Users in the main account are separated by company, and by training group in each specific company. A user must be in a group in order to start their training. Training is only available for users in groups.
All information about users added to the platform is displayed in the Users section.
The platform has the following user statuses:
Training not assigned.
Training in progress.
Training paused.
Training completed.
The number of training slots used is determined by the number of users with Training in progress status. Users with other statuses do not take up slots.
During training, every user completes the following stages:
When training starts for the group, the user gets the Training in progress status and is sent an invite with a personalized link to the training portal. If training hasn't started for the group, the user gets the Training not assigned status. To invite a user to the portal, you need to launch training.
The user registers on the platform and gets access to the training portal.
On the portal, users complete course materials sequentially in accordance with their group training program. Users see their training plan on the portal with timelines and can track their progress.
If phishing attack simulations aren't disabled for a user in the additional training settings of the company, the platform sends the user emails containing phishing examples to test their skills.
Users receive weekly reports on training progress until all training units are complete, as well as related information and recommendations.