device can have several connections with different sets of tags.
Rows containing the parameter values in the enums.csv and datasets.csv files are filled out only when describing enumerations and data sets for MMS and GOOSE protocols of the IEC 61850 standard. For other protocols, the enums.csv and datasets.csv files can contain only header rows. Please note that the enums.csv and datasets.csv files must be included in the set of files used for the import.
When data files are imported, only the values of the specified parameters are considered. Parameters whose values are not specified are omitted. If the data file is missing strings to which a different file from the set of data files contains references, the relevant strings are omitted during import.