Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response

Creating an access token in MDR Web Console

May 20, 2024

ID 258285

To create an access token:

  1. In the MDR Web Console window, navigate to the Settings menu item.
  2. Click the API tab.

    The All tokens list appears. Each line represents one token. You can click anywhere on the line to view token information.

  3. Click a token with a Pending activation status.

    A Token info block appears.

  4. In the JWT token field, click the Refresh button.

    A refresh token appears.

  5. Select and save the value from the Client ID field.
  6. Select and save the token's sequence of characters to the clipboard.
  7. Send a POST request to the /session/confirm endpoint (see the examples below).

    Replace {client_id} and {refresh_token} with the values selected and saved in the previous steps.

Example (Python):



# General part



import time

import datetime

import requests

import jwt


# The certificate is required for authentication of an external resource

# You can download the certificate from https://mdr.kaspersky.com,

# save it to your disk, and add the path to it in the variable:

VERIFY_CERT_PATH = "C:\\tools\\DigiCert Global Root G2.crt"



API_URL = "https://mdr.kaspersky.com/api/v1"


# Your client's ID and your tokens.

# For details about getting your ID and the tokens, refer to the help https://support.kaspersky.com/MDR/en-US/258285.htm

CLIENT_ID = "9ed43ed54sAmpleIdf349323951f" # (Paste your value)

REFRESH_TOKEN = "ReFrEsHToKeN" # (Paste your value)

ACCESS_TOKEN = "AcCeSsToKeN" # (Paste your value)




# Get access token and a refresh token for the next access token update




refresh_token_exp = jwt.decode(REFRESH_TOKEN, options={"verify_signature": False}).get("exp")

print(f"REFRESH_TOKEN expiration date and time: {datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(refresh_token_exp)}")

if refresh_token_exp > time.time():

print("REFRESH_TOKEN is actual")



"You should update REFRESH_TOKEN. Please take it from MDR Console (https://support.kaspersky.com/MDR/en-US/258285.htm)."





"You should fill REFRESH_TOKEN value. Please take it from MDR Console (https://support.kaspersky.com/MDR/en-US/258285.htm)."




# Check the presence and validity of the access token

need_update_access_token = False


access_token_exp = jwt.decode(ACCESS_TOKEN, options={"verify_signature": False}).get("exp")

print(f"ACCESS_TOKEN expiration date and time: {datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(access_token_exp)}")

if access_token_exp > time.time():

print("ACCESS_TOKEN is actual")


need_update_access_token = True


need_update_access_token = True


# If necessary, update the access token and refresh token for the next access token update

access_token = ACCESS_TOKEN

if need_update_access_token:

request_body = {"refresh_token": REFRESH_TOKEN}

result = requests.post(url=f"{API_URL}/{CLIENT_ID}/session/confirm", json=request_body, verify=VERIFY_CERT_PATH)

result_json = result.json()


if "error" in result_json:




# It is necessary to save the refresh token in order to obtain next access token after the expiration of the current access token

refresh_token = result_json["refresh_token"]


f'!!! Your new REFRESH_TOKEN for the next time for request ACCESS_TOKEN (please replace value of REFRESH_TOKEN with this value): "{refresh_token}"'



# A new access token is required to retrieve the data

access_token = result_json["access_token"]

print(f'!!! Your new ACCESS_TOKEN (please replace value of ACCESS_TOKEN with this value): "{access_token}"')


# The access token is added to the request header

headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {access_token}"}


Example (Shell):

curl -X POST https://mdr.kaspersky.com/api/v1/{client_id}/session/confirm -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"refresh_token": "{refresh_token}"}'

The REST API sends a response with the access token and a new refresh token:


"access_token": "SamPLET346yoKEnSamPLEToK25EnSamPLEToK35EnS",

"refresh_token": "tOKenSaMPlet259OKenS123aMPle926tOKenSaMPle"


Now, you can send requests to the REST API by using the access token. Each request to the REST API requires an access token; a request without an access token will return an authorization error only.

See also:

Scenario: performing token-based authorization

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