Kaspersky Security 9.x for SharePoint Server

Viewing the list of files in Backup

July 3, 2024

ID 37005

You can view the list of files in Backup; it is displayed as a table with corresponding column headers.

To view the list of files in Backup:

  1. Select and open in the Management Console tree the node corresponding to the necessary SharePoint server. Then select the Backup node.

    The workspace displays information about Backup and a list of files moved to Backup.

    The top right corner of the workspace displays the number of files moved to Backup and the total size of these files.

    The bottom right corner of the workspace displays the following information:

    • The range of lines in the table listing files.
    • The number of lines in the table listing files.
    • The page number of the files list.

    In the files list you can view the information about files stored in Backup. The appearance of the files list may differ depending on the columns selected for display.

    By default, the list contains the following file information:

    • File name. File name.
    • Path to file. The path to the original location of the file on the server.
    • Account. Account of the user who had performed the operation that resulted in file addition to Backup.
    • Restored. Date and time of file restoration on server.
    • Detected. Date and time of object detection in file.
    • Component. The module, that scanned the file - anti-virus scan or content filtering.
    • Reason why moved to Backup. Name of the object detected in the file.
    • Scan type. The type of scan which detected the object – on-demand or on-access scan.
  2. Configure the appearance of the files list (if necessary) by selecting the columns to be displayed in the table:
    1. Click the Select columns button.

      This opens the Select columns to display window.

      The columns in the table of files will appear and disappear as you select or clear their corresponding check boxes.

      The File name column is always displayed. It cannot be hidden.

    2. Click outside the Select columns window to close it.
  3. You can sort the files list in the table by any of the columns in ascending or descending order, as required. To do this, click the header of the column that you want to sort files by, for example, File name, Path to file, or Component. If you want to reverse the sorting order, click the header once again.

    The list of files will be sorted by the selected column. The sorting symbol will appear in the header of the selected column:

    • Sorting in ascending order– sorted in ascending order
    • Sorting in descending order– sorted in descending order

To view the details of a specific file, select it in the file list using the buttons to navigate to the next / previous, first / last pages of the file listks90shp_pict_pages. To find files in the list, you can also use the quick search and extended filter functions.

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