Home Network
February 14, 2022
ID 143634
You can set a private Wi-Fi network as your home network. Kaspersky Security Cloud displays information about devices that are connected to this network in the Home Network window.
In the Home Network window, Kaspersky Security Cloud asks if you want to set the Wi-Fi network as a home network whenever you join a private Wi-Fi network. If you don't have any home network set, Kaspersky Security Cloud also displays a notification.
Set a Wi-Fi network as a home network in the Home Network window
You can make Kaspersky Security Cloud forget the Wi-Fi network that is no longer your home network.
Forget the current home network
You can manually update the list of devices connected to your home network.
View and update the list of home network devices
If a device is no longer connected to your network (for example, an old phone), you can delete this device from the list of devices connected to your home network.
Delete a device from the list of devices connected to your home network
If you have found an unknown device in the list of devices connected to your home network, you can block access for this device.