Kaspersky Security 9.0 for Microsoft Exchange Servers MR 5

Step 7. Completing installation

At this step, the application files are copied to the computer, the components are registered in the system, and temporary files are removed from Backup.

Click the Install button in the Setup Wizard window.

The Setup Wizard starts copying the application files to the computer, registering the components in the system, creating a database on the SQL server (if you chose to create a new database), and restarting the MSExchangeTransport and MSExchangeIS services.

MSExchangeTransport and MSExchangeIS services will be restarted automatically without additional prompts.

Once the files are copied and the components are registered in the system, the Setup Wizard displays a notification about the completed application installation.

To finish the installation, click the Next button.

The Application Configuration Wizard starts automatically. The application configuration wizard makes it possible to perform initial configuration of application settings.