Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for Networks

Viewing general information about job execution

July 3, 2024

ID 255223

You can view general information on the job runs in the security audit jobs table. The table displays information about the most recent job runs not including the information about device scans. To view general information on all job runs, including information about the device scans, select the job and in the details area, open the Runs tab.

General information about security audit job runs includes the following:

  • The job status or the device scan status.

    The following statuses are available:

    • Pending—a command to start the scan has not been sent yet.
    • In progress – the job is being started or the scan is in progress.
    • Canceling – the start of the job or scanning is being stopped.
    • Canceled – the start of the job or scanning is stopped.
    • Completed – the scan completed successfully or all scans within the job run completed successfully.
    • Error – an error occurred during a scan or errors occurred in all scans within the job run.
    • Partially successful—the job completed with a partially successful result: some scans have the Completed status while some scans have the Canceled or the Error status.
  • Start date and time.
  • End date and time.
  • Execution duration.

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