Kaspersky Safe Kids can be installed on your child's computer and on a family computer used by your child. If your children don't use a computer, you don't need to install Kaspersky Safe Kids on it.
Depending on your child's age, you can install the application and set the rules on device use alone or with your child. Our advice for parents will help you discuss installing Kaspersky Safe Kids with your child.
Internet access is required to install, use, and update Kaspersky Safe Kids.
Before the installation, Kaspersky Safe Kids checks your computer for incompatible applications. If any incompatible applications are detected, you can uninstall them and continue the installation. If you install Kaspersky Safe Kids without uninstalling incompatible applications, the performance of Kaspersky Safe Kids may be affected.
Before installing Kaspersky Safe Kids, verify that your computer, operating system, and environment settings meet the system requirements listed in the Computer requirements section.
Select the installation language from the drop-down list and click Continue.
Read the End User License Agreement in the current window and click the Privacy Policy link to open and read the Privacy Policy in your browser.
If you disagree with the terms of the End User License Agreement or the Privacy Policy, cancel the installation of Kaspersky Safe Kids and do not use the application.
If you agree with the terms of the End User License Agreement and the Privacy Policy, confirm that by selecting the appropriate check boxes.
The Accept button becomes available only if you confirm that you have fully read, understood and accept the terms and conditions of the End User License Agreement and the Privacy Policy.
Click the Accept button.
Kaspersky Safe Kids checks your computer for incompatible applications. If any incompatible applications are detected, they are displayed in a list on the screen, and Kaspersky Safe Kids prompts you to uninstall them.
Do one of the following:
If you want to uninstall the incompatible applications, in the list Select application to uninstall window, select the checkboxes next to the applications you want to uninstall and click Continue.
Kaspersky Safe Kids will uninstall these applications automatically. We recommend that you manually uninstall any applications that Kaspersky Safe Kids cannot uninstall automatically.
If you do not want to uninstall the incompatible applications, click Skip.
Installation of Kaspersky Safe Kids will continue. We recommend that you are manually uninstall the incompatible applications, because they may affect the performance of Kaspersky Safe Kids.
Wait for the installation of Kaspersky Safe Kids to complete.
When installation finishes, you may have to restart the computer.
Installation in silent mode
Another way to install Kaspersky Safe Kids is from the Command Prompt. It differs from normal installation in that there is no interface to interact with. When you start the installation in silent mode, no application agreements are displayed.
You can find the EULA - [Windows] [GDPR-ready] for Kaspersky Safe Kids in the list of B2C License Agreements and the Privacy Policy on the Kaspersky website. Open and carefully read them before you start the installation.
If you disagree with the terms of the End User License Agreement or the Privacy Policy, don't start the installation of Kaspersky Safe Kids on your computer.
Use the following command syntax: <full path to the installation file on your computer> [/parameter=value]. For example, C:\Downloads\setup.exe [/s /pAGREETOEULA=1 /pAGREETOPRIVACYPOLICY=1]
The installation command has the following parameters:
/s – start the installation in silent mode.
/pAGREETOEULA=1 – use this parameter if you confirm that you have fully read, understand and accept the terms of the End User License Agreement. If you don't enter this parameter, Kaspersky Safe Kids won't be installed.
/pAGREETOPRIVACYPOLICY=1 – use this parameter if you confirm that you are aware and agree that your data will be handled and transmitted (including to third countries) as described in the Privacy Policy, and if you confirm that you have fully read and understand the Privacy Policy. If you don't enter this parameter, Kaspersky Safe Kids won't be installed.
/pSKIPPRODUCTCHECK=1 – use this parameter to skip the check for incompatible applications. If you don't enter this parameter, Kaspersky Safe Kids will check your computer for incompatible applications by default. If any incompatible applications are detected, Kaspersky Safe Kids won't be installed. Information about incompatible applications will be written to the Kaspersky Safe Kids log file. Check the application log file and uninstall incompatible applications manually.
Keeping incompatible applications may affect the performance of Kaspersky Safe Kids.
Wait for the installation of Kaspersky Safe Kids to complete.
After the installation is completed, the Kaspersky Safe Kids icon appears on your desktop.
Command line installation parameters and properties
Main parameters
Command name
enables non-interactive (silent) mode. Dialog boxes are not displayed during installation.
setup.exe /s
is used to specify the installation options
opens the help dialog box
Additional settings
Command name
copies installation files to a specified network folder
setup.exe /aZ:\KasperskyLab
sends statistical reports in silent mode when the parameter /pAGREETOEULA=1 is set
defines the path to the file with the installation log
allows you to set the tracing level for the installation process (possible values: {1, 2, 3}, where 1 is the minimum value).
removes the application
setup.exe /x
automatically restarts the computer after completing a silent installation, if required
transfers information about the application localization.
starts a migration of Parental Control settings from Kaspersky Internet Security or Kaspersky Total Security
for the TFU installation mode: transfers the My Kaspersky account ID from Kaspersky Internet Security or Kaspersky Total Security for running the initial startup wizard.
for the TFU installation mode: downloads the application distribution package
a protected folder for preventing TCP session hijacking will not be created
specifies the source directory with the application distribution package
resets of Hardware ID octets for testing purposes
Important installation properties
Command name
confirms your consent to the End User License Agreement
confirms your consent to the Privacy Policy
used to specify the installation folder
setup.exe /p"INSTALLDIR=C:\Documents and Settings\My SafeKids"
enables the application's Self-Defense during the installation
skips the search for products incompatible with Kaspersky Safe Kids
Other installation properties
Command name
sets a password for various functions in the application. If the value of the KLPASSWDAREA parameter is not set, the default password scope is used:
making changes to the application's settings
exiting the application
setup.exe /pKLPASSWD=12345678
defines the scope of the password specified by the KLPASSWD parameter:
SET — changing the application's settings
EXIT — exiting the application
UNINST — removing Kaspersky Safe Kids
The option may have multiple values, in which case the values are separated with a semicolon.
By using the SKIPPRODUCTCHECK=1 parameter, you assume responsibility for any possible consequences of the Kaspersky Safe Kids for Windows incompatibility with other applications.
The SKIPPRODUCTCHECK=1 parameter only allows you to ignore applications that must be removed manually.
An example of a command to install Kaspersky Safe Kids in the specified folder in silent mode, having accepted the End User License Agreement.