Kaspersky Security Center

Troubleshooting the connection problems between the Network Agent for Windows and the Administration Server

Latest update: June 04, 2024 ID: 12776
Show applications and versions that this article concerns
  • Kaspersky Security Center 14.2 (version
  • Kaspersky Security Center 14 (version


  • The Network Agent was successfully installed remotely, but the target managed device object did not appear on the Administration Server. Or the object appeared, but there is no mark that the Network Agent is installed on it.
  • Simultaneous remote installation of the Network Agent and application package runs at 50% and stops after the message that the Agent has been successfully installed. The Event Log in the console interface shows that the application is not being installed.
  • Connection to the managed device is lost after installing a new version of the Network Agent on top of a previous one. A task displays a message that you should restart the managed device.
  • Checking the Network Agent connection to the Administration Server using the klnagchk.exe utility ends with an error.
  • The remote installation of the Network Agent stops at the event “Running (32%) (device is inaccessible)” or “The installation service is running on this device. Please wait...”.
    The Network Agent service on the target device is not running, and when you try to start any component:
    • An event about the emcat.dl and em.dll files appears in the Windows application log: “Info 1603. The file C:\Program Files (x86)\Kaspersky Lab\NetworkAgent\em.dll is being held in use. Close that application and retry.”
    • The Network Agent crashes with the error “Faulting application name: klnagent.exe, version:, time stamp: 0xa0f42d48 Faulting module name: KERNELBASE.dll, version: 6.1.7601.17514, time stamp: 0x4ce7bafa <...>”.


  • Incorrect settings of the Network Agent package or policy.
  • The Network Agent service (klnagent) fails.
  • Third-party software blocks the Network Agent files.
  • There is no connectivity between the Network Agent and Administration Server.


Restart the target device's operating system and make sure that there is enough space on the disc. If the issues persist, there are several solutions.


Solution 1. Search unassigned devices


Solution 2. Check the connection settings in the Network Agent package that is distributed by the task


Solution 3. Check the KB3063858 update on devices with outdated operating systems


Solution 4. Check if the Network Agent service starts and whether its files get blocked


Solution 5. Check if the Network Agent is already installed


Solution 6. Check if the Administration Server is accessible from the target device


What to do if the issue persists

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