Example of an HTTP request to get accumulated statistics

June 28, 2024

ID 193009

The following example shows an HTTP request to get accumulated statistics:

GET /api/v3.0/getstatistics HTTP/1.0

The following example shows the corresponding response:

HTTP/1.0 200 OK

Connection: close

Content-Type: text/plain

Server: KAVHTTPD/1.0

X-KAV-ProtocolVersion: 3

Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2019 19:07:54 GMT

Content-Length: 314



"statistics": {

"total_requests": 3,

"infected_requests": 3,

"protected_requests": 3,

"error_requests": 0,

"engine_errors": 0,

"processed_data": 204,

"infected_data": 204,

"processed_urls": 1,

"infected_urls": 1



where statistics is an object containing the following accumulated statistics:

  • total_requests is the total number of requests to scan a file or a block of memory or to check a URL.
  • infected_requests is the number of requests for which Kaspersky Scan Engine returned a DETECT, DISINFECTED, or DELETED scan result.
  • protected_requests is the number of requests for which Kaspersky Scan Engine returned a DISINFECTED or DELETED scan result.
  • error_requests is the number of requests for which Kaspersky Scan Engine returned a NON_SCANNED scan result (due to errors related to the scanned object).
  • engine_errors is the number of requests for which Kaspersky Scan Engine returned a SERVER_ERROR scan result (due to errors not related to the scanned object).
  • processed_data is the total amount of scanned data in bytes.
  • infected_data is the amount of scanned data, in bytes, passed in requests for which Kaspersky Scan Engine returned a DETECT, DISINFECTED, or DELETED scan result.
  • processed_urls is the total number of checked URLs.
  • infected_urls is the number of URLs recognized by Kaspersky Scan Engine as malicious, phishing, adware, or legitimate programs that can be used by intruders to damage computers and data.

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