Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11 voor Windows

Appendix 6. Programma-gebeurtenissen

14 februari 2024

ID 214871

Informatie over de werking van elk Kaspersky Endpoint Security-onderdeel, de gebeurtenissen die zijn gerelateerd aan gegevensencryptie, de voltooiing van elke scantaak, updatetaak, integriteitscontrole en de algemene werking van het programma wordt vastgelegd in het Kaspersky Security Center-gebeurtenissenlogboek en Windows-gebeurtenislogboek.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security genereert de volgende soorten gebeurtenissen: algemene gebeurtenissen en specifieke gebeurtenissen. Specifieke gebeurtenissen worden alleen gemaakt door Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows. Specifieke gebeurtenissen hebben een eenvoudige ID, zoals 000000cb. Specifieke gebeurtenissen bevatten de volgende vereiste parameters:

  • GNRL_EA_DESCRIPTION is de inhoud van de gebeurtenis.
  • GNRL_EA_ID is de service-ID van de gebeurtenis.
  • GNRL_EA_SEVERITY is de status van de gebeurtenis. 1 – Informatief bericht , 2 – Waarschuwing , 3 – Functionele fouten , 4 – Essentieel .
  • EVENT_TYPE_DISPLAY_NAME is de titel van de gebeurtenis.
  • TASK_DISPLAY_NAME is de naam van het programmacomponent dat de gebeurtenis heeft gestart.

Algemene gebeurtenissen kunnen worden aangemaakt door Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows en door andere Kaspersky-programma's (bijvoorbeeld Kaspersky Security for Windows Server). Algemene gebeurtenissen hebben een meer complexe ID, zoals GNRL_EV_VIRUS_FOUND. Naast de vereiste instellingen bevatten algemene gebeurtenissen geavanceerde instellingen.

Alles uitvouwen | Alles samenvouwen

Kritieke gebeurtenissen

End User License Agreement violated

License has almost expired

Databases are missing or corrupted

Databases are extremely out of date

Application autorun is disabled

Activation error

Active threat detected. Advanced Disinfection should be started

KSN servers unavailable

Not enough space in Quarantine storage

Object not restored from Quarantine

Object not deleted from Quarantine

Er is verbinding gemaakt met een domein met een niet-vertrouwd certificaat

We konden een versleutelde verbinding niet controleren. Het domein is aan de lijst met uitzonderingen toegevoegd.

Malicious object detected (local bases)

Malicious object detected (KSN)

Disinfection impossible

Cannot be deleted

Processing error

Process terminated

Unable to terminate process

Dangerous link blocked

Dangerous link opened

Previously opened dangerous link detected

Process action blocked

Keyboard not authorized

AMSI request was blocked

Network activity blocked

Network attack detected

Application startup prohibited

Prohibited process was started before Kaspersky Endpoint Security startup

Access denied (local bases)

Access denied (KSN)

Operation with the device prohibited

Network connection blocked

Error updating component

Error distributing component updates

Local update error

Network update error

Cannot start two tasks at the same time

Error verifying application databases and modules

Error in interaction with Kaspersky Security Center

Not all components were updated

Update completed successfully, update distribution failed

Internal task error

Patch installation failed

Patch rollback failed

Error applying file encryption / decryption rules

File encryption / decryption error

File access blocked

Error enabling portable mode

Error disabling portable mode

Error creating encrypted package

Error encrypting / decrypting device

Could not load encryption module

The task for managing Authentication Agent accounts ended with an error

Policy cannot be applied

FDE upgrade failed

FDE upgrade rollback failed (for more information, please refer to the Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows Online Help)

Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform server unavailable

Failed to delete object

Object not quarantined (Kaspersky Sandbox)

An internal error occurred

Invalid Kaspersky Sandbox server certificate

The Kaspersky Sandbox node is unavailable

An error occurred while processing the object in Kaspersky Sandbox

Maximale belasting van Kaspersky Sandbox is overschreden

IOC gevonden

Kaspersky Sandbox license verification failed

Object startup blocked

Opstart van proces geblokkeerd

Uitvoering van script geblokkeerd

Object not quarantined (Endpoint Detection and Response)

Error changing application components

Functionele fout

Task cannot be performed

Invalid task settings. Settings not applied


Programma gecrasht tijdens vorige sessie

License expires soon

Databases are out of date

Automatic updates are disabled

Self-Defense is disabled

Protection components are disabled

Computer is running in safe mode

There are unprocessed files

Group policy applied

Task stopped

Quit and reopen the application to complete updating

Computer restart required

The license allows the use of components that have not been installed

Advanced Disinfection started

Advanced Disinfection completed

Incorrect reserve key

Subscription expires soon


Cannot restore object from Backup

Suspicious network activity detected

Encrypted connection terminated

Participation in KSN disabled

Processing of some OS functions is disabled.

Quarantine storage is almost out of space

Verbinding geblokkeerd

Cannot create a backup copy

Object not processed

Object encrypted

Object corrupted

Legitimate software that can be used by intruders to damage your computer or personal data was detected (local bases)

Legitimate software that can be used by intruders to damage your computer or personal data was detected (KSN)

Object deleted

Object disinfected

Object wordt gedesinfecteerd bij herstart

Object wordt verwijderd bij herstart

Object verwijderd volgens instellingen

Rollback completed

Object download was blocked

Keyboard authorization error

The object scan result has been sent to a third-party application

Task settings applied successfully

Warning about undesirable content (local bases)

Warning about undesirable content (KSN)

Undesirable content was accessed after a warning

Temporary access to the device activated

Operation cancelled by the user

User has opted out of the encryption policy

Toepassing van regels voor bestandsencryptie/-decryptie onderbroken

Encryptie/decryptie van bestanden onderbroken

Encryptie/decryptie van apparaat onderbroken

Failed to install or upgrade Kaspersky Disk Encryption drivers in the WinRE image

Module signature check failed

Application startup was blocked

Document opening was blocked

Proces is beëindigd door de beheerder van de Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform-server

Het programma is beëindigd door de beheerder van de Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform-server.

Bestand of stream is verwijderd door de beheerder van de Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform-server

Bestand is door de beheerder teruggezet vanuit quarantaine op de Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform-server

Bestand is door de beheerder in quarantaine geplaatst op de Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform-server

Netwerkactiviteit van alle programma's van andere leveranciers is geblokkeerd

Netwerkactiviteit van alle programma's van andere leveranciers is gedeblokkeerd

Object will be deleted after restart (Kaspersky Sandbox)

Total size of scan tasks exceeded the limit

Object startup allowed, event logged

Process startup allowed, event logged

Object will be deleted after restart (Endpoint Detection and Response)

Network isolation

Termination of network isolation

Restart required to complete the task

Application startup blockage message to administrator

Device access blockage message to administrator

Web page access blockage message to administrator

Device connection blocked

Application activity blockage message to administrator

Informatieve berichten.

Application started

Application stopped

The operation with application resources is blocked by Self-Defense

Report cleared

Group policy disabled

Application settings changed

Task started

Task completed

All application components that are defined by the license have been installed and run in normal mode

Subscription settings have changed

Subscription has been renewed

Object restored from Backup

User name and password input

Participation in KSN enabled

KSN servers available

The application works and processes data under relevant laws and uses the appropriate infrastructure

Object restored from Quarantine

Object deleted from Quarantine

A backup copy of the object was created

Overwritten by a copy that was disinfected earlier

Password-protected archive detected

Information about detected object

The object is in the Private KSN allowlist

Object renamed

Object processed

Object skipped

Archive detected

Packed object detected

Link processed

Application startup allowed

Update source is selected

Proxyserver is geselecteerd

The link is in the Private KSN allowlist

Application placed in the trusted group

Application placed in restricted group

Host Intrusion Prevention was triggered

File restored

Registry value restored

Registry value deleted

Process action skipped

Keyboard authorized

Network activity allowed

Application startup prohibited in test mode

Application startup allowed in test mode

A page that is allowed was opened

Operation with the device allowed

File operation performed

No available updates

Update distribution completed successfully

Bestanden downloaden

Bestand gedownload

Bestand geïnstalleerd

Bestand geüpdatet

Bestand teruggedraaid vanwege fout bij update

Bestanden updaten

Updates verspreiden

Bestanden terugdraaien

Lijst met te downloaden bestanden maken

Patches downloaden

Patch installeren

Patch geïnstalleerd

Patch terugdraaien

Patch teruggedraaid

Started applying file encryption / decryption rules

Finished applying file encryption / decryption rules

Toepassing van regels voor bestandsencryptie/-decryptie hervat

Bestandsencryptie/-decryptie is gestart

Encryptie/decryptie van bestanden voltooid

Bestand is niet geëncrypt omdat het een uitzondering is

Portable modus ingeschakeld

Portable modus uitgeschakeld

Encryptie/decryptie van apparaat gestart

Encryptie/decryptie van apparaat voltooid

Encryptie/decryptie van apparaat hervat

Apparaat is niet geëncrypt

Encryptie/decryptie van apparaat is overgeschakeld naar actieve modus

Encryptie/decryptie van apparaat is overgeschakeld naar passieve modus

Encryption module loaded

New Authentication Agent account created

Authentication Agent account deleted

Authentication Agent account password changed

Successful Authentication Agent login

Failed Authentication Agent login attempt

Hard drive accessed using the procedure of requesting access to encrypted devices

Failed attempt to access the hard drive using the procedure of requesting access to encrypted devices

Account was not added. This account already exists

Account was not modified. This account does not exist

Account was not deleted. This account does not exist

FDE upgrade successful

FDE upgrade rollback successful

Failed to uninstall Kaspersky Disk Encryption drivers from the WinRE image

BitLocker recovery key was changed

BitLocker password / PIN was changed

BitLocker-herstelsleutel is opgeslagen op verwisselbare schijf.

Processing of tasks from the Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform server is inactive

Endpoint Sensor connected to server

Connection to the Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform server restored

Tasks from the Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform server are being processed

Object deleted

Wipe task statistics

Object quarantined (Kaspersky Sandbox)

Object verwijderd (Kaspersky Sandbox).

IOC Scan started

IOC Scan completed

Object quarantined (Endpoint Detection and Response)

Object deleted (Endpoint Detection and Response)

Application components successfully changed

Asynchrone Kaspersky Sandbox-detectie

Device is connected

Device is disconnected

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