- About Kaspersky Security 9.0 for Microsoft Exchange Servers
- Application architecture
- Common application deployment procedures and scenarios
- Upgrading the application
- Installing, restoring, and removing the application
- Installing the application using the Setup Wizard
- Step 1. Checking for required software
- Step 2. Viewing information about the start of installation. Reading the End User License Agreement and the Privacy Policy
- Step 3. Selecting the installation type
- Step 4. Selecting application components and modules
- Step 5. Creating a database and configuring the application connection to the SQL server
- Step 6. Selecting an account for launching the Kaspersky Security service
- Step 7. Completing installation
- Initial setup of the application
- Step 1. Activating the application
- Step 2. Configuring the Microsoft Exchange server protection
- Step 3. Enabling the KSN service
- Step 4. Configuring the proxy server settings
- Step 5. Configuring notification delivery
- Step 6. Completing the configuration
- Application Activation window
- Protection settings window
- Use Kaspersky Security Network services window
- Proxy server settings window
- Notification settings window
- Configuration node
- Restoring the application
- Removing the application
- Installing the application using the Setup Wizard
- To administrator
- Role-based user access control for the application features and services
- Working with personal data of users
- Application licensing
- Licensing models. License restrictions
- About the End User License Agreement
- About the license certificate
- About the license
- About the key
- About the key file
- About the activation code
- About the subscription
- Special considerations of activating the application when using profiles
- Activating the application with a key for a Security Server
- Activating the application using an activation code
- About notifications related to the license
- Configuring the license expiry term notification
- Viewing information about installed keys
- Replacing a key
- Removing a key
- Licensing node
- Add License window
- Viewing the number of mailboxes
- Starting and stopping the application
- Default Microsoft Exchange Server protection
- <Microsoft Exchange Server name> node
- Viewing Microsoft Exchange Server protection status details
- Viewing information about the protection status of Microsoft Exchange servers of a single profile
- Server protection node
- Protection for the Mailbox role tab
- Protection for the Hub Transport role tab
- Advanced Anti-Virus settings tab
- About Kaspersky Security Network
- Participating in Kaspersky Security Network
- About Kaspersky Private Security Network
- Configuring the settings for connecting to Kaspersky Private Security Network
- Enabling and disabling the use of Kaspersky Security Network and Kaspersky Private Security Network in Anti-Spam
- Enabling and disabling the use of Kaspersky Security Network and Kaspersky Private Security Network in Anti-Virus
- Anti-virus protection
- Enabling and disabling anti-virus server protection
- Configuring anti-virus object processing: Anti-Virus for the Hub Transport role
- Configuring anti-virus processing of objects: Anti-Virus for the Mailbox role
- Configuring anti-virus scan exclusions
- Editing of the message regarding removal of an attachment by the Anti-Virus module
- How to prevent detainment when sending messages through the Anti-Virus module
- Types of attachment files window
- Names of attachment files window
- Protection against spam and phishing
- Enabling and disabling anti-spam protection of a server
- About anti-phishing scans
- Enabling and disabling message scanning for phishing
- Configuring spam and phishing scan settings
- Configuring additional settings of spam and phishing scans
- Configuring an increase in the spam rating of messages
- About additional services, features, and anti-spam technologies
- Using external anti-spam message scanning services
- About the white and black lists of email addresses
- Creating the white list of Anti-Spam addresses
- Creating the black list of Anti-Spam addresses
- White list record settings window
- Black list record settings window
- Informing Kaspersky of false alerts returned by Anti-Spam
- Improving the accuracy of spam detection on Microsoft Exchange 2013 servers
- About scanning outgoing mail for spam and phishing content
- Enabling and disabling the scanning of outgoing messages for spam and phishing content
- Configuring mailbox and public folder protection settings
- Background scan and on-demand scan
- Filtering of attachments
- Filtering messages of the same type
- Managing profiles
- Creating a profile
- Configuring Security Servers in a profile
- Specifics of managing profiles in a Microsoft Exchange database availability group
- Adding Security Servers to a profile
- Removing a Security Server from a profile
- Removing a profile
- Profiles node
- <Profile name> node
- Servers node
- <DAG name> node
- Create new profile window
- Add server to <Profile name> profile window (Step 1)
- Add server to <Profile name> profile window (Step 2)
- Rename existing profile window
- Updates
- About update centers
- About database updates in configurations with a DAG of Microsoft Exchange servers
- Updating databases manually
- Configuring scheduled application database updates
- Select update source
- Configuring the connection to the update source
- Configuring the proxy server settings
- Designating a server as an update center and configuring its settings
- Updates node
- Notifications
- Backup
- Viewing Backup objects
- Viewing the properties of objects in Backup
- Filtering the list of Backup objects
- Saving objects from Backup to disk
- Forwarding objects from Backup to their original recipients
- Forwarding of objects from Backup to other email addresses
- Deleting objects from Backup
- Configuring Backup settings
- Selecting Backup database for viewing its contents from the profile
- Database window
- Send object to Kaspersky window
- Backup node
- Reports
- Anti-Virus activity report for the Mailbox role
- Anti-Virus activity report for the Hub Transport role
- Report of Anti-Spam activity
- Generating a report manually
- Creating a report generation task
- Viewing the list of report generation tasks
- Editing the settings of a report generation task
- Starting a report generation task
- Deleting a report generation task
- Viewing a report
- Saving a report to disk
- Deleting a report
- Report generation settings window
- Task settings window
- Reports node
- Application logs
- Using Kaspersky Security in Windows PowerShell
- About Windows PowerShell commands
- Connecting the Kse.Powershell library
- Viewing the protection status of a Microsoft Exchange server
- Viewing the statistics of Anti-Virus and Attachment Filtering modules
- Viewing the statistics of the Anti-Spam module
- Viewing the white list of Anti-Spam addresses
- Viewing the black list of Anti-Spam addresses
- Adding addresses to the white list of Anti-Spam addresses
- Adding addresses to the black list of Anti-Spam addresses
- Deleting addresses from the white list of Anti-Spam addresses
- Deleting addresses from the black list of Anti-Spam addresses
- Synchronizing black / white lists of Anti-Spam addresses
- Working with a message signature decryption key
- Exporting and importing the application configuration
- Managing the application using the Kaspersky Security Center
- Installing the Kaspersky Security administration plug-in
- About application activation via Kaspersky Security Center
- Updating application databases via Kaspersky Security Center
- Kaspersky Security events in Kaspersky Security Center
- Viewing Microsoft Exchange Server protection status details
- Application operation statistics in Kaspersky Security Center
- Monitor the application's operation via System Center - Operations Manager
- Appendix. Script for sending spam for analysis
- Appendix. Network settings for interaction with external services
- Contacting the Technical Support Service
- Sources of information about the application
- Glossary
- Active key
- Additional key
- Anti-virus databases
- Background scan
- Backup
- Black list of key files
- Container object
- Disinfection
- Domain Name System Block List (DNSBL).
- Enforced Anti-Spam Updates Service
- File mask
- Formal message
- Infected object
- Kaspersky CompanyAccount
- Kaspersky Private Security Network
- Kaspersky Security Network (KSN).
- Kaspersky update servers
- License certificate
- License term
- Malicious URLs
- Managed device
- Management Console
- Mass mail
- Message deletion
- Object removal
- PCL rating
- Personal data
- Phishing
- Potential spam
- Probably infected object
- Profile
- Proxy server
- SCL rating
- Security Server
- Simple object
- Spam
- Spam URI Realtime Block Lists (SURBL)
- Storage scan
- Unknown virus
- Update
- Virus
- Information about third-party code
- Trademark notice
About Kaspersky Security 9.0 for Microsoft Exchange Servers
Kaspersky Security 9.0 for Microsoft Exchange Servers is an application designed for protecting mail servers based on Microsoft Exchange Server against viruses, Trojans, worms and other types of threats that could be transmitted via email, as well as against spam and phishing.
Kaspersky Security provides anti-spam protection on the level of your corporate mail server, saving your employees the trouble of deleting unwanted mail manually.
Kaspersky Security protects mailboxes, public folders, and relayed mail traffic on a Microsoft Exchange Server against malware, spam, and phishing. Kaspersky Security scans all e-mail traffic passing through the protected Microsoft Exchange Server.
Kaspersky Security can perform the following operations:
- Scan mail traffic, incoming and outgoing mail, as well as email messages stored on the Microsoft Exchange Server (including shared folders) for malware. The scan processes the message and all of its attachments. Depending upon the selected settings, the application disinfects and removes detected harmful objects and provides users with complete information about them.
- Filter mail traffic to prevent unsolicited mail (spam) and messages with fake senders (spoofing). The Anti-Spam component scans mail traffic for spam content. In addition, Anti-Spam allows you to create black and white lists of sender addresses and supports flexible configuration of anti-spam scanning sensitivity.
- Scan mail traffic for phishing and malicious URLs.
- Filter attachments in email messages by format, name, and size of attached files.
- Save backup copies of objects (an object consists of message content and its attachments) and spam messages prior to their disinfection or deletion to enable subsequent restoration, if required, thus preventing the risk of data losses. Configurable filters allow the user to easily locate specific stored objects.
- Notify the sender, the recipient and the system administrator about messages that contain malicious objects.
- Manage identical settings of multiple Security Servers in centralized mode by means of profiles.
- Maintain event logs, display statistics, and create regular reports on application activity. The application can create reports automatically according to a schedule or manually.
- Configure the application settings to match the volume and type of relayed mail traffic, in particular, define the maximum connection wait time to optimize scanning.
- Update the Kaspersky Security databases automatically or in manual mode. Updates can be downloaded from the FTP and HTTP servers of Kaspersky, from a local / network folder that contains the latest set of updates, or from user-defined FTP and HTTP servers.
- Re-scan old (previously scanned) messages for the presence of new viruses or other threats according to a schedule. This task is performed as a background scan and has little effect on the mail server’s performance.
- Perform anti-virus protection on storage level based on the list of protected storages.
Distribution kit
Kaspersky Security is available from online stores of Kaspersky (for example,, in the eStore section) and from partner companies.
Kaspersky Security is supplied as part of Kaspersky Security for Mail Servers and Kaspersky Total Security.
After buying a license for Kaspersky Security, you will receive an email with a link for downloading the application from the eStore website along with an application key file, or a CD with the distribution kit containing the application files and manuals.
Before breaking the seal on the envelope with the installation disk, carefully read through the EULA.
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What's new
Kaspersky Security has the following new capabilities and improvements:
- Attachment filtering based on individually configured rules.
- Filtering of mass messages of the same type.
- Forwarding of unchanged objects from Backup to their original recipients.
- Forwarding of Backup objects to any other manually defined email addresses.
- Editing of the contents of the informational file that the application attaches to a message in place of the original attachment that was deleted based on the results of a virus scan or attachment filtering.
Kaspersky Security 9.0 for Microsoft Exchange Servers is compliant with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and applicable European Union laws on confidential information, personal data and data protection.
The Maintenance Release 5 version of the application does not support Data Leak Prevention functionality. After the application is upgraded, the DLP Module and its related data will be unavailable. If your organization requires continued use of the DLP Module, install the Maintenance Release 4 version of the application.
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Hardware and software requirements
For Kaspersky Security to work properly, the computer should meet the hardware and software requirements listed below.
Hardware requirements
The hardware requirements for installing the Security Server are identical to the hardware requirements for a protected Microsoft Exchange server, except for the RAM volume. The Management Console is installed together with the Security Server.
Hardware requirements for installing the Security Server:
- Processor – according to the hardware requirements for the protected Microsoft Exchange server;
- At least 2 GB of free RAM
- 6 GB of available disk space
Additional disk space may be required depending on the application settings and operation mode.
The Management Console can be also installed separately from the Security Server.
Hardware requirements for the Management Console installation:
- Intel Pentium 400 MHz or faster processor (1000 MHz is recommended)
- 256 MB of free RAM
- 500 MB of available disk space for installing the application
Software requirements
The Security Server can be installed under one of the following operating systems:
- Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Standard or Datacenter (Desktop Experience);
- Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Standard or Datacenter;
- Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard or Datacenter;
- Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Standard or Datacenter;
- Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2011 SP1 Standard;
- Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 Standard, Enterprise or Datacenter.
The following software is required to install the Security Server:
- One of the following mail servers:
- Microsoft Exchange Server 2019 deployed in at least one of the following roles: Mailbox or Edge Transport.
- Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 deployed in at least one of the following roles: Mailbox or Edge Transport.
- Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 SP1 deployed in at least one of the following roles: Mailbox, Hub Transport, or Client Access Server (CAS);
- Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 SP3 deployed in at least one of the following roles: Hub Transport, Mailbox, or Edge Transport;
- Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.
- One of the following database management systems (DBMS):
- Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Express, Standard, or Enterprise;
- Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Express, Standard, or Enterprise;
- Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Express, Standard, or Enterprise;
- Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Express, Standard, or Enterprise.
Management Console can be installed under one of the following operating systems:
- Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Standard or Datacenter (Desktop Experience);
- Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Standard or Datacenter;
- Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Standard or Datacenter;
- Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard or Datacenter;
- Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2011 SP1 Standard;
- Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 Standard, Enterprise or Datacenter;
- Microsoft Windows 7 SP1 Professional, Enterprise or Ultimate;
- Microsoft Windows 8;
- Microsoft Windows 8.1;
- Microsoft Windows 10;
Installation of the Management Console requires the following software:
- Microsoft Management Console 3.0;
- Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.
To install any of the listed application components, you must install Microsoft Windows update KB2999226.
To install the administration plug-in, you must have one of the following versions of Kaspersky Security Center:
- Kaspersky Security Center 10 Service Pack 2 Maintenance Release 1
- Kaspersky Security Center 10 Service Pack 2 Patch a
- Kaspersky Security Center 10 Service Pack 3.
About data provision
The application uses data whose processing requires the consent of the Kaspersky Security administrator.
You can view the list of data and the terms of its use, and give consent to data processing in the following agreements concluded between your organization and Kaspersky:
- In the End User License Agreement and the Privacy Policy.
According to the terms of the accepted End User License Agreement, you agree to automatically send Kaspersky the information listed in the End User License Agreement under "Data Provision". This information is needed to improve the level of real-time protection.
- In the Kaspersky Security Network Statement.
If you participate in Kaspersky Security Network and send KSN statistics to Kaspersky, information received during operation of the application may also be transmitted. The list of data sent is given in the Kaspersky Security Network Statement.
You can read the terms of the Kaspersky Security Network Statement in the following ways:
- By clicking the KSN Participation Agreement link in the Settings node.
- By reading the ksn_agreement.rtf document located in the application installation folder.
Participation in Kaspersky Security Network is voluntary. You can opt out of participating in Kaspersky Security Network at any time.
- In the section titled Working with personal data of users.
The Kaspersky Security administrator must become familiar with the list of such data and ensure its security.
Kaspersky protects any received information pursuant to the legal requirements and effective Kaspersky rules.
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Application components and their purpose
Kaspersky Security consists of three basic components:
- The Security Server is installed on the Microsoft Exchange server and is responsible for protection against viruses and filtering of mail traffic against spam and phishing content. Security Server intercepts messages coming to the Microsoft Exchange Server and scans them for viruses, spam and phishing content using embedded Anti-Virus and Anti-Spam modules, respectively. If an incoming message is infected with a virus or if a message contains indicators of spam or phishing links, the application takes the actions defined in the settings of the corresponding module.
- The Management Console is a dedicated isolated snap-in integrated into Microsoft Management Console 3.0. You can use the Management Console to create and edit the list of protected Microsoft Exchange servers and manage Security Servers. The Management Console can be installed both on a Microsoft Exchange server with the Security Server and on a remote computer.
- The Kaspersky Security for Microsoft Exchange Servers administration plug-in includes libraries allowing you to manage a protected object through Kaspersky Security Center.
Security Server modules
Security Server consists of the following modules:
- Email interceptor. Intercepts messages arriving on the Microsoft Exchange server and forwards them to Anti-Virus and Anti-Spam. This module is integrated into Microsoft Exchange processes using either VSAPI 2.6 or Transport Agents technology depending on the role in which the Microsoft Exchange server has been deployed.
When installing Kaspersky Security, a transport agent named Kaspersky Antispam filter agent is registered on the Microsoft Exchange server that has the highest priority. Do not change the priority of this transport agent. Doing so may reduce the effectiveness of protection.
- Anti-Virus. Scans messages for viruses and other malicious objects. This module comprises an anti-virus kernel and a storage for temporary objects, which is used for scanning objects in RAM. The storage is located in the working folder Store.
The Store folder is created in the application data storage folder (by default: <application setup folder>/data). You have to exclude it from scanning by anti-virus applications installed on the corporate network. Otherwise, Kaspersky Security may operate incorrectly.
- Anti-Spam. Filters out unsolicited mail. Copies of deleted messages can be stored in Backup.
- Internal Application Management and Integrity Control Module. It is the Kaspersky Security 9.0 for Microsoft Exchange Servers service in Microsoft Windows.
The module is started automatically when the first message passes through the Microsoft Exchange server;
This service does not depend on the state of the Microsoft Exchange Server (whether it is started or stopped), so the application can be configured when the Microsoft Exchange Server is stopped.
The Internal Application Management and Integrity Control Module should be running at all times. Do not end the Kaspersky Security 9.0 for Microsoft Exchange Servers service manually, as this will disable the Security Server and stop the scanning process.
Backup and statistics database
The application stores Backup data and application statistics in a special database deployed on a Microsoft SQL Server, the so-called the Backup and statistics database (hereinafter also database).
During installation, the application can create a new database or use an existing database. When the application is removed, the database can be saved on an SQL server for future use.
The Backup and statistics database can be stored locally on one computer with the Security Server or on a remote computer on the corporate LAN.
Kaspersky Security does not encrypt data transmitted between the Security Server and the database. When the database is hosted on a remote computer, you have to manually encrypt data transmitted via communication channels if such encryption is required by the information security policy of your company.
Some part of the application configuration data are stored in the database. The application does not control unauthorized modification of those data nor their integrity. You will have to take your own steps in order to protect the data against unauthorized access and control the data integrity.
When creating an SQL database, the server uses local collation rules. Take the Collation parameter into account when installing the application to avoid register-dependent behavior and errors when connecting to the database.
Database settings
The Backup and statistics database settings are stored in the following configuration file:
<application setup folder>\Configuration\BackendDatabaseConfiguration2.config
It is an editable XML file. It contains the following settings:
- AdditionalConnectionParameters – additional settings of the SQL server connection. The value of this setting is automatically defined by the application based on the information provided by the administrator during installation of the application.
- SqlServerName : name of the SQL server. It is specified by the application automatically as
<SQL server name>\<copy>
based on information provided by the administration during installation of the application. - DatabaseName – name of the main database. It is specified by the application automatically based on information provided by the administration during installation of the application.
- FailoverPartner: settings (SQL server and instance) of the database mirror. They are specified by the application automatically as
<SQL server name>\<copy>
In the Additional connection parameters field, it is not recommended to define the SqlServerName and DatabaseName settings because they are already defined in the Name of SQL server and Database name fields.
Database mirroring
The application supports the Database Mirroring technology. If this technology is used in the configuration of your SQL server, the application will use it automatically. In other words, if the main Backup and statistics database fails or is disabled, the application automatically switched to using a database mirror. The application automatically switches back to the primary database as soon as it has been restored.
If the application is installed with or works with an SQL database configured with AlwaysOn technology, you must synchronize the rights between all servers that belong to the database mirroring group.
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Common application deployment procedures and scenarios
This section describes the Microsoft Exchange mail infrastructure configurations in which Kaspersky Security can be deployed.
Basic application installation models
You can choose one of the two application deployment models depending on your corporate Microsoft Exchange infrastructure:
- The Security Server is installed on the computer hosting the stand-alone Microsoft Exchange Server. Management Console is installed on the same computer.
- The Security Server is installed in the Database Availability Group (hereinafter also "DAG"). In this case, the Security Server and Management Console must be installed together on each Microsoft Exchange server belonging to the DAG.
You can also install Management Console on any other computer in your enterprise network for remote management of Security Servers.
Special considerations when installing the application on a standalone Microsoft Exchange server
The application can be installed on one or several standalone Microsoft Exchange servers. Security Server and Management Console used to manage Security Server can be installed on the same Microsoft Exchange server.
If necessary, you can install the Management Console separately from the Security Server on any computer on the corporate network for remote management of the Security Server. If several administrators work concurrently, Management Console can be installed on each administrator's computer.
Management Console connects to the Security Server via TCP port 13100. You have to open this port in the firewall on a remote Microsoft Exchange server or add the Kaspersky Security for Microsoft Exchange Servers service to the list of trusted applications for the firewall.
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Special considerations when installing the application in a Microsoft Exchange database availability group
Kaspersky Security can be installed on servers included in a Microsoft Exchange Database Availability Group (DAG). In this case, the Security Server and Management Console must be installed together on each Microsoft Exchange server belonging to the DAG. You can also install Management Console on any other computer in your enterprise network for remote management of Security Servers.
The application automatically identifies a DAG during installation. The order in which the application is installed on nodes within a DAG is irrelevant.
The specifics of Kaspersky Security installation in the DAG are as follows:
- A single database must be used for all DAG nodes. To do this, specify a single database during Kaspersky Security installation on all nodes of the DAG.
- The account used to perform the installation procedure must be authorized to write to the Active Directory configuration section.
- If a firewall is enabled on the DAG servers, the Kaspersky Security for Microsoft Exchange Servers service must be added to the list of trusted applications on each server within the DAG. This is necessary to ensure the interaction between Kaspersky Security and Backup.
While the previous version of the application is being upgraded on all servers of the DAG, we recommend that you avoid connecting to these servers using the Management Console, or editing the application settings. Doing so may cause the update to end in an error, which may result in application malfunctions. If the connection needs to be established during an update, before connecting make sure that the Security Server version matches the version of the Management Console used for establishing the connection.
When the application is installed on all servers of a DAG, most of the application settings are stored in Active Directory, and all the DAG servers use those settings. Kaspersky Security automatically detects active servers and applies the Active Directory settings to them. However, the individual settings of the Microsoft Exchange Server have to be defined manually for each server. Examples of individual settings of the Microsoft Exchange Server include: anti-virus protection settings for the Hub Transport role, anti-spam scan settings, Backup settings, settings of the Anti-Spam and Anti-Virus reports for the Hub Transport role, and Anti-Spam database update settings.
Using profiles to configure DAG servers has the following particularities:
- You can add DAG servers to a profile only all at once.
- When a DAG is added to a profile, all servers and all their roles (including the Hub Transport role) are added to this profile.
- You can remove DAG servers from a profile only all at once.
After Kaspersky Security is uninstalled from DAG servers, the configuration is stored in Active Directory and can be used to reinstall the application.
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Application deployment models
Before deploying the application, prepare the following accounts:
- Account for installing the application. The Application Setup Wizard and the Application Configuration Wizard are started under this account.
- Account for launching the application service. If the SQL server is hosted by the same computer on which the application is installed, the role of this account can be performed by the Local System account. In this case, you do not need to create a special account for launching the service.
- Account for preparing the database. Under this account, the Installation Wizard prepares the application database on the SQL server. This account is not used after the installation has been completed.
In order for the application to work properly, TCP port 13100 must be opened on all computers that will host the Security Server and Management Console as well as along the path of data transmission between them.
You can deploy the application under one of the following scenarios:
- Scenario of application deployment with the full set of access privileges.
- Scenario of application deployment with a limited set of access privileges.
Scenario of application deployment with the full set of access privileges
This deployment scenario is suitable for you if you have sufficient privileges to perform all installation operations on your own without the assistance of other specialists and if your account has the appropriate set of access rights.
To deploy the application with the full set of access rights:
- Make sure that the account intended for deploying the application is included in the local "Administrators" group on the Microsoft Exchange server on which you are deploying the application.
- Make sure that the account intended for deploying the application is included in the "Domain Administrators" and "Enterprise Administrators" groups. If not, include the account in these groups. This is needed in order for the Installation Wizard to be able to create a configuration storage and a role-based access group in Active Directory.
If the application already has been installed on at least one computer on the enterprise LAN, all you need to install the application on other computers on the enterprise LAN is a local administrator account. In this case, the user account used for installing the application must be granted permissions to read the Microsoft Exchange configuration from the following Active Directory container and all its child objects:
CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=<root domain>
- Assign the sysadmin role on the SQL server to the account intended for preparing the database. These permissions are required to create and configure the database. The user account must also have the Allow Logon Locally permission granted in the local security policy on the Microsoft Exchange server on which the application is being installed.
- Add the account intended for launching the service to the local "Administrators" group on the Microsoft Exchange server on which you are deploying the application.
If you previously removed the Debug Programs permission granted to the Administrators group by default, grant this permission to the user account under which the service is intended to run.
- Add the account intended for launching the service to the Organization Management group. This is required for the application to retrieve the configuration settings of the Microsoft Exchange server.
- Run the Application Installation Wizard and the Application Setup Wizard, and then follow their steps.
- Assign dedicated user roles to the accounts owned by users who perform corresponding duties in your company. To do this, add user accounts to the following account groups in Active Directory:
- Add administrator accounts to the Kse Administrators group.
- Add the accounts of anti-virus security officers to the Kse AV Security Officers group.
- Add the accounts of anti-virus security operators to the Kse AV Operators group.
- Perform replication of Active Directory data across the entire organization. This is required in order for application settings saved in Active Directory to become available for subsequent installations of the application on other Microsoft Exchange servers at your organization.
When creating an SQL database, the server uses local collation rules. Take the Collation parameter into account when installing the application to avoid register-dependent behavior and errors when connecting to the database.
If the application is installed with or works with an SQL database configured with AlwaysOn technology, you must synchronize the rights between all servers that belong to the database mirroring group.
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Scenario of application deployment with a limited set of access privileges
This deployment scenario is suitable for you if the security policy of your organization does not allow performing all application installation operations under your account and restricts access to the SQL server or Active Directory. For example, this can happen when the database at your organization is administered by a different specialist with full access to the SQL server.
To prepare for installation with a limited set of permissions to access the SQL server or Active Directory:
- Make sure that the account intended for deploying the application is included in the local "Administrators" group on the Microsoft Exchange server on which you are deploying the application. If not, include the account in this group.
- Create the following container in Active Directory:
- Configure full access to this container and to all of its child objects for the account intended for the application installation.
- Create a group of Kse Watchdog Service accounts. The type of group is "Universal". Include in this group the account intended for launching the application service. If a Local System account is used as this account, also include in the Kse Watchdog Service group the account of the computer on which installation is performed.
- Add the Kse Watchdog Service group to the local "Administrators" group on the Microsoft Exchange server on which you are deploying the application.
If you previously removed the Debug Programs permission granted to the Administrators group by default, grant this permission to the Kse Watchdog Service group.
- Provide the Kse Watchdog Service group with the rights to read data from the Active Directory container, which stores the configuration data of Microsoft Exchange:
CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=domain,DC=domain
- (Only applicable for Microsoft Exchange 2013 and Microsoft Exchange 2016 servers). Provide the Kse Watchdog Services group with the ms-Exch-Store-Admin right. To do this, run the following command in the Exchange Management Shell console:
Add-ADPermission -Identity "<path to container with configuration of Microsoft Exchange>" -User "<domain name>\Kse Watchdog Service" -ExtendedRights ms-Exch-Store-Admin
For example:
Add-ADPermission -Identity "CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=domain,DC=domain" -User "domain\Kse Watchdog Service" -ExtendedRights ms-Exch-Store-Admin
- (Applicable for Microsoft Exchange 2013 / 2016 servers). Provide the Kse Watchdog Service group with the right to run under a different name (impersonation). To do this, run the following command in the Exchange Management Shell console:
New-ManagementRoleAssignment -Name KSE_IMPERSONATION -Role applicationImpersonation -SecurityGroup "Kse Watchdog Service"
- If you want to use on-demand scan for selected mailboxes on Microsoft Exchange 2010 servers, grant the Kse Watchdog Service group the right to run under a different name (impersonation). To do this, run the following command in the Exchange Management Shell console:
New-ManagementRoleAssignment -Name KSE_IMPERSONATION -Role applicationImpersonation -SecurityGroup "Kse Watchdog Service"
- Create the following account groups: Kse Administrators, Kse Security Officers, Kse AV Security Officers, and Kse AV Operators. These groups can be created in any of the organization's domains. The type of groups is "Universal".
- Perform replication of Active Directory data across the entire organization.
- Assign the appropriate user roles to the accounts owned by users who perform the corresponding duties in your organization. To do this, add user accounts to the following account groups in Active Directory:
- Add administrator accounts to the Kse Administrators group.
- Add the accounts of security officers to the Kse Security Officers group.
- Add the accounts of anti-virus security officers to the Kse AV Security Officers group.
- Add the accounts of anti-virus security operators to the Kse AV Operators group.
- Ensure creation of the application database. Perform this operation on your own or delegate it to an authorized specialist.
- Create accounts for the following Active Directory groups on the SQL server: Kse Administrators, Kse AV Security Officers, and Kse Watchdog Service.
- Ensure that the Kse Watchdog Service group of accounts is assigned the db_owner role on the application database level.
- Ensure that the account intended for preparing the database is assigned the db_owner role on the application database level and the VIEW ANY DEFINITION permission on the SQL server level.
If you do not grant the VIEW ANY DEFINITION permission to the account, a message prompting you for the ALTER ANY LOGIN permission will appear on the screen when the Setup Wizard checks for roles and permissions of users to access the application database. The ALTER ANY LOGIN permission is required by the Setup Wizard to create SQL server users, assign roles to those users, and grant them permissions to use the database.
- If you plan to manage the application using Kaspersky Security Center, add the accounts of all computers on which you are installing Kaspersky Security to the KSE Administrators group in Active Directory.
If you have not added user accounts of all computers on which you are installing Kaspersky Security into the KSE Administrators group in Active Directory, the screen will display a message containing information about how to ensure the capability to manage the application using Kaspersky Security Center.
- Ensure that the steps of the Application Installation Wizard and Application Configuration Wizard are performed under the account intended for installing the application.
- Perform replication of Active Directory data across the entire organization. This is required in order for application settings saved in Active Directory to become available for subsequent installations of the application on other Microsoft Exchange servers at your organization.
If the application is installed with or works with an SQL database configured with AlwaysOn technology, you must synchronize the rights between all servers that belong to the database mirroring group.
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Upgrading the application
You can upgrade the following application versions:
- Kaspersky Security for Microsoft Exchange Servers 9.0 Maintenance Release 2 and above to version 9.0 Maintenance Release 5.
- Kaspersky Security for Microsoft Exchange Servers 9.0 Maintenance Release 3 and above to version 9.0 Maintenance Release 5 Hotfix 1.
Upgrading from earlier versions is not supported.
The application is upgraded using the Setup Wizard.
The Maintenance Release 5 version of the application does not support Data Leak Prevention functionality. After the application is upgraded, the DLP Module and its related data will be unavailable. If your organization requires continued use of the DLP Module, install the Maintenance Release 4 version of the application.
Requirements for application upgrade
The application upgrade must meet the following requirements:
- The user account for which the application update is planned must be included in the Domain Admins group and in the Kse Administrators group in Active Directory.
If an update was already performed on at least one Security Server or Management Console in the corporate network, all you need is a local administrator account to update the remaining instances of the application on other corporate computers. In this case, the user account used for upgrading the application must be granted permissions to read the Microsoft Exchange configuration from the following Active Directory container and all its child objects:
CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=<root domain>
- It is recommended to upgrade the application in a sequence on all Security Servers and Management Console deployed on the corporate network. If the application upgrade has failed on any Security Server, you will be able to connect to this Security Server only using the Management Console of the previous version.
- It is recommended to upgrade the application on Microsoft Exchange servers running within a DAG configuration as quick as possible.
- SQL server hosting the application database must remain accessible during the upgrade procedure. Otherwise the upgrade will fail.
- In order for the application to work properly, TCP port 13100 must be opened on all computers where the application will be upgraded as well as along the path of data transmission between them.
- During the update procedure the application's Setup Wizard accesses the application's database. The account for which the upgrade procedure is planned must have the following access rights:
- To the database: db_owner role.
- On all computers on which an application update is planned, Microsoft Windows update KB2999226 must be installed.
Transferring application settings and data when upgrading to version 9.0 Maintenance Release 5
Updating the Management Console component
On the computer with only Management Console installed, the Installation Wizard only performs the update of Management Console. The Installation Wizard installs no Security Server modules on this computer.
Application settings do not change after Management Console is updated. The settings of the Microsoft Management Console interface take their default values.
Updating the Security Server component
On the computer with Security Server installed, the Installation Wizard updates all Security Server modules.
During an update, the Installation Wizard transfers the values of settings and data from the previous version of the application to the new version as follows:
- The license for the previous version of the application remains effective for the new version. The end date of the license validity period remains unchanged.
- The Backup and statistics database connected to the application will be upgraded to 9.0 Maintenance Release 5.
If you do not upgrade the application but remove it and then install 9.0 Maintenance Release 5 instead, the previous version of the Backup and statistics database will not be upgraded to 9.0 Maintenance Release 5, which will make it inoperable in the application.
- The application automatically transfers the white list and black list of Anti-Spam addresses from the first updated server of the DAG group to all other servers of the DAG group.
If you are using different white lists or black lists of Anti-Spam addresses for different servers of the DAG (applicable for application version 9.0 Maintenance Release 2), you are advised to export the lists of Anti-Spam addresses from all servers of the group to files and import the saved lists to the first server of the group prior to upgrading the application. During the update, this list will be applied to all servers of the group. You can also synchronize the white lists / black lists of Anti-Spam addresses in the PowerShell environment for all servers of the DAG group with the white lists / black lists of the first server of the DAG group.
- The use of Kaspersky Security Network is disabled automatically. If you are planning to use KSN, you must accept the terms of the Kaspersky Security Network Statement in the KSN Settings section of the Settings node. The KSN usage settings in Anti-Virus and in Anti-Spam remain unchanged after the application is upgraded.
Upgrading the application does not affect the settings for use of Kaspersky Private Security Network.
- The values of other application settings defined in the previous version will be applied without changes to the corresponding settings in the new version.
- Backup and statistical data will be preserved.
Application update procedure
The account under which you intend to perform the upgrade, must be included in the Domain Admins group.
During upgrade of Kaspersky Security, restart of MSExchangeTransport service and MSExchangeIS service is required. Services will be restarted automatically without additional prompts.
Prior to updating, exit the Management Console if it is started.
To upgrade the application:
- Run the setup.exe file from the application installation package on the computer on which you want to upgrade the application.
A window with the text of the End User License Agreement opens.
- Carefully read and accept the terms of the End User License Agreement and the Privacy Policy by selecting the corresponding check boxes. Then click Next.
- Please read the warning about the unavailability of the DLP Module in the Maintenance Release 5 application version. Perform one of the following actions:
- If your organization requires continued use of the DLP Module for Data Leak Prevention, click the Cancel button and cancel the current upgrade.
- If you are ready to stop using the DLP Module, click the Next button.
- In the window that opens, click the Install button.
The Setup Wizard will perform subsequent application upgrade steps automatically.
- When the application upgrade process finishes, click Finish to exit the application Setup Wizard.
All application components and modules installed on the computer are upgraded.
During Kaspersky Security installation, the Setup Wizard adds the account of the computer running the installation to the KSE Administrators group in Active Directory. You will have to add the computer account to the KSE Administrators group if you need to manage Kaspersky Security through Kaspersky Security Center.
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Installing, restoring, and removing the application
This section provides information about the application installation, initial setup, recovery, and uninstallation.
Installing the application using the Setup Wizard
During Kaspersky Security installation, services of MSExchangeTransport and MSExchangeIS will need to be restarted. Services will be restarted automatically without additional prompts.
You can install the application by running the Setup Wizard, which guides you through every step of the setup process. The Back and Next buttons can be used to navigate between the screens of the Setup Wizard. The Cancel button allows you to exit the setup wizard.
When installing from the command line, the default settings may differ from the default settings that are configured when installing with the Setup Wizard.
Before running the application installation, make sure that you have completed all the required preparations.
The first time Kaspersky Security is installed in an organization, the Application Setup Wizard automatically adds the account of the computer running the installation to the KSE Administrators group in Active Directory. You will have to add a computer account to the KSE Administrators group if you intend to manage Kaspersky Security through Kaspersky Security Center.
If installation has already been performed on at least one computer in the enterprise network, all you need is a local administrator account to install an identical application version to other enterprise computers. In this case, the user account used for application setup must be granted permissions to read the Microsoft Exchange configuration from the following Active Directory container and all its child objects:CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=<root domain>
To start installation of the application using the Setup Wizard:
Run the installation file from the application installation package.
This opens the welcome window of the Installation Wizard.
Step 1. Checking for required software
The Welcome window of the Setup Wizard provides general information about installation and a link to the Online Help.
At this step, the Wizard checks the computer for the software required for the application operation (Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5). If Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 has not been installed, an error message is displayed, and the Setup Wizard closes.
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Step 2. Viewing information about the start of installation. Reading the End User License Agreement and the Privacy Policy
At this step in the Installation Wizard window, review the information about the start of Kaspersky Security installation on your computer, and click the Next button to proceed to the window containing the text of the End User License Agreement and the Privacy Policy. The End User License Agreement is an agreement between the application user and Kaspersky. The Privacy Policy describes the handling of a user's personal data and preserving the confidentiality of that data.
Please confirm that you have fully read, understand, and accept the the terms and conditions of this EULA and Privacy Policy describing the handling of data by selecting the corresponding check boxes.
If you do not accept the terms of the End User License Agreement and Privacy Policy, you will not be able to install Kaspersky Security.
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Step 3. Selecting the installation type
At this step, select the type of application installation:
- Typical. The application will install all application components and modules. The application files will be copied to the default application installation folder and the default data storage folder. If you select this installation type, the Wizard proceeds to Step 5. Setting up the application's connection to the database of Backup and statistics.
- Custom. In this case, the next step of the Installation Wizard allows you to select the application components and modules to be installed, as well as the destination folder for application installation and data folders. If you select this installation type, the Wizard proceeds to Step 4. Selecting application components and modules.
Step 4. Selecting application components and modules
At this step, you have to select the application components and modules to be installed, and specify the paths to the setup folder and data folders. The set of components and modules available for installation varies depending on whether a Microsoft Exchange server is installed on the computer and on the roles in which it has been deployed.
Components and modules available for installation on the Microsoft Exchange 2010 server
Role of the Microsoft Exchange 2010 server |
Management Console |
Anti-Spam |
Anti-Virus for the Mailbox role |
Anti-Virus for the Hub Transport role |
Mailbox Server |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Hub Transport. Server |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Edge Transport Server |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Components and modules available for installation on the Microsoft Exchange 2013 server
Role of the Microsoft Exchange 2013 server |
Management Console |
Anti-Spam |
Anti-Virus for the Mailbox role |
CAS Interceptor |
Anti-Virus for the Hub Transport role |
Client Access Server (CAS). |
Yes |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Mailbox Server |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Edge Transport Server |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
No |
Yes |
The CAS Interceptor module can be selected only if the Microsoft Exchange 2013 server is deployed in the Client Access Server (CAS) role alone.
The CAS Interceptor module is designed to improve spam detection. It is recommended for installation on all Microsoft Exchange 2013 servers deployed in the Client Access Server (CAS) role only. This module is installed automatically together with the Anti-Spam module on Microsoft Exchange 2013 servers deployed in the Mailbox role (if you choose to install Anti-Spam).
Components and modules available for installation on the Microsoft Exchange 2016 server
Role of the Microsoft Exchange 2016 server |
Management Console |
Anti-Spam |
Anti-Virus for the Mailbox role |
Anti-Virus for the Hub Transport role |
Mailbox Server |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Edge Transport Server |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Select the application components and modules that you want to install. To cancel your selection of components and return to the default selection, click the Reset button.
To view information about the availability of free disk space needed for the installation of the selected components on the local drives, click the Disk usage button.
The path to the default installation folder is displayed in the lower part of the window in the Destination folder field. If necessary, specify a different destination folder. To do so, click Browse and select a folder in the window that opens.
The Data storage folder field below shows the default path to the application data storage folder. This folder is intended for temporary storage of objects to be scanned and auxiliary files. If necessary, specify a different data folder. To do so, click Browse and select a folder in the window that opens.
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Step 5. Creating a database and configuring the application connection to the SQL server
To create a database on an SQL server and configure connections to it:
- In the Name of SQL server field, specify the name (or IP address) of the computer where the SQL server is installed, and the name of the SQL instance, for example, MYCOMPUTER\SQLEXPRESS.
Click the Browse button opposite the Name of SQL server field to select the SQL server in the network segment in which the computer is located.
If the connection is to a remote SQL server, make sure that the SQL server is enabled to support TCP/IP as a client protocol. The relevant SQL server may be missing from the list of SQL servers if the service of the SQL server browser is not running on the computer hosting the SQL server.
- In the Database name field, specify the name of the database where the application will store Backup data, statistics, and application configuration details.
Assign the user account used to start the Setup Wizard with the db_owner role at the application database level and the ALTER ANY LOGIN permission at the SQL server level. The ALTER ANY LOGIN permission is required by the Setup Wizard to create SQL server users, assign roles to those users, and grant them permissions to use the database. The db_owner role provides a set of permissions allowing the performance of all actions to configure and maintain the database, as well as to delete the database.
You can use any of the following databases for handling the application:
- Database created in advance by the SQL server administrator;
- Database created automatically by the Setup Wizard
If you want to use a single Backup and statistics database for several Security Servers, the same SQL server and database names must be specified for all Security Servers. In this case, when installing the application on the second and subsequent Security Servers, specify the same values in the Name of SQL server, Database name and Additional connection parameters fields for connecting to the database created during application installation on the first Security Server. If you do not intend to use a common database, you can specify custom SQL database connection settings for each server belonging to the DAG group.
You can use the database of the previous version of the application. The database of the previous version of the application is connected during the application upgrade. If you remove and then install a new version of the application using the Setup Wizard, you will not be able to use the database from the previous version.
- In the Additional connection parameters field, specify the additional settings for connecting the Backup and statistics database to the server.
For a description of the settings for connecting the database to a server, please refer to the Microsoft website via the following link: connection string settings.
Connection Timeout=30;Integrated Security=SSPI;MultiSubnetFailover=true
In the Additional connection parameters field, it is not recommended to specify the
Data Source
settings because they are defined in the Name of SQL server and Database name fields. - To finish the database configuration and proceed to the next step of the Setup Wizard, click the Next button.
Kaspersky Security does not provide channel encryption during data transmission between the server and the SQL database. To secure your data, manually encrypt data to be transmitted over communication channels.
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Step 6. Selecting an account for launching the Kaspersky Security service
At this step, specify the account to be used for launching the application service and connecting Kaspersky Security to the SQL server:
- Local System account. In this case the application service will be started and the connection to the SQL server established under the local system account.
- Other account. In this case the application service will be started and the connection to the SQL server established under a different account. You must specify the account name and password. You can also select an account by clicking the Browse button.
The specified account must be granted the required access rights. The details of access rights assigned to the account, which is intended for running the application service, are given in application deployment scenarios with the full and limited set of access rights.
Step 7. Completing installation
At this step, the application files are copied to the computer, the components are registered in the system, and temporary files are removed from Backup.
Click the Install button in the Setup Wizard window.
The Setup Wizard starts copying the application files to the computer, registering the components in the system, creating a database on the SQL server (if you chose to create a new database), and restarting the MSExchangeTransport and MSExchangeIS services.
MSExchangeTransport and MSExchangeIS services will be restarted automatically without additional prompts.
Once the files are copied and the components are registered in the system, the Setup Wizard displays a notification about the completed application installation.
To finish the installation, click the Next button.
The Application Configuration Wizard starts automatically. The application configuration wizard makes it possible to perform initial configuration of application settings.
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Initial setup of the application
The Application Configuration Wizard allows you to configure the minimum collection of settings needed to build a system for centralized management of Microsoft Exchange server protection.
The Application Configuration Wizard helps to:
- Activate the application by adding a key
- Configure Microsoft Exchange server protection by the Anti-Virus and Anti-Spam modules
- Enable Kaspersky Security Network (hereafter also KSN)
- Configure the proxy server
- Configure notification delivery
The Application Configuration Wizard starts automatically after the installation using the Setup Wizard is completed. It provides instructions to be followed at every step. The Back and Next buttons can be used to navigate between the Application Configuration Wizard screens. You can exit the Application Configuration Wizard at any step by closing its window.
You can skip the application configuration step and close the Wizard by clicking the Cancel button in the welcome window of the Wizard. You can configure the application in its Management Console after launching the application.
Step 1. Activating the application
At this step, you can add a key for activating Kaspersky Security.
You can also skip this step and install a key later, after the Application Configuration Wizard finishes and the application launches.
If no key has been added, Kaspersky Security runs in "Administration only" mode without protecting the Microsoft Exchange server. To use Kaspersky Security in full functionality mode, you must add a key.
If you are using the following activation methods, skip this step, because you will be able to activate the application in the application Management Console after the Application Configuration Wizard finishes:
- You are activating the application with an activation code.
- You are activating the application based on a Commercial (subscription) license.
To activate the application:
- Click the Add button.
- In the window that opens, in the File name field, specify the path to the key file that has the .key extension.
- Click the Open button.
They key is installed as the active key. The active key allows you to use Kaspersky Security for the duration of the license validity period on the terms of the End User License Agreement.
Activating the application when installed in a DAG of Microsoft Exchange servers
If you deploy Kaspersky Security on a DAG of Microsoft Exchange servers, it suffices to install the key just once during application installation on any of the Microsoft Exchange servers within this DAG. Once this is done, the Application Configuration Wizard will automatically detect the installed key during application installation on other Microsoft Exchange servers within this DAG. In this case, you will not have to add the keys on other Microsoft Exchange servers within the DAG.
Special considerations when activating the application for various deployment scenarios
Activation of the application depends on the application deployment scenario:
- If the application is being used on standalone Microsoft Exchange servers, you must add a Security Server key on each server.
- If the application is being used on Microsoft Exchange servers that are part of a DAG, you must add one Security Server key. Keys are applied to the entire DAG group.
- If you are using profiles to manage several Security Servers, you must add one Security Server key. Keys are applied to all Security Servers of the profile.
Step 2. Configuring the Microsoft Exchange server protection
At this step, you can configure the Microsoft Exchange server protection against spam, viruses, and other riskware. The Anti-Virus and Anti-Spam modules start working as soon as you launch the application. Anti-Virus and Anti-Spam protection is enabled by default. The Enforced Anti-Spam Updates Service and automatic updates for application databases (Anti-Virus databases and Anti-Spam databases) are also used by default.
The Enforced Anti-Spam Updates Service requires the computer hosting the Security Server to have a constant Internet connection.
If you do not want Anti-Virus and Anti-Spam to start working as soon as the application is launched, clear the Enable Anti-Virus protection and Enable Anti-Spam protection check boxes. You can enable protection later using the Management Console.
To disable Enforced Anti-Spam Updates Service, clear the Enable Enforced Anti-Spam Updates Service check box.
To disable updates of Anti-Spam and Anti-Virus databases from Kaspersky servers as soon as the application is run, clear the Enable automatic database updating check box.
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Step 3. Enabling the KSN service
At this step, you can enable the use of the KSN (Kaspersky Security Network) service.
Kaspersky Security Network (KSN) is an infrastructure of cloud services providing access to the Kaspersky online knowledge base that contains information about the reputation of files, web resources, and software. The use of data from Kaspersky Security Network ensures faster responses by Kaspersky applications to threats, improves the effectiveness of some protection components, and reduces the risk of false positives.
Access to the KSN service is regulated by a special Kaspersky Security Network Statement. You can review the full text of the Kaspersky Security Network Statement in a separate window by clicking the KSN Participation Agreement button.
To use KSN for spam analysis, select the I accept the Kaspersky Security Network Statement and want to use KSN services for protection check box, thereby confirming that you have read the Kaspersky Security Network Statement and accept its terms.
Step 4. Configuring the proxy server settings
At this step, you can configure proxy server settings. The application uses these settings to connect to Kaspersky update servers while updating application databases and to connect to Kaspersky Security Network.
If you want the application to connect to Kaspersky servers via a proxy server, select the Use proxy server check box and specify the settings of the connection to the proxy server in the relevant fields: proxy server address and port. The default port number is 8080.
To use authentication on the proxy server that you have specified, select the Use authentication check box and enter the account credentials in the Account and Password fields. Use the button to select one of the existing accounts.
Step 5. Configuring notification delivery
At this step, you can configure notification delivery settings. Notifications enable you and other persons whom they concern to learn about all Kaspersky Security events in a timely fashion. Notifications are sent by email. The following settings have to be specified for successful delivery of notifications: address of the web service and account settings.
In the Web service address field, specify the address of the web service used for sending notifications through the Microsoft Exchange server (by default, the Microsoft Exchange server uses the following address: https://<client_access_server_name>/ews/exchange.asmx
Specify any account registered on the Microsoft Exchange Server in the Account field manually by clicking the . button, and enter the password of the selected account in the Account field.
Enter in the Administrator address field the destination mail address, for example, your e-mail.
Click the Test button to send a test message. If the test message arrives in the specified mailbox, it means that delivery of notifications is configured properly.
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Step 6. Completing the configuration
At this step, the configured application settings are saved and the configuration process finishes.
By default, the Management Console launches automatically after the configuration has been completed. If you want to disable Management Console, clear the Start Management Console after the Application Configuration Wizard finishes check box.
Click the Finish button to close the Application Configuration Wizard.
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Protection settings window
Enable Enforced Anti-Spam Updates Service
Enable automatic database updating
Use Kaspersky Security Network services window
In this window, you can enable the use of Kaspersky Security Network (KSN) services in the application. Kaspersky Security Network is an infrastructure of cloud services providing access to the Kaspersky online knowledge base that contains information about the reputation of files, online resources, and software. Kaspersky Security Network is intended for improving detection of viruses and other threats, spam and phishing links, as well as for receiving statistics used to detect threats. The use of Kaspersky Security Network is controlled with a special agreement named Kaspersky Security Network Statement. To enable the use of Kaspersky Security Network in the application, you must accept its terms.
I accept the Kaspersky Security Network Statement and want to use KSN services for protection
Proxy server settings window
Connection through a proxy server can be used when connecting the application to the following resources:
- Application database update sources
- Kaspersky Security Network services
- External Anti-Spam services, such as Enforced Anti-Spam Updates Service;
- Kaspersky activation servers.
Configuration node
The Configuration management configuration section lets you export the application configuration for the server or profile to an XML file to import it from that file to the application installed on another Microsoft Exchange server. You can import the configuration to an unassigned Security Server or to a Security Server in the profile.
The Data storage configuration section lets you configure the Backup settings.
Restrict the Backup storage size
Restrict the duration of object storage in Backup
The Diagnostics section lets you configure the parameters of Kaspersky Security application event logs.
In the Log details section, you can configure the detail level of logs. The following detail levels are available:
- Minimum. Kaspersky Security only logs main events, such as the start of an objects scan, start of an update, expiration of the license, as well as errors in the operation of the application components and errors occurred when updating the databases.
- Custom. Kaspersky Security logs main events, as well as detailed information about the events that have been selected in the Diagnostics settings window.
- Maximum. Kaspersky Security logs detailed information about all events in the application operation.
The current detail level set for logs is displayed in the Detail level field. The detail level depends on the number of events that have been selected in the Diagnostics settings window.
The Proxy server settings configuration section lets you define the settings for connecting the application to a proxy server if one is used in your network.
Connection through a proxy server can be used when connecting the application to the following resources:
- Application database update sources
- Kaspersky Security Network services
- External Anti-Spam services, such as Enforced Anti-Spam Updates Service;
- Kaspersky activation servers.
Bypass proxy server for local addresses
The KSN Settings configuration section lets you select one of the following options for using the Kaspersky Security Network and Kaspersky Private Security Network services:
- Do not use Kaspersky Lab services
- I accept the KSN Statement. Use Kaspersky Security Network
- Use Kaspersky Private Security Network (KPSN)
Restoring the application
If the application encounters a failure while running (for example, if its executable files are corrupted), you can repair the application by using the Setup Wizard or the command line.
To repair Kaspersky Security using the Setup Wizard:
- Run the installation file from the application installation package.
This opens the welcome window of the install package.
- Click the Kaspersky Security 9.0 for Microsoft Exchange Servers link to open the welcome screen of the Setup Wizard and click Next.
- In the Change, Repair or Remove the application window, click the Restore button.
- In the Restoration window, click the Repair button.
This opens the Restore application window with information about restoring the application.
- After the application has been restored, the Setup Wizard displays a notification about the completed application restoration. To finish restoring the application, click the Finish button.
To repair Kaspersky Security using the command line:
Run the installation file from the application installation package on the command line with the following options:
During Kaspersky Security removal, services of MSExchangeTransport and MSExchangeIS will need a restart. Services will be restarted automatically without additional prompts.
Restoration of the application will not be possible if its configuration files are damaged. Removing and reinstalling the application is recommended in that case.
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Removing the application
You can remove the application using the Setup Wizard, the command line or standard Microsoft Windows installation and removal tools. If the application is installed on several servers, it has to be removed from each server.
To remove Kaspersky Security from the computer using the Setup Wizard:
- Run the installation file from the application installation package.
This opens the welcome window of the install package.
- Click the Kaspersky Security 9.0 for Microsoft Exchange Servers link to open the welcome screen of the Setup Wizard and click Next.
- In the Change, Restore, or Remove the Application window click the Delete button.
- In the Uninstallation dialog, click the Delete button.
This opens the Remove application window with information about application removal.
- In the warning dialog that opens, perform the following operations:
- If you want the application to save the database on the SQL server during application removal, click Yes.
Backup data added by the application will be deleted from the database. Statistics data added by the application will be saved.
- If you want the application to delete the database and statistics from the SQL server during application removal, click No.
- If you want the application to save the database on the SQL server during application removal, click Yes.
- After the application has been removed, the Setup Wizard displays a notification about the completed application removal. To finish removing the application, click the Finish button.
To remove Kaspersky Security using the command line:
Run the installation file from the application installation package on the command line with the following option:
If you delete Kaspersky Security using the command line, the database and statistics data is not deleted from the SQL server.
During Kaspersky Security removal, services of MSExchangeTransport and MSExchangeIS will need a restart. Services will be restarted automatically without additional prompts.
You can also uninstall the application using the standard software management tools in Microsoft Windows.
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To administrator
This Help section is intended for specialists who perform Kaspersky Security installation and administration, as well as for those who provide technical support to organizations that use Kaspersky Security.
Role-based user access control for the application features and services
Kaspersky Security lets you use the following roles to restrict user access to application features and services:
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Working with personal data of users
Kaspersky Security processes the following personal data of users to perform its basic functions:
- Active Directory accounts.
The application checks Active Directory accounts to implement the role-based user access control for the application features and services.
- E-mail messages.
The application scans E-mail messages, including attached objects, to provide anti-virus protection, filter attachments as well as to provide anti-spam and anti-fishing protection according to the pre-defined settings.
Original messages that initiated an alert of one of the protection components are saved in the Security Server file system. This enables to restore deleted objects via Backup.
- E-mail metadata.
E-mail metadata (fields From, To, Subject) that initiated an alert of one of the protection components are saved in the application database. This enables to restore deleted objects via Backup.
E-mail metadata can be sent to Kaspersky Security Center as part of information on application events if your organization uses this software solution.
E-mail metadata is also saved in the application log, which is required to provide technical support.
- E-mail addresses excluded from scanning.
E-mail addresses excluded by the administrator from scanning are saved in Active Directory together with other protection settings.
- Mailbox names.
The application saves the names of mailboxes selected for background scan to ensure correctness of scanning.
- Application configuration changes.
Any configuration change information is saved in the application logs and in the Windows event log. Depending on introduced changes, such information can include e-mail addresses excluded from scanning and the names of mailboxes selected for background scan.
Similar information may be contained in the application configuration export file (
). - Message texts.
Texts of processed email messages can be saved on the Security Server if the administrator has enabled detailed event logging for the application. This information can be used to provide technical support.
- Organization representative information.
Information on the contact person of the organization that signed the End User License Agreement is used to validate the license. Depending on the application configuration, such information is stored either in Active Directory or locally on the Security Server.
The table below presents the specifics of storing the listed data.
Specifics of storing personal data of users in Kaspersky Security
Component that uses personal data |
Data storage location |
Data storage period |
Data security |
Configuration files |
<Application setup folder>\Configuration |
Indefinite. |
When working with the Kaspersky Security Management Console, data is secured through role-based restrictions of user access to functions and services of the application. The Kaspersky Security administrator must personally ensure the security of this data. |
Backup |
<Application setup folder>\data\store\persistent |
Indefinite, unless otherwise restricted by the Kaspersky Security administrator. |
Statistics and metadata of Backup objects |
SQL database specified during application installation. |
Indefinite, unless otherwise restricted by the SQL server administrator. |
Reports |
%Temp% |
Until the application is restarted. |
Audit and event log |
<Application setup folder>\logs |
365 days, unless a different value is set by the Kaspersky Security administrator. |
Temporary files |
%Temp% <Application setup folder>\data\temp |
Until the application is restarted or until termination of the operation that is using temporary files. |
You can restrict handling of personal data of users by the application as follows:
- Change the storage term for application logs.
- Restrict the duration of object storage in Backup.
- Remove objects from Backup.
- Monitor the list of users added to Anti-Spam white and black lists.
- Monitor the list of users, the messages for whom are excluded from anti-virus scan.
- Monitor the list of users, to the messages from/for whom the attachment filtering rules apply.
- If you need to change the contact person of your organization, please contact the license provider.
Application licensing
This section provides information about general concepts related to licensing of Kaspersky Security.
Licensing models. License restrictions
All application licensing schemes employ a limit on the number of mailboxes that are protected by the application.
Licensing a Security Server:
- Trial license. A license for trial use of the application. It is granted for a specific period that is assigned by Kaspersky. When the trial license expires, all application features become disabled. You can activate the application using a key or activation code.
- Commercial. A license for commercial use of the application. It is granted for a specific period that is assigned by Kaspersky when the license is purchased. When the commercial license expires, the application continues to work in limited functionality mode. The user is no longer able to update the application databases, receive new application versions, or contact Technical Support. You can activate the application using a key or activation code.
- Commercial (subscription). A license for commercial use of the application distributed through vendors based on a subscription. It is granted for a specific period that is assigned by the vendor based on a subscription. According to the license restriction, you can use the application during the period for which you purchased a subscription from the vendor. You can activate the application with an activation code, but you cannot activate the application with a key.
About the End User License Agreement
The End User License Agreement is a binding agreement between you and Kaspersky AO, stipulating the terms on which you may use the application.
Carefully review the terms of the License Agreement before using the application.
You can view the terms of the License Agreement in the following ways:
- During installation of Kaspersky Security.
- By reading the license.rtf file. This file is included in the application's distribution kit.
By confirming that you agree with the End User License Agreement when installing the application, you signify your acceptance of the terms of the End User License Agreement. If you do not accept the terms of the End User License Agreement, you must abort application installation and must not use the application.
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About the license certificate
License Certificate is a document provided together with a key file or activation code.
The License Certificate contains the following license information:
- License key or order number
- Details of the license holder
- Information about the application that can be activated using the license
- Limitation on the number of licensing units (devices on which the application can be used under the license)
- License start date
- License expiration date or license validity period
- License type.
About the license
A license is a time-limited right to use the application, granted under the End User License Agreement. A license is linked to a unique activation code for your copy of Kaspersky Security.
A license includes the right to do the following:
- Use of the application in accordance with the terms of the End User License Agreement
- Technical support;
- update the databases and receive new versions of the application.
To work with the application in full functionality mode, you must purchase a license to use the application and activate the application. A license has a limited validity period.
We recommend renewing the license before its expiration date to ensure maximum protection of your computer against all potential security threats.
Before purchasing a license, you can get acquainted with the free trial version of Kaspersky Security. The trial version of Kaspersky Security performs its functions during a short trial period. After the trial period expires, Kaspersky Security stops performing its functions. To continue using the application, you must purchase a license.
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About the key
A license key is a sequence of bits with which you can activate and subsequently use the application in accordance with the terms of the End User License Agreement. A license key is generated by Kaspersky.
To add a key to the application, you must apply a key file or add a key based on an activation code.
After you add a license key to the application, the license key is displayed in the application interface as a unique alphanumeric sequence.
Kaspersky can blacklist a license key in response to violations of the End User License Agreement. If the license key has been blacklisted, you must add another license key to use the application.
A license key may be active or reserve.
An active license key is a license key that is currently being used by the application. A trial or commercial license key can be added as the active key. The application cannot have more than one active license key.
A reserve license key is a license key that entitles the user to use the application but is not currently in use. A reserve license key automatically becomes active when the license associated with the current active license key expires. A reserve license key can be added only if an active license key has already been added.
A license key for a trial license can be added only as the active license key. A license key for a trial license cannot be added as a reserve license key.
A Security Server key is used to activate the application. Depending upon the application deployment scenario to activate the application, add the following keys:
- If the application is being used on standalone Microsoft Exchange servers, you must add a Security Server key on each server.
- If the application is being used on Microsoft Exchange servers that are part of a DAG, you must add one Security Server key. Keys are applied to the entire DAG group.
- If you are using profiles to manage several Security Servers, you must add one Security Server key. Keys are applied to all Security Servers of the profile.
About the key file
A key file is a file with the .key extension that you receive from Kaspersky. The purpose of a key file is to add a license key that activates the application.
You receive a key file at the email address that you provided when you bought Kaspersky Security or ordered the trial version of Kaspersky Security.
You do not need to connect to Kaspersky activation servers in order to activate the application with a key file.
You can recover a key file if it is accidentally deleted. You may need a key file to register with Kaspersky CompanyAccount.
To recover a key file, do one of the following:
- Contact the license vendor.
- Obtain a key file on the Kaspersky website based on your existing activation code.
About the activation code
An activation code is a unique sequence made up of twenty Latin letters and numbers. You must enter an activation code to add a license key that activates Kaspersky Security. You receive your activation code at the email address that you provided when you purchased Kaspersky Security or ordered the trial version of Kaspersky Security.
To activate the application with an activation code, Internet access is required for connection to Kaspersky activation servers.
If you have lost your activation code after activating the program, contact the Kaspersky partner from whom you purchased the license.
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About the subscription
A Kaspersky Security subscription grants the right to use the application based on a commercial license by subscription. A license has a limitation on the number of mailboxes protected by Kaspersky Security. You can order a Kaspersky Security subscription from a vendor (such as a mail protection service provider).
You can activate the application using an activation code.
If you are using the application based on a Commercial (subscription) license, Kaspersky Security contacts Kaspersky activation servers at specific time intervals to update license data.
If you are using the application based on a Commercial (subscription) license, you must ensure continuous Internet access for the Security Server and for the server on which the Management Console is installed.
If your subscription has not yet expired but a long time has passed since the application has last updated its data and it has not received confirmation that the subscription has expired from Kaspersky activation servers (for example, if there is no Internet access for the Security Server and the server on which the Management Console is installed), the application stops attempting to connect to Kaspersky activation servers, stops updating anti-virus databases and Anti-Spam databases, and stops using Kaspersky Security Network. If the application receives Internet access after the application has stopped attempting to contact Kaspersky activation servers, the application updates license data, resumes updates of Anti-Virus databases and Anti-Spam databases, resumes use of Kaspersky Security Network, and provides the functionality of the Anti-Virus and Anti-Spam modules.
You can pause or resume your subscription, renew it, or opt out of it. To manage your subscription, you need to contact the vendor that provided you with Kaspersky Security. The set of subscription management options may vary depending on the service provider that you are using.
To give you more time to renew your subscription, you may be granted a grace period during which the application continues to perform all its functions. The vendor determines whether or not to grant a grace period and determines its duration. After the subscription or the grace period for subscription renewal expires, Kaspersky Security continues to work but stops updating the anti-virus databases of the application and stops using Kaspersky Security Network.
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Special considerations of activating the application when using profiles
If you use profiles to manage multiple Security Servers, make allowance for the following special features of the application activation:
- The effective term of the license is counted from the moment the active key is added. Active keys are automatically replaced with reserve keys upon expiration of the license on each of the Security Servers included in the profile, according to the time of the Microsoft Exchange server on which the Security Server is installed. This is important when, for example, the Security Servers included in a profile are located in different time zones.
- In the Management Console, in the workspace of the Profiles \ <Profile name> \ Licensing node, the keys and license expiry dates are shown for each of the added keys according to the time of Management Console. For example, if the license defined by the active key has expired according to the time of Management Console and a reserve key has been added, the workspace shows only the reserve key and its properties.
- You cannot add, replace or delete a key separately for a Security Server that has been added to the profile. You can add, replace or delete a key only for all Security Servers in the profile, where the license applied to all Security Servers of the profile.
- After you have added a Security Server to a profile, the active key of this Security Server is replaced with the active key, added for the entire profile.
- After you have deleted the Security Server from the profile, the active key that was added for the profile is the one that remains active for the Security Server. The key for this Security Server is displayed in the workspace of the Licensing node.
Activating the application with a key for a Security Server
If Kaspersky Security is installed in a configuration with a DAG, you only need to add one Security Server key for all servers of the entire DAG. You can add keys by connecting the Management Console to any server within the DAG.
If you create a DAG group from servers on which the application was already previously installed and activated, you must activate the application for this group. To do so, you need to add one Security Server key after adding the first server to the DAG group.
Prepare a key file prior to activating the application. If you have only an activation code for a trial or commercial license, you can generate a key file based on the activation code. To generate a key file based on an activation code, you can use the Kaspersky website at
To add a key:
- Perform the following steps in the Management Console tree:
- If you want to add a Security Server key, expand the node of the Security Server for which you want to add a key.
- If you want to add a Security Server key for a profile:
- Open the Profiles node.
- Open the node of the profile for which you want to add the key.
- Select the Licensing node.
- In the workspace, perform one of the following actions:
- To add an active key for a Security Server:
- Click the Add button in the Active key section.
This opens the Add license window.
- In the Add license window that opens, in the Select key file section, click the Add button.
- Click the Add button in the Active key section.
- To add a reserve key of the Security Server, click on the Add button in the Additional key section.
A reserve key for a Security Server can be added only if the Security Server has an active key. Only a commercial license key can be added as a reserve key. A trial license key cannot be added as a reserve key.
- To add an active key for a Security Server:
- In the displayed File name dialog specify path to the key file (file with the .key extension) and click Open.
- If you are adding an active key for a Security Server, click the Next button.
The key will be added, and its information will appear in the section corresponding to the key type.
Activating the application using an activation code
If you activate the application using an activation code, you must take into account the special considerations for application activation:
- If you used an activation code to activate the application on a Security Server, you cannot add a reserve key. You can add a reserve key only if you used a key file to activate the application for a Security Server.
- You can replace the activation code with a key file at the Kaspersky website
To activate the application with an activation code:
- In the Management Console tree, perform one of the following actions:
- If you want to use an activation code to activate the application for a Security Server, open the node of the Security Server for which you want to activate the application.
- If you want to use an activation code to activate the application for Security Servers of a profile:
- Open the Profiles node.
- Open the node of the profile for which you want to activate the application.
- Select the Licensing node.
- To activate a Security Server using an activation code, click the Add button in the Active key section.
- In the window that opens, select the Enter activation code option.
- Enter the activation code in the text input fields and click Next.
If you use an activation code to activate the application, you must ensure continuous Internet access for the Security Server and for the server on which the Management Console is installed.
- The application will send an activation request to the Kaspersky activation server. The application will notify you if the activation request is successfully completed.
- Click the Add button to activate the license.
The window of the Licensing node in the Active key section displays information about the added key.
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About notifications related to the license
The application makes it possible to learn in good time about events and errors, related to the license, with the help of notifications.
The application records these notifications in a log and sends them by email if delivery of notifications on license-related events is enabled.
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Configuring the license expiry term notification
To configure notifications of a forthcoming license expiration:
- Perform the following steps in the Management Console tree:
- If you want to configure notification of a forthcoming expiry of the license that is active on an unassigned Security Server, select the node of that Security Server.
- If you want to configure notification of a forthcoming expiry of the license that is active on a profile, expand the Profiles node and select the node of the relevant profile.
- Select the Notifications node.
The workspace displays the Notification delivery settings and Event notifications sections.
- Expand the Event notifications section and perform the following actions:
- In the left part of the section, in the Notification subjects list, select the License-related events event.
- In the right part of the section, select the notification recipients.
- In the right part of the section, in the Notify about license expiration in advance (days before) field, specify in how many days before license expiry you want to receive this notification.
- Click the Save button.
Viewing information about installed keys
To view the details of the installed keys:
- In the Management Console tree, perform one of the following actions:
- To view the details of keys added for a Security Server, maximize the node of the Security Server the details of whose keys you want to view.
- If you want to view information about the keys of a profile:
- Open the Profiles node.
- Open the node of the profile whose key information you want to view.
- Select the Licensing node.
The workspace displays the following information about the number of mailboxes and added keys.
Replacing a key
To replace a key added for a Security Server:
- In the Management Console tree open the node of the Security Server for which you wish to add a key.
- Select the Licensing node.
- In the workspace, perform one of the following actions:
- To replace the active key for a Security Server:
- Click the Replace button in the Active key section.
This opens the Add license window.
- In the Add license window that opens, in the Select key file section, click the Replace button.
- Click the Replace button in the Active key section.
- To replace the reserve key of the Security Server, click the Replace button in the Additional key section.
- To replace the active key for a Security Server:
- In the displayed File name dialog specify path to the key file (file with the .key extension) and click Open.
- If you are replacing an active key for a Security Server, click the Next button.
The key is replaced, and details about the new key appear in the relevant section.
To replace a key added for a profile:
- In the Management Console tree, expand the Profiles node.
- Expand the node of the profile whose key you want to replace.
- Select the Licensing node.
- In the workspace, perform one of the following actions:
- To replace the active key for a Security Server:
- Click the Replace button in the Active key section.
This opens the Add license window.
- In the Add license window that opens, in the Select key file section, click the Replace button.
- Click the Replace button in the Active key section.
- To replace the reserve key of the Security Server, click the Replace button in the Additional key section.
- To replace the active key for a Security Server:
- In the displayed File name dialog specify path to the key file (file with the .key extension) and click Open.
- If you are replacing an active key of a Security Server for a profile, click the Next button.
The key is replaced, and details about the new key appear in the relevant section.
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Removing a key
To remove a key added for a Security Server:
- In the Management Console tree open the node of the Security Server for which you wish to remove a key.
- Select the Licensing node.
- In the workspace, perform one of the following actions:
- To delete the active key of the Security Server, click on the Delete button in the Active key section.
- To delete a reserve key of the Security Server, click on the Delete button in the Additional key section.
The application deletes the selected key. When the active key is deleted, the reserve key (if added) becomes active.
To delete a key added for a profile:
- In the Management Console tree, expand the Profiles node.
- Expand the node of the profile whose key you want to remove.
- Select the Licensing node.
- In the workspace, perform one of the following actions:
- To delete the active key of the Security Server, click on the Delete button in the Active key section.
- To delete a reserve key of the Security Server, click on the Delete button in the Additional key section.
The application deletes the selected key. When the active key is deleted, the reserve key (if added) becomes active.
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Licensing node
Number of mailboxes on the server / Number of mailboxes on profile servers
The Active key and Additional key sections contain information about the active and reserve Security Server keys added to the application, as well as information about the licenses associated with those keys. These sections also let you add, update, replace, and delete keys.
The Additional key section is not displayed if no active Security Server key has been added.
Viewing the number of mailboxes
You can compare the number of mailboxes located on your Security Server with the number of mailboxes to which your license applies.
To view information about the number of mailboxes calculated by the application:
- In the Management Console tree, perform one of the following actions:
- If you want to view information about the number of mailboxes on a separate Security Server (for example, on a server in the Mailbox role or on a server within a DAG group), open the node of the Security Server for which you want to view information about the number of mailboxes.
- If you want to view information about the number of mailboxes of a profile:
- Open the Profiles node.
- Open the node of the profile for which you want to view information about the number of mailboxes.
- Select the Licensing node.
The workspace displays information about the number of mailboxes calculated by the application on your server, and information about keys that have been added.
When calculating license restrictions, the application takes into account the following types of mailboxes:
- UserMailbox;
- LinkedMailbox;
- SharedMailbox;
- RoomMailbox;
- EquipmentMailbox.
The application does not take into account service mailboxes and shared folders when calculating license restrictions.
Take into account the following considerations for calculating the number of mailboxes:
- On a separate Security Server (for example, on a server in the Mailbox role), the application takes into account the mailboxes located on this server.
- On a server in the Hub Transport role, the number of mailboxes is always 0.
- On a server in the Edge Transport role, the number of mailboxes is always 0.
- On a server within a DAG group, the application takes into account the mailboxes located in active storage on this server.
- In a profile, the application takes into account the mailboxes located on all servers within the profile.
To calculate the number of mailboxes, the application uses the Get-MailboxDatabase
command for PowerShell, which is part of a Microsoft Exchange server. You can use this command to view the number of mailboxes on a protected Microsoft Exchange server:
Starting and stopping the application
This section contains information on starting and shutting down the application.
Starting and stopping a Security Server
A Security Server starts automatically in the following cases:
- After the application installation
- When running the operating system on a computer with an installed Security Server, if the Automatic run mode has been selected in the settings of Kaspersky Security for Microsoft Exchange Servers.
To stop a Security Server manually:
- In Management Console, disable Anti-Virus protection and Anti-Spam protection on the Security Server.
- On the computer hosting the Security Server, use the tools of the operating system to stop Kaspersky Security for Microsoft Exchange Servers and set its run mode to Disabled.
The Security Server will stop running.
To run a Security Server manually:
- On the computer hosting the Security Server, use your operating system tools to run Kaspersky Security for Microsoft Exchange Servers and set its run mode to Automatic.
The Security Server will start running.
- In Management Console, enable Anti-Virus protection and Anti-Spam protection on the Security Server.
The Microsoft Exchange server is then protected.
Starting Management Console
The Management Console can only be run by a user account that has been assigned one of the application user roles. This user account must also have local administrator rights on the computer where the Management Console is started. To run the Management Console on a Microsoft Exchange server with the Edge role, the user account only requires local administrator rights on the computer.
To launch the Management Console,
Select Start → Programs → Kaspersky Security 9.0 for Microsoft Exchange Servers → Kaspersky Security 9.0 for Microsoft Exchange Servers.
When the Management Console starts, the Kaspersky Security snap-in connects to Microsoft Management Console, and the Management Console tree displays the application icon and the Kaspersky Security 9.0 for Microsoft Exchange Servers node.
When Management Console is running, you can add the Microsoft Exchange servers with an installed Security Server (hereinafter referred to as protected servers) to Management Console.
The application records information about the starting and stopping of Management Console to the Windows Event Log. A record contains information about the time of a start / stop of Management Console, as well as the user who initiated those activities.
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Adding Security Servers to Management Console
To allow managing the application, the protected servers must be added to Management Console.
If the Security Servers are installed on Microsoft Exchange servers included in a Microsoft Exchange database availability group (DAG), you can connect Management Console to any of those Security Servers in order to define the settings shared by the entire DAG, or connect Management Console to an individual Security Server in order to define its own settings.
Shared settings of the entire DAG include, e.g., the anti-virus protection settings for the Mailbox role, the Anti-Virus reporting settings for the Mailbox role, the notification settings, and the update settings of Anti-Virus databases. The entire DAG also shares the contents of Backup and the key.
Examples of individual settings of the Microsoft Exchange Server include: anti-virus protection settings for the Hub Transport role, anti-spam scan settings, Backup settings, settings of the Anti-Spam and Anti-Virus reports for the Hub Transport role, and Anti-Spam database update settings.
To add a Security Server to Management Console:
- Select the Kaspersky Security 9.0 for Microsoft Exchange Servers node in the Management Console tree.
- Open the Add server window in one of the following ways:
- By selecting the Add server item in the Action menu.
- By selecting the Add server item in the context menu of the Kaspersky Security 9.0 for Microsoft Exchange Servers node.
- By clicking the Add server button in the workspace of the node.
- Click the Add server link in the quick access bar.
- In the Add server window, select the Security Server deployed on the Microsoft Exchange server, to which you want to connect the Management Console:
- If you want to connect the Management Console to a Security Server deployed on a local computer, choose the Local option.
- If you want to connect the Management Console to a Security Server deployed on a remote Microsoft Exchange Server, choose the Remote option.
Management Console connects to the Security Server via TCP port 13100. You have to open this port in the firewall on the remote Microsoft Exchange server or add the service of Kaspersky Security 9.0 for Microsoft Exchange Servers to the list of trusted applications of the firewall.
- If you have chosen the Remote option, in the entry field specify the name of the remote Microsoft Exchange Server on which the Security Server is deployed. You can select the remote Microsoft Exchange server from the list by clicking the Browse button or by typing manually one of the values for the remote Microsoft Exchange server:
- IP address
- Fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) in the format <Computer name>.<DNS-domain name>
- the computer name in the Microsoft Windows network (NetBIOS name).
- Click the OK button.
The added Security Server appears in the Management Console tree.
The Security Servers that have been added are displayed in the Management Console tree as separate nodes. To proceed to the management of a Security Server, you should expand the corresponding node.
You can also manage a group of Security Servers using profiles.
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Kaspersky Security 9.0 for Microsoft Exchange Servers node
The Protected servers section allows you to connect a server with Kaspersky Security installed to the Management Console and proceed to its configuration.
The Added servers section contains buttons with the names of servers that have been connected to Management Console.
Add server window
Management Console connects to the Security Server via TCP port 13100. You have to open this port in the firewall on a remote Microsoft Exchange server or add the Kaspersky Security for Microsoft Exchange Servers service to the list of trusted applications for the firewall.
Default Microsoft Exchange Server protection
Anti-virus and anti-spam protection of the Microsoft Exchange server starts immediately after the Security Server component is installed unless it has been turned off in the Application Configuration Wizard.
The following application mode is engaged by default:
- The application scans messages for all currently known malware in Anti-Virus databases with the following settings:
- The application scans the message body and attached objects in any format, except for container objects with a nesting level above 32.
- The application scans all storages of public folders and all mailbox storages.
- The choice of the operation performed upon detection of an infected object depends on the role of the Microsoft Exchange Server where the object has been detected:
- When an infected object is detected on a Microsoft Exchange Server in a Hub Transport or Edge Transport role, the object is deleted automatically, and the application saves the original copy of the message in Backup and adds the
[Infected object detected]
tag to the message subject. - When an infected object is detected on a Microsoft Exchange Server in a Mailbox role, the application saves the original copy of the object (message attachment) in Backup and attempts disinfection. If disinfection fails, the application deletes the object and replaces it with a text file containing the following notification:
Malicious object <VIRUS_NAME> has been detected. The file (<object_name>) was deleted by Kaspersky Security 9.0 for Microsoft Exchange Servers. Server name: <server_name>
- When an infected object is detected on a Microsoft Exchange Server in a Hub Transport or Edge Transport role, the object is deleted automatically, and the application saves the original copy of the message in Backup and adds the
- When a password-protected object is detected, the application skips the object.
- The application scans messages for spam with the following settings:
- The application uses the low sensitivity level of anti-spam scanning. This level provides an optimal combination of scanning speed and quality.
- The application skips all messages. Messages that have been tagged as Spam, Probable spam, Mass mailing, or Blacklisted are marked with special tags in the message subject:
,[!!Probable Spam]
,[!!Mass Mail]
, respectively. - The maximum duration for scanning a single message is 60 seconds.
- The maximum size of a message with attachments to be scanned is 1536 KB (1.5 MB).
- External services are used to check IP addresses and URLs: DNSBL and SURBL. These services enable spam filtering using public black lists of IP addresses and URLs.
- If you chose to use KSN in the Configuration Wizard, the KSN and Reputation Filtering services are enabled. Otherwise, the KSN and Reputation Filtering services are disabled.
- If you enabled the use of the Enforced Anti-Spam Updates Service in the Application Configuration Wizard, the use of the Enforced Anti-Spam Updates Service is enabled. Otherwise, the use of the Enforced Anti-Spam Updates Service is disabled.
<Microsoft Exchange Server name> node
The Profile section explains how to configure Security Server by means of profiles.
TheProduct info configuration section shows information about the Microsoft Exchange server on which the Security Server is installed, and the application modules.
The set of fields reflecting the status of application modules may be shorter, depending on the configuration of the Microsoft Exchange Server. If the field corresponding to a module is not displayed, this module cannot be installed with the current configuration of the Microsoft Exchange Server.
If the SQL server is unavailable, the Product info configuration section shows information about an error that occurred when connecting the application to the SQL server.
Details of the application deployment scheme
Anti-Virus Module for the Hub Transport role
Anti-Virus Module for the Mailbox role
Configure server protection settings
The Licensing configuration section contains information on the status of the Security Server key.
If the Status field of the Licensing section shows a value that differs from Current license, the corresponding section is highlighted in red.
The Anti-Spam databases configuration section shows the Anti-Virus database status information.
If the last Anti-Spam database update resulted in an error, the node is highlighted in red and the error message is displayed in the Status field.
The Anti-Virus databases configuration section contains information about the anti-virus databases.
If the last anti-virus database update resulted in an error, the node is highlighted in red and the error message is displayed in the Status field.
The Statistics configuration section shows the following counters with the number of messages moved to Quarantine for rescanning for spam.
Total number of messages moved to Quarantine
Current number of messages in Quarantine
Displayed underneath the counters in the Statistics configuration section are charts with performance statistics of application modules over the past seven days.
The set of charts may be abbreviated depending on the configuration of the application.
Charts show statistics that have been collected over the period of time during which the corresponding application modules were enabled. The application retrieves no statistics on modules that are disabled.
Anti-Virus for the Hub Transport role
Anti-Virus for the Mailbox role
Viewing Microsoft Exchange Server protection status details
To Microsoft Exchange Server protection status details:
- Start Management Console by going to the Start menu and selecting Programs → Kaspersky Security 9.0 for Microsoft Exchange Servers→ Kaspersky Security 9.0 for Microsoft Exchange Servers.
- In the Management Console tree, select the node of the Security Server installed on the relevant Microsoft Exchange server whose status you want to view.
The workspace of the selected Security Server node shows the following information about the status of server protection:
- The Profile section explains how to configure Security Server settings by means of profiles.
- The Product info sectionshows information about the Microsoft Exchange server and the application modules:
- Server name
- Details of the application deployment scheme
- Version
- Anti-Spam Module
- Anti-Virus Module for the Hub Transport role
- Anti-Virus Module for the Mailbox role
- Filtering of attachments
The set of fields reflecting the state of Security Server modules may be reduced, depending on the configuration of the Microsoft Exchange Server. If the field corresponding to a module is not displayed, this module cannot be installed with the current configuration of the Microsoft Exchange Server.
If the SQL server is unavailable, the Product info configuration section shows information about an SQL server connection error.
Click the Configure server protection settings link to open the workspace of the Server protection node.
- The Licensing configuration section displays license information:
- Functionality
- Status
If the Status field of the Licensing section shows a value that differs from Current license, the corresponding section is highlighted in red. This requires adding the corresponding active key after opening the Licensing section via the Manage keys link.
- Expiration date
If the Expiration date field is highlighted in red, you have to renew the license, for example by adding the corresponding reserve key by opening the Licensing node via the Manage keys link.
The time period left until the license expiration during which this field is highlighted with red is defined by the Notify about license expiration in advance (days before) setting located in the workspace of the Notifications node. The default value is 15 days.
Clicking the Manage keys link opens the workspace of the Licensing node in which you can add or remove keys.
- The Anti-Spam databases section shows the following Anti-Spam database status information:
If the Anti-Spam databases and the Release date and time field within this section are highlighted in red, update the Anti-Spam databases. If necessary, you can configure the Anti-Spam database update settings.
If the last Anti-Spam database update resulted in an error, the Anti-Spam databases section is highlighted in red and the error message is displayed in the Status field.
Clicking the Configure update settings link opens the workspace of the Updates node.
- The Anti-Virus databases configuration section shows the following Anti-Virus database status information:
If the Anti-Virus databases section and the Release date and time field within this section are highlighted with red, you must update the Anti-Virus databases. If necessary, you can configure the Anti-Virus database update settings.
If the last Anti-Virus database update ended with an error, the Anti-Virus databases section is highlighted in red and the error message is displayed in the Status field.
Clicking the Configure update settings link opens the workspace of the Updates node.
- The Statistics section shows the following counters with the number of messages moved to Quarantine for rescanning for spam:
Displayed underneath the counters in the Statistics configuration section are charts with performance statistics of application modules over the past seven days:
The set of charts may be abbreviated depending on the configuration of the application.
Viewing information about the protection status of Microsoft Exchange servers of a single profile
To view information about the protection status of Microsoft Exchange servers of a single profile:
- Start Management Console by going to the Start menu of the operating system and selecting Programs → Kaspersky Security 9.0 for Microsoft Exchange Servers → Kaspersky Security 9.0 for Microsoft Exchange Servers.
- In the Profile node of the Management Console tree, select the node of the profile whose Microsoft Exchange server protection status details you want to view.
The following information appears in the workspace of the selected profile:
- The Profile configuration section displays information about the status of the Security Server key added to the Security Servers in the profile:
- Functionality
- Status
If the Status field in the Profile section displays a value other than Current license, the section is highlighted in red. This requires adding an active key after opening the Licensing section via the Manage keys link.
- Expiration date
If the Expiration date field is highlighted in red, you have to renew the license, for example by adding a reserve key by opening the Licensing node via the Manage keys link.
The time period left until license expiration (during which this field is highlighted in red) is defined by the Notify about license expiration in advance (days before) parameter. This setting is located in the workspace of the Licensingnode. The default value is 15 days.
Clicking the Manage keys link opens the workspace of the Licensing node in which you can add or remove keys.
- The Server state section shows a table in which columns contain information about the statuses of Security Servers in this profile, as well as updates of application databases, application modules, and the SQL server:
- Server
- License status
- Update status
- Anti-Virus Module
- Filtering of attachments
- Anti-Spam Module
- SQL server
If the Security Server is not available, the Update status column displays the Server unavailable status, while the Update status, Anti-Virus Module, and Anti-Spam Module columns are highlighted with red.
If the Update status column shows a value other than Databases are up to date, the column is highlighted in red.
If the status of Anti-Virus or Anti-Spam is Disabled or Inoperable or running with errors, the column corresponding to the module is highlighted in red.
Clicking the link with the Security Server name in the Server column opens the workspace of the corresponding node.
Server protection node
The workspace of this node contains tabs that allow you to configure the settings for Anti-Virus, Anti-Spam, Anti-Phishing, and filtering of attachments and filtering of same-type messages.
Protection for the Mailbox role
Protection for the Transport Hub role
Protection for the Mailbox role tab
The Virus scan settings drop-down section lets you configure Anti-Virus scan settings.
Enable anti-virus protection for the Mailbox role
The Object processing settings section lets you configure the actions taken by the application on objects detected during the Anti-Virus scan.
Save a copy of the object in Backup
The Protection for mailboxes drop-down section allows you to select the mailbox storages in which messages need to be scanned for viruses, and configure the background scan settings and run a background scan.
Protected public folder storages
The Background scan block of settings allows you to define the settings of the background scan of email messages stored on a mail server and the contents of public folders as well as run the background scan.
Scan messages received before background scan start but not earlier than (days) before
The On-demand scan configuration section lets you configure the on-demand scan settings for email messages and other objects stored in the selected mailboxes and shared folders, and to run an on-demand scan.
Scan messages received before background scan start but not earlier than (days) before
Protection for the Hub Transport role tab
Virus scan settings
The Virus scan settings drop-down section lets you configure Anti-Virus scan settings.
Enable anti-virus protection for the Hub Transport role
The Object processing settings section lets you configure the actions taken by the application on objects detected during the Anti-Virus scan.
Save a copy of the object in Backup
Filtering of attachments
The Filtering of attachments drop-down section allows you to configure rules for filtering files attached to messages.
Enable attachment and content filtering
Filtering messages of the same type
The Filtering messages of the same type drop-down section lets you configure a limit on the number of messages sent by a user of your organization per unit of time. The main purpose of this limit is to prevent a situation where an infected mailbox automatically generates an endless stream of messages sent to internal and external recipients. Normally, such messages have a common attribute, such as the same subject or the same attachment.
Limit the number of same-type messages sent by an internal user
Maximum permissible number of messages
Apply the limit to the following types of messages
Do not apply the limit to the following internal senders
Anti-Spam scan settings
The Anti-Spam scan settings drop-down configuration section lets you configure the settings for scanning messages for spam and phishing content.
Enable anti-spam scanning of messages
The Spam processing settings section lets you configure the actions to be taken by the application on messages depending on the status tag assigned by Anti-Spam, as well as configure the use of additional spam analysis services.
Table of spam processing settings
Enable anti-phishing scanning of messages
Table of phishing processing settings
Use Kaspersky Security Network
Maximum waiting time when requesting KSN
Use Enforced Anti-Spam Updates Service
Outgoing message processing settings
Scan outgoing messages and delete spam messages or messages containing phishing links
White list of Anti-Spam addresses
The White list of Anti-Spam addresses dropdown section allows you to create the white list of message sender and recipient addresses. The application will not scan messages from those senders or to those recipients for spam and / or bulk email delivery.
You can add the addresses of internal and external senders and recipients to this list.
Black list of Anti-Spam addresses
The Black list of Anti-Spam addresses dropdown section allows you to create a black list of message senders. The application assigns those messages the Address blacklisted status and processes them in accordance with the settings that have been defined for this status in the spam processing settings. You can expand this list by adding the addresses of senders from which you need to always delete or reject messages.
Spam rating detection settings
The Spam rating detection settings dropdown section allows you to configure an increase in the spam rating of messages that show indirect signs of spam.
The Increase spam rating if section lets you configure an increase in the spam rating of a message based on results of analysis of the sender's and recipient's addresses.
"To" field contains no addresses
Sender's address contains numbers
Sender's address in the message body does not contain the domain part
The Increase spam rating if the subject contains section lets you configure an increase in the spam rating of a message based on results of the e-mail subject analysis.
The Increase spam rating if the message language is section lets you configure an increase in the spam rating of the message based on the results of message language analysis.
Using external Anti-Spam services
The Using external Anti-Spam services drop-down section lets you configure the usage of external services that scan IP addresses and URL addresses for spam.
Use external resources for spam scan
The DNSBL settings section lets you configure usage of the DNSBL service (Domain Name System Blocklist).
The SURBL settings section lets you configure usage of the SURBL service (Spam URI Realtime Block List).
Check sender IP for presence in DNS
Check if sender's IP address is dynamic
Advanced settings of Anti-Spam
The Advanced settings of Anti-Spam drop-down section lets you limit the maximum duration of message scanning and size of the object being scanned, as well as configure scan settings for Microsoft Office files and other additional Anti-Spam settings.
The Restrictions section lets you limit the duration of message scanning by Anti-Spam and the maximum size of the message being scanned.
Maximum time for scanning a message
The Scan settings for Microsoft Office files section lets you configure the settings of Microsoft Office documents scanning.
The Other settings section allows you to configure the use of image analysis technology and configure scanning of trusted connections and scanning of messages sent to the Postmaster address for spam.
Scan messages arriving over trusted connections for spam
Skip messages for the Postmaster address
Advanced Anti-Virus settings tab
Use Kaspersky Security Network
Maximum waiting time when requesting KSN
Scan attached containers/archives
Scan attached containers/archives with nesting level not higher than
Do not scan files matching the masks
Do not scan messages for the following recipients
Edit (Attachment deletion message following a virus scan)
Edit (Attachment deletion message following a filter rule)
About Kaspersky Security Network
Kaspersky Security Network is an infrastructure of cloud services providing access to Kaspersky's online knowledge base with the following information:
- Reputation of files, websites, and applications
- Categories of files, websites, and applications (for example, an operating system file, computer game, Adult content website)
- Frequency of file detection in all countries of the world and geography of file distribution
- Statistics on how files and websites are trusted by users of Kaspersky applications worldwide (Kaspersky Application Advisor)
- Recalls by Kaspersky AV analysts of individual virus signatures in local databases of anti-virus applications (for example, a verdict changed from "dangerous" to "safe" for a particular object)
Kaspersky Security Network data is used in Kaspersky applications for the following purposes:
- Ensure a faster response by applications to objects whose information is not yet included in anti-virus application databases.
- Reduce the probability of Anti-Spam false alarms.
- Improve the performance of certain protection components.
For example, the anti-virus application can perform the following actions based on Kaspersky Security Network data:
- Block user access to malicious websites.
- Block execution of malicious files on the user's computer.
- Restrict access to specific categories of files and websites (for example, restrict files and websites of the Computer Games category from being opened during office hours).
If the user participates in Kaspersky Security Network, the Kaspersky application installed on the user's computer receives information from Kaspersky Security Network and sends Kaspersky information about potentially dangerous objects detected on the user's computer to be analyzed additionally by Kaspersky analysts and to be included in reputation and statistical databases of Kaspersky Security Network.
Participating in Kaspersky Security Network
To protect your computer more effectively, Kaspersky Security uses data that is collected from users around the globe. Kaspersky Security Network is designed to collect such data.
Kaspersky Security Network (KSN) is an infrastructure of cloud services providing access to the Kaspersky online knowledge base that contains information about the reputation of files, web resources, and software. The use of data from Kaspersky Security Network ensures faster responses by Kaspersky applications to threats, improves the effectiveness of some protection components, and reduces the risk of false positives.
Thanks to your participation in Kaspersky Security Network, Kaspersky is able to promptly gather information about types and sources of threats, develop solutions for neutralizing them, and process spam messages with a high level of accuracy.
If you participate in Kaspersky Security Network, certain statistics are collected while Kaspersky Security is running and are automatically sent to Kaspersky. Also, additional checking at Kaspersky may require sending files (or parts of files) that are imposed to an increased risk of being exploited by intruders to do harm to the user's computer or data.
Certain considerations may have to be kept in mind when processing user data depending on whether the user is located in a particular region in accordance with local regulations. If you are participating in Kaspersky Security Network and cross borders into different regions, you will receive notifications about the transition to a different KSN segment. If your application is configured to send notifications about system errors, the warning will also be sent to the specified email addresses.
Participation in Kaspersky Security Network is voluntary. You can opt out of participating in Kaspersky Security Network at any time. Any information about data that the application sends to Kaspersky can be obtained through the KSN Statement.
You can enable or disable Kaspersky Security Network for Anti-Virus and Anti-Spam.
To reduce the load on KSN servers, Kaspersky specialists can release updates for the applications that temporarily turn off or partially restrict access to Kaspersky Security Network. In this case, you will receive warnings about the limited use of KSN in the Windows Event Log. When it returns to normal operating mode, you will also receive a notification in the Windows Event Log. If your application is configured to send notifications about system errors, the warning and notification will also be sent to the specified email addresses.
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About Kaspersky Private Security Network
You can use
(hereinafter also referred to as KPSN) instead of to not send data of your organization outside of the corporate LAN.Kaspersky Private Security Network (KPSN) is a solution that lets you receive access to Kaspersky Security Network data via a server located within your organization's network. KPSN enables Kaspersky applications to receive access to the online Kaspersky Knowledge Base for information about the reputation of files, web resources, and software. KPSN does not transmit statistics and files to Kaspersky. For more detailed information, please refer to the Kaspersky Private Security Network Administrator's Guide.
The Kaspersky Private Security Network service was designed for corporate customers who are unable to participate in Kaspersky Security Network for any of the following reasons:
- Servers have no Internet connection
- Legislative ban on transmitting any data outside of the country
- Corporate security requirements imposed on the transmission of any data outside of the corporate LAN
Application services that use KPSN in their operation do not require an Internet connection. Other Kaspersky Security components, such as the Enforced Anti-Spam Updates Service, components that perform application database updates, and components that perform application activation, require an Internet connection.
Data that the application exchanges with KPSN servers is transmitted only within the corporate LAN. The data that the application transmits to KPSN does not include statistics. The application transmits statistics only to KSN servers.
The Anti-Spam Module transmits the following data to KPSN servers:
- IP address of the sender of an email message.
- IP address of intermediate servers involved in transmitting the message and mail servers through which the message was transmitted.
- Names of the domains of the message sender from the SMTP session and MIME header.
- Web addresses contained in the scanned message. If such addresses contained passwords, the passwords are not transmitted to KPSN servers.
- Short text signatures for message text. Text signatures are irreversible compressions of text that do not allow for the original text to be restored. The message text is not transmitted. The application uses short text signatures to filter known spam messages and to provide verdicts based on the results of such filtering.
- Checksum (MD5) from the email address of the sender of the message being scanned.
- Checksums (MD5) of graphic objects included in the message.
- Categories of the content filtering database.
- Text topic category determined by the application
- List of categories determined by the application during scanning by the heuristic analyzer
- Checksum (MD5) of the name of the file attached to the message
The Anti-Phishing Module transmits to KPSN servers web addresses that the application detected in a message when scanning the message for phishing links.
The Anti-Virus Module transmits the following data to KPSN servers:
- Check sums of processed files (MD5, SHA2-256)
- ID and version of the record related to the threat in the anti-virus database
Configuring the settings for connecting to Kaspersky Private Security Network
To configure the settings for connecting to Kaspersky Private Security Network:
- Perform the following steps in the Management Console tree:
- If you want to configure the connection to Kaspersky Private Security Network for an unassigned Security Server, expand the node of the relevant Security Server.
- If you want to configure the KPSN connection settings for Security Servers belonging to a profile, expand the Profiles node and within it expand the node of the profile for whose Security Servers you want to configure the connection to Kaspersky Private Security Network.
- Select the Settings node.
- In the workspace, expand the KSN Settings section of settings.
- Select the Use Kaspersky Private Security Network (KPSN) check box.
The Import button becomes activated.
- Click the Import button.
The Open folder window opens.
- In the Open folder window, select the folder containing the files with the settings for connecting to Kaspersky Private Security Network servers.
The following files are provided by Kaspersky:
- Files containing the settings for connecting to KPSN servers:
- kc_private.xms;
- kh_private.xms.
- ksncli_private.dat – file containing a public RSA key for encrypting the channel used to transmit data between the application and Kaspersky Private Security Network servers.
For detailed information please refer to Technical Support.
If you have received files containing settings for connecting to Kaspersky Private Security Network servers and the names of those files differ from the names specified in this reference document, change the file names to match the file names specified in this reference document.
- Files containing the settings for connecting to KPSN servers:
- Click OK.
- Click the Save button.
The application imports files containing the connection settings and applies the received settings for the connection with Kaspersky Private Security Network servers.
If you are using Kaspersky Private Security Network for the purpose of not transmitting your organization's data over the Internet, make sure that you have disabled other additional Kaspersky Security services such as the Enforced Anti-Spam Update Service that requires an Internet connection to exchange data with Kaspersky servers.
Enabling and disabling the use of Kaspersky Security Network and Kaspersky Private Security Network in Anti-Spam
To enable or disable the use of Kaspersky Security Network and Kaspersky Private Security Network in Anti-Spam:
- Perform the following steps in the Management Console tree:
- If you want to enable or disable the use of KSN and KPSN in Anti-Spam for an unassigned Security Server, expand the node of the relevant Security Server.
- If you want to enable or disable the use of KSN and KPSN in Anti-Spam for Security Servers belonging to a profile, expand the Profiles node and within it maximize the node of the profile for whose Security Servers you need to enable or disable it.
- Select the Server protection node.
- In the workspace, on the Protection for the Transport Hub role tab, expand the Anti-Spam scan settings configuration section.
- In the bottom part of the section, select the Use Kaspersky Security Network check box.
The Use Kaspersky Security Network check box is available if the I accept the KSN Statement option is selected in the KSN Settings section in the Settings node. Use Kaspersky Security Network or the Use Kaspersky Private Security Network (KPSN) option. All settings of the Kaspersky Security Network service are applied to the Kaspersky Private Security Network service.
- If necessary, specify the timeout for requests to a KSN server in the Maximum waiting time when requesting KSN scroll field.
The default value is 5 sec.
- Click the Save button.
If you are using profiles to manage Security Servers located in different regions (distributed infrastructure), the changes you made will be applied after Active Directory data replication occurs in the organization. If you need to apply the changes sooner, perform a forced synchronization of Active Directory data.
Enabling and disabling the use of Kaspersky Security Network and Kaspersky Private Security Network in Anti-Virus
To enable / disable KSN in Anti-Virus:
- Perform the following steps in the Management Console tree:
- To enable or disable KSN in Anti-Virus for an unassigned Security Server, expand the node of the relevant Security Server.
- To enable or disable KSN in Anti-Virus for Security Servers belonging to a profile, expand the Profiles node and inside it expand the node of the profile for whose Security Servers you need to enable or disable it.
- Select the Server protection node.
- In the workspace, select the Advanced Anti-Virus settings tab.
- In the bottom part of the section, select the Use Kaspersky Security Network check box.
The Use Kaspersky Security Network check box is available if the I accept the KSN Statement option is selected in the KSN Settings section in the Settings node. Use Kaspersky Security Network or the Use Kaspersky Private Security Network (KPSN) option. All settings of the Kaspersky Security Network service are applied to the Kaspersky Private Security Network service.
- If necessary, specify the timeout for requests to a KSN server in the Maximum waiting time when requesting KSN scroll field.
The default value is 5 sec.
- Click the Save button.
If you are using profiles to manage Security Servers located in different regions (distributed infrastructure), the changes you made will be applied after Active Directory data replication occurs in the organization. If you need to apply the changes sooner, perform a forced synchronization of Active Directory data.
Anti-virus protection
One of the main purposes of Kaspersky Security is the anti-virus protection, which aims the application at scanning the mail flow and messages in mailboxes for viruses and other security threats, as well as disinfecting infected messages and other Microsoft Exchange objects, such as messages, tasks, or entries in shared folders.
Hereinafter, any information and instructions on how to perform actions on messages without affecting the integrity are also applicable to other Microsoft Exchange objects (such as tasks, appointments, meetings, entries), if there is no other specifically assigned condition.
General performance principles of Anti-Virus
Anti-Virus scans messages using the
, Heuristic Analyzer, and the cloud services if they have been enabled in the Anti-Virus settings.Anti-Virus scans the message body and attachments in any format.
Kaspersky Security differentiates between the following types of objects that are scanned: a simple object (message body or a simple attachment, such as an executable file) and a container object, which consists of several objects (such as an archive or a message with another message attached).
When scanning multivolume archives, the application processes each volume as a separate object. In this case, Kaspersky Security can detect malicious code only if the code is fully located in one of the volumes. If the malicious code is also divided into parts during a partial download, it will not be detected during the scan. In this situation, the malicious code may propagate after the object is restored as one entity. Multiple-volume archives can be scanned after they are saved to the hard drive by the anti-virus application installed on the user's computer.
If necessary, you can define a list of objects that should not be scanned for viruses. Archives, all container objects with a nesting level above the specified value, files matching name masks, andmessages addressed to specific recipients can be excluded from scanning.
Files over 1 MB will be saved to the Store folder for processing. The Store folder is located in the application Data folder. The Data folder also contains the temporary files storage – the Tmp folder. The Store and Tmp folders should be excluded from scanning by anti-virus applications running on computers with a Microsoft Exchange server installed.
Following the scan, Anti-Virus assigns one of the following status tags to each message:
- Infected: the object has been scanned and contains at least one known virus.
- Not infected: the object has been scanned and contains no viruses.
- Protected: the object has not been scanned, protected with a password.
If an e-mail message or a part of it is infected, Anti-Virus processes the detected malicious object in accordance with the specified settings.
In the settings of Anti-Virus, you can configure the actions that the application will perform on messages containing malicious objects. You can configure the following actions:
- Skip. Anti-Virus skips the message and the malicious object which it contains.
- Delete object. Anti-Virus deletes the malicious object but allows the message to pass.
- Delete message. Anti-Virus deletes the message along with the malicious object.
When a malicious object is deleted on a Microsoft Exchange server, the message or attachment containing the malicious object is replaced with a text file containing the name of the malicious object, the release date of the database used to detect the malicious object, and the name of the Microsoft Exchange server on which the object was detected.
Before an item is processed, its copy can be saved in Backup.
Anti-Virus consists of two application modules: Anti-Virus for the Hub Transport role and Anti-Virus for the Mailbox role.
Anti-Virus for the Hub Transport role
Anti-Virus for the Hub Transport role scans in real time all e-mail messages arriving at the Microsoft Exchange server. It processes both incoming and outgoing e-mail traffic as well as the stream of transit messages. If anti-virus protection of the server is enabled, traffic scanning starts and stops simultaneously with the starting and stopping of the Microsoft Exchange server.
Anti-Virus for the Mailbox role
Anti-Virus for the Mailbox role scans messages and other Microsoft Exchange items located in users' mailboxes within an organization and shared folders, searching for viruses and other security threats.
Protection provided by Anti-Virus for the Mailbox role covers all mailboxes and shared folders that are located in protected mailbox storage areas and protected storage areas for shared folders, respectively. You can include mailbox repositories and shared folder repositories in Anti-Virus protection individually, or exclude them.
Microsoft Exchange 2013 and Microsoft Exchange 2016 mail servers feature no storage of shared folders. Those mail servers store mailboxes and shared folders in common storage areas.
When a user whose mailboxes are protected creates messages in public folders of unprotected Microsoft Exchange servers, Kaspersky Security does not scan such messages. If messages are transferred from public folders of an unprotected storage to a protected one, the application scans them. During data replication between protected and unprotected storages, any changes made by the application as a result of the anti-virus scan are not synchronized.
How to prevent detainment when sending messages through Anti-Virus
In exceptional cases, failures in the anti-virus kernel operation may result in significantly increased times of message scanning by Anti-Virus. In such cases, Anti-Virus temporarily switches to the restricted scan mode in order to prevent message detainment. In this mode, some messages can be skipped without undergoing anti-virus scanning.
If an application that collects information and sends it to be processed is installed on your computer, Kaspersky Security may classify this application as malware. To avoid this, you can exclude the application from scanning by configuring Kaspersky Security as described in this document.
Enabling and disabling anti-virus server protection
If the anti-virus server protection is enabled, anti-virus scanning of e-mail traffic is started or stopped together with the Microsoft Exchange server. Background scanning of storages can be launched either manually or automatically according to schedule.
Disabling anti-virus protection of the server considerably increases the risk of malware infiltrating the e-mail system. You are advised not to disable anti-virus protection unless absolutely necessary.
Anti-virus protection of a Microsoft Exchange server deployed in Mailbox and Hub Transport roles is enabled separately.
To enable or disable Anti-Virus protection of the Microsoft Exchange server in the Mailbox role:
- Perform the following steps in the Management Console tree:
- To enable or disable anti-virus protection of an unassigned Security Server, maximize the node of the relevant Security Server;
- To enable or disable anti-virus protection of Security Servers belonging to a profile, maximize the Profiles node and inside it maximize the node of the profile for whose Security Servers you want to configure anti-virus protection.
- Select the Server protection node.
- In the workspace, on the Protection for the Mailbox role tab, in the Virus scan settings configuration section, perform one of the following actions:
- Select the Enable anti-virus protection for the Mailbox role check box if you want to enable the Anti-Virus protection of the Microsoft Exchange Server.
- Clear the Enable anti-virus protection for the Mailbox role check box if you want to disable the Anti-Virus protection of the Microsoft Exchange Server.
- Click the Save button.
If the application is running on a DAG of Microsoft Exchange servers, anti-virus server protection enabled for the Mailbox role on one of the servers is enabled automatically on the remaining servers within this DAG. Enabling anti-virus protection for the Mailbox role on the remaining DAG servers is not necessary.
To enable Anti-Virus protection of the Microsoft Exchange server in the Hub Transport role:
- Perform the following steps in the Management Console tree:
- To enable or disable anti-virus protection of an unassigned Security Server, maximize the node of the relevant Security Server;
- To enable or disable anti-virus protection of Security Servers belonging to a profile, maximize the Profiles node and inside it maximize the node of the profile for whose Security Servers you want to configure anti-virus protection.
- Select the Server protection node.
- In the workspace, on the Protection for the Transport Hub role tab, in the Virus scan settings configuration section, perform one of the following actions:
- Select the Enable anti-virus protection for the Hub Transport role check box if you want to enable the Anti-Virus protection of the Microsoft Exchange Server.
- Clear the Enable anti-virus protection for the Hub Transport role check box if you want to disable the Anti-Virus protection of the Microsoft Exchange Server.
- Click the Save button.
Configuring anti-virus object processing: Anti-Virus for the Hub Transport role
You can configure Anti-Virus processing of objects by selecting the action to be taken by Anti-Virus for the Hub Transport role on each type of objects.
To configure object processing settings:
- Perform the following steps in the Management Console tree:
- To configure the settings of anti-virus processing of objects for an unassigned Security Server, maximize the node of the relevant Security Server;
- To configure the settings of anti-virus processing of objects for Security Servers belonging to a profile, maximize the Profiles node and inside it maximize the node of the profile for whose Security Servers you want to configure the settings of anti-virus processing of objects.
- Select the Server protection node.
- On the Protection for the Transport Hub role tab, expand the Virus scan settings section.
- In the Object processing settings section, configure the following setting:
- To have the application save a copy of the object in Backup before processing it, select the Save a copy of the object in Backup.
If the application is running in a configuration with a DAG of Microsoft Exchange servers, you have to configure anti-virus processing of objects for the Hub Transport role on each server in the DAG individually.
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Configuring anti-virus processing of objects: Anti-Virus for the Mailbox role
You can configure anti-virus processing of objects by selecting the action to be taken by Anti-Virus for the Mailbox role on each type of objects.
To configure object processing settings:
- Perform the following steps in the Management Console tree:
- To configure the settings of anti-virus processing of objects for an unassigned Security Server, maximize the node of the relevant Security Server;
- To configure the settings of anti-virus processing of objects for Security Servers belonging to a profile, maximize the Profiles node and inside it maximize the node of the profile for whose Security Servers you want to configure the settings of anti-virus processing of objects.
- Select the Server protection node.
- On the Protection for the Mailbox role tab, expand the Virus scan settings configuration section.
- In the Object processing settings section, define the following settings:
- To have the application save a copy of the object in Backup before processing it, select the Save a copy of the object in Backup.
If the application is running in a configuration with a DAG of Microsoft Exchange servers, the object processing settings defined for the Mailbox role on this server are automatically applied to other servers in this DAG. You do not have to configure anti-virus object processing for the Mailbox role on other servers in the DAG.
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Configuring anti-virus scan exclusions
To ease the load on the server during an anti-virus scan, you can configure scan exclusions by limiting the range of objects to scan. Anti-virus scan exclusions apply to both e-mail traffic scanning and background scanning of storages.
You can configure anti-virus scan exclusions as follows:
- Disable scanning of containers and archives.
- Configure exclusions by file name masks.
Files with names matching the specified masks are excluded from the anti-virus scan.
- Configure exclusions by recipient's address.
Messages addressed to the specified recipients are excluded from the anti-virus scan.
If the application is running on a DAG of Microsoft Exchange servers, all exclusions from scan configured on any of the servers are automatically applied to all Microsoft Exchange servers in the same DAG. Configuring exclusions from scan on the rest of the servers in this DAG is not necessary.
About trusted recipients
You can exclude messages addressed to specific recipients by specifying the addresses of these recipients in the list of trusted recipients. The list is empty by default.
You can add recipients' addresses to the list of trusted recipients in the form of entries of the following types:
- Active Directory objects:
- User.
- Contact.
- Distribution Group.
- Security Group.
It is recommended to add addresses in the form of entries of this type.
- SMTP addresses in the format.
Entries of this type should be added when Anti-Virus is installed for the Hub Transport role or the address you want to exclude cannot be located in Active Directory.
To exclude a public folder from scanning by Anti-Virus for the Hub Transport role, you should add all of its SMTP addresses (if there are several of them) to the list of trusted recipients. If any of the SMTP addresses of the public folder are not on the list, messages arriving in the public folder can be scanned by Anti-Virus.
- Display Name.
Entries of this type should be added when Anti-Virus is installed for the Mailbox role or the address you want to exclude cannot be located in Active Directory.
- Public folders.
Entries of this type should be added if Anti-Virus has been installed for the Mailbox role. Public folders cannot be selected from Active Directory. The full path to the public folder should be specified when adding such entries.
When Anti-Virus is installed for the Mailbox role and the Hub Transport role and the address you want to exclude cannot be located in Active Directory, the list of trusted recipients should include two entries corresponding to this address: SMTP address and user / group name. Otherwise, messages sent to this address will not be excluded from the scan.
Recipients' addresses specified in the form of Active Directory objects are excluded from the anti-virus scan according to the following rules:
- If the recipient's address is specified as a User or a Contact, messages addressed to this recipient are excluded from scanning.
- If the address is specified as a Distribution Group, messages addressed to this distribution group are excluded from the scan. However, messages addressed personally to individual distribution group members are not excluded from the scan unless their addresses have been added to the list separately.
- If the address is specified as a Security Group, messages addressed to this group and its members are excluded from the scan.
The application automatically updates user addresses received from Active Directory following changes to the relevant Active Directory accounts (for example, when a user's email address has changed or a new member has been added to a security group). This update is performed once a day.
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Configuring exclusions by recipient addresses
You can exclude messages addressed to specific recipients by specifying the addresses of these recipients in the list of trusted recipients.
To configure exclusions by recipient's address:
- Perform the following steps in the Management Console tree:
- If you want to configure exclusions by recipient address for an unassigned Security Server, expand the node of the relevant Security Server.
- If you want to configure exclusions by recipient address for Security Servers belonging to a profile, expand the Profiles node and then expand the node of the profile for whose Security Servers you want to configure exclusions.
- Select the Server protection node.
- In the workspace, select the Advanced Anti-Virus settings tab.
- Select the Do not scan messages for the following recipients check box.
- Add the recipient's address to the list of trusted addresses. To do so, perform the following:
- To add an Active Directory account to the list:
- Click the
- In the window that opens, locate the relevant Active Directory account and click OK.
Addresses selected in Active Directory are marked in the list by the following symbols:
– users, contacts, distribution groups;
– security groups.
- Click the
- To add an SMTP address, a user name, or a public folder to the list:
- To add an SMTP address or a user name to the list, type it in the entry field and click the
- To add a public folder, enter the path to the folder and click the
Addresses added in this way are marked on the list by the
Addresses added in this way are not checked for their presence in Active Directory.
- To add an SMTP address or a user name to the list, type it in the entry field and click the
- To add an Active Directory account to the list:
- To remove a recipient's address from the list of trusted recipients, highlight the recipient's entry in the list and click the
- To export a list of trusted addresses to file:
- Click the
- In the window that opens, specify the file name in the File name field.
- Click the Save button.
- Click the
- To import a list of trusted addresses from file:
- Click the
- In the window that opens, in the File name field specify the file containing the list of trusted addresses.
- Click the Open button.
- Click the
- Click the Save button.
Configuring exclusions by file name mask
To configure exclusions by file name masks:
- Perform the following steps in the Management Console tree:
- To configure exclusions by file name masks for an unassigned Security Server, maximize the node of the relevant Security Server;
- To configure exclusions by file name masks for Security Servers belonging to a profile, maximize the Profiles node and inside it maximize the node of the profile for whose Security Servers you want to configure exclusions.
- Select the Server protection node.
- In the workspace, select the Advanced Anti-Virus settings tab.
- Select the Do not scan files matching the masks check box.
- Add a file name mask (hereinafter also "mask") to the list of masks. To do so, perform the following:
- Type the mask in the entry field.
Examples of allowed file name masks:
- *.txt - all files with the *.txt extension, for example, readme.txt or notes.txt;
- readme.??? – all files named readme with an extension of three characters, for example, readme.txt or readme.doc;
- test - all files named test without an extension.
- Click the
button on the right of the entry field.
- Type the mask in the entry field.
- To delete a mask from the list of masks, highlight the mask entry in the list and click the
- To export the list of masks file:
- Click the
- In the window that opens, specify the file name in the File name field
- click the Save button.
- Click the
- To import a list of masks from file:
- Click the
- In the window that opens, in the File name field specify the file containing the list of masks.
- Click the Open button.
- Click the
- Click the Save button.
This setting is considered during attachment filtering. Files that have been excluded from Anti-Virus scanning by file names and/or file name masks will also be excluded from attachment filtering.
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Configuring scanning of attached containers and archives
Kaspersky Security scans attached archives and containers by default. You can disable scanning of attachments or limit the nesting level of such objects to optimize the operation of Kaspersky Security, decrease the server load, and decrease mail traffic processing time. It is not recommended that you disable scanning of attachments for a long time, since they may contain viruses and other malicious objects.
To configure scanning of attached containers and archives:
- Perform the following steps in the Management Console tree:
- To configure scanning of attached containers and archives for an unassigned Security Server, maximize the node of the relevant Security Server
- To configure scanning of attached containers and archives for Security Servers belonging to a profile, maximize the Profiles node and inside it maximize the node of the profile for whose Security Servers you want to configure scanning.
- Select the Server protection node.
- In the workspace, select the Advanced Anti-Virus settings tab.
- Enable / disable scanning of attached containers and archives by performing one of the following actions:
- If you want the application to scan such objects, select the Scan attached containers/archives check box.
- If you want the application to ignore such objects, clear this check box.
- If you want to limit the maximum allowed nesting level of archives and containers being scanned, select the Scan attached containers/archives with nesting level not higher than check box and specify the limit in the spin box.
- Click the Save button.
If the application is running on a Microsoft Exchange DAG, the settings for scanning of attached containers and archives configured on one of the servers will be automatically applied to all servers within the DAG. Configuring scanning of attached containers and archives on other servers of the DAG is not necessary.
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Editing of the message regarding removal of an attachment by the Anti-Virus module
If the application removes an attached file from an email message based on the results of a virus scan, a TXT file is attached to the outgoing message. This file contains text informing the user about the action taken by the application. By default, the text includes a list of deleted objects. You can edit the contents of this information message and include instructions or other information relevant for employees of your organization.
To edit the message informing the user about the deletion of an attached object by the Anti-Virus module:
- In the Management Console tree, expand the node of the relevant Security Server.
- Select the Server protection node.
- In the workspace, select the Advanced Anti-Virus settings tab.
Click the Edit button (Attachment deletion message following a virus scan).
- In the opened window, in the Message text field, edit the contents of the message.
- Click OK.
- Click the Save button.
This information message template is not applicable for Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 mail servers in the Mailbox role.
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How to prevent detainment when sending messages through the Anti-Virus module
In exceptional cases, when the Anti-Virus module is running, the time spent for scanning messages with the anti-virus kernel may increase significantly. This may happen when a failure occurs in the anti-virus kernel operation. An increased scan duration may result in a queue of messages waiting to be scanned by Anti-Virus. As a result, delivery of a message to a user may be postponed, or the user may encounter an increased waiting time when opening messages that have already been received.
To resolve this issue, the application provides the option of preventing such message lags in the Anti-Virus module. When a failure is detected in the anti-virus kernel, the application performs the following actions:
- Switches Anti-Virus into a mode in which it can skip waiting messages without scanning them, for a short period of time
- Displays an error message in the server protection status window, in the workspace of the <Server name> node
- Records an error message in the application log
- Notifies you of the error by email if notifications of system errors have been enabled
When the specified time interval elapses, Anti-Virus resumes message scanning in standard mode. If the failure in the anti-virus kernel operation has not yet been eliminated, the process described above will be repeated.
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Types of attachment files window
In this window, you can create a list of file types that the application will use to filter attachments by file type.
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Names of attachment files window
In this window, you can create a list of file names that the application will use to filter attachments by file name.
It is acceptable to specify wildcards in file names, such as attach*.*
, report?.doc*
To create a list, you can use the entry field and the following buttons:
- add the record from the entry field to the list.
– remove the selected record from the list.
– export the list to a file.
– import the list from a file.
Protection against spam and phishing
A key feature of Kaspersky Security is filtering out spam from the mail traffic passing through the Microsoft Exchange server. The Anti-Spam module filters incoming mail before messages reach user mailboxes.
Anti-Spam scans the following types of data:
- Internal and external traffic via SMTP using anonymous authentication on the server.
- Messages arriving on the server through anonymous external connections (edge server).
- Outgoing Emails.
Anti-Spam does not scan the following types of data:
- Internal corporate mail traffic.
- External mail traffic arriving on the server during authenticated sessions. The scanning of this mail traffic can be enabled manually using the Scan messages arriving over trusted connections for spam setting.
- Messages arriving from other servers of the Microsoft Exchange mail infrastructure, because connections between servers within the same Microsoft Exchange infrastructure are considered to be trusted. Notably, if messages arrive in the infrastructure via a server on which Anti-Spam is inactive or not installed, the messages are not scanned for spam on all subsequent servers of this infrastructure along the path traveled by messages. The scanning of such messages can be enabled manually using the Scan messages arriving over trusted connections for spam setting.
Anti-Spam scans the message header, contents, attachments, design elements, and other message attributes. While performing the scan, Anti-Spam uses linguistic and heuristic algorithms that involve comparing the message being scanned with sample messages, as well as additional cloud services, such as Kaspersky Security Network.
After filtering, Anti-Spam assigns one of the following statuses to messages:
- Spam. The message shows signs of spam.
- Potential spam. The message shows signs of spam but its spam rating is not high enough to mark it as spam.
- Mass mailing. A message belongs to a mass mailing (usually a news feed or advertisement) that lacks sufficient attributes for a spam verdict.
- Formal notification. An automatic message informing, for example, about mail delivery to the recipient.
- Clean. The message shows no signs of spam.
- Blacklisted. The sender's email address or IP address is on the black list of addresses.
When checking the internal flow of mail that is sent over the SMTP protocol and when enabling spam filtering for messages that are sent through trusted connections, Anti-Spam sets the status to Clean for the following messages: newsletter messages as well as technical messages and messages whose spam rating does not allow them to be classified like spam.
You can choose actions to be taken by the application on messages with a particular status. The following operations are available for selection:
- Allow. The message is delivered to recipients unchanged.
- Reject. An error message is returned to the sending server (error code 500), and the message is not delivered to the recipient.
- Delete. The sending server receives a notification that the message has been sent (code 250), but the message is not delivered to the recipient.
- Add SCL value. The application will assign a rating to messages indicating the probability of spam content inside (SCL, Spam Confidence Level). The SCL rating is a number ranging from 1 to 9. A high SCL rating means a high probability that the message is spam. The SCL rating is calculated by dividing the spam rating of the message by 10. If the resulting value exceeds 9, the SCL rating is assumed to equal 9. The SCL rating of messages is taken into account during subsequent processing of messages by the Microsoft Exchange infrastructure.
- Add label to message header. Messages that have been tagged as Spam, Potential spam, Mass mailing or Blacklisted are marked with special tags in the message subject:
[!!SPAM], [!!Probable Spam]
,[!!Mass Mail]
, respectively. You can edit the text of such tags.
The application supports four sensitivity levels of anti-spam scanning:
- Maximum. This sensitivity level should be used if you receive spam very often. When you select this sensitivity level, the frequency of false positives rises: i.e., useful mail is more often recognized as spam.
- High. When this sensitivity level is selected, the frequency of false positives decreases (compared to the Maximum level) and the scan speed increases. The High sensitivity level should be used if you receive spam often.
- Low. When this sensitivity level is selected, the frequency of false positives decreases (compared to the High level) and the scan speed increases. This Low sensitivity level provides an optimum combination of scanning speed and quality.
- Minimum. This sensitivity level should be used if you receive spam rarely.
By default, the application uses the Low sensitivity level of anti-spam protection. You can increase or decrease the sensitivity level. Depending on the sensitivity level and the spam rating assigned after the scan, a message can be tagged as Spam or Probable spam (see table below).
Threshold values of spam rating at different sensitivity levels of spam scanning
Sensitivity level |
Potential spam |
Spam |
Maximum |
60 |
75 |
High |
70 |
80 |
Low |
80 |
90 |
Minimum |
90 |
100 |
In exceptional cases, failures in the Anti-Spam kernel operation may result in significantly increased times of message scanning for spam. In such cases, Anti-Spam temporarily switches to the restricted scan mode in order to prevent message detainment. In this mode, some messages can be skipped without undergoing scanning for spam.
Enabling and disabling anti-spam protection of a server
Disabling anti-spam protection of a server considerably increases the risk of unwanted email. We do not recommend that you disable anti-spam protection unless absolutely necessary.
To enable or disable anti-spam protection of a Microsoft Exchange server:
- Perform the following steps in the Management Console tree:
- To enable or disable anti-spam protection of an unassigned Security Server, expand the node of the relevant Security Server.
- To enable or disable anti-spam protection of Security Servers belonging to a profile, expand the Profiles node and inside it expand the node of the profile for whose Security Servers you need to configure anti-spam protection.
- Select the Server protection node.
- In the workspace, on the Protection for the Transport Hub role tab, in the Anti-Spam scan settings section, perform one of the following actions:
- To enable Anti-Spam protection, select the Enable anti-spam scanning of messages check box.
- If you need to disable anti-spam protection, clear this check box.
- Click the Save button.
About anti-phishing scans
Kaspersky Security can scan messages for phishing and malicious URLs.
Phishing URLs lead to fraudulent websites designed to steal personal data of users, such as bank account details. A phishing attack can be disguised, for example, as a message from your bank with a link to its official website. By clicking the link, you go to an exact copy of the bank's website and can even see the bank site's address in the browser, even though you are actually on a spoofed site. All of your further actions on the website are tracked and can be used to steal your private data.
Malicious URLs lead to web resources designed to spread malware.
To protect Microsoft Exchange servers against phishing and malicious URLs, the application uses databases of URL addresses that have been tagged as phishing or malicious URLs by Kaspersky. The databases are regularly updated and are included in the Kaspersky Security delivery kit.
While scanning messages for phishing and malicious URLs, the application analyzes not only URLs but also the message subject, contents, attachments, design features, and other message attributes. The scan also uses heuristic algorithms and requests to the Kaspersky Security Network (KSN) cloud services if the use of KSN is enabled in the Anti-Spam settings. With the help of KSN, the application receives the latest information about phishing and malicious URLs before they appear in Kaspersky databases.
On detecting phishing or malicious URLs in a message, the application tags it as Phishing. You can choose actions to be taken by the application on messages with this status. The following operations are available for selection:
- Allow. The message is delivered to recipients unchanged.
- Reject. An error message is returned to the sending server (error code 500), and the message is not delivered to the recipient.
- Delete. The sending server receives a notification that the message has been sent (code 250), but the message is not delivered to the recipient.
- Add SCL and PCL rating. The application adds a spam confidence level (SCL) rating of 9 and a phishing confidence level (PCL) rating to 8 to messages. On arriving in the Microsoft Exchange mail infrastructure, messages with a high PCL rate (more than 3) are automatically directed to the Junk E-Mail folders, and all URLs contained in them are deactivated.
- Add label to message header. Messages with Phishing status are marked with a special
tag in the message subject. You can edit the text of this tag.
Enabling and disabling message scanning for phishing
You can enable Anti-Phishing scanning of messages only if Anti-Spam protection of the Microsoft Exchange server is enabled. Anti-Phishing scanning of messages also includes scanning for malicious URLs.
To enable or disable anti-phishing message scanning:
- Perform the following steps in the Management Console tree:
- To enable or disable message scanning for phishing on an unassigned Security Server, expand the node of the relevant Security Server.
- To enable or disable message scanning for phishing for Security Servers belonging to one profile, expand the Profiles node and inside it expand the node of the profile for whose Security Servers you need to configure anti-phishing scanning.
- Select the Server protection node.
- In the workspace, on the Protection for the Transport Hub role tab, in the Anti-Spam scan settings section, perform one of the following actions:
- If you want to enable message scanning for phishing, select the Enable anti-phishing scanning of messages check box.
- If you need to disable message scanning for phishing, clear this check box.
- Click the Save button.
Configuring spam and phishing scan settings
To configure the Anti-Spam and Anti-Phishing scanning settings:
- Perform the following steps in the Management Console tree:
- To configure the Anti-Spam and Anti-Phishing scanning settings for an unassigned Security Server, maximize the node of the relevant Security Server.
- To configure the Anti-Spam and Anti-Phishing scanning settings for Security Servers belonging to a profile, maximize the Profiles node and inside it maximize the node of the profile for whose Security Servers you want to configure the Anti-Spam and Anti-Phishing scanning settings.
- Select the Server protection node.
- In the workspace, on the Protection for the Transport Hub role tab, expand the Anti-Spam scan settings configuration section.
- Select the Enable anti-spam scanning of messages check box if you want the application to scan messages for spam using the Anti-Spam module.
- Use the Sensitivity level slider to set the spam scanning sensitivity level: maximum, high, low, or minimum.
- In the Spam processing settings section, in the Action dropdown list, select the action that the application will perform on messages with each of the statuses listed (Spam, Probable spam, Formal notification, Address blacklisted, Mass mail):
- Allow. The message is delivered to recipients unchanged.
- Reject. An error message is returned to the sending server (error code 500), and the message is not delivered to the recipient.
- Delete. The sending server receives a notification that the message has been sent (code 250), but the message is not delivered to the recipient.
If your organization has several Microsoft Exchange servers through which messages are transmitted, Microsoft Exchange processes spam messages as follows: if a spam message was not deleted on the first server but it was deleted on a subsequent server, the spam message is stored in the shadow redundancy queue of the first server for the time period specified in the Microsoft Exchange settings. This method of message processing in Microsoft Exchange leads to a longer shadow redundancy queue on the first server.
- In the Spam processing settings section, specify the additional actions that the application must take on messages with each of the statuses listed. Select check boxes opposite the relevant parameters:
- Add SCL value. The application will add a Spam Confidence Level score to the message (SCL score). The SCL score is a number ranging from 1 to 9. A high SCL score means a high probability that the message is spam. The SCL rating of messages is taken into account during subsequent processing of messages by the Microsoft Exchange infrastructure.
- Save copy. A copy of the message can be saved in Backup.
- Add label to message header. Messages that have been assigned the Spam, Probable spam, Formal notification, Address blacklisted, and Mass mail statuses are marked with special tags in the message subject:
,[!!Probable Spam]
, and[!!Mass Mail]
, respectively. If necessary, edit the text of these tags in the entry fields corresponding to the statuses.
- Select the Enable anti-phishing scanning of messages check box if you want the application to scan messages for phishing links.
- In the Spam processing settings section, under the Enable anti-phishing scanning of messages check box in the Action dropdown list, select the action that the application will perform on messages with the Phishing status:
- Allow. The message is delivered to recipients unchanged.
- Reject. An error message is returned to the sending server (error code 500), and the message is not delivered to the recipient.
- Delete. The sending server receives a notification that the message has been sent (code 250), but the message is not delivered to the recipient.
- In the Spam processing settings section, under the Enable anti-phishing scanning of messages check box, specify the additional actions that the application must take on messages with the Phishing status. Select check boxes opposite the relevant parameters:
- Add SCL and PCL rating. The application assigns messages a spam confidence level (SCL) rate of 9 and a phishing confidence level (PCL) rate to 8. On arriving in the Microsoft Exchange mail infrastructure, messages with a high PCL rating (more than 3) are automatically directed to the Junk E-Mail folders, and all URLs contained in them are deactivated.
- Save copy. A copy of the message can be saved in Backup.
- Add label to message header. Messages with the Phishing status are marked with a special tag in the message subject:
. If necessary, edit the text of this tag in the entry field on the right.
- In the Spam processing settings section, configure the usage of additional spam scanning services:
- To enable the use of Kaspersky Security Network (KSN) services during anti-spam and anti-phishing scans:
- Select the Use Kaspersky Security Network check box.
- If necessary, specify the timeout for requests to a KSN server in the Maximum waiting time when requesting KSN field.
The default value is 5 sec.
The Use Kaspersky Security Network check box is available if the I accept the KSN Statement option is selected in the KSN Settings section in the Settings node. Use Kaspersky Security Network or the Use Kaspersky Private Security Network (KPSN) option. All settings of the Kaspersky Security Network service are applied to the Kaspersky Private Security Network service.
- To enable the use of the Reputation Filtering service, select the Use Reputation Filtering check box. The Reputation Filtering check box is available if the Use Kaspersky Security Network check box is selected.
- To disable Enforced Anti-Spam Updates Service, select the Use Enforced Anti-Spam Updates Service check box.
If your organization uses a proxy server for Internet access, you can configure the application connection to Kaspersky Security Network and Enforced Anti-Spam Updates Service through a proxy server.
- To enable the use of Kaspersky Security Network (KSN) services during anti-spam and anti-phishing scans:
- Select the Scan outgoing messages and delete spam messages or messages containing phishing links check box in the Outgoing message processing settings section if you want to enable scanning of outgoing messages for spam and phishing.
- Click the Save button.
Configuring additional settings of spam and phishing scans
You can configure additional Anti-Spam and Anti-Phishing analysis settings, such as time- or size-based scanning restrictions, and spam analysis of Microsoft Office files attached to messages.
To configure time- or size-based Anti-Spam and Anti-Phishing scanning restrictions:
- Perform the following steps in the Management Console tree:
- To configure Anti-Spam and Anti-Phishing scanning restrictions for an unassigned Security Server, maximize the node of the relevant Security Server;
- To configure Anti-Spam and Anti-Phishing scanning restrictions for Security Servers belonging to a profile, maximize the Profiles node and inside it maximize the node of the profile for whose Security Servers you want to configure Anti-Spam and Anti-Phishing scanning restrictions.
- Select the Server protection node.
- In the workspace, on the Protection for the Transport Hub role tab, expand the Advanced settings of Anti-Spam configuration section.
- In the Restrictions section, use the Maximum time for scanning a message spin box to specify the necessary value in seconds.
If the message scan duration exceeds the specified time, the Anti-Spam or Anti-Phishing scan of the message stops. The default value is 60 sec. If the application is configured to add service headers to the message, they will contain information to the effect that the maximum scan time has been exceeded.
- In the Restrictions configuration section, use the Maximum object size to scan spin box to specify the necessary value in kilobytes.
If the message with all attachments exceeds the specified size, Anti-Spam and Anti-Phishing scanning is not performed, and the message is delivered to the recipient. The default value is 1536 KB (1.5 MB). The maximum value is 2096128 KB (2047 MB), and the minimum value is 1 KB. If the application is configured to add service headers to the message, they will contain information to the effect that the maximum object size has been exceeded.
- Click Save to save the changes.
To define the settings for Microsoft Office file scan for spam:
- Perform the following steps in the Management Console tree:
- To configure the settings of Anti-Spam and Anti-Phishing scanning of Microsoft Office files for an unassigned Security Server, maximize the node of the relevant Security Server;
- To configure the settings of Anti-Spam and Anti-Phishing scanning of Microsoft Office files for Security Servers belonging to a profile, maximize the Profiles node and inside it maximize the node of the profile for whose Security Servers you want to configure the settings of Anti-Spam and Anti-Phishing scanning of Microsoft Office files.
- Select the Server protection node.
- In the workspace, on the Protection for the Transport Hub role tab, expand the Advanced settings of Anti-Spam configuration section.
- In the Scan settings for Microsoft Office files configuration section, perform the following actions:
- If you want the application to scan Microsoft Word documents for spam, select the Scan DOC files check box.
- If you want the application to scan RTF documents for spam, select the Scan RTF files check box.
These settings have no impact on document scan for phishing.
- Click Save to save the changes.
To configure additional Anti-Spam and Anti-Phishing scan settings:
- Perform the following steps in the Management Console tree:
- To configure additional Anti-Spam and Anti-Phishing scan settings for an unassigned Security Server, maximize the node of the relevant Security Server;
- To configure additional Anti-Spam and Anti-Phishing scan settings for Security Servers belonging to a profile, maximize the Profiles node and inside it maximize the node of the profile for whose Security Servers you want to configure additional Anti-Spam and Anti-Phishing scan settings.
- Select the Server protection node.
- In the workspace, on the Protection for the Transport Hub role tab, expand the Advanced settings of Anti-Spam configuration section.
- If you want the application to analyze images in mail attachments using image analysis technology (GSG), select the Use image analysis check box.
It is used to analyze images by checking them against the samples in the Anti-Spam database. If a match is found, the spam rating of such messages will be increased.
- Select the Scan messages arriving over trusted connections for spam check box to enable scanning of mail received via a trusted connection for spam.
Scanning of messages received via a trusted connection for malicious links (phishing) is enabled permanently.
- Select the Skip messages for the Postmaster address check box to disable scanning of messages arriving for the Postmaster address for spam and phishing.
- Click Save to save the changes.
Configuring an increase in the spam rating of messages
You can configure the Anti-Spam settings affecting detection of a special message property - its spam rating. This special message property is assigned to messages based on their scan results. By default, Anti-Spam protection applies the low severity level. Depending on the severity level and the spam rating assigned after a scan, a message can be tagged as Spam or Probable spam.
Anti-Spam settings allow you to configure the application to increase the spam rating of a message based on the analysis of its sender's email address and message subject, as well as when the message is written in a foreign language.
To configure the application to increase the spam rating of a message based on the analysis of its sender's address:
- Perform the following steps in the Management Console tree:
- To configure the application to increase the spam rating of messages for an unassigned Security Server, maximize the node of the relevant Security Server;
- To configure the application to increase the spam rating of messages for Security Servers belonging to a profile, maximize the Profiles node and inside it maximize the node of the profile for whose Security Servers you want to configure the application to increase the spam rating of messages.
- Select the Server protection node.
- In the workspace, on the Protection for the Transport Hub role tab, expand the Spam rating detection settings configuration section.
- In the Increase spam rating if configuration section, select the check boxes for the following settings as necessary:
- "To" field contains no addresses. The spam rating of a message will be increased if its "To" field is empty.
- Sender's address contains numbers. The spam rating of a message will be increased if the address of its sender contains digits.
- Sender's address in the message body does not contain the domain part. The spam rating of a message will be increased if the address of its sender contains no domain name.
- Click the Save button.
To configure the application to increase the spam rating of messages based on the analysis of the message subject:
- Perform the following steps in the Management Console tree:
- To configure the application to increase the spam rating of messages for an unassigned Security Server, maximize the node of the relevant Security Server;
- To configure the application to increase the spam rating of messages for Security Servers belonging to a profile, maximize the Profiles node and inside it maximize the node of the profile for whose Security Servers you want to configure the application to increase the spam rating of messages.
- Select the Server protection node.
- In the workspace, on the Protection for the Transport Hub role tab, expand the Spam rating detection settings configuration section.
- In the Increase spam rating if the subject contains configuration section, select the relevant check boxes for the following settings:
- More than 250 characters. The spam rating of a message will be increased if its subject contains more than 250 characters.
- Many blanks and/or dots. The spam rating of a message will be increased if its subject contains multiple spaces and / or dots.
- Time stamp. The spam rating of a message will be increased if its subject contains a digital ID or a time stamp.
- Click the Save button.
To configure the application to increase the spam rating of messages based on the analysis of its content language:
- Perform the following steps in the Management Console tree:
- To configure the application to increase the spam rating of messages for an unassigned Security Server, maximize the node of the relevant Security Server;
- To configure the application to increase the spam rating of messages for Security Servers belonging to a profile, maximize the Profiles node and inside it maximize the node of the profile for whose Security Servers you want to configure the application to increase the spam rating of messages.
- Select the Server protection node.
- In the workspace, on the Protection for the Transport Hub role tab, expand the Spam rating detection settings configuration section.
- In the Increase spam rating if the message language is configuration section, select the check boxes for the languages whose presence in a message you consider to be a sign of spam:
- Chinese, if you are not expecting mail in this specific encoding.
- Korean, if you are not expecting mail in this specific encoding.
- Thai, if you are not expecting mail in this specific encoding.
- Japanese, if you are not expecting mail in this specific encoding.
- Click the Save button.
About additional services, features, and anti-spam technologies
The application uses the following additional features, services, and technologies of Kaspersky for more thorough anti-spam protection of email:
- DNSBL (Domain Name System Block List). This feature retrieves information from DNSBL servers containing public lists of IP addresses used by spammers.
- SURBL (Spam URI Realtime Block List). This feature retrieves information from SURBL servers containing public lists of links leading to online resources advertised by spammers. Thus, if a message contains web addresses from that list of links, it will most likely be spam.
During spam rating calculation, the application considers the weight assigned to each responding DNSBL and SURBL server. If the total rate of servers that responded makes more than 100, the application assigns the message the Address blacklisted status and performs the action that has been specified for this status. If the total rate of servers that responded makes less than 100, the application increases the spam rate of the message.
- KSN (Kaspersky Security Network). Infrastructure of cloud services that provides access to the Kaspersky online knowledge base containing information about the reputation of files, web resources, and software. The use of data from Kaspersky Security Network ensures faster responses by Kaspersky applications to threats, improves the effectiveness of some protection components, and reduces the risk of false positives.
KSN is disabled by default. To start using KSN, you have to accept the KSN Statement that governs the procedure for collecting information from the computer running Kaspersky Security.
- Enforced Anti-Spam Updates Service. The service providing quick updates to the Anti-Spam database. If the Enforced Anti-Spam Updates Service is enabled, the application will keep contacting the servers of Kaspersky and updating the Anti-Spam database as soon as new spam descriptions become available on Kaspersky servers. This approach helps improve the efficiency of Anti-Spam against new emerging spam.
To ensure proper functioning of the Enforced Anti-Spam Updates Service the following conditions are required:
- a constant Internet connection of the computer that hosts the Security Server;
- regular updates of the Anti-Spam database (recommended frequency: every five minutes).
- Reputation Filtering. A cloud-enabled reputation filtering service of additional message scanning that moves messages requiring additional scanning to a special temporary storage area named Quarantine. During the specified period (50 minutes), the application scans the message again using additional information received from Kaspersky servers (for example, from KSN). If the application has not marked the message as spam during this time, it allows the message to reach the recipient. Reputation Filtering increases the accuracy of spam detection and reduces the probability of Anti-Spam false positives.
To be able to use Reputation Filtering, you have to confirm your participation in the Kaspersky Security Network (KSN) and accept a special KSN Statement.
Messages that have been moved to Quarantine by Reputation Filtering but have not be tagged as spam are delivered to recipients after the 50-minute period expires even if the application is closed or paused.
- Dynamic DNS client. This feature detects whether the sender IP address potentially belongs to a botnet using reverse lookup of its DNS. This functionality can be used provided that the protected SMTP server is not serving any xDSL or dial-up users.
- SPF (Sender Policy Framework) technology. A technology that checks the sender's domain for signs of spoofing. Domains use SPF to authorize certain computers to send mail on their behalf. If a message sender is not included in the list of authorized senders, its spam rating will be increased.
Using external anti-spam message scanning services
To enable the use of external services to check for spam:
- Perform the following steps in the Management Console tree:
- To configure the use of external anti-spam message scanning services for an unassigned Security Server, maximize the node of the relevant Security Server.
- To configure the use of external anti-spam message scanning services for Security Servers belonging to a profile, maximize the Profiles node and inside it maximize the node of the profile for whose Security Servers you want to configure the use of external anti-spam message scanning services.
- Select the Server protection node.
- In the workspace, on the Protection for the Transport Hub role tab, expand the Using external Anti-Spam services configuration section.
- Select the Use external resources for spam scan check box if you want the application to consider the IP address and URL scan results of these services during anti-spam analysis.
- If you want to use your own list of DNS names of servers providing blacklists of DNS names and assign them weighting coefficients, select the Use set of DNSBL black lists check box. To generate a custom list:
- If you want to add an entry to the custom list, specify the DNS name of the server and its weighting coefficient in the corresponding fields and click the
- If you want to delete an entry from the custom list, click the
- If you want to import a custom list, click the
- If you want to export a custom list, click the
- If you want to add an entry to the custom list, specify the DNS name of the server and its weighting coefficient in the corresponding fields and click the
- If you want to use your own list of SURBL names of servers providing blacklists of URLs and assign them weighting coefficients, select the Use set of SURBL black lists check box. To generate a custom list:
- If you want to add an entry to the custom list, specify the DNS name of the server and its weighting coefficient in the corresponding fields and click the
- If you want to remove a record, click the
- If you want to import a custom list, click the
- If you want to export a custom list, click the
- If you want to add an entry to the custom list, specify the DNS name of the server and its weighting coefficient in the corresponding fields and click the
- To enable a reverse DNS lookup of the sender's IP address, select the Check sender IP for presence in DNS check box.
- To enable the use of SPF technology, select the Check SPF record check box.
- If you want the application to check if the sender's IP address belongs to a botnet based on its reverse DNS zone, select the Check if sender's IP address is dynamic check box.
If the check result is positive, the spam rating of the message is increased.
- In the Maximum DNS request timeout spin box, specify the maximum waiting time in seconds.
The default value is 5 sec. After timeout, the application scans the message for spam without checking if the sender's IP address belongs to a dynamic DNS.
About the white and black lists of email addresses
The white and black lists allow you to specify email addresses that you need to process in accordance with the settings that have been defined for those lists individually. For example, you can add an address to the white list and disable spam scanning for messages sent from this address, or configure deletion of all messages sent from an address that has been added to the black list.
White list of Anti-Spam addresses
The white list allows you to let in messages regardless of the current settings of Anti-Spam defined in the Spam processing settings section.
A white list can contain two types of addresses, which differ by their purpose:
- Message sender addresses. Anti-Spam lets in messages received from these addresses regardless of the current spam scan settings. Sender addresses can be defined as email addresses, email address masks, or IP addresses.
- Message recipient addresses. Anti-Spam lets in messages sent to these addresses regardless of the current spam scan settings. Recipient addresses can be defined as email addresses, email address masks, as well as user accounts or groups of user accounts for addresses within a company.
Anti-Spam can let in messages without spam scans of any type, including scan for bulk email delivery, or without scan for bulk email delivery only, depending on the settings that have been defined for the address added to the white list:
- Spam, phishing, and mass email. Anti-Spam lets in messages that have been classified as Spam, Probable spam, Formal notification, Phishing, and Mass mail.
- Mass mail. Anti-Spam only lets in messages that have been classified as Mass mail.
Messages that have been received or sent undergo an anti-virus scan regardless of whether recipient and sender addresses are on the white list.
The white list is empty by default.
Black list of Anti-Spam addresses
The black list allows you to process messages that come from senders whose addresses are on the list, by applying some special actions. The application assigns the Address blacklisted status to messages from those senders and performs the action that has been specified for this status in the Spam processing settings section by, for example, rejecting such messages.
Sender addresses on the black list can be specified as email addresses, email address masks, or IP addresses.
The black list is empty by default.
Priorities of the white and black list during message processing
The application applies the white and black list to messages according to their respective priorities:
- Records on the white list with the "Spam, phishing, and mass email" scope have the highest priority.
- Records on the black list have a lower priority than those on the white list with the "Spam, phishing, and mass email" scope.
- Records on the white list with the "Mass mail" scope have the lowest priority.
If a sender address has been added to the white list and the black list simultaneously, the result of processing messages from that sender will depend on the scope of the white list record.
Procedure for processing messages from a sender who has been added to the white and black list
Conditions |
Message processing result |
The sender address has been added to the black list and to the white list with the "Spam, phishing, and mass email" scope. |
The white list record has the higher priority. The application lets in messages from that sender regardless of the current spam scan settings. |
The sender address has been added to the black list and to the white list with the "Mass mail" scope. |
The black list record has the higher priority. The application assigns messages the Address blacklisted status and processes them in accordance with the settings that have been defined for this status. |
Creating the white list of Anti-Spam addresses
To add an address to the white list of Anti-Spam addresses:
- Perform the following steps in the Management Console tree:
- If you need to create a white list for an unassigned Security Server, expand the node of the relevant Security Server.
- If you need to create a white list for Security Servers belonging to a profile, expand the Profiles node and inside it expand the node of the profile for whose Security Servers you want to create the white list.
- Select the Server protection node.
- In the workspace, on the Protection for the Transport Hub role tab, expand the White list of Anti-Spam addresses configuration section.
- To add a new address to the list:
- Click the Add recipient button to add a recipient address to the list, or click the Add sender button to add a sender address to the list.
- In the White list record settings window that opens, define the following settings:
Active Directory user account or group
- Click the OK button.
The new record is added to the list.
- Click the Save button.
All changes that were made to the white list of Anti-Spam addresses will be saved.
You can also:
- Define the record settings by clicking the Change button
- Delete one or several records from the list by clicking the Delete button
- Copy the records selected in the list to a text file (for example, by pressing Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V)
- Export list records to an XML file by clicking the Export button.
- Import records to the list from a previously exported XML file or TXT file by clicking the Import button. When importing a TXT file, the file will be recognized as a list of email addresses of senders.
Creating the black list of Anti-Spam addresses
To add an address to the black list of Anti-Spam addresses:
- Perform the following steps in the Management Console tree:
- If you need to create the black list for an unassigned Security Server, expand the node of the relevant Security Server.
- If you need to create the black list for Security Servers belonging to a profile, expand the Profiles node and inside it expand the node of the profile for whose Security Servers you want to create the black list.
- Select the Server protection node.
- In the workspace, on the Protection for the Transport Hub role tab, expand the Black list of Anti-Spam addresses configuration section.
- To add a new sender address to the list:
- Click the Add sender button.
- In the Black list record settings window that opens, define the following settings:
- Click the OK button.
The new record is added to the list.
- Click the Save button.
All changes made to the black list will be saved.
You can also:
- Define the record settings by clicking the Change button
- Delete one or several records from the list by clicking the Delete button
- Copy the records selected in the list to a text file (for example, by pressing Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V)
- Export list records to a file by clicking the Export button
- Import records from a file to the list by clicking the Import button
White list record settings window
In this window, you can define the settings of a white list record.
Active Directory user account or group
Do not check messages for the following contents
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Black list record settings window
In this window, you can define the settings of a black list record.
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Informing Kaspersky of false alerts returned by Anti-Spam
You can send messages to Kaspersky for further analysis if Kaspersky Security has mistakenly classified them as spam (those with the Spam or Probable spam statuses), formal notifications (those with the Formal notification status), or mass email (those with the Mass mail status).
Together with the message that initiated the false alert returned by Anti-Spam, the component also sends its service data related to the message processing. Upon receiving this message and service data from Anti-Spam, Kaspersky experts can analyze the case of Anti-Spam false alert and make necessary changes to Anti-Spam databases.
Messages and Anti-Spam service data are sent on behalf of the user account specified in the notification settings.
To send to Kaspersky for analysis a message that initiated a false alert returned by Anti-Spam:
- In the Management Console tree, select the node of a Microsoft Exchange server and open it.
- Select the Backup node.
- In the node workspace, in the list of Backup objects, select the message that you need to send to Kaspersky for analysis. You can select a message with the Spam, Probable spam, Formal notification, or Mass mail status.
- Right-click and select Complain about false positive returned by Anti-Spam in the message context menu.
The Send object to Kaspersky Lab dialog will appear.
- In the Email for feedback field, specify an email for contacting Kaspersky experts. If necessary, Kaspersky experts will contact you for additional details.
- Read and accept the terms for sending objects to Kaspersky by selecting the I accept the terms of object sending check box. In the Details of object sending field, you can view the object sending conditions.
- Click the OK button.
The message that you selected will be sent to Kaspersky for further analysis of reasons of a false alert returned by Anti-Spam.
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Improving the accuracy of spam detection on Microsoft Exchange 2013 servers
When installing the application on a Microsoft Exchange 2013 server deployed in the Client Access Server (CAS) role only, an additional component is available in the list of components that can be installed: CAS Interceptor. This component is designed to improve the accuracy of spam detection. It is recommended for installation on all Microsoft Exchange 2013 servers deployed in the Client Access Server (CAS) role only.
This component is installed automatically together with the Anti-Spam component on Microsoft Exchange 2013 servers deployed in the Mailbox role (if you choose to install Anti-Spam).
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About scanning outgoing mail for spam and phishing content
You can enable or disable scanning of outgoing messages for spam and phishing content using the Anti-Spam module. If messages containing spam or phishing content are being sent from a specific address in your organization, this could mean that a specific computer in your organization is infected.
If the Anti-Spam module detects a message that contains spam or phishing content, the message status takes the value Spam or Phishing. The application deletes the outgoing message containing the detected spam or phishing content while saving a copy of the outgoing message in Backup.
The Sender type field for outgoing messages in Backup has the value Internal. To determine whether or not a specific computer distributing spam or phishing content in your organization is infected, you can view the list of copies of outgoing messages in Backup, the list of events in the Windows Event Log, or the list of events in the Kaspersky Security Center Event Log.
The Anti-Spam Module scans outgoing mail messages addressed to external email addresses. The module does not scan messages related to the following categories:
- Messages addressed to internal email addresses.
- Messages for which the addresses of message recipients are in the white list.
The Anti-Spam Module determines the message status based on the text content and the message header. In the scan results, the application accounts for only the presence of spam or phishing content in messages to which the Anti-Spam Module assigned the status of Spam or Phishing. In the scan results, the application does not take into account positives in messages with the following statuses:
- Probable spam. The message is probable spam.
- Formal notification. The message is a formal notification.
- Mass mail. The message is mass mail.
The Reputation Filtering service is not used when scanning outgoing messages for spam and phishing.
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Enabling and disabling the scanning of outgoing messages for spam and phishing content
To enable or disable the scanning of outgoing messages for spam and phishing content:
- In the Management Console tree, expand one of the following nodes:
- If you want to enable or disable the scanning of outgoing messages for spam and phishing for an unassigned Security Server, expand the node of the relevant Security Server.
- If you want to enable or disable the scanning of outgoing messages for spam and phishing for Security Servers belonging to one profile, expand the Profiles node and within it expand the node of the profile for whose Security Servers you want to configure scanning of outgoing messages for spam and phishing.
- Select the Server protection node.
- In the workspace, on the Protection for the Transport Hub role tab, expand the Anti-Spam scan settings configuration section.
- In the Outgoing message processing settings section, perform one of the following actions:
- If you want to enable message scanning for phishing, select the Scan outgoing messages and delete spam messages or messages containing phishing links check box.
The Scan outgoing messages and delete spam messages or messages containing phishing links check box is available if the Enable anti-spam scanning of messages check box is selected.
- If you want to disable the scanning of outgoing messages for spam and phishing, clear the Scan outgoing messages and delete spam messages or messages containing phishing links check box.
- If you want to enable message scanning for phishing, select the Scan outgoing messages and delete spam messages or messages containing phishing links check box.
- Click the Save button.
Configuring mailbox and public folder protection settings
The application can protect the number of mailboxes that does not exceed the limitation of the current key. If this number is insufficient, you can alternate protection between mailboxes. To do so, you have to move to unprotected storage the mailboxes that need no protection. By default, the application also protects all public folders of the mail server. You can remove protection from public folders if you think that scanning them would be redundant.
By default, the application protects those storages of mailboxes and storages of public folders on the protected Microsoft Exchange server, which already existed at the time when the application was installed, as well as all newly-created storages.
To configure the protection settings for mailboxes and public folders:
- Perform the following steps in the Management Console tree:
- To configure the protection settings for mailboxes and public folders for an unassigned Security Server, maximize the node of the relevant Security Server;
- To configure the protection settings for mailboxes and public folders for Security Servers belonging to a profile, maximize the Profiles node and inside it maximize the node of the profile for whose Security Servers you want to configure the protection settings for mailboxes and public folders.
- Select the Server protection node.
- In the workspace, on the Protection for the Mailbox role tab, expand the Protection for mailboxes configuration section.
The Protected mailbox storages and Protected public folder storages lists contain repositories of mailboxes and shared folders of the protected Microsoft Exchange server.
If the application is running in a DAG of Microsoft Exchange servers, these lists enumerate mailbox storages and public folder storages on all the servers within this DAG.
When viewed from a profile, the Protected mailbox storages list shows only the protected storages of those Microsoft Exchange servers on which Anti-Virus for the Mailbox role is deployed.
- In the Protected mailbox storages list, select the check boxes of the mailbox storages for which protection should be enabled.
- In the Protected public folder storages list, select the check boxes of the shared folder repositories for which protection must be enabled.
- Click the Save button.
Background scan and on-demand scan
Background scanning is an operation mode of Anti-Virus for the Mailbox role when Anti-Virus scans messages and other Microsoft Exchange objects stored on a Microsoft Exchange server, searching for viruses and other security threats with the latest version of the anti-virus databases. You can run a background scan manually or set up a schedule. Using background scan mode decreases the load on the servers during busy hours and increases the security level of the e-mail infrastructure in general.
On-demand scan is an operation mode of Anti-Virus for the Mailbox role in which Anti-Virus scans for viruses and other threats in messages and other Microsoft Exchange objects stored in selected mailboxes and shared folders on a Microsoft Exchange server. You can manually run an on-demand scan of selected mailboxes and shared folders. Use of an on-demand scan lets you limit the scan scope and reduce scan time. If an on-demand scan was interrupted, the scan will start from the beginning the next time it is run. This means that it scans all the selected objects again.
Hereinafter, any information and instructions on how to perform actions on messages are also applicable to other Microsoft Exchange objects (such as tasks, appointments, meetings, entries) if there is no other specifically assigned condition.
Background scanning of messages can be repeated. Anti-Virus performs repeated background scanning of messages that have been scanned earlier after you update the anti-virus databases. An on-demand scan of the same messages in selected mailboxes and shared folders is only performed once.
If a background scan was interrupted, the next time a scan is run the application scans only those mailboxes and shared folders that were not scanned during the previous interrupted scan. If a background scan was completed, the next scan will start from the beginning the next time it is run. This means that it scans all selected objects.
If your organization is simultaneously using different versions of Microsoft Exchange servers (such as Microsoft Exchange 2010 / 2013), you are advised to run an on-demand scan of selected mailboxes and shared folders from the Security Server console of the specific server on which the storage of those mailboxes and shared folders is located.
Background scanning may lead to a slowdown in the Microsoft Exchange server's operation. We recommend that you run a background scan when the load on mail servers is at its minimum, for example, by night. If you want to run a scan of specific mailboxes or shared folders, you can use an on-demand scan.
During a background scan and on-demand scan:
- Kaspersky Security, in accordance with the current settings, receives from the Microsoft Exchange server the email messages and other Microsoft Exchange objects (such as tasks, appointments, meetings, and entries) located in the following areas:
- Background scan – objects located in protected mailbox storages and shared folders.
- On-demand scan – objects located in selected mailboxes and shared folders.
- Kaspersky Security sends the following messages to the Anti-Virus for the Mailbox role module for processing:
- Background scan – messages that have not been scanned using the latest version of the anti-virus databases.
- On-demand scan – messages that are located in the selected mailboxes and shared folders and that match the on-demand scan settings.
- When a background scan or on-demand scan detects infected objects, Anti-Virus processes them in accordance with the parameters defined in the settings of Anti-Virus for the Mailbox role, using the following algorithm:
If an infected object is detected in a message or another Microsoft Exchange object, and the Delete object or Delete message action is selected in the settings of Anti-Virus, the latter attempts to disinfect that object.
If disinfection has been successful, Anti-Virus replaces the infected object with the disinfected one.
If disinfection has failed, Anti-Virus performs the actions specified in the table below.
Actions performed by Anti-Virus if disinfection of an infected object fails
Where the infected object was found
Action selected
Action of Anti-Virus
In a message
Delete message
Anti-Virus deletes the message along with the infected object.
Delete object
Anti-Virus replaces the infected object (attachment) with a text file informing that the infected object was deleted.
In another Microsoft Exchange object (such as a task, meeting, or entry)
Delete message
Delete object
Anti-Virus does not delete Microsoft Exchange objects completely if they are not messages, such as tasks, appointments, meetings, and entries. Only infected attachments can be deleted from them.
Saving a Backup copy of an object during a background scan and on-demand scan
If the Save a copy of the object in Backup check box is selected in the settings of Anti-Virus for the Mailbox role, Kaspersky Security moves a copy of the object to Backup before processing that object. If the object (e.g., a task) features no From or To field, this field will be replaced in Backup with the address of the user whose mailbox stores the object.
Features of a background scan and on-demand scan depending on the version of the protected Microsoft Exchange server
Depending on the version of the protected Microsoft Exchange server, Kaspersky Security uses the following technologies for background scanning:
- On Microsoft Exchange 2010 servers – VSAPI (Virus Scanning Application Programming Interface).
- On Microsoft Exchange 2013 and Microsoft Exchange 2016 servers – EWS (Exchange Web Services).
Kaspersky Security uses EWS (Exchange Web Services) technology to perform an on-demand scan.
Background scans and on-demand scans on Microsoft Exchange 2010 / 2013 / 2016 servers have the following features:
- Use of an EWS server. To perform background scans, the application uses an EWS server based locally on the protected Microsoft Exchange 2013 / 2016 server. When running a background scan on the Microsoft Exchange 2013 / 2016 servers included in a profile, the scan runs concurrently, using the local EWS servers, which are available on each of the protected Microsoft Exchange servers. If the local EWS server is not available, the application records a message with information about the error to the event log of the protected Microsoft Exchange server.
- Role of the application service account on Microsoft Exchange 2013 / 2016 servers. On Microsoft Exchange 2013 / 2016 servers, a background scan and on-demand scan can only be performed if the application service account has been assigned the ApplicationImpersonation role from the set of built-in roles named Role Based Access Control (RBAC) of Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 / 2016. Otherwise, when attempting to run a background scan and on-demand scan, Kaspersky Security writes an error message to Microsoft Windows Event Log. The Application Setup Wizard automatically assigns this role to the application service account when installing or upgrading the application. If this assignment has not been completed by the Application Setup Wizard due to an error, it must be performed manually with Microsoft Exchange administration tools.
- Role of the application service account on a Microsoft Exchange 2010 server. On a Microsoft Exchange 2010 server, an on-demand scan can only be performed if the application service account has been assigned the ApplicationImpersonation role from the set of built-in roles named Role Based Access Control (RBAC) of Microsoft Exchange Server 2010. Otherwise, when attempting to run an on-demand scan, Kaspersky Security writes an error message to Microsoft Windows Event Log. You must manually assign the ApplicationImpersonation role using Microsoft Exchange management tools.
- Limitations on shared folder scanning On Microsoft Exchange 2013 / 2016 servers, Anti-Virus scans only those shared folders that meet the following condition: at least one user exists who has the following set of rights to access the shared folder:
- Folder visible.
- Read items.
- Edit all.
- Delete all.
Configuring background scan settings
The application performs a background scan of mailbox repositories and shared folders that have been marked in the Protected mailbox storages and Protected public folder storages lists. Before running a background scan, select the storages that must be scanned, and save the changes.
If the application is running on a Microsoft Exchange server included in a DAG, the background scanning settings that have been defined on one of the Microsoft Exchange servers will be automatically applied to the rest of the servers included in the same DAG. You must not necessarily define the background scanning settings on other servers of the DAG.
To define the background scanning settings, perform the following steps:
- Perform the following steps in the Management Console tree:
- To configure background scan settings for an unassigned Security Server, maximize the node of the relevant Security Server;
- To configure background scan settings for Security Servers belonging to a profile, maximize the Profiles node and inside it maximize the node of the profile for whose Security Servers you want to configure background scan settings.
- Select the Server protection node.
- In the workspace, on the Protection for the Mailbox role tab, expand the Protection for mailboxes configuration section.
- In the Background scan section, in the Schedule dropdown list, set up the background scan start mode:
- Manually. Background scanning will have to be started manually.
- Daily. Background scanning will be performed daily. Specify precise scan time in the entry field in <HH:MM> format.
- On selected day. Background scanning will be performed on the selected days. Select check boxes opposite the days of the week when you would like to perform a background scan and specify the precise start time for the background scan in <HH:MM> format in the entry field.
- Monthly. Background scanning is performed once a month. In the spin box, specify the day of the month when you would like to start a background scan and specify the precise start time for the background scan in <HH:MM> format in the entry field.
- If you want the application to scan the message body during a background scan, select the Scan message text check box.
- If you want the application to scan only messages received over a specified time interval before the background scan start, select the Scan recent messages only check box and specify a number of days in the Scan messages received before background scan start but not earlier than (days) before spin box.
This setting becomes more important in a configuration with a Microsoft Exchange 2013 or Microsoft Exchange 2016 server. The application performs background scanning of messages and other Microsoft Exchange objects that have been modified (including received ones) over N days preceding the start of a background scan.
Maximum parameter value is 364 days.
- Select the Limit the scan time check box and define the Stop scan in (hours) setting to optimize the scan time.
The maximum value of this setting is 168 hours.
- Click the Save button.
Running a background scan manually
The application performs a background scan of mailbox repositories and shared folders that have been marked in the Protected mailbox storages and Protected public folder storages lists. Before running a background scan, select the storages that must be scanned, and save the changes.
To run a background scan manually:
- In the Management Console tree, expand the node of the Security Server installed on the Microsoft Exchange Server on which you need to run the background scan.
- Select the Server protection node.
- In the workspace, on the Protection for the Mailbox role tab, expand the Protection for mailboxes configuration section.
- In the Background scan section, click the Start scan button.
The stop button is displayed during the background scan.
If the selected Security Server is running on a Microsoft Exchange 2013 or Microsoft Exchange 2016 server, the progress bar and the background scan stages (Preparing for scan, Step 1 of 2. Scanning mailboxes, Step 2 of 2. Scanning shared folders) are also displayed during the background scan. When the operation is complete, the application displays a scan report (completion time, number of mailboxes and shared folders scanned).
- To stop the background scan before it is complete, click the Stop button.
The background scan start and stop actually occur within a minute after the Start scan/Stop button is clicked.
Configuring and running an on-demand scan
The application runs an on-demand scan of those mailboxes and shared folders that are specified in the Scan scope field.
To configure and run an on-demand scan:
- In the Management Console tree, expand the node of the relevant Security Server.
- Select the Server protection node.
- In the workspace, on the Protection for the Mailbox role tab, expand the On-demand scan configuration section.
- If you want the application to scan the message body during an on-demand scan, select the Scan message text check box.
- If you want the application to scan only messages received over a specified time interval before the start of an on-demand scan, select the Scan recent messages only check box and specify the number of days in the Scan messages received before background scan start but not earlier than (days) before field.
In a configuration with a Microsoft Exchange 2013 or Microsoft Exchange 2016 server, the application runs an on-demand scan of messages and other Microsoft Exchange objects that were modified (including those received) during the specified number of days before the start of the on-demand scan.
Maximum parameter value is 364 days.
- If you want to limit the time taken by an on-demand scan, select the Limit the scan time check box and specify the maximum duration of the on-demand scan in the Stop scan in (hours) field. The application will stop an on-demand scan if it runs longer than the specified time.
The maximum value of this setting is 168 hours.
- Specify the mailboxes and shared folders that you want to scan in the Scan scope field. Perform the following actions:
- Click the
- In the Scan scope window, perform one of the following actions:
- If you want to add a mailbox in the Scan scope field, click the Add user button and add the user whose mailbox you want to scan.
- If you want to add a shared folder in the Scan scope field, click the Add public folder button and select the check boxes opposite the folders that you want to scan.
In a configuration using a Microsoft Exchange 2010 server, the application does not generate a list of shared folders. On-demand scan in shared folders is not available.
- Click OK.
- Click the
- Click the Save button.
- If you want to run an on-demand scan, click the Start scan button.
The stop button is displayed while an on-demand scan is running.
An indicator of the progress and stages of scan completion is displayed while an on-demand scan is running (Preparing for scan, Step 1 of 2. Scanning mailboxes, Step 2 of 2. Scanning shared folders). When the operation is complete, the application displays a scan report (completion time, number of mailboxes and public folders scanned, and number of infected or password-protected objects in mailboxes and public folders).
- To stop an on-demand scan before it is complete, click the Stop button.
The on-demand scan start and stop actually occur within a minute after the Start scan/Stop button is clicked.
Scan scope window
In this window, you can generate a list of mailboxes of users and shared folders of the Microsoft Exchange server that the application uses for on-demand scans.
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Select shared folders window
In this window, you can select shared folders on which to run an on-demand scan.
This list contains only top-level shared folders.
If the check boxes opposite the names of shared folders are selected, the application includes those folders in the on-demand scan. The application adds the selected shared folders in the Scan scope field.
In a configuration using a Microsoft Exchange 2010 server, the application does not generate a list of shared folders. On-demand scan in shared folders is not available.
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Filtering of attachments
Attachment filtering lets you filter file attachments based on specific criteria, and scan text in email messages and message subjects for prohibited words. When filtering attachments, Kaspersky Security scans email messages for text and file attachments that meet the specified filtering criteria and applies the action configured by the administrator to those files: deletes the attached file, deletes the entire message, or ignores the message.
Attachments are filtered based on individually configured rules.
Kaspersky Security can record events related to attachment filtering to Windows Event Log. You can configure event logging to the Windows Event Log in the Notifications node.
Kaspersky Security deletes messages and attachments without any option of restoration. It is recommended that you save copies of messages in Backup to avoid data losses. You can enable this feature in the filtering settings.
Kaspersky Security can notify you of actions performed during attachment filtering by email. You can configure delivery of automatic notifications in the Notifications node.
The attachment filtering statistics are displayed in the <Server name> node and are added to reports for the Hub Transport role.
Attachment filtering is available if the Anti-Virus for the Hub Transport role component is installed on Microsoft Exchange Server.
About preventing message detainment during attachment filtering
In exceptional cases, failures in the anti-virus kernel operation may lead to increased times of attachment filtering in messages. In such cases, the Attachment Filtering module temporarily switches to the restricted scan mode in order to prevent message detainment. In this mode, some messages can be skipped without undergoing attachment filtering.
Enabling attachment filtering
To enable attachment filtering:
- Perform the following steps in the Management Console tree:
- If you want to enable or disable attachment filtering on an unassigned Security Server, select the node of this Security Server.
- If you want to enable or disable attachment filtering on Security Servers included in a profile, expand the Profiles node and select the node of the profile for which you need to enable or disable attachment filtering on Security Servers.
- Select the Server protection node.
- Select the Protection for the Transport Hub role tab.
- In the Attachment filtering dropdown section, select the Enable attachment filtering check box.
- Click the Save button.
Attachment filtering is enabled. The filtering rules will be available for configuration. If no rule is configured, attachment filtering is inactive.
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Managing attachment filtering rules
A rule is a set of conditions that must be fulfilled by a file attachment for the application to apply the defined action to the file attachment of an email message.
For each attachment filtering rule, the administrator defines the following conditions:
- Parameters of the message attachment file
- Recipients and/or senders of the message
- Exclusions from the rule (if necessary)
You can specify the following parameters as an attachment filtering conditions:
- Password protection of the file
- File name and/or extension.
You can specify full file names or use file name masks.
- Presence of macros in the file
- File size in megabytes.
- File format.
The application recognizes the format of a file by its structure, that is, by the way it is stored or displayed on the screen. This allows you to filter attachments even if the extension of an attached file does not match the actual type of the file (for example, if the extension has been changed intentionally).
If multiple parameters are selected, the rule will be applied if the attached file matches at least one of them.
The application can perform any of the following actions on filtered messages:
- Delete the message
- Delete the object from the attachment (or the attachment itself)
- Skip the message
If an attached file match the parameters of multiple rules, the application will apply the rule with the most strict parameters: delete the message, delete the attached object, or delete the entire attachment.
The application can apply filtering rules to messages to/from specific users or user groups.
You can drill down the attachment filtering rules by excluding messages from filtering. You can exclude messages from scanning as follows:
- By sender email address.
The application will not apply the filtering rules to message attachments from the specified senders.
- By recipient email address.
The application will not apply the filtering rules to message attachments for the specified recipients.
- By file name or file name mask.
The application will not apply the filtering rules to attached files that match the specified names or name masks.
- By file format.
The application will not apply the filtering rules to files that have the specified formats.
Creating an attachment filtering rule
To create an attachment filtering rule:
- In the Management Console tree, select the node of the relevant Security Server.
- Select the Server protection node.
- In the workspace, select the Protection for the Transport Hub role tab.
- In the Attachment filtering drop-down section, click the Add rule button.
- Click the Save button.
The rule will be added to the list in the left part of the workspace. The default name is New rule. The settings and conditions for triggering the rule will be available for configuration.
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Configuring the general settings and conditions of an attachment filtering rule
To configure the general settings and conditions of an attachment filtering rule:
- In the Management Console tree, select the node of the relevant Security Server.
- Select the Server protection node.
- In the workspace, select the Protection for the Transport Hub role tab.
- In the Filtering of attachments drop-down section, select the rule that you want to configure.
- On the General settings tab, leave the Enable rule check box selected if you want the rule to become active immediately after its configuration.
If you want to apply the rule immediately after its configuration, clear the check box.
- In the Rule name field, change the name of the rule or leave the default value.
- In the Action drop-down list, select the action to be taken by the application on attachments that meet at least one of the filtering criteria:
- Allow. The application allows forwarding of the email message containing prohibited attachments. This is the default option. To receive information about objects that have been filtered out, you can configure notifications or logging of events in the Windows event log.
- Delete object. The application removes the object from the attachment or removes the attachment from the email message. The application also adds a file in TXT format to this message; the file contains information about all attachments that have been deleted.
- Delete message. The application permanently deletes the email message with the attachment that has been filtered out. If you select this option, it is recommended that you save copies of messages in Backup to avoid data losses.
- Select the Add label to message header check box if you want the application to add additional text (tag) to the subject of a message containing an attachment that has been filtered. The tag text can be edited. Default tag value:
Blocked attachment
.You can add a tag if you selected the Allow or Delete object action.
- If you want a copy of an object to be saved in Backup before the object is processed, select the Save a copy of the object in Backup check box.
- In the Add a condition drop-down section, select the criteria that must be met by an object for the filtering rule to be applied to it:
The application will apply the rule to objects that match at least one of the defined conditions.
- To delete a condition, click the
button next to the relevant criterion.
- Click the Save button.
Configuring lists of users for an attachment filtering rule
To configure a list of users for whom the attachment filtering rule will be applied to messages to/from these users:
- In the Management Console tree, select the node of the relevant Security Server.
- Select the Server protection node.
- In the workspace, select the Protection for the Transport Hub role tab.
- In the Attachment filtering drop-down section, select the rule to which you want to apply changes, and select the Users tab.
- To specify message recipients, select one of the following options in the Apply rule to messages for the following recipients section:
- All users if you want to apply the rule to messages for all recipients.
- Only external users if you want to apply the rule to messages for recipients who do not belong to your organization.
- Individual users or user groups if you want to apply the rule to messages for specific recipients or Active Directory groups.
- To specify message senders, select one of the following options in the Apply rule to messages from the following senders section:
- All users if you want to apply the rule to messages from any sender.
- Only external users if you want to apply the rule to messages from senders who do not belong to your organization.
- Individual users or user groups if you want to apply the rule to messages from specific recipients or Active Directory groups.
Recipients and senders to whom the rule applies are grouped by the AND logical operator.
- Click the Save button.
To add an Active Directory account to any of the lists:
- In the settings group for the relevant type of user, click the
- In the window that opens, locate the relevant Active Directory account and click OK.
- Addresses selected in Active Directory are marked in the list by the following symbols:
– users, contacts, distribution groups;
– security groups.
To add an SMTP address or user name to any of the lists:
- To add an SMTP address or a user name to the list, type it in the entry field and click the
Addresses added in this way are marked on the list by the
Addresses added in this way are not checked for their presence in Active Directory.
- To delete an SMTP address or a user name, select the corresponding string and click the
To export the list of users to a file:
- Click the
- In the window that opens, specify the file name in the File name field.
- Click the Save button.
To import the list of users from a file:
- Click the
- In the window that opens, specify the file containing the list of users in the File name field.
- Click the Open button.
- Click the Save button.
Configuring exclusions from an attachment filtering rule
To configure exclusions from the attachment filtering rule:
- In the Management Console tree, select the node of the relevant Security Server.
- Select the Server protection node.
- In the workspace, select the Protection for the Transport Hub role tab.
- In the Attachment filtering drop-down section, select the rule to which you want to apply changes, and select the Exclusions tab.
- In the Add a condition drop-down section, select the criteria by which the application will exclude an object from scanning:
The application will not apply the filtering rule to objects that meet at least one of the exclusion conditions.
- To delete an exclusion condition, click the
button next to the relevant criterion.
- Click the Save button.
The settings of filtering exclusions are saved.
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Deleting an attachment filtering rule
To delete an attachment filtering rule:
- In the Management Console tree, select the node of the relevant Security Server.
- Select the Server protection node.
- In the workspace, select the Protection for the Transport Hub role tab.
- In the Attachment filtering drop-down section, select the rule that you want to delete.
- Click the Delete rule button.
- Click the Save button.
The rule will be deleted.
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Editing of the message regarding removal of an attachment during filtering
If the application removes an attached file from an email message based on the results of attachment filtering, a TXT file is attached to the outgoing message. This file contains text informing the user about the action taken by the application. By default, the text includes a list of deleted objects. You can edit the contents of this information message and include instructions or other information relevant for employees of your organization.
To edit the message informing the user about the deletion of an attached object as a result of filtering:
- In the Management Console tree, expand the node of the relevant Security Server.
- Select the Server protection node.
- In the workspace, select the Advanced Anti-Virus settings tab.
- Click the Edit button (Attachment deletion message following a filter rule).
- In the opened window, in the Message text field, edit the contents of the message.
- Click OK.
- Click the Save button.
Filtering messages of the same type
Filtering messages of the same type lets you configure a limit on the number of messages sent by a user of your organization per unit of time. The main purpose of this limit is to prevent a situation where an infected mailbox automatically generates an endless stream of messages sent to internal and external recipients. When filtering attachments of the same type, Kaspersky Security searches for messages that meet the specified filtering criteria. Filtering messages of the same type is available if the Anti-Virus for the Hub Transport role component is installed on the Microsoft Exchange Server.
Messages are classified as being of the same type if they have one of the following attributes:
- Same message subject.
The application identifies messages that have the same subject. The message subject analysis is case sensitive.
- Same attachments.
The application identifies messages that contain file attachments with the same extension and the same name (case sensitive).
- Same attachments or message subject.
The application identifies messages that satisfy at least one of the criteria.
You can also apply a limit to any messages sent by internal recipients, regardless of whether they have common attributes.
The application can apply one of the following actions to messages of a quantity exceeding the set limit:
- Allow forwarding of messages to recipients.
- Delete excess messages without the capability to recover them.
The application keeps a separate tally of the number of messages for each Security Server.
If necessary, you can configure exclusions based on email address, and not apply limits to specific users of your organization.
The application can log events related to filtering messages of the same type to the Windows Event Log, and notify you about those events by email. You can configure the necessary settings in the Notifications node.
Enabling and disabling same-type message filtering
To enable same-type message filtering:
- Perform the following steps in the Management Console tree:
- If you want to enable or disable same-type message filtering on an unassigned Security Server, select the node of this Security Server.
- If you want to enable or disable same-type message filtering on Security Servers included in a profile, expand the Profiles node and select the node of the profile for which you need to enable or disable same-type message filtering on Security Servers.
- Select the Server protection node.
- Select the Protection for the Transport Hub role tab.
- In the Filtering messages of the same type dropdown section, select the Limit the number of same-type messages sent by an internal user check box.
- Click the Save button.
Same-type message filtering will be enabled. The filtering settings will be available for configuration. The application will scan messages in accordance with the filtering criteria.
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Configuring the settings for same-type message filtering
To configure the settings for filtering messages of the same type:
- Perform the following steps in the Management Console tree:
- If you want to configure the settings for same-type message filtering on an unassigned Security Server, select the node of the relevant Security Server.
- If you want to configure the settings for same-type message filtering on Security Servers belonging to a profile, expand the Profiles node and select the node of the profile for whose Security Servers you want to configure same-type message filtering.
- Select the Server protection node.
- In the workspace, select the Protection for the Transport Hub role tab.
- In the Filtering messages of the same type section that opens, configure the following settings:
- Click the Save button.
The settings that you have specified will be saved. The application will filter same-type messages based on the configured settings. You can refine the filtering settings by configuring exclusions.
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Configuring exclusions from same-type message filtering
To configure exclusions from same-type message filtering:
- Perform the following steps in the Management Console tree:
- If you want to configure the settings for same-type message filtering on an unassigned Security Server, select the node of the relevant Security Server.
- If you want to configure the settings for same-type message filtering on Security Servers belonging to a profile, expand the Profiles node and select the node of the profile for whose Security Servers you want to configure same-type message filtering.
- Select the Server protection node.
- In the workspace, select the Protection for the Transport Hub role tab.
- In the Filtering messages of the same type drop-down section, configure the Do not apply the limit to the following internal senders setting.
- Click the Save button.
The settings of filtering exclusions are saved.
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Managing profiles
If a corporate network includes several Microsoft Exchange servers with the application installed, you may need to manage the application settings in a group of servers simultaneously. For example, these may be Microsoft Exchange servers with identical security requirements. To manage identical settings in a group of Security Servers, Kaspersky Security provides profiles. A profile is a set of identical settings applied to several Security Servers at once. Using profiles allows you to configure identical settings for all Security Servers of the same type simultaneously and to avoid the hassle of configuring each Security Server separately.
Profiles can be useful in the following cases:
- There are several Microsoft Exchange servers with the application on the corporate network and you need to manage these servers in the same way. In this case, you can create a single profile, add all Security Servers to this profile, and configure application settings in the profile.
- There are two or more groups of Security Servers on the corporate network, and you need to configure different settings for these groups. In this case, the following profile usage options are possible:
- You can use profile roles to configure selective access of users to Security Servers management.
- If each group includes more than one Security Server, you can create several profiles with different settings and add different Security Servers to them.
- If one of the Security Servers requires custom settings, you can create a profile for a group of servers with identical settings and use the created profiles to configure the settings of these servers. For a Security Server that is not part of a group, you can configure its settings individually instead of creating a profile. A Security Server that is not included in any profile is called an unassigned Security Server. You can configure an unassigned Security Server individually in the node of that Security Server.
Using profiles is optional. You can also configure the settings of Security Servers separately in the node of each Security Server.
If a company has multiple sites, allowance should be made for replication delays when creating and editing profiles, since the application stores profile information in Active Directory.
Only administrators from the Kse Administrators group in Active Directory can create/delete profiles, add/delete Security Servers from profiles, and configure access to profiles.
To use profiles, perform the following:
- Create profile.
- Configure profile settings.
- Add Security Servers to profile.
- Configure access to the profile.
The Security Server settings may be unavailable for editing if the Security Server has been added to a profile and inherits the profile settings. The "lock" symbol appears next to the setting that cannot be edited. To be able to configure Security Server settings that differ from profile settings, remove the Security Server from the profile.
You can create an unlimited number of profiles and add Security Servers to them or remove Security Servers from profiles at your own discretion.
You may need to remove a Security Server from the profile, for example, in the following cases:
- If you need to specify Security Server settings that differ from those of a profile.
- If you need to add a Security Server to another profile (in this case, you should first remove the Security Server from the profile to which it was previously added).
If you no longer need an existing profile, you can remove that profile from the application configuration.
Creating a profile
To create a new profile:
- In the Management Console tree, expand the Profiles node.
- Add a new profile in one of the following ways:
- By selecting Add profile in the Action menu
- By selecting Add profile in the context menu of the Profiles node
- By clicking the Add profile button in the workspace of Management Console
- By clicking the Add profile link in the quick access bar
- In the Create new profile window that opens, enter a profile name.
- Click the OK button.
The child node with the name of the created profile appears within the Profiles node.
To use the profile, you need to configure the profile settings, add Security Servers to the profile, and configure access to the profile.
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Configuring Security Servers in a profile
You can configure the following general settings for Security Servers belonging to the same profile (in the child nodes of the profile):
- Define anti-virus protection settings and anti-spam protection settings, as well as advanced settings of Anti-Virus in the Server protection node;
- Set up a schedule for automatic updates of databases and specify an update source in the Updates node;
- Define the notification settings in the Notifications and Settings nodes;
- Define the event log settings and the diagnostics level in the Settings node;
- manage keys and configure the settings of license expiry notifications in the Licensing node;
- configure report settings in the Reports node.
These changes do not affect the following custom settings of Security Servers and actions taken by the application on Security Servers:
- Background scan launch in the Server protection node;
- Databases update launch in the Updates node;
- Update Center settings in the Updates node;
- Test notification sending in the Notifications and Settings nodes;
- Backup settings in the Settings node.
You will still be able to edit settings and perform operations only separately for each of the Security Servers (in the child nodes of each Security Server or in the profile node in the tree of the Servers node for each Security Server).
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Specifics of managing profiles in a Microsoft Exchange database availability group
If you make changes in the Exchange Management Console to the configuration of a DAG that has been added to a profile in Kaspersky Security, consider the following specifics of the settings of Security Servers belonging to this DAG in Kaspersky Security:
- If you install Kaspersky Security on a Microsoft Exchange server belonging to a DAG that has been added to a profile, the settings of this profile are applied to the relevant Security Server in Kaspersky Security after installation.
- If you use the Exchange Management Console to add a Microsoft Exchange server with Kaspersky Security installed to a DAG that has been added to a profile in Kaspersky Security, the settings of this profile are applied to the relevant Security Server in Kaspersky Security. If the DAG has not been added to a profile, individual settings of this DAG are applied to the relevant Security Server in Kaspersky Security.
- If you use the Exchange Management Console to combine several Microsoft Exchange servers with the application installed into a new DAG, the settings of this DAG are applied to the relevant Security Servers in Kaspersky Security. In other words, the common default settings are applied (except for the list of protected storages and public folders), while the individual settings of servers and the settings of the list of protected storages and public folders remain just like they were before the servers were added to the DAG.
If servers had been added to profiles prior to being combined into a DAG, once combined they still appear not only in the list of DAG servers, but also in such profiles. However, you will not be able to manage the settings of such servers from the profiles. You can manage the settings of these servers only from the profile to which the DAG has been added, or the individual settings of the DAG (if the DAG has not been added to a profile). If necessary, you can remove servers shown in profiles manually.
- If you use the Exchange Management Console to remove a Microsoft Exchange server with the application installed from a DAG that has been added to a profile in Kaspersky Security, the corresponding Security Server is removed from the profile in Kaspersky Security and gets the default settings. After being removed from the DAG, this Security Server is not displayed in the list of profile servers, and you have to add it manually to the list of protected Microsoft Exchange servers or to one of the profiles and configure its settings.
Adding Security Servers to a profile
To add Security Servers to a profile:
- In the Management Console tree, expand the Profiles node.
- Select the node of the profile to which you want to add a Security Server, or expand the node of the profile and select the Servers node.
- One the wizard for adding the Security Server to the profile in one of the following ways:
- By selecting the Add server item in the Action menu;
- By selecting the Add server item in the context menu of the node.
- Click the Add server link in the quick access bar.
- By clicking the Add server button in the workspace of Management Console (only when a profile node is selected).
- In the Add server to profile <Profile name> window of the Wizard, in the Unassigned servers field, select the Security Servers that you want to add to the profile.
The Unassigned serversfield displays Security Servers that have been added to none of the profiles.
- Click the >> button.
The selected Security Servers appear in the Added to profile field.
- Click the Next button.
- In the next window of the Wizard, click the Finish button.
The Security Servers that have been added appear on the list of servers in the workspace of the profile node and in the profile node in the Servers node tree. Within 5 minutes of Security Servers being added to the profile, the application applies the general settings of Security Servers belonging to the profile.
You can add DAG servers to a profile only all at once. When a DAG is added to a profile, all servers and all their roles (including the Hub Transport role) are added to this profile.
A Security Server deployed on a computer on which a Microsoft Exchange server is deployed in the Edge Transport role cannot be added to the profile.
After a Security Server has been added to a profile, the license is applied to it at the profile level even if this Security Server had a different active license before it was added to this profile.
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Removing a Security Server from a profile
To remove a Security Server from a profile:
- In the Management Console tree, expand the Profiles node.
- Select the Security Server you want to remove in one of the following ways:
- Select the node of the profile from which you want to remove the Security Server and, in the server list appearing in the workspace, select the Security Server that you want to remove.
- Expand the node of the profile from which you want to remove the Security Server, expand the Servers, and select the Security Server that you want to remove in the server list.
- Remove the selected Security Server in one of the following ways:
- If you have selected a Security Server in the workspace, click the Remove server button.
- If you have selected a Security Server in the server list of the Servers node, remove the Security Server in one of the following ways:
- Select the Remove from profile item in the Action menu
- Select the Remove from profile item in the context menu of the node
- Click the Remove from profile link in the quick access bar.
- In the window that opens, confirm server removal.
Within 5 minutes, the application will remove the Security Server from the list of servers in the workspace of the profile node and from the Servers node in the tree of the profile node. These changes will not impact the settings of the Security Server, but you will no longer be able to adjust them from the profile; you will be able to adjust them individually for the Security Server in the node of this Security Server.
In a configuration with a DAG: You can remove DAG servers from a profile only all at once.
After a Security Server is removed from a profile, the license of the profile from which it has been removed still applies to this Security Server.
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Removing a profile
To remove a profile:
- In the tree of the Management Console, select the profile you want to remove in one of the following ways:
- Select the Profiles node and select the profile that you want to remove in the profile list appearing in the workspace.
- Expand the Profiles node, and select the node of the profile that you want to remove in the list of nodes.
- Remove the selected profile in one of the following ways:
- If you have selected a profile in the workspace, click the Remove profile button.
- If you have selected a node of a profile nested in the Profiles node, remove the profile in one of the following ways:
- Select the Delete item in the Action menu;
- Select the Delete item in the context menu of the profile node;
- Click the Delete link in the quick access bar.
- In the window that opens, confirm profile removal.
The application will remove the profile from the tree of the Profiles node. Security Servers included in the profile become unassigned. These modifications will not impact the settings of unassigned Security Servers, but you will be able to adjust all of the settings for each of the Security Servers only individually in the node of each server.
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<Profile name> node
The Licensing configuration section contains information on the status of the Security Server key.
If the Status field of the Licensing section shows a value that differs from Current license, the corresponding section is highlighted in red.
The Server state configuration section contains a table with information about the state of Security Servers that have been added to the profile. For each Security Server, you can view information about the up-to-date status of the application databases, state of the application modules, installed application version, and availability of the SQL Server.
Add server to <Profile name> profile window (Step 2)
This window shows information about the settings of servers added to a profile.
Updates of Kaspersky Security application databases keeps Microsoft Exchange server protection up to date.
New viruses and other threats as well as new kinds of spam appear on a daily basis worldwide. Information about threats and spam and ways to neutralize them is contained in the application databases, namely the Anti-Virus and Anti-Spam databases. Application databases have to be updated regularly to enable timely detection of threats and spam messages. The application considers the Anti-Virus databases as outdated after 24 hours, and the Anti-Spam databases after 5 hours from the last update.
You are advised to update the application databases immediately after installation, as the databases included in the distribution kit may be out of date by the time you install your application. The anti-virus databases on Kaspersky update servers are updated every hour. The Anti-Spam database is updated every five minutes. You are advised to set up automatic database updates to run with the same frequency.
Kaspersky Security can retrieve database updates from the following update sources:
- Kaspersky's update servers on the Internet
- From another HTTP server or FTP server, such as your Intranet server
- From a local update source, such as a local or network folder
- From the update center, that is one of the Microsoft Exchange servers with Kaspersky Security installed, which has been assigned to act as the update center.
Database updates can be performed manually or according to schedule.
About update centers
Any Microsoft Exchange server with Kaspersky Security installed can be designated as an update center. Update centers receive updated databases from Kaspersky servers and can serve as sources of updates for application databases of other Microsoft Exchange servers with the application installed.
Update centers can be useful in the following cases:
- If your company has several Microsoft Exchange servers with the application installed, you can designate one of the Microsoft Exchange servers as an update center that receives databases from Kaspersky servers and set it as an update source for other Microsoft Exchange servers of the company. This reduces the amount of Internet traffic, maintains databases on all Microsoft Exchange servers in an identical state, and eliminates the need to configure the Internet connection for each Microsoft Exchange server and monitor the security of such connections.
- If the corporate network has geographically distributed server segments with slow data links, you can create a dedicated update center for each regional segment to receive database updates from Kaspersky servers. This reduces the amount of network traffic between regional segments and speeds up the distribution of updates to all servers on the corporate network.
About database updates in configurations with a DAG of Microsoft Exchange servers
In configurations with a DAG of Microsoft Exchange servers, anti-virus database update settings are the same for the entire DAG. This lets you configure centralized updates of anti-virus databases on all servers that are part of the configuration.
Centralized updates for anti-spam and anti-phishing are unavailable for configurations that have a DAG of servers.
You can configure centralized anti-virus database updates in the following ways:
- From Kaspersky update servers. When this method is used, each server in the DAG connects to Kaspersky update servers at the specified time independently of other servers, which causes a great amount of Internet traffic. This method is therefore not recommended for configurations with a large number of servers. Another downside of this method is the need to configure the Internet connection on each server in the configuration. The advantage of this method is high reliability, as updates are performed directly from Kaspersky servers without intermediaries.
- From an intermediate server or network folder. When this method is used, servers belonging to a DAG download updates from an intermediate HTTP server or FTP server or network folder located outside of the configuration of Microsoft Exchange servers. This method reduces the amount of Internet traffic while ensuring fast and synchronized updates on all servers in the configuration, but also entails extra expenses on the upkeep of intermediate hardware.
- From an update center. This method provides for assigning one of the servers in the DAG to act as the update center. The advantages of this method are low Internet traffic, fast and synchronized updates on all servers in the configuration. When this method is used, however, higher reliability requirements apply to the server designated as the update center.
Updating databases manually
To view information about Anti-Virus database updates and manually update them:
- In the Management Console tree, expand the node of a Security Server.
- Select the Updates node.
- In the workspace, the Anti-virus databases update configuration section displays the following information:
- Result of the last update. Information about the anti-virus database update status.
- Database issued. Time when the anti-virus databases currently being used in the application were published on the Kaspersky server.
- If you want to update the anti-virus databases, click the Run update button.
- To stop the update procedure, click the Stop button.
If the application is running on a DAG of Microsoft Exchange servers, you must manually update the Anti-Virus databases on each server within the DAG.
To view information about Anti-Spam database updates and update them if necessary:
- In the Management Console tree, expand the node of a Security Server.
- Select the Updates node.
- In the workspace, in the Anti-Spam databases update section, the following information is displayed:
- Result of the last update. Information about the Anti-Spam database update status.
- Database issued. Time when the Anti-Spam database currently used in the application became available on the server of Kaspersky.
- To update Anti-Spam databases, click the Run update button.
- To stop the update procedure, click the Stop button.
Configuring scheduled application database updates
To configure scheduled application database updates:
- Perform the following steps in the Management Console tree:
- To configure scheduled application database updates for an unassigned Security Server, expand the node of the relevant Security Server.
- If you want to configure scheduled application database updates for Security Servers belonging to one profile, expand the Profiles node and then expand the node of the profile for whose Security Servers you want to configure Anti-Virus database updates.
- Select the Updates node.
- Perform one of the following steps:
- To configure scheduled Anti-Spam database updates, expand the Anti-virus databases update configuration section.
- To configure scheduled Anti-Spam database updates, expand the Anti-Spam databases update configuration section.
- Select one of the following options from the Run mode drop-down list:
- Periodically. In the every entry field, specify the database update frequency in minutes / hours / days.
- Daily. In the spin box on the right, specify the exact local server time at which the application databases must be updated.
- On selected day. Select the check boxes next to the days of the week when you want to update the application databases, and specify the update time.
- Click the Save button.
If the application is running on a Microsoft Exchange server in a DAG, the scheduled Anti-Virus database update settings configured on any of those servers will be automatically applied to all the servers in the DAG. You do not have to configure scheduled updates on the remaining servers in this DAG.
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Select update source
To select an update source:
- Perform the following steps in the Management Console tree:
- To select an update source for an unassigned Security Server, expand the node of the relevant Security Server.
- To select an update source for Security Servers belonging to a single profile, expand the Profiles node
- Select the Updates node.
- Perform one of the following actions: if you want to select an update source for Anti-Spam databases, expand the Anti-Spam databases update configuration section; if you want to select an update source for Anti-Virus databases, expand the Anti-virus databases update configuration section.
- Select one of the following options from the Update source list:
- To download updates from Kaspersky servers, select the Kaspersky Lab's update servers item.
This source of updates is set by default.
- If you want to download updates from an intermediary server, local or network folder, select HTTP server, FTP server, local or network folder. Then specify the server address or the full path to a local or network folder in the entry field.
- To download updates from an update center, select the Update Center storage item. Then select the server that is the update center in the drop-down list.
You can specify this update source if at least one update center has been created in your configuration. If the Microsoft Exchange server for which you are selecting an update source is deployed in an Edge Transport role, the name of the server designated as the update server may be missing from the drop-down list. In this case, manually type the name of the server that is the designated update center.
- To download updates from Kaspersky servers, select the Kaspersky Lab's update servers item.
- Click the Save button.
If the application is running in a configuration with a DAG of Microsoft Exchange servers, the automatic Anti-Virus database update settings (in particular, the source of updates) configured on one of the servers will be automatically applied to all servers within the DAG. It is not necessary to configure update settings on other servers.
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Configuring the connection to the update source
To configure the connection to an update source:
- Perform the following steps in the Management Console tree:
- To configure the connection to an update source for an unassigned Security Server, maximize the node of the relevant Security Server;
- To configure the connection to an update source for Security Servers belonging to a profile, maximize the Profiles node
- Select the Settings node.
- In the workspace, expand the Connection settings group.
- If your Internet connection is established through a proxy server, enable the option to Use proxy server.
- In the Maximum connection timeout spin box, enter the maximum time (in seconds) that the server will wait for connection to the update source.
The Microsoft Exchange server will be attempting to connect to the update source during this time. The default value of this setting is 60 seconds. You may need to increase it if you have a slow Internet connection, for example.
- Click the Save button.
If you connect to the Internet using a proxy server, you will have to configure the proxy server settings.
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Configuring the proxy server settings
To configure the proxy server settings, perform the following steps:
- Perform the following steps in the Management Console tree:
- If you want to configure the connection to a proxy server for an unassigned Security Server, maximize the node of the relevant Security Server.
- To configure the connection to a proxy server for Security Servers belonging to a profile, maximize the Profiles node and inside it maximize the node of the profile for whose Security Servers you want to configure the connection to a proxy server.
- Select the Settings node.
- Select the Use a proxy server to access KSN, Enforced Anti-Spam Updates Service, and Kaspersky Lab activation servers check box if you want to configure the application connection to Kaspersky Security Network and Enforced Anti-Spam Updates Service as well as to Kaspersky activate update server sources through a proxy server.
When connecting to Kaspersky’s activation servers, the security server profile uses the local settings for connecting to the computer’s proxy server on which the Management Console is installed. In the workspace, open the Proxy server settings section.
- In the Proxy server address field, enter the proxy server address.
- Specify the proxy server port number in the Port field.
The default port number is 8080.
- If authentication is required to connect to the specified proxy server, select the Use authentication check box and enter the account name in the Account field and password in the Password field.
- If you do not want to use a proxy server to connect to local resources, select the check box Bypass proxy server for local addresses.
- Click the Save button.
Designating a server as an update center and configuring its settings
We strongly advise against designating an update center and configuring its settings when migrating to a new version of the application on servers operating as part of a configuration with a DAG of Microsoft Exchange servers. The operations described in this section should be performed only after completing the migration of all servers to the new version of the application.
We strongly advise against designating a virtual Microsoft Exchange server as an update center.
A Microsoft Exchange server that is serving as an update center must have a constant Internet connection and 500 MB of extra disk space.
To designate a server as an update center and configure its settings:
- In the Management Console tree, expand the node of a Security Server.
- Select the Updates node.
- In the workspace, expand the Update Center settings section.
- Select the Server functions as Update Center check box.
- Select the update source from which the update center will be receiving databases.
- To download updates from Kaspersky servers to the Update Center, select Kaspersky Lab's update servers.
This source of updates is set by default.
- If you want to download updates from an intermediary server, local or network folder to the Update Center, select HTTP server, FTP server, local or network folder. Then specify the server address or the full path to a local or network folder in the entry field.
- To download updates to the update center from another update center, select the Update Center storage item. Then select the server that is the update center in the drop-down list.
- To download updates from Kaspersky servers to the Update Center, select Kaspersky Lab's update servers.
- Configure the database update schedule for the update center. To do so, select one of the following options from the Run mode drop-down list:
- Periodically. In the every entry field, specify the relevant database update frequency.
- Daily. Define the precise local time of the server in HH:MM format.
- On selected day. Select the check boxes next to the days of the week when you would like to update the database, and specify the update time.
We strongly advise against selecting the Manually database update start mode for the update center, as this mode makes it impossible to ensure that databases stay up to date on the update center and on all servers that use it as an update source.
- Click the Save button.
The selected Microsoft Exchange server is designated as an update center. It can be then selected as an update source for other servers.
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Updates node
The Anti-virus databases update configuration section lets you view the details of Anti-Virus databases and manually start database updates.
The Anti-Spam databases update configuration section lets you view the details of Anti-Spam databases and launch manual database updates.
The Anti-virus databases update drop-down configuration section lets you select a source of database updates and configure the update launch mode.
The Update source configuration section lets you select the source of database updates.
Kaspersky Lab's update servers
HTTP server, FTP server, local or network folder
The Anti-Spam databases update drop-down configuration section lets you select a source of database updates and configure the update launch mode.
The Update source configuration section lets you select the source of database updates.
Kaspersky Lab's update servers
HTTP server, FTP server, local or network folder
The Update Center settings lets you designate a Security Server as an update center and configure its settings.
Server functions as Update Center
The Update source configuration section lets you select the source of database updates. This source is used for downloading updated database versions to the storage of the update center and further distributing them to Security Servers that use this update center as the update source.
Kaspersky Lab's update servers
HTTP server, FTP server, local or network folder
A notification is a message that contains information about an event in Kaspersky Security operations on a protected Microsoft Exchange server.
You can configure the receipt of notifications about the following events in application operations:
- Detection of infected or password-protected objects in messages
- Detection of spam messages, mass emails, and messages containing phishing links
- Detection of attachments that meet the filtering criteria
- Detection of a stream of same-type messages sent from an internal corporate mailbox
- Change of the status and condition of Anti-Virus and Anti-Spam databases
- License expiration, and other license-related events
- System errors
Depending on the type of event, the application may send a notification about the event in the form of an email message, or log the information to the Windows Event Log.
You can enable Windows Event logging for all notifications except information about the status of Anti-Virus and Anti-Spam databases and about system errors in application operations.
If the organization is managing the application through Kaspersky Security Center and Windows Event logging is enabled, information about the following events is additionally transmitted to Kaspersky Security Center:
- Detection of infected or password-protected objects in messages
- Detection of attachments that meet the filtering criteria
- License expiration, and other license-related events
Kaspersky Security does not email notifications about the detection of spam messages, mass emails, or messages containing phishing links. You can enable Windows Event logging for these events.
Notifications contain detailed information about the message in which the object was detected and about the actions that the application performed in relation to the specific detection. The text of notifications is generated based on preset templates. For certain events, you can create individual notification templates.
Sending notifications by email
Kaspersky Security sends event notifications by email. The application uses the Microsoft Exchange server web service to send notifications. Before using notifications, you must specify the web service address and the authentication settings on the Microsoft Exchange Server.
You can specify notification recipients for every event.
The recipient of any notification sent by email can be an administrator or any other email address. You can additionally notify the message sender and recipients about the detection of infected or password-protected objects, and about filtered attachments. The recipient is the email address specified in the "To" field of the message. When an object is detected in the mailbox of an internal user of the organization, notifications will be sent even if messages have not actually been sent out of the mailbox (for example, if they have been saved in the Drafts folder with the "To" field filled in).
By default, no notification recipients are specified.
Forwarding notifications to external senders and recipients of messages
By default, Kaspersky Security allows sending notifications on object processing only to internal email addresses of senders and recipients of messages scanned.
An email address is classified as internal if it belongs to a domain listed among Accepted Domains of protected Microsoft Exchange servers in your organization.
If the address list of your company contains contacts with addresses from another company, these addresses are classified as external.
Notifications based on the Anti-Virus module scan results
Kaspersky Security lets you receive individual notifications when the following events occur:
- Infected object detected
- Password-protected object detected
- Attachment meeting the filtering criteria detected in a message
- Exceeded limit on the number of same-type messages sent from an internal email address
Kaspersky Security sends one notification on detection of objects of each type in a single message, regardless of the number of objects detected. For example, if five infected objects and two password-protected objects were detected in a message, Kaspersky Security sends one notification about the detection of infected objects and one notification about the detection of password-protected objects.
Notifications based on the Anti-Spam module scan results
Kaspersky Security can write information about the following events to the Windows Event Log:
- Spam message detected
- Message containing a phishing link detected
- Message containing mass email detected
Notifications about license-related events
Kaspersky Security creates the following notifications of license-related events:
- Notification on the blacklisting of a key.
This notification is sent after every update of the application databases on the Security Server if the active key of the Security Server has been blacklisted. Each Security Server on which a blacklisted key was added sends a notification.
- Notification about a pending license expiry.
This notification is sent once every 24 hours (00:00 UTC) according to the value of the setting defined in the Notify about license expiration in advance (days before) field in the Notifications node. The validity period of the active and reserve keys of the Security Server is taken into account when a notification is sent.
- Notification about an error updating the license status.
This notification is sent once every 24 hours (00:00 UTC) if the application has not been able to connect to the Kaspersky activation servers to confirm the license status in a long time.
- Notification about an expired license.
This notification is sent once every 24 hours (00:00 UTC) if the active key has expired and a reserve key is missing or the subscription period has expired.
- Notification about an unsuccessful attempt to update the license status and about the expiration of the license update period.
This notification is sent once every 24 hours (00:00 UTC) if the license status could not be updated because the application has not been able to connect to the Kaspersky activation servers to confirm the license status in a long time, and the license status update period has expired.
Defining the general notification settings
To define the notification sending settings, perform the following steps:
- Perform the following steps in the Management Console tree:
- To configure notification delivery for an unassigned Security Server, select the node of the relevant Security Server.
- To configure notification delivery for Security Servers belonging to a profile, expand the Profiles node and select the node of the profile for whose Security Servers you want to configure notification delivery.
- Select the Notifications node.
The workspace displays the Notification delivery settings and Event notifications sections.
- Configure the following settings in the Notification delivery settings section:
- Web service address
- Account and Password
- Administrator address
- Click the OK button.
If the application is running in a configuration with a DAG of Microsoft Exchange servers, the notification settings specified on any of the servers will be automatically applied to all the servers in the DAG. You do not have to configure notification delivery on other servers in the DAG.
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Configuring notifications of events in the application operation
To configure notifications of events in the application operation:
- In the Management Console tree, select the Notifications node.
The workspace displays the Notification delivery settings and Event notifications sections.
- In the Event notifications section, configure the notification settings as follows:
- In the left part of the section, in the Notification subjects list, select the event for which you want to send the notification. Depending on the type of the selected event, the right part of the section displays a list of recipients to whom you can send notifications, and/or a check box for enabling Windows event logging.
Selecting Spam and phishing displays a list of events of Anti-Spam and Anti-Phishing.
- If email notifications are available for the selected type of events, select the check box next to the recipients who you want to inform about the event. If you select the Additional addresses option, specify the email address of the recipient of notifications in the entry field. You can add multiple email addresses by separating them with a semicolon.
When selecting Spam and phishing, select the check box opposite events of Anti-Spam and/or Anti-Phishing. You can select the following events:
- Spam. Such an event is logged if the application has detected a spam message.
- Mass mail. Such an event is logged if the application detected a message containing mass mail.
- Phishing. Such an event is logged if the application detected a message containing a phishing link.
- If the creation of an individual notification template is available for the selected type of events, you can edit the text of the notification by clicking the Template button.
- If you want the application to log events to the Windows Event Log and Kaspersky Security Center, select the Log events to Windows Event Log check box.
This setting is not available for notifications about the status of databases and system errors. Anti-Spam, Anti-Phishing, and same-type message filtering events are written only to the Windows Event Log.
- In the left part of the section, in the Notification subjects list, select the event for which you want to send the notification. Depending on the type of the selected event, the right part of the section displays a list of recipients to whom you can send notifications, and/or a check box for enabling Windows event logging.
- Click the Save button.
The notification settings that you specified will be saved.
If the application is running in a configuration with a DAG of Microsoft Exchange servers, the notification settings specified on any of the servers will be automatically applied to all the servers in the DAG. You do not have to configure notifications on other servers in the DAG.
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Allowing notification delivery to external senders and recipients
By default, Kaspersky Security prohibits sending notifications of object processing to email addresses of external senders and recipients (those located outside of the company) of scanned messages. For example, if the list of recipients of an infected message contains both internal and external recipients, a notification will only be sent to internal recipients if notification of message recipients on infected object detection has been enabled. An email address is classified as internal if it belongs to a domain listed among Accepted Domains of protected Microsoft Exchange servers in your company. If the address list of your company contains contacts with addresses from another company, these addresses are classified as external.
This prohibition does not cover administrator addresses and additional addresses.
You can allow sending object processing notifications to external senders and recipients.
If you allow sending notifications to external addresses, the details of processed objects will be available for third parties outside of your company.
To allow sending notifications to email addresses of external senders and recipients:
- Perform the following steps in the Management Console tree:
- To configure notification of external senders and recipients for an unassigned Security Server, select the node of the relevant Security Server.
- To configure notification of external senders and recipients for Security Servers belonging to a profile, maximize the Profiles node and inside it maximize the node of the profile for whose Security Servers you need to configure notification.
- Select the Notifications node.
The workspace displays the Notification delivery settings and Event notifications sections.
- To allow sending notifications of processed objects to any (both internal and external) senders and recipients of scanned messages, clear the Send notifications to internal users only check box in the Event notifications section.
- Click the Save button.
Thus, sending notifications to email addresses of external senders and recipients is allowed.
If the application is running in a configuration with a DAG of Microsoft Exchange servers, the notification settings specified on any of the servers will be automatically applied to all the servers in the DAG. You do not have to configure notifications on other servers in the DAG.
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Notification template
In the Notification template window, you can edit the text of the notification that the application will send to a specified recipient or write to the event log. You can edit the contents of notifications about the following events in application operations:
- Detection of infected or password-protected objects in messages
- Detection of spam messages, mass emails, and messages containing phishing links
Notifications node
In the Notifications node, you can configure the settings for notifications about application operation.
The Notification delivery settings section allows you to configure the Exchange Web Service for sending notifications of the application operation.
In the Event notifications configuration section, you can configure email delivery of notifications about application operation events and the logging of events in the Windows Event Log.
The left part of the section displays the Notification subjects list. In this list, you can select events about which the application will notify the recipients specified in the right part of the section by email, and that the application will write in the Windows Event Log.
In the right part of the section, you can select the recipients for each notification or the message statuses based on scan results of the Anti-Spam module, and edit the text of notifications and configure additional settings for notifications about events. You can change the group of recipients of notifications based on the event selected in the Notification subjects list in the left part of the section. Additional notification settings will also be available for defining.
In the Recipients of notifications list, you can select one or several recipients to whom the application will send a notification about the selected event. Use a semicolon to separate email addresses in the entry field.
You can edit the text of the automatic notification by clicking the Template button. This feature is available for events that were registered during a virus scan or during a scan by the Anti-Spam module.
Filtering messages of the same type
In the Notify internal users only section, you can block sending notifications on processed objects outside your company to secure this information from theft by criminals.
Send notifications to internal users only
Kaspersky Security can save message copies in Backup before processing them with application modules. Copies of messages are placed in Backup together with all attachments.
Kaspersky Security saves message copies in Backup in the following cases:
- After scanning a message by the Anti-Virus module, before modifying the message as a result of the Delete message or Delete object action, provided that the application is allowed to save message copies in Backup during an Anti-Virus scan
- After scanning a message for spam and phishing, before performing the
action on the message, provided that the application is allowed to save message copies in Backup during an Anti-Spam and Anti-Phishing scan - When filtering attachments, provided that the application is allowed to save message copies in Backup during attachment filtering.
You can manage copies of messages in Backup as follows:
- View Backup contents.
- View the details of messages in Backup.
- Filter the details of messages in Backup for convenient viewing and searching of message details.
- Save messages from Backup to disk in order to view information contained in the message. You can also attempt to rescan the saved message with Anti-Virus with the updated database.
- Deliver messages from Backup to recipients. Saved objects will be delivered to the recipients.
- Forward messages from Backup to manually specified email addresses.
- Delete message copies from Backup.
Information about Backup objects is stored in the SQL database specified during installation of the application. If several Security Servers use the same SQL database (for example, in a DAG server configuration), Backup stores messages received from each of these Security Servers.
Messages are stored in Backup in encrypted form, which eliminates the risk of infection and speeds up the operation of Anti-Virus (files in Backup format are not detected as infected).
The total number of objects in Backup is limited to one million. You can additionally limit the size of Backup by imposing limitations on the size of Backup and the duration of object storage in Backup.
The application checks every minute if these limitations are not exceeded. Based on the results of the check, the application can perform the following operations:
- If the allowed number of objects in Backup is exceeded, the application removes an appropriate quantity of the oldest objects.
- If there is a limit on Backup size in megabytes, and this limit is exceeded when a new message is moved to Backup, the application frees up the required space by deleting the oldest objects.
- If the message storage period is limited, the application deletes messages whose storage period has expired.
Viewing Backup objects
You can view the details of all objects stored in Backup (copies of messages and attachments).
To view Backup objects:
- In the Management Console tree, expand the node of a Security Server.
- Select the Backup node.
The workspace shows a table with information about objects saved in Backup.
The lower part of the workspace under the table shows the total number of objects in Backup, the space occupied by them, and the number of objects displayed in the workspace after a filter was applied.
By default, the table shows the following details of each object in Backup:
- From. Address of the message sender specified in the field "From" of the message.
- To. Address or list of addresses of the message recipients specified in the "To" and "Cc" fields of the message.
- Subject. Message subject.
- Status. Object scan status (Infected, Probably infected, Disinfected, Protected, Spam, Probable spam, Formal notification, Address blacklisted, Trusted, Mass mail, Phishing, Forbidden attachment deleted, Message deleted, Message containing forbidden attachment or content allowed in).
- Received. Precise time of message arrival on Microsoft Exchange server.
You can set up the appearance of the workspace by editing the table columns displayed and changing their order.
To set up the appearance of the workspace:
- Click the Select columns button to add or remove table columns.
- In the window that opens, perform the following operations:
- Select the check boxes next to the table columns that you want to view in the workspace.
- Clear the check boxes for the table columns that you want to hide.
You can sort table data by any table column by clicking the header of the relevant column, such as From, To, or Subject.
The number of objects that the workspace can display at any one time is limited. To view other objects, use the navigation buttons in the bottom right corner of the workspace. The current window number is displayed between the two pairs of navigation buttons. To proceed to the next window, click the button with the > symbol. To proceed to the previous window, click the button with the < symbol. To proceed to the last window, click the button with the >> symbol. To return to the first window, click the button with the << symbol.
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Viewing the properties of objects in Backup
To view the properties of an object in Backup:
- In the Management Console tree, expand the node of a Security Server.
- Select the Backup node.
- In the table listing Backup objects, select the object of which you want to view the properties.
- Click the Properties button under the list of incidents.
The Properties dialog will appear. You can view the following details in this window:
- Component. The module that moved the object to Backup: Anti-Virus, Anti-Spam, Anti-Phishing, or Filtering of attachments.
- Detection. Name of the threat if the message is infected, or name of the triggered attachment filtering rule.
- Object type. Object type: Whole message, Message text, or Attachment.
- From. The sender's address.
- To. The e-mail address of the message recipient.
- Object name. Name of the message or attachment file.
- Subject. Message subject.
- Message ID. Message ID. This corresponds to the Message-Id field of the message header.
- Server name. Name of the server that has placed the object in Backup.
- Received. Precise time of message delivery (day, month, year, hour, minute).
- Sent. Exact time when the message was sent (day, month, year, hour, minute).
- Database release date. Release time of the application databases with which the object was scanned.
- Status. Status assigned to the message by the application (Infected, Probably infected, Disinfected, Protected, Spam, Probable spam, Formal notification, Address blacklisted, Trusted, Mass mail, Phishing, Forbidden attachment deleted, Message deleted, Message containing forbidden attachment or content allowed in).
- Size. Object size, in kilobytes.
Filtering the list of Backup objects
You can filter the list of Backup objects using one or several conditions by means of the filter. Filtering conditions are applied to table columns. By adding conditions, you can create custom filters. Filtering conditions are combined using the "AND" logical operator. Backup objects that do not meet the filtering conditions are not displayed in the list.
To filter the list of Backup objects:
- In the Management Console tree, expand the node of a Security Server.
- Select the Backup node.
- Configure the filtering conditions in the Storage filter section:
- Select the column to which the condition should be applied in the drop-down list.
Depending on the column selected, the remaining condition parameters may take the following form:
- Drop-down list
- Drop-down list and entry field
- Select the setting value(s) in the drop-down list and/or enter them manually.
- Select the column to which the condition should be applied in the drop-down list.
- If necessary, specify additional criteria by clicking the Add a condition button. Remove unnecessary conditions by clicking the
button in the right part of the row with the condition.
- Click the Search button to filter the list of Backup objects.
The application displays Backup objects matching the filter conditions in the table. Backup objects that do not match the filter conditions are hidden.
Once filter is applied, you can also sort table data in ascending or descending order by any table column. To do so, click the header of a particular column, for example From, To, or Subject.
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Saving objects from Backup to disk
Saving objects from Backup may cause the computer to be infected.
To save an object from Backup to disk:
- In the Management Console tree, expand the node of a Security Server.
- Select the Backup node.
- In the table listing Backup objects In the workspace, select the object that you want to save.
- Click the Save to disk button in the upper part of the workspace above the list of objects.
- In the window that opens, specify the folder to which you wish to save the object and, if necessary, enter or modify the object name.
- Click the Save button.
- In the opened window, read the warning text and click Yes if you accept the risk and want to perform the action.
The application will decode the encrypted object and save its copy with the defined name in the specified folder. The saved object has the same format that it had before being processed by the application. After an object has been saved successfully, the application displays the following notification: "Selected object has been saved to disk"
Forwarding objects from Backup to their original recipients
When objects are sent from Backup, the computers of the message recipients may become infected.
Objects that were saved in Backup can be sent to their original recipients.
To send Message text or Attachment objects, you must specify the settings of the Microsoft Exchange web service for the Security Server on which the object was detected.
To send Whole message objects, the following conditions must be met:
- The Replay directory must be configured on the Microsoft Exchange server on which the object was detected.
- The account used to start the Kaspersky Security 9.0 for Microsoft Exchange Servers service must have the necessary permissions to write to the Replay directory.
For security purposes, the application signs each message sent from Backup with a header containing an encrypted hash of the message. A signature decryption key is generated automatically during installation or upgrade of the application.
To prevent the application from re-scanning a sent message and returning it to Backup, all protected Microsoft Exchange servers must have identical sets of signature decryption keys. To do so, you need to manually export the key of the Hub Transport server and import it into the Edge Transport server, and vice versa.
To send an object from Backup to recipients, perform the following steps:
- In the Management Console tree, select the node of a Microsoft Exchange server and open it.
- Select the Backup node.
- In the table listing Backup objects in the workspace, select the object that you want to send to recipients.
- Click the Send button located in the upper part of the workspace above the list of objects, and select the Send to original recipients menu item.
- In the opened window, read the warning text and click Yes if you accept the risk and want to perform the action.
The application sends the selected object to the recipients of the original message.
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Forwarding of objects from Backup to other email addresses
When objects are sent from Backup, the computers of the message recipients may become infected.
You can forward objects that were saved in Backup to any manually specified email addresses. In this case, the object is delivered to the recipient as an attached file. The message body contains information about the object.
This functionality is available to users who have been included into the Kse Administrators or Kse AV Security Officers groups.
To send objects, you must specify the settings of the Microsoft Exchange web service for the Security Server on which the object was detected.
For security purposes, the application signs each message sent from Backup with a header containing an encrypted hash of the message. A signature decryption key is generated automatically during installation or upgrade of the application.
To prevent the application from re-scanning a sent message and returning it to Backup, all protected Microsoft Exchange servers must have identical sets of signature decryption keys. To do so, you need to manually export the key of the Hub Transport server and import it into the Edge Transport server, and vice versa.
To send an object from Backup to manually defined email addresses:
- In the Management Console tree, select the node of a Microsoft Exchange server and open it.
- Select the Backup node.
- In the table containing the list of Backup objects in the workspace, select the object that you want to send.
- Click the Send button located in the upper part of the workspace above the list of objects, and select the Send to other addresses menu item.
Clicking this button opens the Send Backup object window.
- In the Specify the recipient addresses for sending the object field, enter the email addresses of message recipients. You can specify multiple addresses by separating them with a semicolon.
- If necessary, modify the message subject in the Subject field. Default subject:
Object was sent from Kaspersky Security Backup
. - If necessary, edit the text in the Object details field. By default, the field contains information about the Backup object properties.
- In the lower part of the window, carefully read the warning text and select the check box next to it if you accept the risk and want to perform the action.
- Click OK.
The application sends the selected object to the specified addresses.
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Deleting objects from Backup
Objects saved in Backup can be deleted automatically or manually.
The application deletes the following objects from Backup automatically:
- The oldest object, if adding a new object causes the limit on the total number of objects in Backup to be exceeded (the maximum number of files in Backup is limited to one million)
- The oldest object, if there is a limit on the Backup size in the Backup settings and if adding a new object causes this limit to be exceeded
- Objects whose storage period expired, if there is a limit on the storage period in the Backup settings
You can also delete objects from Backup manually. You can delete selected objects or delete all objects in the list.
Objects can be deleted manually only by users who have been assigned the Administrator role.
Deleting selected objects from Backup
To delete selected objects from Backup:
- In the Management Console tree, select the node of a Microsoft Exchange server and open it.
- Select the Backup node.
- In the table listing Backup objects in the workspace, select the object(s) that you want to delete. You can use a filter to find objects.
- Click the Delete button and select Delete.
A confirmation window opens.
- Click Yes in the confirmation window.
The application deletes selected objects from Backup.
Deleting objects in the list from Backup
This feature allows you to perform the following tasks:
- Delete from Backup all objects that meet the selected criteria (objects found using a filter).
- Clear Backup by deleting all objects from it (if no filter is applied)
To delete objects in the list from Backup:
- In the Management Console tree, select the node of a Microsoft Exchange server and open it.
- Select the Backup node.
- If necessary, search for objects that you want to delete from Backup by using a filter.
- Click the Delete button and select Delete all.
A confirmation window opens.
- Click Yes in the confirmation window.
If a filter has been applied to Backup content, the application deletes from Backup only the objects that match the filter. If no filter has been applied to Backup content, the application deletes all objects from Backup.
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Configuring Backup settings
Backup is created during installation of the Security Server. Backup settings have default values that can be modified by the administrator.
To change the Backup settings, perform the following steps:
- In the Management Console tree, select the node of a Microsoft Exchange server and open it.
- Select the Settings node.
- To limit the size of Backup:
- In the workspace, in the Data storage group of settings, select the Restrict the Backup storage size check box.
- In the Backup size may not exceed spin box, specify the maximum report file size.
The default maximum size of Backup is 5120 MB.
- To limit the duration of object storage in Backup:
- In the workspace, in the Data storage group of settings, select the Restrict the duration of object storage in Backup check box.
- Specify the number of days in the Store objects no longer than spin box.
The default period for object storage in Backup is 45 days.
- Click the Save button.
If not a single check box is selected in the Data storage configuration section, only the total number of Backup objects is limited (not to exceed 1 million objects).
Regardless of the application configuration (standalone server or DAG), the Backup settings have to be defined separately on each physical server.
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Selecting Backup database for viewing its contents from the profile
Information about Backup objects is stored in the SQL database specified during installation of the application.
When several Security Servers have been added to a profile, by default the node of the profile shows the node of the Backup whose SQL database server appears first in the list arranged alphabetically in the format <SQL server name>\<instance>.
In the profile, you can select the SQL database to store information about Backup objects in the storage whose contents you want to view.
To select a Backup database in the profile to view its contents:
- In the Management Console tree, expand the Profiles node.
- Expand the node of the profile containing the Security Server that uses the relevant SQL database.
- Select the Backup node.
- Click the Select button.
The Database window opens, listing all SQL databases that are used by at least one Security Server in the profile.
- In the Database window, select the Security Server that hosts the SQL database of the Backup you need.
- Click the OK button.
If the connection is to a remote database on an SQL server, make sure that this SQL server is enabled to support TCP/IP as a client protocol.
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Database window
The Database window lets you select the SQL server and its database that stores information about Backup objects that you want to manage.
Send object to Kaspersky window
In this window, you can send a selected object for analysis of reasons of a false alert returned by Anti-Spam.
I accept the terms of object sending
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Backup node
The filter of Backup objects is located in the upper part of the workspace. You can use the filter to locate Backup objects with specific parameters and display them in the table.
Kaspersky Security supports creation and viewing of reports on the activity of the Anti-Virus and Anti-Spam modules. The application can generate a separate activity report for each module covering a period of one day or longer.
You can use the following report generation methods:
- Create reports manually.
- Generate reports using report generation tasks. Report generation tasks can be started manually or automatically according to schedule. You can create new report generation tasks, delete or modify the existing ones.
The application provides standard and detailed reports with the "Standard" and "Detailed" level of detail, respectively. Standard reports contain information about objects that have been processed during the entire time period, without indication of an interval. Detailed reports describe time intervals for each of which information about processed objects is provided.
The length of time intervals depends on the length of the reporting period selected:
- If the reporting period is 24 hours, the time interval is one hour.
- If the reporting period is two to seven days, the minimum time interval is six hours.
- If the reporting period is eight or more days, the minimum time interval is 24 hours.
Reports include statistics that have been collected over the period of time during which the corresponding application modules were enabled. The application retrieves no statistics on modules that are disabled.
You can view the reports in the application or receive them via email. E-mailed reports are appended to a message as an attachment. The message contains the following explanatory text: Attached file contains an activity report on Kaspersky Security 9.0 for Microsoft Exchange Servers
Anti-Virus activity report for the Mailbox role
The report on Anti-Virus for the Mailbox role contains the operation results of the Anti-Virus for the Mailbox role module over the specified reporting period.
The following information is displayed in the upper part of the report:
- <Date>. Report generation date.
- <Time>. Report generation time.
- <Report name>. "Standard Anti-Virus report for the Mailbox role" or "Detailed Anti-Virus report for the Mailbox role".
- Server name. Name of the Security Server on which the report was generated.
- Reporting period. Time interval covered in the report.
- Report has been generated for the following servers. List of Security Servers that are covered by the report.
The report table displays the results (statuses) of object processing in email messages by the Anti-Virus for the Mailbox role module. This table contains information about objects with the following statuses:
- Found clean. Scanned objects that have been found to contain no malicious programs.
- Disinfected. Infected objects that the application disinfected successfully.
- Detected problems:
- Infected. Objects infected with a virus or another program posing a threat.
- Probably infected. Objects that may be infected with an unknown virus or another program posing a threat.
- Password-protected. Password-protected objects, for example, password-protected archives.
- Not scanned due to:
- Licensing issues. Objects that have not been scanned due to a licensing issue.
- Errors in Anti-Virus databases. Objects which have not been scanned because of corrupted or missing Anti-Virus databases.
- Processing errors. Objects that returned an error while being processed.
- Total. All objects taken for scanning.
- Detected by the KSN service (applicable to a report with the "Standard" level of detail). Malicious objects detected with the aid of the Kaspersky Security Network or Kaspersky Private Security Network services.
The report with the "Standard" level of detail provides information about the number, share, and size of objects with the listed statuses that have been calculated during the reporting period:
- Objects. Total number of objects with the specified status.
- Percentage. Share of objects with the specified status among all objects taken for scanning.
- Size. Total size of objects with the specified status.
In the report with the "Detailed" level of detail, the reporting period is divided into equal time intervals for which information about the number of objects with the listed statuses is provided. The length of time intervals depends on the length of the reporting period selected.
Anti-Virus activity report for the Hub Transport role
The report on Anti-Virus in the Hub Transport role provides the operation results of the Anti-Virus in the Hub Transport role module for a specified reporting period.
The report comprises a header and a table.
The report header provides the following details:
- <Date>. Report generation date.
- <Time>. Report generation time.
- <Report name>. "Standard Anti-Virus report for the Hub Transport role" or "Detailed Anti-Virus report for the Hub Transport role".
- Server name. Name of the Security Server on which the report was generated.
- Reporting period. Time interval covered in the report.
- Report has been generated for the following servers. List of Security Servers that are covered by the report.
The table displays the results of object processing (statuses) in email messages by the Anti-Virus in the Hub Transport role module. The table contains information about objects with the following statuses:
- Found clean. Scanned objects that are found to contain no viruses or other programs posing threats and do not match the attachment filtering criteria.
- Disinfected. Objects that the application managed to disinfect.
- Detected problems:
- Infected. Objects infected with a virus or another program posing a threat.
- Probably infected. Objects that may be infected with an unknown virus or another program posing a threat.
- Attachments filtered out. Messages in which attachments have been detected that match the attachment filtering criteria.
- Not scanned due to:
- Licensing issues. Objects that have not been scanned due to a licensing issue.
- Errors in Anti-Virus databases. Objects which have not been scanned because of corrupted or missing Anti-Virus databases.
- Processing errors. Objects that returned an error while being processed.
- Total. All objects taken for scanning.
- Detected by the KSN service (applicable to a report with the "Standard" level of detail). Malicious objects detected with the aid of the Kaspersky Security Network or Kaspersky Private Security Network services.
The report with the "Standard" level of detail provides information about the number, share, and size of objects with the listed statuses that have been calculated during the reporting period:
- Objects. Total number of objects with the specified status.
- Percentage. Share of objects with the specified status among all objects taken for scanning.
- Size. Total size of objects with the specified status.
In the report with the "Detailed" level of detail, the reporting period is divided into equal time intervals for which information about the number of objects with the listed statuses is provided. The length of time intervals depends on the length of the reporting period selected.
Report of Anti-Spam activity
The Anti-Spam report contains the operation results of the Anti-Spam module over the specified reporting period.
The report comprises a header and a table.
The report header provides the following details:
- <Date>. Report generation date.
- <Time>. Report generation time.
- <Report name>. "Standard Anti-Spam report" or "Detailed Anti-Spam report".
- Server name. Name of the Security Server on which the report was generated.
- Reporting period. Time interval covered in the report.
- Report has been generated for the following servers. List of Security Servers that are covered by the report.
The table displays the results (statuses) of email message processing by the Anti-Spam module. The table contains information about messages with the following statuses:
- Clean. Messages belonging to the following categories:
- Scanned messages containing no spam or phishing links.
- Messages that have been excluded from scanning by means of white lists of senders or recipients.
- Trusted. Messages coming via Trusted connections.
- Spam. Messages containing spam.
- Probable spam. Messages that possibly (as indicated by heuristic analysis) are spam.
- Formal notification. Service messages, such as notifications of message delivery to the recipient.
- Address blacklisted. Messages from blacklisted senders.
- Phishing. Messages that contain phishing links.
- Mass mail. Mass mailing messages that are not spam.
- Not scanned. Messages that were not scanned by Anti-Spam.
- Total. All messages taken for scanning.
- Detected by the KSN service (applicable to a report with the "Standard" level of detail). Spam messages and messages containing phishing links detected with the aid of the Kaspersky Security Network or Kaspersky Private Security Network services.
The report with the "Standard" level of detail contains information about the number, share, and size of messages with listed statuses that have been calculated over the reporting period:
- Number of messages. Total number of messages with the specified status.
- Percentage. Share of messages with the specified status among all messages taken for scanning.
- Size. Total size of messages with the specified status.
In the report with the "Detailed" level of detail, the reporting period is divided into equal time intervals for which information about the number and total size of messages with the listed statuses is provided. The length of time intervals depends on the length of the reporting period selected.
Generating a report manually
To generate a report manually:
- Perform the following steps in the Management Console tree:
- to create a report for an unassigned Security Server, maximize the node of the relevant Security Server;
- to create a report for Security Servers belonging to one profile, maximize the Profiles node and inside it maximize the node of the profile for whose Security Servers you want to generate a report.
- Select the Reports node.
- In the workspace, in the Generate and view reports section, click the New report button.
- In the Report generation settings window that opens, in the Module dropdown list, select the module on which you need to generate a report:
- Anti-Virus for the Mailbox role.
- Anti-Virus for the Hub Transport role.
- Anti-Spam.
- Select one of the following report detail levels in the Detail level drop-down list:
- Standard;
- Detailed.
- In the from and to fields, type the start and end dates of the period covered by the report or select them in the calendar.
- To generate a report for Security Servers belonging to one profile, perform the following operations in the Generate report based on statistics sections:
- Choose the All Security Servers of the profile option to generate a report containing information about all Security Servers belonging to the profile. In the drop-down list on the right, select the Security Server where the report will be generated.
- Choose the One Security Server option to generate a report containing information about a single Security Server in the profile. In the drop-down list on the right, select the Security Server for which you want to generate the report.
- To create a quick report using the defined settings, click the OK button.
The application opens the report window in a browser as soon as report generation has been completed and shows the report details in the Generate and view reports section.
Creating a report generation task
To create a report generation task:
- Perform the following steps in the Management Console tree:
- to create a report generation task for an unassigned Security Server, maximize the node of the relevant Security Server;
- to create a report generation task for Security Servers belonging to one profile, maximize the Profiles node and inside it maximize the node of the profile for whose Security Servers you want to create the report generation task.
- Select the Reports node.
- In the workspace, in the Report generation tasks section, click the New task button.
- In the Task settings window that opens, in the Name field, enter the name of the task to be created. This name will be assigned to all reports generated through this task.
- On the Report generation settings tab, in the Module dropdown list, select the module on which you need to have reports generated when this task is running:
- Anti-Virus for the Mailbox role.
- Anti-Virus for the Hub Transport role.
- Anti-Spam.
- Select one of the following report detail levels in the Detail level drop-down list:
- Standard;
- Detailed.
- If you want the application to send generated reports by email:
- If you want the application to email the generated reports to the administrator's email address, select the Send to administrator check box.
- If you want the application to send the generated reports to the specified email addresses, select Send to recipients check box. In the entry field, specify the email addresses to which the reports should be sent.
- In the Notifications node, specify the following notification settings: address of the Exchange Web Service (EWS), account under which the application sends notifications and password for this account, as well as administrator addresses (if you have selected the Send to administrator check box). The application uses these settings to send reports by email.
- To generate a report for Security Servers belonging to one profile, perform the following operations in the Generate report based on statistics sections:
- Choose the All Security Servers of the profile option to generate reports containing information about all Security Servers belonging to the profile. In the drop-down list on the right, select the Security Server where the report will be generated.
- Select One Security Server to generate reports containing information about a single Security Server in the profile. In the drop-down list on the right, select the Security Server for which you want to generate the reports.
- Select the Schedule check box on the Generate scheduled report tab if you want the application to generate reports in accordance with the specified schedule.
- If you have selected the Generate scheduled report check box, specify the report generation frequency:
- Every N days. In the Every N days entry field, specify the frequency of report generation in days. In the Start time entry field, specify the time when report generation should start.
- Weekly. In the Start day section, select the days of the week on which the application should generate reports. In the Start time entry field, specify the time when report generation should start.
- Monthly. In the Day of month entry field, specify the day of the month on which the application should generate reports. In the Start time entry field, specify the time when report generation should start.
- Click the OK button.
The application displays the created report generation task in the Report generation tasks section. Reports will be generated in accordance with the schedule specified in the task. You can also run the task manually.
Viewing the list of report generation tasks
To view the list of report generation tasks:
- Perform the following steps in the Management Console tree:
- to view report generation tasks for an unassigned Security Server, maximize the node of the relevant Security Server;
- to view report generation tasks for Security Servers belonging to a profile, expand the Profiles node and, in this node, expand the node of the profile for whose Security Servers you want to view the report generation tasks.
- Select the Reports node.
- All tasks that have been created are displayed in the workspace, in the Report generation tasks section. The following information is displayed for each task:
- Task name. Name of the created report generation task.
- Module. The module on which a report is generated when this task is running: Anti-Spam, Anti-Virus for the Mailbox role, or Anti-Virus for the Hub Transport role.
- Detail level. Level of detail of the generated reports: "Detailed" or "Standard".
- Scope. A profile or a Security Server covered by the reports being generated.
- Schedule. The specified report generation schedule.
- Time of last modification. The date and time when the report generation task was last modified.
- Next start. Date and time of the next start of the scheduled report generation task.
- Automatic start. Indicates whether or not a task has been configured to start according to schedule.
- Report generation server. The Security server hosting the reports.
Editing the settings of a report generation task
To edit the settings of a report generation task:
- Perform the following steps in the Management Console tree:
- to edit the settings of a report generation task for an unassigned Security Server, maximize the node of the relevant Security Server;
- to edit the settings of the report generation task for Security Servers belonging to a profile, expand the Profiles node and, in this node, expand the node of the profile for whose Security Servers you want to edit the settings of the report generation task.
- Select the Reports node.
- In the workspace, in the Report generation tasks section, select the task of which you want to edit the settings.
- Click the Change button above the table of tasks.
- In the Task settings window that opens, edit the relevant settings.
- Click the OK button.
Starting a report generation task
To start a report generation task:
- Perform the following steps in the Management Console tree:
- to start a report generation task for an unassigned Security Server, maximize the node of the relevant Security Server;
- to start a report generation task for Security Servers belonging to a profile, expand the Profiles node and, in this node, expand the node of the profile for whose Security Servers you want to start the report generation task.
- Select the Reports node.
- In the Report generation tasks section, in the task table, select the task that you want to run.
- Click the Start button.
The application opens the report window in a browser as soon as report generation has been completed and shows the report details in the Report generation tasks section.
Deleting a report generation task
To delete a report generation task:
- Perform the following steps in the Management Console tree:
- to delete a report generation task for an unassigned Security Server, maximize the node of the relevant Security Server;
- to delete a report generation task for Security Servers belonging to a profile, expand the Profiles node and, in this node, expand the node of the profile for whose Security Servers you want to delete the report generation task.
- Select the Reports node.
- In the workspace, in the Report generation tasks section, select the task that you want to delete.
- Click the Delete button above the table of tasks.
A confirmation window opens.
- Click Yes in the confirmation window.
The selected task is deleted from the table of tasks in the Report generation tasks section.
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Viewing a report
The generated reports are stored in the list of reports so they are available for viewing.
To view a report:
- Perform the following steps in the Management Console tree:
- to view a report for an unassigned Security Server, maximize the node of the relevant Security Server;
- to view a report for Security Servers belonging to a profile, expand the Profiles node and, in this node, expand the node of the profile for whose Security Servers you want to view the report.
- Select the Reports node.
- All reports that have been created are displayed in the workspace, in the Generate and view reports section. The table displays the following information about each report:
- Name. Report name. If the report is created manually, it will be named "<Module on which the report is generated> report"; if the report is created using the report generation task, the report name is identical to the task name.
- Created. Report generation date and time.
This column shows the time specified in the locale settings of the computer that hosts Management Console.
- Interval. The period of time covered by the report.
- Data source. Name of the Security Server, profile, or DAG (only for the Anti-Virus for the Mailbox role) covered in the report.
- Module. The module on which a report is generated: Anti-Spam, Anti-Virus for the Mailbox role, or Anti-Virus for the Hub Transport role.
- Detail level. Level of detail of the report: Detailed or Standard.
- Report generation server. The Security Server hosting the report.
- To view a report, select it in the list and click the View button.
The selected report opens in the default web browser window.
Saving a report to disk
You can save the generated reports to disk and view them without Management Console. Reports are saved to disk as HTML files.
To save a report to disk:
- Perform the following steps in the Management Console tree:
- to save a report for an unassigned Security Server, maximize the node of the relevant Security Server;
- to save a report for Security Servers belonging to a profile, expand the Profiles node and, in this node, expand the node of the profile for whose Security Servers you want to save the report.
- Select the Reports node.
- In the table of reports in the Generate and view reports section, select the report you want to save and click the Save button.
- In the Save as window that opens, specify the folder to which you wish to save the report and, if necessary, enter or modify the report name.
- Click the Save button.
Deleting a report
You can remove reports that you no longer need from the list of reports. You can remove one report at a time or several reports at once.
Deleted reports cannot be restored.
To delete a report:
- Perform the following steps in the Management Console tree:
- to delete a report for an unassigned Security Server, maximize the node of the relevant Security Server;
- to delete a report for Security Servers belonging to a profile, expand the Profiles node and, in this node, expand the node of the profile for whose Security Servers you want to delete the report.
- Select the Reports node.
- In the table of reports in the Generate and view reports section, select the report you want to delete and click the Delete button.
A confirmation window opens.
- Click Yes in the confirmation window.
The selected report will be removed from the reports table.
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Task settings window
The Report generation settings tab allows you to define the settings of scheduled report generation.
Generate report based on statistics
The Schedule tab lets you configure the report generation schedule.
Reports node
The Report generation tasks section lets you create, view, start, edit, and delete report generation tasks.
The Generate and view reports section lets you create reports, view, save or delete reports generated by the application.
Application logs
Kaspersky Security records its operation details (such as error messages or warnings) to Windows Event Log and Kaspersky Security event logs.
About Windows Event Log
Windows Event Log contains the details of the Kaspersky Security operation that the Kaspersky Security administrator or the security officer can use to monitor the application operation.
Events related to Kaspersky Security operation are recorded to the Windows Event Log on behalf of the KSE source and are displayed in application logs and service logs in the Kaspersky Security for Exchange Servers section. Each basic events related to the application operation has a respective fixed event code. You can use an event code to find and filter events in a log.
About event logs in Kaspersky Security
Kaspersky Security event logs are files in TXT format that are stored locally in the folder <Application setup folder>\logs
. You can specify a different folder to store logs.
The detail level of application event logs depends on the current settings of log detail level.
Kaspersky Security maintains event logs according to the following algorithm:
- The application records information to the end of the most recent log.
- When the log size reaches 100 MB, the application archives it and creates a new log.
- By default, the application stores log files for 14 days since the last modification, and then deletes them. You can set a different term for log storage.
Separate logs are created individually for each Security Server irrespectively of the application deployment variant.
The folder with logs and the folder with the application data (<Application installation folder>\data
) may contain confidential data. The application does not ensure protection against unauthorized access to data in those folders. You should take your own steps to protect the data in those folders against unauthorized access.
Kaspersky Security events in Windows Event Log
This section contains information about basic events in the application operation that are recorded to Windows Event Log. Events related to Kaspersky Security operation are recorded to the Windows Event Log on behalf of the KSE source. Each of those events has a respective fixed event code. Events in this table are sorted by event code in ascending order.
Main events in the application operation
Event code |
Event importance level |
Description |
1000 |
Error |
Such an event is logged if the application detects that the Anti-Virus databases were last updated more than 24 hours ago. The event record specifies the database type and release date. |
Warning |
Such an event is logged if the application detects that the Anti-Spam databases were last updated more than five hours ago. The event record specifies the database type and release date. |
1001 |
Info |
Such an event is logged if the application detects an infected or protected object, or an attached file that meets the attachment filtering criteria, and if the workspace of the Notifications node has the Log events to Windows Event Log check box selected for the relevant notification types. |
1004 |
Warning |
Such an event is logged if the Log events to Windows Event Log and Kaspersky Security Center Event Log check box is selected in the Notifications node, the Notify about license expiration in advance (days before) setting is configured, and the license expires soon. The event record specifies the key, the license expiration date, and the number of days left until this date. |
1005 |
Error |
Such an event is logged if the Log events to Windows Event Log and Kaspersky Security Center Event Log check box is selected in the Notifications node and the license has expired. The event record specifies the key and the license expiration date. |
1007 |
Error |
Such an event is logged if the Log events to Windows Event Log and Kaspersky Security Center Event Log check box is selected in the Notifications node and an active key is not detected. |
1008 |
Info |
Such an event is logged if the application databases have been updated to the latest version. The event record specifies the database type and release date. |
1009 |
Error |
Such an event is logged if the application registers any errors in the operation of a component. The event record specifies the component name and the error description. |
Warning |
Such an event is logged if the application registers the disabling of a component. The event record specifies the component name. |
Info |
Such an event is logged if the application registers the enabling of a component. The event record specifies the component name. |
1010 |
Error |
Such an event is logged if an error occurred on the SQL server and the database is not available anymore. The event record specifies the database name, the SQL server name, and the error description. |
Info |
Such an event is logged if access to the SQL database is restored and all errors are fixed. The event record specifies the database name and the SQL server name. |
1011 |
Info |
Such an event is logged if the user requested the background scan to run. The event record specifies the user account. |
1012 |
Info |
Such an event is logged if the user requested the background scan to stop. The event record specifies the user account. |
1013 |
Info |
Such an event is logged if the on-demand scan has been run manually or automatically (by schedule). The event record specifies the run type. |
1014 |
Info |
Such an event is logged if the background scan was stopped. The event record specifies the reason for the scan stop. |
1015 |
Warning |
Such an event is logged if the Log events to Windows Event Log and Kaspersky Security Center Event Log check box is selected in the Notifications node and the application was not able to update the license status. The event record specifies the key, the license expiration date, and the number of days left until the application switches to limited functionality mode. |
1016 |
Error |
Such an event is logged if the Log events to Windows Event Log and Kaspersky Security Center Event Log check box is selected in the Notifications node, the application was not able to update the license status, and the license update period has expired. The event record provides a description of the cause of the error. |
1025 |
Info |
Such an event is logged if the Spam check box is selected in the Notifications node for the Spam and phishing event in the Notification settings section, and the application has detected a message containing spam or potential spam. The event record provides information about the message. |
1026 |
Info |
Such an event is logged if the Mass mail check box is selected in the Notifications node for the Spam and phishing event in the Notification settings section, and the application has detected a message containing mass mail. The event record provides information about the message. |
1027 |
Info |
Such an event is logged if the Phishing check box is selected in the Notifications node for the Spam and phishing event in the Notification settings section, and the application has detected a message containing a phishing link. The event record provides information about the message. |
1028 |
Info |
Such an event is logged if the Log events to Windows Event Log check box is selected in the Notifications node for the Filtering messages of the same type event in the Notification settings section and the application detects that the limit on the number of messages sent from an internal email address has been exceeded. The event record provides information about the most recently filtered message. |
11010 |
Info |
Such an event is logged if the Management Console has been run. The event record specifies the account of the user who has run the Management Console. |
11011 |
Info |
Such an event is logged if the Management Console was closed. The event record specifies the account of the user who closed the Management Console. |
11020 |
Error |
Such an event is logged if an application component switched to restricted scan mode. The event record specifies the component name and the time it switched to restricted scan mode. |
11100 |
Warning |
Such an event is logged if KSN usage is limited. The event record specifies whether KSN usage is limited. |
11103 |
Info |
Such an event is logged if KSN usage is unlimited. The event record specifies whether KSN usage is unlimited. |
11106 |
Warning |
Such an event is logged if the KSN operating region was changed. Event records indicate the names of the previous and current KSN operating regions. |
2055 |
Error |
Such an event is logged if the Log events to Windows Event Log and Kaspersky Security Center Event Log check box is selected in the Notifications node and an error occurred during automatic update of the license status. The event record provides a description of the cause of the error. |
30000 |
Info |
Such an event is logged if some of the application settings have been modified. The event record specifies the account of the user who modified the settings, the modification scope (for example, Anti-Spam), and the new values of the settings. |
31000 |
Info |
Such an event is logged if the Log events to Windows Event Log and Kaspersky Security Center Event Log check box is selected in the Notifications node, and the key status, license expiration date, and number of users or license type have changed. The event record specifies the key, the license type, the license expiration date, and the number of license users. |
31022 |
Info |
Such an event is logged if the Log events to Windows Event Log and Kaspersky Security Center Event Log check box is selected in the Notifications node and the user has performed an action on the Security Server key. The event record specifies the user account. |
42404 |
Info |
Such an event is logged if an object was deleted from Backup. The event record specifies detailed information about the object and the user account, if the object was deleted by a user. The application deletes an object according to the Backup settings. |
42405 |
Info |
Such an event is logged if the user sent a possibly infected object from Backup to Kaspersky for examination. The event record specifies the user account and the object details. |
42406 |
Info |
Such an event is logged if the user sent an object from Backup to its original recipients. The event record specifies the user account and the object details. |
42421 |
Info |
Such an event is logged if the user sent an object from Backup to Kaspersky for examination but the application identified this object as spam by mistake. The event record specifies the user account and the object details. |
42422 |
Info |
Such an event is logged if the user saved an object from Backup to disk. The event record specifies the user account and the object details. |
42423 |
Info |
Such an event is logged if the user sent an object from Backup to manually specified email addresses. The event record specifies the user account and the object details. |
42706 |
Error |
Such an event is logged if an update of the application databases fails. The event record specifies the database type and the error description. |
42707 |
Info |
Such an event is logged if an application database update error is fixed and the databases are successfully updated. The event record specifies the database type and release date. |
48808 |
Info |
Such an event is logged if the application detected an outgoing email message containing spam or phishing content. The event record contains information about the message. |
Configuring application logs
To define the application logging settings, perform the following steps:
- Perform the following steps in the Management Console tree:
- To configure log settings for an unassigned Security Server, maximize the node of the relevant Security Server;
- To configure log settings for Security Servers belonging to one profile, maximize the Profiles node and inside it maximize the node of the profile for whose Security Servers you want to configure log settings.
- Select the Settings node.
- Expand the Diagnostics block of settings and perform the following actions:
- In the Logs folder field, specify the path to the folder for storing logs. You can reset the path to its default value by clicking the Default link (
<Application setup folder>\logs)
.No system variables (such as %TEMP%) are allowed to use in this string.
You are advised to avoid using network folders as the logs folder. They are not supported by the application.
You can specify the path to the logs folder for each Security Server individually. This parameter cannot be defined for a profile.
If you specify a different folder to store logs, the application starts creating log files in this new folder. Older log files remain in the previously selected logs folder at that. If the new logs folder does not exist, it will be created. If the new folder cannot be accessed (e.g., due to lack of rights), the application records logs to the default folder until access to the new one is granted. The application switches to the new logs folder within 30 minutes after access to that folder is granted.
- In the Log storage period spin box, specify the time period during which logs will be stored in the folder after being created. When this period expires, the application deletes all logs.
The default value is 14 days.
- Configure the detail level. The detail level determines the detail of logging.
- In the Logs folder field, specify the path to the folder for storing logs. You can reset the path to its default value by clicking the Default link (
- Click the Save button.
The application starts recording events to logs in accordance with the settings defined.
If the application is running on a Microsoft Exchange server included in a DAG, the settings of logs that have been defined on one of the Microsoft Exchange servers will be automatically applied to the rest of the Microsoft Exchange servers included in the same DAG. You do not have to define the logging settings on other Microsoft Exchange servers in the same DAG.
Page top
Configuring the detail level of application logs
To configure the detail level of application logs:
- Perform the following steps in the Management Console tree:
- To configure the detail level of logs for an unassigned Security Server, expand the node of the relevant Security Server.
- To configure the detail level of logs for Security Servers belonging to a profile, expand the Profiles node and inside it expand the node of the profile in which you want to configure the diagnostics level of logs on the Security Servers.
- Select the Settings node.
- Expand the Diagnostics block of settings.
- Click the Settings button in the Log details section.
This opens the Diagnostics settings window.
- Select the check boxes next to the events of which the application must log the details.
- Click OK to save the changes and close the window.
If you have selected multiple events in the window, the detail level changes to Custom. The application will record main events in the application operation, as well as detailed information for the events that you have specified.
If you have selected all of the events in the window, the detail level changes to Maximum. The application will record detailed information about all events to logs.
Detailed application logging may slow the application down.
Confidential data from the contents of messages and network queries can be recorded to detailed logs.
- If you want to reset the current detail level of a log, click the Reset button.
The application changes the detail level to Minimum. Logs will only contain basic events from the application operation, such as scan results, updates of databases, and keys added.
- Click Save to save the changes.
If the application is running on a Microsoft Exchange server included in a DAG, the detail level that has been set on one of the Microsoft Exchange servers will be automatically applied to the rest of the Microsoft Exchange servers included in the same DAG. You do not have to configure the detail level on other Microsoft Exchange servers in the same DAG.
Page top
Diagnostics settings window
The Diagnostics settings window displays a list of events. In the Enable detailed logging of events list, you can select events in the application operation that the application will record to a log.
This information may be useful for Technical Support. Contact Technical Support for more details.
All boxes are cleared by default.
Using Kaspersky Security in Windows PowerShell
This section provides information and instructions on how to execute commands in Windows PowerShell in order to view the protection status of Microsoft Exchange servers and statistics on the operation of application modules.
About Windows PowerShell commands
Using commands that are run in PowerShell, you can receive information about the application operation without running the Management Console.
The application distribution kit includes the Kse.Powershell library, which contains Windows PowerShell commands allowing you to perform the following actions:
- View the protection status of a Microsoft Exchange server.
- view the statistics of Anti-Virus and Attachment Filtering modules;
- View the statistics of the Anti-Spam module.
- View the white and black lists of Anti-Spam addresses.
- Add addresses to the white and black lists of Anti-Spam addresses.
- Delete addresses from the white and black lists of Anti-Spam addresses.
- Synchronize white or black lists of Anti-Spam addresses.
You can run Windows PowerShell commands on any corporate computer on which the Kaspersky Security Management Console is installed.
To run those commands, you need to have Windows PowerShell 4.0 installed.
Page top
Connecting the Kse.Powershell library
To connect the Kse.Powershell library:
- Run Windows PowerShell on behalf of the administrator (Run as Administrator).
- In Windows PowerShell run command:
Import-Module ‘<full path to the application installation folder>\Kse.Powershell.dll'
The Kse.Powershell library will then be connected and available for use.
Page top
Viewing the protection status of a Microsoft Exchange server
Users who have been assigned one of the following roles can view the protection status of the Microsoft Exchange server in Windows PowerShell:
- Administrator;
- Anti-Virus Security Officer;
- Anti-Virus Security Operator.
To view the protection status of a Microsoft Exchange server:
- Run Windows PowerShell (Run as Administrator) and connect the Kse.Powershell library.
- Run command:
Get-KSEServerStatus -ServerFqdn <server name>
where <server name> is the name of the protected Microsoft Exchange server. We recommend that you specify the full address of the server in FQDN format or the IP address.
Windows PowerShell displays the following information details:
- ServerFqdn — Name of the protected Microsoft Exchange server.
- LicenseStatus — Status of the Security Server key:
- Valid — Current license. The functionality of Anti-Virus and Anti-Spam is unlimited.
- Expired — The license expired. Updates of Anti-Virus and Anti-Spam databases are prohibited, Kaspersky Security Network cannot be used.
- NoLicenseKey — No key is available. The functionality of the Anti-Virus and Anti-Spam modules is not available, updates of Anti-Virus and Anti-Spam databases are prohibited.
- InconsistentUpdate — Application databases are corrupted or unavailable.
- BlackListed — The key has been blocked. Only updates of Anti-Virus and Anti-Spam databases are available. The functionality of the Anti-Virus and Anti-Spam modules is unavailable.
- LicenseExpirationDate — Security Server license expiration date (if no key is specified for the Security Server, DateTime.MinValue is displayed as 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM).
- TransportAntivirusStatus – status of the Anti-Virus module for the Hub Transport role:
- Running — The module is enabled.
- WorksWithErrors — The module is running with errors.
- TurnedOff — The module is disabled.
- NotInstalled — The module is not installed.
- ImpossibleToInstall — The module cannot be installed in this Microsoft Exchange server configuration.
- MailboxAntivirusStatus — Status of Anti-Virus for the Mailbox role (Running, WorksWithErrors, TurnedOff, NotInstalled, ImpossibleToInstall). Same setting values as for TransportAntivirusStatus.
- AntispamStatus — Status of Anti-Spam (Running, WorksWithErrors, TurnedOff, NotInstalled, ImpossibleToInstall). Same setting values as for TransportAntivirusStatus.
- AttachmentFilteringStatus — Status of Attachment Filtering (Running, WorksWithErrors, TurnedOff, NotInstalled, ImpossibleToInstall). Same setting values as for TransportAntivirusStatus.
- SqlServerStatus — Status of the SQL server connection:
- Running — The SQL server is available.
- TurnedOff — The SQL server is not available.
- WorksWithErrors — The SQL server is running with errors.
- AntivirusBasesCumulativeStatus — Status of Anti-Virus databases:
- UpToDate — Anti-Virus databases are up-to-date.
- Outdated — Anti-Virus databases are outdated.
- Error — An error occurred during an Anti-Virus database update.
- NotAvailable — Anti-Virus databases are not available.
- AntivirusBasesIssueDateUtc — Release date and time (UTC) of the currently used version of Anti-Virus databases.
- AntispamBasesCumulativeStatus — Status of Anti-Spam databases (UpToDate, Outdated, Error, NotAvailable). Same setting values as for AntivirusBasesCumulativeStatus.
- AntispamBasesIssueDateUtc — Release date and time (UTC) of the currently used version of Anti-Spam databases.
If the Kaspersky Security for Microsoft Exchange Servers (KSCM8) service is not yet running, the Get-KSEServerStatus command returns System.ServiceModel.EndpointNotFoundException.
Page top
Viewing the statistics of Anti-Virus and Attachment Filtering modules
Users who have been assigned one of the following roles can view the statistics of Anti-Virus and Attachment Filtering modules in Windows PowerShell:
- Administrator;
- Anti-Virus Security Officer;
- Anti-Virus Security Operator.
To view the statistics of Anti-Virus and Attachment Filtering modules:
- Run Windows PowerShell (Run as Administrator) and connect the Kse.Powershell library.
- Run command:
Get-KSEAVServerStatistics -ServerFqdn <server name> -From <interval start> -To <interval end> -AntivirusRole <role>
- <server name> is the name of the protected Microsoft Exchange server. We recommend that you specify the full address of the server in FQDN format or the IP address.
- <interval start> is the starting date of the interval for which you need to view the statistics.
- <interval end> is the ending date of the interval for which you need to view the statistics.
- <role> is the role in which the application has been deployed. Available values:
- Mailbox — Anti-Virus for the Mailbox role;
- Transport — Anti-Virus for the Hub Transport role.
Windows PowerShell displays the following information details:
- TotalCheckedObjects — Total number of messages scanned by the module over the specified period;
- CleanObjects — Number of non-infected messages;
- InfectedObjects — Number of infected messages;
- DisinfectedObjects — Number of disinfected messages;
- PasswordProtectedObjects — Number of messages that contain password-protected files (this parameter is applicable to the Mailbox role);
- SuspiciousObjects — Number of possibly infected messages;
- AttachmentFilteredObjects — Number of messages that meet the attachment filtering criteria (this setting is only applicable to the Transport role; it is always equal to 0 for the Mailbox role).
- SkippedByLicenseErrorObjects — Number of messages that have not been scanned due to license issues;
- SkippedByTimeoutObjects — Number of messages that have not been scanned due to a waiting timeout;
- SkippedByProcessingErrorObjects — Number of messages that have not been scanned due to processing errors.
Example of a command that displays the statistics of Anti-Virus for the Hub Transport role and Attachment Filtering modules on over the last 24 hours:
Get-KSEAVServerStatistics -ServerFqdn -From $(Get-Date).AddDays(-1) -To $(Get-Date)-AntivirusRole Transport
If the Kaspersky Security for Microsoft Exchange Servers (KSCM8) service is not yet running, the Get-KSEAVServerStatistics command returns System.ServiceModel.EndpointNotFoundException.
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Viewing the statistics of the Anti-Spam module
Users who have been assigned one of the following roles can view the statistics of the Anti-Spam module in Windows PowerShell:
- Administrator;
- Anti-Virus Security Officer;
- Anti-Virus Security Operator.
To view the statistics of the Anti-Spam module:
- Run Windows PowerShell (Run as Administrator) and connect the Kse.Powershell library.
- Run command:
Get-KSEASServerStatistics -ServerFqdn <server name> -From <interval start> -To <interval end>
- <server name> is the name of the protected Microsoft Exchange server. We recommend that you specify the full address of the server in FQDN format or the IP address.
- <interval start> is the starting date of the interval for which you need to view the statistics.
- <interval end> is the ending date of the interval for which you need to view the statistics.
Windows PowerShell displays the following information details:
- TotalCheckedMessages — Total number of messages that came in for scanning over the specified period;
- CleanMessages — Number of messages in which no spam or phishing links have been detected (with the Clean status);
- SpamMessages — Number of messages with the Spam status;
- ProbableSpamMessages — Number of messages with the Probable spam status;
- FormalMessages — Number of messages with the Formal notification status;
- BlackListedMessages — Number of messages with the Address blacklisted status;
- TrustedMessages — Number of messages with the Trusted status;
- MassMailMessages — Number of messages with the Mass mail status;
- PhishingMessages — Number of messages with the Phishing status;
- NotCheckedMessages — Number of messages that have not been scanned by Anti-Spam.
Example of a command that displays the statistics of Anti-Spam on over last hour:
Get-KSEASServerStatistics -ServerFqdn -From $(Get-Date).AddHours(-1) -To $(Get-Date)
If the Kaspersky Security for Microsoft Exchange Servers (KSCM8) service is not yet running, the Get-KSEASServerStatistics command returns System.ServiceModel.EndpointNotFoundException.
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Viewing the white list of Anti-Spam addresses
Users who have been assigned the Administrator role can view white lists of Anti-Spam addresses in Windows PowerShell.
To view a white list of Anti-Spam addresses:
- Run Windows PowerShell (Run as Administrator) and connect the Kse.Powershell library.
- Run one of the following commands:
Get-KSEAntiSpamWhiteList -Server <server name>
Get-KSEAntiSpamWhiteList -Profile <profile name>
- <server name> is the name of the protected Microsoft Exchange server. We recommend that you specify the full address of the server in FQDN format or the IP address.
- <profile name> is the name of an existing profile (if any).
Windows PowerShell will display white list records that contain the following details:
- AuditDataUserLogin — Service information of Kaspersky Security
- Comment — Comment on the record (if any)
- Id — Unique record ID (GUID)
- IsMassMailExclusionOnly — Record scope (True — Bulk email can be let in under this record; False — Both spam and bulk email can be let in under this record)
- IsSender — Address destination in the record (True — Sender address; False — Recipient address)
- ItemType — Address entry type (EmailAddress — Email address; IpAddress — IP address; AdUser — Active Directory user; AdGroup — Active Directory user group)
- ItemValue — Email address, email address mask, IP address, or GUID of the user account or Active Directory group
- ModificationDateTimeUtc — Date and time the record was last changed (UTC)
- ModifiedByUser — Account of the user who made the last change to the record
Example of a command that displays white list records on
Get-KSEAntiSpamWhiteList -Server
Viewing the black list of Anti-Spam addresses
Users who have been assigned the Administrator role can view black lists of Anti-Spam addresses in Windows PowerShell.
To add a black list of Anti-Spam addresses:
- Run Windows PowerShell (Run as Administrator) and connect the Kse.Powershell library.
- Run one of the following commands:
Get-KSEAntiSpamBlackList -Server <server name>
Get-KSEAntiSpamBlackList -Profile <profile name>
- <server name> is the name of the protected Microsoft Exchange server. We recommend that you specify the full address of the server in FQDN format or the IP address.
- <profile name> is the name of an existing profile (if any).
Windows PowerShell will display black list records that contain the following details:
- AuditDataUserLogin — Service information of Kaspersky Security
- Comment — Comment on the record (if any)
- Id — Unique record ID (GUID)
- ItemType — Address entry type (EmailAddress — Email address; IpAddress — IP address)
- ItemValue — Email address or IP address
- ModificationDateTimeUtc — Date and time the record was last changed (UTC)
- ModifiedByUser — Account of the user who made the last change to the record
Example of a command that displays black list records on
Get-KSEAntiSpamBlackList -Server
Adding addresses to the white list of Anti-Spam addresses
Users who have been assigned the Administrator role can add addresses to the white list of Anti-Spam addresses in Windows PowerShell.
You can:
- Add a new record to the white list
- Copy records from another white list located on a different protected server
To add a record to the white list of Anti-Spam addresses:
- Run Windows PowerShell (Run as Administrator) and connect the Kse.Powershell library.
- Run command:
Add-KSEAntiSpamWhiteList -Server <server name> -Type <type> -Value <address> -Role <role> -Scope <scope> -Comment <comment text>
- <server name> is the name of the protected Microsoft Exchange server. We recommend that you specify the full address of the server in FQDN format or the IP address. If you use any profiles to manage servers, you can replace
-Server <server name>
with-Profile <profile name>
. - <scope> is the record scope (MassMail — Bulk email can be let in under this record; All — Both spam and bulk email can be let in under this record).
- <role> is the address destination in the record (Sender — Sender address; Recipient — Recipient address).
- <type> is the address entry type (EmailAddress — Email address; IpAddress — IP address; AdUser — Active Directory user; AdGroup — Active Directory user group).
- <address> is the email address, email address mask, IP address, or GUID of the user account or Active Directory group.
- <comment text> is a comment on the record. Optional setting.
The record with the specified settings will be added to the list.
- <server name> is the name of the protected Microsoft Exchange server. We recommend that you specify the full address of the server in FQDN format or the IP address. If you use any profiles to manage servers, you can replace
To copy records from the white list on Server 2 to the white list on Server 1:
- Run command:
Get-KSEAntiSpamWhiteList -Server <Server 2 name> | Add-KSEAntiSpamWhiteListItem -Server <Server 1 name>
- <Server 1 name> is the name of the server on which you need to add records to the white list.
- <Server 2 name> is the name of the server on which you need to copy records from the white list.
If you use any profiles to manage servers, you can replace
-Server <server name>
with-Profile <profile name>
Records from the white list on Server 2 will be added to the white list on Server 1. A new record ID will be created for each record being added. If the address in the record being copied from Server 2 has already been used in any record on Server 1, that record will not be copied.
You can use filtering commands to select records that you need to add in the list (see examples).
1. Adding a record that contains a sender address specified as IP address, to the white list on
Add-KSEAntiSpamWhiteListItem -Server -Type IpAddress -Value "" -Role Sender -Scope All -Comment "Comment text"
2. Adding a record that contains a sender address specified as user account username, to the white list on
Add-KSEAntiSpamWhiteListItem -Server -Type AdUser -Value (Get-ADUser username).ObjectGUID -Role Recipient -Scope All -Comment "Comment text"
3. Copying records from the white list on to the white list on
Get-KSEAntiSpamWhiteList -Server | Add-KSEAntiSpamWhiteListItem -Server
4. Copying records that contain sender addresses from the white list in profile1 to the white list in profile2:
Get-KSEAntiSpamWhiteList -Profile profile1 | Where-Object {$_.IsSender -eq "True"} | Add-KSEAntiSpamWhiteListItem -Profile profile2
Adding addresses to the black list of Anti-Spam addresses
Users who have been assigned the Administrator role can add addresses to the black list of Anti-Spam addresses in Windows PowerShell.
You can:
- Add a new record to the black list
- Copy records from another black list located, for example, on a different protected server
To add a record to the black list of Anti-Spam addresses:
- Run Windows PowerShell (Run as Administrator) and connect the Kse.Powershell library.
- Run command:
Add-KSEAntiSpamBlackList -Server <server name> -Type <type> -Value <address> -Comment <comment text>
- <server name> is the name of the protected Microsoft Exchange server in FQDN format. If you use any profiles to manage servers, you can replace
-Server <server name>
with-Profile <profile name>
. - <type> is the address entry type (EmailAddress — Email address; IpAddress — IP address).
- <address> is the email address, email address mask, or IP address.
- <comment text> is a comment on the record. Optional setting.
The record with the specified settings will be added to the list.
- <server name> is the name of the protected Microsoft Exchange server in FQDN format. If you use any profiles to manage servers, you can replace
To copy records from the black list on Server 2 to the black list on Server 1:
- Run command:
Get-KSEAntiSpamBlackList -Server <Server 2 name> | Add-KSEAntiSpamBlackListItem -Server <Server 1 name>
- <Server 1 name> is the name of the server on which you need to add records to the black list.
- <Server 2 name> is the name of the server on which you need to copy records from the black list.
If you use any profiles to manage servers, you can replace
-Server <server name>
with-Profile <profile name>
Records from the black list on Server 2 will be added to the black list on Server 1. A new record ID will be created for each record being added. If the address in the record being copied from Server 2 has already been used in any record on Server 1, that record will not be copied.
You can use filtering commands to select records that you need to add in the list (see examples).
1. Adding a record that contains a sender address specified as email address, to the black list on
Add-KSEAntiSpamBlackListItem -Server -Type EmailAddress -Value "" -Comment "Comment text"
2. Copying records from the black list of profile profilename to the black list on
Get-KSEAntiSpamBlackList -Profile profilename | Add-KSEAntiSpamBlackListItem -Server
3. Copying records with IP addresses from the black list on to the black list on
Get-KSEAntiSpamBlackList -Server | Where-Object {$_.ItemType -eq "IpAddress"} | Add-KSEAntiSpamBlackListItem -Server
Deleting addresses from the white list of Anti-Spam addresses
Users who have been assigned the Administrator role can delete addresses from the white list of Anti-Spam addresses in Windows PowerShell.
You can:
- Delete a single, several, or all records from the white list
- Delete from the white list the records, which are found in another white list, for example, the one located on a different protected server
To delete all records from the white list of Anti-Spam addresses:
- Run Windows PowerShell (Run as Administrator) and connect the Kse.Powershell library.
- Run command:
Get-KSEAntiSpamWhiteList -Server <server name> | Remove-KSEAntiSpamWhiteListItem -Server <server name>
where <server name> is the name of the protected Microsoft Exchange server. We recommend that you specify the full address of the server in FQDN format or the IP address. If you use any profiles to manage servers, you can replace
-Server <server name>
with-Profile <profile name>
All records will be deleted from the white list on the server or in the profile.
You can delete one or several records from the list. To do this, select the records that you need to delete, using filtering commands (see examples).
To delete all records found in the white list on Server 2 from the white list on Server 1:
- Run Windows PowerShell (Run as Administrator) and connect the Kse.Powershell library.
- Run command:
Get-KSEAntiSpamWhiteList -Server <Server 2 name> | Remove-KSEAntiSpamWhiteListItem -Server <Server 1 name>
- <Server 1 name> is the name of the server on which you need to delete records from the white list.
- <Server 2 name> is the name of the server on which the white list contains records that you need to delete from the white list on Server 1.
If you use any profiles to manage servers, you can replace
-Server <server name>
with-Profile <profile name>
All records found in the white list on Server 2 will be deleted from the white list on Server 1.
You can delete one or several records from the list. To do this, select the records that you need to delete, using filtering commands (see examples).
Examples: 1. Clearing the white list on
2. Deleting records found in the white list of profile1 from the white list of profile2:
3. Deleting records with addresses ending with "" from the white list on
4. Deleting records with addresses specified as a group of Active Directory user accounts, from the white list in profile profilename:
Deleting addresses from the black list of Anti-Spam addresses
Users who have been assigned the Administrator role can delete addresses from the black list of Anti-Spam addresses in Windows PowerShell.
You can:
- Delete a single, several, or all records from the black list
- Delete from the black list the records, which are found in another black list, for example, the one located on a different protected server
To delete all records from the black list of Anti-Spam addresses:
- Run Windows PowerShell (Run as Administrator) and connect the Kse.Powershell library.
- Run command:
Get-KSEAntiSpamBlackList -Server <server name> | Remove-KSEAntiSpamBlackListItem -Server <server name>
where <server name> is the name of the protected Microsoft Exchange server. We recommend that you specify the full address of the server in FQDN format or the IP address. If you use any profiles to manage servers, you can replace
-Server <server name>
with-Profile <profile name>
All records will be deleted from the black list on the server.
You can delete one or several records from the list. To do this, select the records that you need to delete, using filtering commands (see examples).
To delete all records found in the black list on Server 2 from the black list on Server 1:
- Run Windows PowerShell (Run as Administrator) and connect the Kse.Powershell library.
- Run command:
Get-KSEAntiSpamBlackList -Server <Server 2 name> | Remove-KSEAntiSpamBlackListItem -Server <Server 1 name>
- <Server 1 name> is the name of the server on which you need to delete records from the black list.
- <Server 2 name> is the name of the server on which the black list contains records that you need to delete from the black list on Server 1.
If you use any profiles to manage servers, you can replace
-Server <server name>
with-Profile <profile name>
All records found in the black list on Server 2 will be deleted from the black list on Server 1.
You can delete one or several records from the list. To do this, select the records that you need to delete, using filtering commands (see examples).
Examples: 1. Clearing the black list on
2. Deleting records found on the black list in profile profilename from the black list on
3. Deleting records with comments that contain word "obsolete", from the black list on
Synchronizing black / white lists of Anti-Spam addresses
You can synchronize white and black lists on different Microsoft Exchange servers or in different profiles using combinations of commands intended for adding addresses to a white / black list and deleting addresses from white / black list of Anti-Spam addresses.
Lists are synchronized by replacing a list with another one. Synchronization comprises two stages:
- Deleting all records from the list that needs to be synchronized with another one
- Adding all records from the second list to the first one, which is blank
1. Synchronizing the white list on with the white list on
Get-KSEAntiSpamWhiteList -Server | Remove-KSEAntiSpamWhiteListItem -Server
Get-KSEAntiSpamWhiteList -Server | Add-KSEAntiSpamWhiteListItem -Server
2. Synchronizing the black list in profile2 with the black list in profile1:
Get-KSEAntiSpamBlackList -Profile profile2 | Remove-KSEAntiSpamBlackListItem -Profile profile2
Get-KSEAntiSpamBlackList -Profile profile1 | Add-KSEAntiSpamBlackListItem -Profile profile2
Working with a message signature decryption key
For security purposes, the application signs each message sent to recipients from Backup with a header containing an encrypted hash of the message.
A signature decryption key is generated automatically during installation or upgrade of the application. When necessary, you can also re-generate a key.
Users in the Kse Administrators group can perform actions with the message signature decryption key in the Windows PowerShell environment on the Hub Transport server. To work with a key on an Edge Transport server, all you have to do is run the Windows PowerShell as an administrator.
To export a key:
- Run Windows PowerShell (Run as Administrator) and connect the Kse.Powershell library.
- Run command:
Export-MessageSignKey -FileName <file path> -Server <server name>
- <file path> – path to the file to which the key will be exported, including the file name.
- <server name> – name of the Microsoft Exchange server processing the request.
The key will be saved to the specified file.
When the command is executed on a server deployed in the Hub Transport role, the keys of all Microsoft Exchange servers added to the domain are exported. All keys are written to one file.
When the command is executed on a server deployed in the Edge Transport role, only the key of the specific server is exported.
To import a key:
- Run Windows PowerShell (Run as Administrator) and connect the Kse.Powershell library.
- Run command:
Import-MessageSignKey -FileName <file path> -Server <server name>
- <file path> – path to the key file, including the file name.
- <server name> – name of the Microsoft Exchange server on which the key is being imported.
The key will be imported to the server.
To re-generate a key:
- Run Windows PowerShell (Run as Administrator) and connect the Kse.Powershell library.
- Run command:
Regenerate-MessageSignKey -Server <server name>
where <server name> is the name of the Microsoft Exchange server for which the key is being re-generated.
The key will be reissued.
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Exporting and importing the application configuration
This section explains how you can export the application configuration to file and import it from file. The configuration file is in XML format.
You can import a configuration only into the same version of the application from which the configuration was exported.
Exporting the application configuration to a file
To export the application configuration to a file, perform the following steps:
- Perform the following steps in the Management Console tree:
- If you want to export the application configuration for an unassigned Security Server, expand the node of the relevant Security Server.
- If you want to export the application configuration for Security Servers belonging to a profile, expand the Profiles node and then within it expand the node of the relevant profile.
- Select the Settings node.
- In the workspace, in the Configuration management section, click the Export button.
- In the Configuration settings window that opens, select the check boxes for the groups of settings that you need to export:
- All settings. All settings that make up the configuration of the application.
- Protection for the Transport Hub role. This group of settings applies to the Anti-Spam and Anti-Virus modules for the Hub Transport role.
- Protection for the Mailbox role. This group of settings applies to the Anti-Virus component for the Mailbox role.
- Advanced Anti-Virus settings. Advanced settings of Anti-Virus, such as KSN settings, scan settings for archives and containers, and exclusions from anti-virus scanning.
- Updates. Update settings of application databases.
- Log events. The settings for application event logs and diagnostics.
- Reports. Reporting settings.
- Notifications. Notification settings.
- Infrastructure. This group includes the following settings:
- Settings of connection to the Microsoft SQL Server: SQL server name and SQL database name.
- Proxy server settings.
- Click the OK button.
- In the Save as window that opens, enter the file name, select the destination folder, and click the Save button.
The application saves the selected configuration settings to a file with the .kseconfig extension.
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Importing the application configuration from a file
You can import a configuration only into the same version of the application from which the configuration was exported.
To import the application settings from a file, perform the following steps:
- Perform the following steps in the Management Console tree:
- If you want to import the application configuration for an unassigned Security Server, expand the node of the relevant Security Server.
- If you want to import the application configuration for Security Servers belonging to a profile, expand the Profiles node and then within it expand the node of the relevant profile.
- Select the Settings node.
- In the workspace, in the Configuration management section, click the Import button.
- In the Open window that opens, select the file containing the application configuration to be imported and click the Open button.
Only files with the kseconfig extension can be selected.
The application imports the configuration from the selected file. The values of the settings loaded from the file automatically replace the current values of the application settings.
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Configuration settings window
The Configuration settings lets you select the application configuration settings to be included in the export file. Application settings are combined into groups with the corresponding check boxes. All boxes are cleared by default.
Protection for the Transport Hub role
Protection for the Mailbox role
The application does not save the following settings in an exported file:
- License information
- Information about the databases of mailboxes and databases of shared folders that have been selected for scanning
- Update Center settings
- User name and password in the notification settings
- User name and password for connection to a proxy server
- Acceptance criterion for the Kaspersky Security Network Statement.
Managing the application using the Kaspersky Security Center
Kaspersky Security Center is an application intended for centralized management of Kaspersky applications on a corporate network. For more detailed information about installing and using Kaspersky Security Center, please refer to the Kaspersky Security Center Administrator's Guide.
You can use Kaspersky Security Center to perform the following tasks when working with Kaspersky Security for Microsoft Exchange Servers:
- Distribute keys to protected Microsoft Exchange servers.
- View information about the status of Microsoft Exchange server protection.
- View statistics on the operation of the application on Microsoft Exchange servers.
- Save information about application operation in the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server Event Log.
- Distribute update packages for the Anti-Virus and Anti-Spam databases to protected Microsoft Exchange servers whose network settings block connections to external network resources.
About the administration plug-in
The Kaspersky Security for Microsoft Exchange Servers administration plug-in provides the interface designed for managing Kaspersky Security for Microsoft Exchange Servers through Kaspersky Security Center. The plug-in is included in the Kaspersky Security for Microsoft Exchange Servers distribution kit. The plug-in must be installed on the computer, which has the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console installed.
To install the administration plug-in, you must have Kaspersky Security Center 10 Service Pack 2 Maintenance Release 1.
Administration rights
The user accounts of all computers on which Kaspersky Security for Microsoft Exchange Servers is installed must be added to the KSE Administrators group so that you can manage Kaspersky Security for Microsoft Exchange Servers through the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
Installing the Kaspersky Security administration plug-in
To install the administration plug-in, you must have Kaspersky Security Center 10 Service Pack 2 Maintenance Release 1.
To install the Kaspersky Security administration plug-in:
- Copy the file klcfginst.msi from the Kaspersky Security distribution kit to the computer where the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console is installed and run the file.
- Complete the steps of the Setup Wizard.
The administration plug-in will be installed on the computer.
Kaspersky Security Center will begin to use the Kaspersky Security administration plug-in to connect to the corporate Microsoft Exchange servers that have the Kaspersky Security application installed. For more detailed information, please refer to the Kaspersky Security Center Administrator's Guide.
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About application activation via Kaspersky Security Center
If you manage Kaspersky Security for Microsoft Exchange Servers via Kaspersky Security Center, you can use a key to activate the application. Kaspersky Security Center lets you automatically distribute keys to . You can use a key file or activation code to add a Security Server key for Kaspersky Security for Microsoft Exchange Servers to the storage of the relevant Administration Server. You can use the functionality that automatically distributes the key to managed devices in the key properties, both when you add the key to the Administration Server storage and at any other time.
For more details on the specifics of managing Kaspersky application keys via Kaspersky Security Center, see the Kaspersky Security Center Administrator's Guide.
The automatically distributed key is added as the active key on servers with Kaspersky Security for Microsoft Exchange Servers connected to the current Administration Server, which do not have an active key or whose licenses have expired.
If the license is about to expire and a reserve key is missing, the key is added as a reserve key. The application automatically switches to using this key when the active key expires. You cannot distribute a key that was added as a reserve key using an activation code.
When new servers with Kaspersky Security for Microsoft Exchange Servers are connected to the Administration Server, the key is applied to them automatically.
If the automatically distributed key has been added for at least one Security Server from the profile for managing multiple Security Servers, Kaspersky Security uses this key as the active key of the Kaspersky Security profile.
When the automatically distributed key is removed from the Administration Server storage, the Security Server to which the key was automatically distributed continues to use the key. In this case, the key can be managed and its details viewed only via the interface of Kaspersky Security for Microsoft Exchange Servers.
The scenario of key distribution to servers with Kaspersky Security for Microsoft Exchange Servers using the key distribution task is not supported.
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Updating application databases via Kaspersky Security Center
You can use Kaspersky Security Center to centrally download updates for the Anti-Virus and Anti-Spam databases. If this is the case, update packages will be saved in a network folder and will be relayed to the application over the internal corporate network. This method lets you reduce external network traffic and optimize application database updates on protected servers whose network settings block access to external network resources.
To configure this method for updating application databases:
- In the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console, create a download updates to the repository task and specify the network folder in which to save updates. For more detailed information, please refer to the Kaspersky Security Center Administrator's Guide.
Make sure that the network settings allow data transfer between the selected network folder and the protected Microsoft Exchange servers.
- In the Management Console of Kaspersky Security for Microsoft Exchange Servers, go to the Updates node. In the Anti-virus databases update and Anti-Spam databases update sections, select HTTP server, FTP server, local or network folder and specify the network folder that is defined as the update source in Kaspersky Security Center.
Kaspersky Security events in Kaspersky Security Center
This section contains accumulated information on application events that are written to the event log of the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server.
Kaspersky Security Center also lets you export Kaspersky Security events to SIEM systems via the Syslog protocol.
For more detailed information about working with application events and policies using the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server, please refer to the Kaspersky Security Center Administrator's Guide.
Kaspersky Security events related to triggers in the Kaspersky Security Center Event Log
Event |
Event importance level |
Description |
Limited scan mode enabled |
Critical event |
Such an event is logged if an application component switched to restricted scan mode. The event record specifies the component name and the time it switched to restricted scan mode. |
An infected or password-protected object was detected |
Informational message |
Such an event is logged if the Notifications node has the Log events to Windows Event Log check box selected in the notification subject corresponding to the event and an infected or protected object is detected. |
An attachment file whose parameters match the attachment filtering conditions has been detected |
Informational message |
Such an event is logged if the Notifications node has the Log events to Windows Event Log check box selected in the notification subject corresponding to the event and an infected file attachment matching the attachment filtering criteria is detected. |
Outgoing spam message or phishing message detected |
Informational message |
Such an event is logged if the application detected an outgoing email message containing spam or phishing content. The event record contains information about the message. |
Application component error |
Critical event |
Such an event is logged if the application registers any errors in the operation of a component. The event record specifies the component name and the error description. |
By default, events related to triggers are stored in the Kaspersky Security Center Event Log for 30 days. You can change this setting in the Kaspersky Security Center Console.
Kaspersky Security events related to the Anti-Virus database and the Anti-Spam database in the Kaspersky Security Center Event Log
Event |
Event importance level |
Description |
Anti-Virus databases are up to date |
Informational message |
Such an event is logged if the application anti-virus databases have been updated to the latest version. The event record specifies the database release date. |
Anti-Virus databases are out of date |
Critical event |
Such an event is logged if the Anti-Virus databases were last updated more than 24 hours ago. |
Anti-Spam databases are outdated |
Warning |
Such an event is logged if the Anti-Spam databases were last updated more than 5 hours ago. |
Anti-Virus databases update error is fixed. Anti-Virus databases have been updated successfully |
Informational message |
Such an event is logged if an Anti-Virus database update error is fixed and the databases are successfully updated. The event record specifies the database type and release date. |
Database update error |
Critical event |
Such an event is logged if an update of the application databases fails. The event record specifies the database type and the error description. |
Anti-Spam databases have been updated |
Informational message |
Such an event is logged if the Anti-Spam databases have been updated to the latest version. The event record specifies the database type and release date. |
Anti-Spam databases update error is fixed. Anti-Spam databases have been updated successfully |
Informational message |
Such an event is logged if an Anti-Spam database update error is fixed in the application and the databases are successfully updated. The event record specifies the database type and release date. |
By default, events related to the application database are stored in the Kaspersky Security Center Event Log for 30 days. You can change this setting in the Kaspersky Security Center Console.
Kaspersky Security events related to application access to the SQL server in the Kaspersky Security Center Event Log
Event |
Event importance level |
Description |
Error connecting to the SQL Server |
Critical event |
Such an event is logged if the application registers an error on the SQL server. The event record specifies the database name, the SQL server name, and the error description. |
Connection to the SQL Server is restored |
Informational message |
Such an event is logged if access to the SQL database is restored. |
By default, events related to the application database are stored in the Kaspersky Security Center Event Log for 30 days. You can change this setting in the Kaspersky Security Center Console.
Kaspersky Security events related to application licensing in the Kaspersky Security Center Event Log
Event |
Event importance level |
Description |
An action was performed on the Security Server key |
Informational message |
Such an event is logged if the key status, license expiration date, number of users, or license type have changed. The event record specifies the key, the license type, the license expiration date, and the number of license users. |
User has performed an action on the Security Server key |
Informational message |
Such an event is logged if the user performed an action on the Security Server key. The event record specifies the user account. |
Active key is not detected |
Critical event |
Such an event is logged if the Notifications node has the Log events to Windows Event Log and Kaspersky Security Center Event Log check box selected in the notification subject corresponding to the event and an active key is not detected. |
License expired |
Critical event |
Such an event is logged if the Notifications node has the Log events to Windows Event Log and Kaspersky Security Center Event Log check box selected in the notification subject corresponding to the event, the Notify about license expiration in advance (days before) setting is configured, and the primary license expired. The event record specifies the key, the license expiration date, and the number of days left until this date. |
License is about to expire |
Warning |
Such an event is logged if the Notifications node has the Log events to Windows Event Log and Kaspersky Security Center Event Log check box selected in the notification subject corresponding to the event and the primary license expires soon. The event record specifies the key, the license expiration date, and the number of days left until this date. |
License status has not been updated in a long time |
Warning |
Such an event is logged if the Log events to Windows Event Log and Kaspersky Security Center Event Log check box is selected in the Notifications node and the application was not able to update the license status. The event record specifies the key, the license expiration date, and the number of days left until the application switches to limited functionality mode. |
Error occurred when updating license status |
Critical event |
Such an event is logged if the Log events to Windows Event Log and Kaspersky Security Center Event Log check box is selected in the Notifications node, the application was not able to update the license status, and the license update period has expired. The event record provides a description of the cause of the error. |
By default, events related to application licensing are stored in the Kaspersky Security Center Event Log for 30 days. You can change this setting in the Kaspersky Security Center Console.
Kaspersky Security events related to monitoring and audit in the Kaspersky Security Center Event Log
Event |
Event importance level |
Description |
Anti-Virus for the Hub Transport role is enabled |
Informational message |
Such an event is logged if the application registers the enabling of the Anti-Virus for the Hub Transport role component. |
Anti-Virus for the Hub Transport role is disabled |
Warning |
Such an event is logged if the application registers the disabling of the Anti-Virus for the Hub Transport role component. |
Anti-Virus for the Mailbox role is enabled |
Informational message |
Such an event is logged if the application registers the enabling of the Anti-Virus for the Mailbox role component. |
Anti-Virus for the Mailbox role is disabled |
Warning |
Such an event is logged if the application registers the disabling of the Anti-Virus for the Mailbox role component. |
Anti-Spam is enabled |
Informational message |
Such an event is logged if the application registers the enabling of the Anti-Spam component. |
Anti-Spam is disabled |
Warning |
Such an event is logged if the application registers the disabling of the Anti-Spam component. |
A background scan task has been stopped |
Informational message |
Such an event is logged if the background scan was stopped. The event record specifies the reason for the scan stop. |
Virus scan statistics |
Informational message |
Such an event is logged if the on-demand scan has been run manually or automatically (by schedule). The event record specifies the run type. |
User has changed application settings |
Informational message |
Such an event is logged if the user has changed application settings. The event record specifies the user account that changed the settings as well as detailed information about the changed application settings. |
User has attempted to start a background scan |
Informational message |
Such an event is logged if the user requested the on-demand scan task to run. The event record specifies the user account. |
User has attempted to stop a background scan |
Informational message |
Such an event is logged if the user attempted to stop a background scan task. The event record specifies the user account and the reason for stopping the task. |
Attachment filtering is enabled |
Informational message |
Such an event is logged if the application registers the enabling of the Attachment Filtering component. |
Attachment filtering is disabled |
Warning |
Such an event is logged if the application registers the disabling of the Attachment Filtering component. |
By default, events related to monitoring and audit are stored in the Kaspersky Security Center Event Log for 30 days. You can change this setting in the Kaspersky Security Center Console.
Kaspersky Security events related to Backup in the Kaspersky Security Center Event Log
Event |
Event importance level |
Description |
User sent an object from Backup to its original recipients |
Informational message |
Such an event is logged if the user attempted to send an object from Backup to its original recipients. The event record specifies detailed information about the object and the user account. |
User sent an object from Backup to manually specified email addresses |
Informational message |
Such an event is logged if the user attempted to send an object from Backup to manually specified email addresses. The event record specifies detailed information about the object and the user account. |
User has sent a backup object to Kaspersky Lab for analysis |
Informational message |
Such an event is logged if the user sent a possibly infected object from Backup to Kaspersky for examination. The event record specifies detailed information about the object and the user account. |
User has sent a message marked as spam to Kaspersky Lab for analysis |
Informational message |
Such an event is logged if the user attempted to send an object from Backup to Kaspersky for analysis but the application identified the object as spam by mistake. The event record specifies detailed information about the object and the user account. |
User has attempted to save a Backup object to disk |
Informational message |
Such an event is logged if the user requested to save an object from Backup to disk. The event record specifies detailed information about the object and the user account. |
User has removed an object from Backup |
Informational message |
Such an event is logged if an object was deleted from Backup. The event record specifies detailed information about the object and the user account, if the object was deleted by a user. The application deletes an object according to the Backup settings. |
By default, events related to Backup are not stored in the Kaspersky Security Center Event Log. You can change this setting in the Kaspersky Security Center Console.
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Viewing Microsoft Exchange Server protection status details
To Microsoft Exchange Server protection status details:
- Start the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console and connect to the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server. For more detailed information about connections, please refer to the Kaspersky Security Center Administrator's Guide.
- In the Administration Console tree, select the Managed devices node, select the group of managed devices to which the Microsoft Exchange server belongs, and then select the Devices tab in the workspace.
A table containing a list of corporate client devices appears on the tab. This list may contain Microsoft Exchange servers and other corporate computers that have Kaspersky applications installed. For more detailed information about the information displayed in the table, please refer to the Kaspersky Security Center Administrator's Guide. Information specific to Microsoft Exchange servers is provided below.
The Status column displays the current protection status of Microsoft Exchange servers: OK, Warning, Critical. The current protection status is also designated by color: OK – green, Warning – yellow, Critical – red.
The Status description column displays the reasons for the status of the Microsoft Exchange server being changed to Critical or Warning. Possible reasons for status change:
- For Warning status:
- KSE: Anti-Virus for the Mailbox role disabled.
- KSE: Anti-Virus for the Hub Transport role disabled.
- KSE: Anti-Spam disabled.
- KSE: Anti-Spam databases outdated.
- KSE: Security Server license is about to expire.
- KSE: Failed to update license status.
- KSE: SQL Server connection unavailable.
- For Critical status:
- KSE: Application stopped or inaccessible.
- KSE: Access to the application is denied.
- KSE: Anti-Virus running with errors.
- KSE: Anti-Spam running with errors.
- KSE: Security Server license expired.
- KSE: Security Server licensing issue.
- KSE: No Security Server key.
- KSE: Failed to update license status. Update term expired.
- KSE: Anti-Virus databases are out of date.
- KSE: Error updating anti-virus databases.
- KSE: Error updating Anti-Spam databases.
The listed statuses are displayed if the properties of the corresponding group of managed devices include the following: in the Set computer status to Critical if and Set computer status to Warning if lists, the Determined by the application check box is selected (<Group of managed devices> → Properties → Device status). For more detailed information, please refer to the Kaspersky Security Center Administrator's Guide.
The table also displays information about the statuses of Kaspersky Security components:
- Mail server anti-virus protection status – the overall status of anti-virus protection in Kaspersky Security Center. This overall status is determined by the two statuses of application components: that of Anti-Virus for the Mailbox role and that of Anti-Virus for the Hub Transport role (see the table below).
- Anti-Spam Status is the anti-spam protection status.
The status may have the following values:
- Unknown – status information is not available or the component is not installed.
- Stopped – the component is disabled.
- Running – the component is enabled.
- Error – the component is running with errors.
Determining the value of the Mail server anti-virus protection status based on the statuses of application components
Status of component in application (1)
Status of component in application (2)
Mail server anti-virus protection status
Not installed
Not installed
Not installed
Not installed
Not installed
Runtime errors
Runtime errors
Runtime errors
Runtime errors
Runtime errors
- For Warning status:
Application operation statistics in Kaspersky Security Center
Kaspersky Security Center lets you view statistics on the operation of application modules such as Anti-Virus and Anti-Spam. For more detailed information about working with statistics, please refer to the Kaspersky Security Center Administrator's Guide.
When working with Kaspersky Security for Microsoft Exchange Servers, you can add information panes that reflect the statuses of objects based on scan results from the corresponding application module. When adding an information pane, you can specify the time period for which statistics will be presented in the chart.
Anti-Virus statistics
The chart presents general information about the operation of Anti-Virus on all Kaspersky Security for Microsoft Exchange Servers connected to the current Administration Server. Possible statuses of objects based on scan results:
- Found clean. Number of scanned objects in which no malware was found.
- Infected. Number of objects that contained a virus or other threat.
- Password protected. Number of password protected objects.
- Attachments filtered out. Number of objects that violate the acceptable criteria for attachment filtering.
- Processing errors. Number of objects that were skipped because of application errors or licensing issues.
If the Anti-Virus and Attachment Filtering components are triggered simultaneously, the object is considered to be infected.
Detailed Anti-Virus statistics
The chart provides information about problems detected by Anti-Virus on all Kaspersky Security for Microsoft Exchange Servers connected to the current Administration Server. When working with this information pane, you can view application statistics for a specific time interval within the selected time period. Possible statuses of objects based on scan results:
- Infected. Number of objects that contained a virus or other threat.
- Password protected. Number of password protected objects.
- Attachments filtered out. Number of objects that violate the acceptable criteria for attachment filtering.
- Processing errors. Number of objects that were skipped because of application errors or licensing issues.
If the Anti-Virus and Attachment Filtering components are triggered simultaneously, the object is considered to be infected.
Anti-Spam statistics
The chart provides general information about the operation of Anti-Spam on all Kaspersky Security for Microsoft Exchange Servers connected to the current Administration Server. Possible statuses of messages based on scan results:
- Clean. Number of messages belonging to the following categories:
- Scanned messages containing no spam or phishing links.
- Messages that have been excluded from scanning by means of white lists of senders or recipients.
- Spam. Number of messages containing spam.
- Probable spam. Messages that possibly (as indicated by heuristic analysis) are spam.
- Formal notification. Service messages, such as notifications of message delivery to the recipient.
- Address blacklisted. Messages from blacklisted senders.
- Trusted. Messages coming via Trusted connections.
- Mass mail. Mass mailing messages that are not spam.
- Phishing. Messages that contain phishing links.
- Not scanned. Messages that were not scanned by Anti-Spam.
Detailed Anti-Spam statistics
The chart provides information about problems detected by Anti-Spam on all Kaspersky Security for Microsoft Exchange Servers connected to the current Administration Server during the time period defined in Kaspersky Security Center. Possible statuses of messages based on scan results:
- Spam. Messages containing spam.
- Probable spam. Messages that possibly (as indicated by heuristic analysis) are spam.
- Formal notification. Service messages, such as notifications of message delivery to the recipient.
- Address blacklisted. Messages from blacklisted senders.
- Trusted. Messages coming via Trusted connections.
- Mass mail. Mass mailing messages that are not spam.
- Phishing. Messages that contain phishing links.
- Not scanned. Messages that were not scanned by Anti-Spam.
You can view a list of events for each managed device.
To view the log of events in the Microsoft Exchange server protection:
- Start the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console and connect to the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server. For more detailed information about connections, please refer to the Kaspersky Security Center Administrator's Guide.
- In the Administration Console tree, select the Managed devices node, select the group of managed devices to which the Microsoft Exchange server belongs, and then select the Devices tab in the workspace.
A table containing a list of corporate client devices appears on the tab. This list may contain Microsoft Exchange servers and other corporate computers that have Kaspersky applications installed. For more detailed information about the information displayed in the table, please refer to the Kaspersky Security Center Administrator's Guide. Information specific to Microsoft Exchange servers is provided below.
- In the table containing the list of corporate client devices, select the Microsoft Exchange server on which Kaspersky Security is installed.
- Select Events in the context menu of the client device.
This will open a window containing an event log in the form of a table.
Monitor the application's operation via System Center - Operations Manager
To monitor the application status using System Center Operations Manager, you can use Kaspersky Security for Microsoft Exchnage Servers Monitoring Management Pack. The Management Pack is available only in English, but you can use it with any language version of the application.
Minimum software requirements
Supported operating systems of Security Server:
- Windows Server 2012;
- Windows Server 2012 R2;
- Windows Server 2008 R2
Supported versions of System Center Operations Manager:
- System Center 2012 Operations Manager;
- System Center 2012 R2 Operations Manager.
Windows PowerShell 3.0 or a later version must be installed on servers that are being monitored.
Importing the management pack
The management pack is imported using the standard procedure prescribed by the version of System Center Operations Manager being used (please refer to the accompanying documentation for System Center Operations Manager).
The account of the server being monitored must be included into one of the following groups in Active Directory: Kse Administrators, Kse AV Operators, Kse AV Security Officers.
Functionality of the Kaspersky Security for Microsoft Exchange Servers Monitoring Management Pack
For the purposes of receiving information about application operation, the management pack provides the following monitors:
- KSE Aggregate Monitor - centrally monitors the status of all application monitors.
- KSCM8 Service Monitor - monitors the status of the Kaspersky Security for Microsoft Exchange Servers service (KSCM8).
- KSE Anti-Virus for the Hub Transport Role Monitor - monitors the operating status of Anti-Virus for the Hub Transport role.
- KSE Anti-Virus for the Mailbox Role Monitor - monitors the operating status of Anti-Virus for the Mailbox role.
- KSE Anti-Spam Engine Monitor - monitors the operating status of Anti-Spam.
- KSE Anti-Virus Databases Monitor - monitors the status of Anti-Virus databases.
- KSE Anti-Spam Databases Monitor - monitors the status of Anti-Spam databases.
- KSE SQL Database Monitor - monitors the status of the connection between the application and the SQL database.
- KSE Licensing Monitor - monitors the status of the license.
If an error occurs in any application component, an alert is displayed on the corresponding monitor. Depending on the severity of the error, the alert receives a status of Warning or Critical.
Types of alerts and their causes
Monitor name |
Warning |
Critical |
KSE Aggregate Monitor |
At least one of the application monitors has the Warning status. |
At least one of the application monitors has the Critical status. |
KSCM8 Service Monitor |
Not available |
Kaspersky Security for Microsoft Exchange Servers service is not running. |
KSE Anti-Virus for the Hub Transport Role Monitor |
Anti-Virus for the Hub Transport role is enabled but is running with errors. |
KSE Anti-Virus for the Mailbox Role Monitor |
Anti-Virus for the Mailbox role is enabled but is running with errors. |
KSE Anti-Spam Engine Monitor |
Anti-Spam is enabled but is running with errors. |
KSE Anti-Virus Databases Monitor |
Failed to receive information about the status of Anti-Virus databases. |
KSE Anti-Spam Databases Monitor |
Unable to receive information about the status of Anti-Spam databases. |
KSE SQL Database Monitor |
KSE Licensing Monitor |
Appendix. Script for sending spam for analysis
This section describes a script for sending spam for analysis to Kaspersky specialists and how to configure it.
About the script for sending spam for analysis
The Anti-Spam modules blocks spam messages using the currently known signatures of spam mailings. On receiving spam messages unknown to the Anti-Spam module, the user can send these unfiltered spam samples to Kaspersky specialists for processing. This makes it possible to quickly add new signatures to the databases of the Anti-Spam module, block the spam mailing, thereby preventing any further deliveries of spam.
Users can send spam samples to Kaspersky by placing them into the Junk Email folder. Spam messages can be located in the Junk Email folder of the mailboxes of specified users and sent to a specified address by means of a script for sending spam for analysis. The script sends only messages that were added to the Junk Email folder no sooner than the specified number of days back, provided that such messages have not been detected by other anti-spam mail protection systems.
The script sends messages from the Junk Email folder with their entire contents to Kaspersky. You have to notify the users of mailboxes that moving messages to the Junk Email folder means confirming that those messages contain no confidential data.
The script is executed under an account that has an email address within the organization's Microsoft Exchange infrastructure and has access to Exchange Web Services. This account should have rights to edit the Junk Email folders in all mailboxes that are processed.
For purposes of keeping the log operation script and managing the configuration file with script settings, the account under which the script is executed should have privileges to write to the folder where the script is stored (<Application setup folder\SpamForwarder>).
To open the folder with the script,
in the Start menu, select Programs → Kaspersky Security 9.0 for Microsoft Exchange Servers → Script for sending spam to research.
The Microsoft Exchange Web Services Managed API 2.0 program interface is required to run the script intended for sending spam for research. Download the software module of this interface by clicking the following link: and store it in the bin
subfolder of the folder containing the script.
Script operation modes
The Microsoft Exchange Web Services Managed API 2.0 program interface is required to run the script intended for sending spam for research. Download the software module of this interface by clicking the following link: and store it in the bin
subfolder of the folder containing the script.
The script works in one of the two modes:
- Permission assignment mode
- Ordinary mode
Permission assignment mode
In the permission assignment mode, the script assigns mailbox access permissions to the user under whose account the script will be executed subsequently. You have to execute the script in this mode before you use it for the first time, as well as every time after adding new mailboxes to the configuration file.
Mailboxes for which rights have been assigned are marked with a special attribute in the configuration file. They are not processed by the script any time it runs in this mode.
You can reset privileges assigned by the script manually.
To reset permissions assigned by the script manually:
- Open the user's mailbox in Microsoft Outlook.
- Open the context menu of the Junk Email folder.
- Select Properties.
- On the Permissions tab of the properties window of the Junk Email folder, delete the entry linked to the user account under which the script is running.
- Click OK.
- Open the configuration file of the script.
- In the
section, delete the entry linked to the user's mailbox.If you plan to stop processing spam messages from this mailbox, simply remove the
attribute from the entry in the configuration file. This will exclude the mailbox from processing until the script is executed in permission assignment mode again or until therightsAssigned
attribute is reset.
In permission assignment mode, the script is executed in Exchange Management Shell on behalf of the user with privileges to edit permissions in mailboxes of users.
The script requires Windows PowerShell version 2.0 or later.
Ordinary script operation mode
In this mode, the script selects spam messages one at a time from the Junk Email folder of users' mailboxes specified in the <users>
section of the configuration file and for which the relevant rights have been assigned.
The following selection criteria are used:
- The message is not a non-delivery report (NDR)
- The message is not older than the number of days specified using the
parameter of the configuration file - The "Subject" field of the message does not contain tags specified in the
section of the configuration file
Every such spam message added to the email as an attachment, with the internal structure of the spam message retained, and sent to the email address specified using the <recipientEmail>
parameter of the configuration file. After that, the tag with the default
attribute in the configuration file is added to the "Subject" field of the message.
This process is repeated for all mailboxes specified in the <users>
section of the configuration file.
For the script to be executed continuously, use the tools of your operating system to create a scheduled task.
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Script execution parameters
The Microsoft Exchange Web Services Managed API 2.0 program interface is required to run the script intended for sending spam for research. Download the software module of this interface by clicking the following link: and store it in the bin
subfolder of the folder containing the script.
Regardless of the script mode, the script must be run with the -IWantToForwardEmailFromJunkEmailFolderToKasperskyLab
parameter. This setting switches the script to active mode. When you attempt to run the script without this parameter, the script cannot run and the text of the program exception is displayed in Windows PowerShell console.
You can specify the following parameters as the input parameters for executing the script:
– path to the folder where the script is located. By default, it is the path to the current folder. This parameter makes it possible to execute the script in normal mode.Example of the script executed in normal mode:
.\spamForwarder.ps1 –workFolder c:\temp\spamForwarder -IWantToForwardEmailFromJunkEmailFolderToKasperskyLab
– this parameter makes it possible to execute the script in permission assignment mode.Example of script execution in permission assignment mode:
.\spamForwarder.ps1 –grantPermissions -IWantToForwardEmailFromJunkEmailFolderToKasperskyLab
Setting up the script configuration file
The Microsoft Exchange Web Services Managed API 2.0 program interface is required to run the script intended for sending spam for research. Download the software module of this interface by clicking the following link: and store it in the bin
subfolder of the folder containing the script.
The config.xml script configuration file allows you to configure the script. It is structured as follows:
<envelopeSubject>Example of SPAM Message</envelopeSubject>
<envelopeBody>This message contains SPAM sample in attachment</envelopeBody>
<user rightsAssigned="True"></user>
<mark>[KL SPAM]</mark>
<mark default="True">[!! SPAM]</mark>
<mark>[!!Probable Spam]</mark>
You can redefine the following parameters of the script's configuration file:
– the email address from which messages with spam samples are sent to Kaspersky for analysis.The account under which the script is executed should have full privileges to manage the mailbox from which messages are sent to Kaspersky.
– email address to which spam samples are sent. The default address is
– a parameter describing the Microsoft Exchange Server version for initializing EWS API; it can take one of the following values (you have to choose the most appropriate value):- Exchange2010 (for Microsoft Exchange 2010);
- Exchange2010_SP1 (for Microsoft Exchange 2010 SP1 and later 2010 versions);
- Exchange2013 (for Microsoft Exchange 2013);
- Exchange2013_SP1 (for Microsoft Exchange 2013 SP1 and later).
– the subject of the message to which spam samples are attached before it is sent. Changing this value is not recommended.envelopeBody
– the body of the message to which spam samples are attached before it is sent. Changing this value is not recommended.logSize
– the maximum size of the script log file (in megabytes) upon which rotation is performed. You can specify any value.oldMessages
– the maximum age of messages (in days) that the script selects for transmission. The default value is 3 days. Changing this value is not recommended.ews
– Exchange Web Services address. If this parameter is present in the configuration file, the script does not use the option that automatically detects the CA of the server. Using this parameter is not recommended.users
– a section containing the email addresses of users whose mailboxes are processed by the script. This section can contain a random number of entries with individual mailboxes of users.user
– an entry containing the email address of the mailbox to be processed by the script. TherightsAssigned
attribute is inserted automatically when the rights are assigned. Changing this value manually is not recommended, unless you need to reassign rights to a user's mailbox. Entries for which this attribute has not been set are skipped by the script.subjectMarks
– a section containing possible tags that are added by anti-spam systems to the message subject. This section can contain a random number of entries. However, the number of different tags can affect the speed of the search for messages in user mailboxes.mark
– an entry containing an individual tag. Thedefault
attribute marks the entry that is used by the script to tag the messages sent for analysis. It is not recommended to set thedefault
attribute for several tags, as doing so would disrupt the operation of the script.
Script operation log
The results of the script's activity are saved to a log file. The script log is located in the folder that stores the script, in the log
The current size of the log file is estimated every time the script is executed. If the size of the log file exceeds the value specified in the <logSize>
parameter of the configuration file, the log is archived using the GZIP method. At this stage, a check is performed to detect any file log archives older than two months. Such archives are deleted.
Appendix. Network settings for interaction with external services
Kaspersky Security uses the following network settings for inbound connections.
Network settings for inbound connections
Network service |
Protocol |
Port |
Note |
kavscmesrv.exe |
TLS over TCP |
13100 |
Connection with the Management Console (ММС) |
Kaspersky Security uses the following network settings for outbound connections.
Network settings for outbound connections
Network service |
Protocol |
Port |
Address |
Note |
kavscmesrv.exe |
389, 3268 |
Interaction with Active Directory (AD) |
kavscmesrv.exe |
1433 |
Interaction with SQL |
Antiphishing.OutprocScanner.exe |
443 |
*, * |
Interaction with Kaspersky Security Network (KSN) |
Antispam.OutprocScanner.exe |
443 |
*, * |
Interaction with Kaspersky Security Network (KSN) |
Antivirus.OutprocScanner.exe |
443 |
*, * |
Interaction with Kaspersky Security Network (KSN) |
Kse.Ksn.exe |
443 |
*, * |
Interaction with Kaspersky Security Network (KSN) |
Kse.Licensing.exe |
443 |
*, * |
License activation and renewal |
Kse.Updater.exe |
80, 443 |
*, * |
Downloading updates, and interaction with Kaspersky Security Network (KSN) |
Contacting the Technical Support Service
This section describes the ways to get technical support and the terms on which it is available.
Ways to receive technical support
If you cannot find a solution to your problem in the application documentation or in one of the other sources of information about Kaspersky Security, we recommend that you contact Technical Support. Technical Support experts will answer your questions about installing and using Kaspersky Security.
Kaspersky provides technical support for Kaspersky Security throughout its lifecycle (please refer to the product support lifecycle page). Before contacting the Technical Support service, please read the support rules.
You can contact Technical Support in one of the following ways:
- visit Technical Support website ;
- By sending a request to Kaspersky Technical Support through the Kaspersky CompanyAccount portal
Technical Support via Kaspersky CompanyAccount
Kaspersky CompanyAccount is a portal for companies that use Kaspersky applications. The Kaspersky CompanyAccount portal is designed to facilitate interaction between users and Kaspersky specialists through online requests. You can use Kaspersky CompanyAccount to track the status of your online requests and store a history of them as well.
You can register all of your organization's employees under a single account on Kaspersky CompanyAccount. A single account lets you centrally manage electronic requests from registered employees to Kaspersky and also manage the privileges of these employees via Kaspersky CompanyAccount.
The Kaspersky CompanyAccount portal is available in the following languages:
- English
- Spanish
- Italian
- German
- Polish
- Portuguese
- Russian
- French
- Japanese
To learn more about Kaspersky CompanyAccount, visit the Technical Support website.
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Using a configuration file
When performing diagnostics, Technical Support experts may provide you with a special type of configuration file for changing the behavior of the application. You should place this file into the folder specified by the Technical Support experts.
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Using Info Collector
When you inform Technical Support of the problem, you may be asked to create an archive with data on the operation of the application using the InfoCollector utility, and to send it to Technical Support.
To get acquainted with the description of the Info Collector utility and download the utility, please go to the Kaspersky Security page in the Knowledge Base, section "Troubleshooting".
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Sources of information about the application
This section lists the sources of information about the application.
You can select the most convenient source, depending on the urgency or importance of your question.
Page topGlossary
Active key
Key that is used at the moment to work with the application.
Additional key
Key that verifies the use of the application but is not used at the moment.
Anti-virus databases
Databases that contain information about computer security threats known to Kaspersky as of the anti-virus database release date. Anti-virus database signatures help to detect malicious code in scanned objects. Anti-virus databases are created by Kaspersky specialists and updated hourly.
Background scan
Operation mode of Anti-Virus for the Mailbox role when Anti-Virus scans messages and other Microsoft Exchange objects stored on a Microsoft Exchange server, searching for viruses and other security threats with the latest version of anti-virus databases. A background scan can be run either manually or upon a set schedule.
Special storage for backup copies of objects saved before their disinfection, removal or replacement. It is a service subfolder in the application data folder created during Security Server installation.
Black list of key files
Database that contains information about the key files blocked by Kaspersky. The black list file content is updated along with the product databases.
Container object
An object consisting of several objects, for example, an archive or a message with an attached letter. See also simple object.
A method of processing infected objects that results in full or partial recovery of data. Not all infected objects can be disinfected.
Domain Name System Block List (DNSBL).
Public lists of IP addresses known to generate spam.
Enforced Anti-Spam Updates Service
The service providing quick updates to the Anti-Spam database improving the efficiency of Anti-Spam against new emerging spam. To function properly, Enforced Anti-Spam Updates Service needs a permanent Internet connection.
File mask
Representation of a file name using wildcards. The standard wildcards used in file masks are * and ?, where * represents any number of any characters and ? stands for any single character.
Formal message
Message that is automatically generated and sent by mail clients or robots (for example, informing about the impossibility to deliver a message, or confirming user registration on a web resource).
Infected object
An object a portion of whose code completely matches part of the code of known malware. Kaspersky does not recommend using such objects.
Kaspersky CompanyAccount
Portal designed for sending online requests to Kaspersky and tracking their processing by Kaspersky experts.
Kaspersky Private Security Network
The solutions allows users of Kaspersky anti-virus applications to access Kaspersky Security Network databases without sending data from their computers to Kaspersky Security Network servers.
Kaspersky Security Network (KSN).
Infrastructure of cloud services that provides access to the Kaspersky online knowledge base containing information about the reputation of files, web resources, and software. The use of data from Kaspersky Security Network ensures faster responses by Kaspersky applications to threats, improves the effectiveness of some protection components, and reduces the risk of false positives.
Kaspersky update servers
HTTP and FTP servers of Kaspersky from which Kaspersky applications download database and application module updates.
License certificate
This is a document that is provided to you by Kaspersky together with a key file or activation code. It contains information about the license granted to the user.
License term
A time period during which you have access to the application features and rights to use additional services. Available functionality and specific additional services depend on the license type.
Malicious URLs
Web addresses leading to malicious resources, i.e. web resources designed to spread malware.
Managed device
Device with an installed security software suite connected to Kaspersky Security Center.
Management Console
Kaspersky Security application component. Provides a user interface for managing administrative tools and enables configuration of the application and management of the server component. The management module is implemented as an extension of the Microsoft Management Console.
Mass mail
Mass email messages authorized by the recipients, most often containing advertising messages.
Message deletion
Method of processing an email message, which entails physical removal of this message. It is recommended to apply this method to messages which unambiguously contain spam or malicious objects. Before deleting a message, a copy of it is saved in Backup (unless this option is disabled).
Object removal
The method of processing objects which ends in it being physically deleted from its original location (hard drive, folder, network resource). We recommend that this method be applied to dangerous objects which, for whatever reason, cannot be disinfected.
PCL rating
Phishing Confidence Level is a special tag used by Microsoft Exchange mail servers to measure the probability of the risk of phishing threats in a message. The PCL rating ranges from 0 to 8. A mail server considers a message with a PCL rating of 3 or lower to be free from phishing threats. A message with a rating of 4 or higher is considered a phishing message. Kaspersky Security can change the PCL rating of a message depending on the message scan results.
Personal data
Information that can be used to identify a person, directly or indirectly.
A kind of online fraud aimed at obtaining unauthorized access to confidential data of users.
Potential spam
A message that cannot be unambiguously considered spam, but has several spam attributes (e.g., certain types of mailings and advertising messages).
Probably infected object
An object whose code contains a modified segment of code of a known threat, or an object resembling a threat in the way it behaves.
A set of settings applied simultaneously to several Security Servers.
Proxy server
A computer network service which allows users to make indirect requests to other network services. First, a user connects to a proxy server and requests a resource (e.g., a file) located on another server. Then the proxy server either connects to the specified server and obtains the resource from it or returns the resource from its own cache (if the proxy has its own cache). In some cases, a user's request or a server's response can be modified by the proxy server for certain purposes.
SCL rating
Spam Confidence Level is a special tag used by Microsoft Exchange mail servers to measure the spam probability of a message. The SCL rating can range from 0 (minim probability of spam) to 9 (the message is most probably spam). Kaspersky Security can change the SCL rating of a message depending on the message scan results.
Security Server
Server component of Kaspersky Security. Scans email traffic for viruses and spam, updates databases, ensures application integrity, stores statistical information, and provides administrative tools for remote management and configuration.
Simple object
Message body or simple attachment, for example, an executable file. See also container object.
Unsolicited mass e-mail, most often containing advertising messages.
Spam URI Realtime Block Lists (SURBL)
Public lists of hyperlinks to the resources advertised by spam senders.
Storage scan
Anti-virus scanning of messages stored on an e-mail server and the content of public folders using the latest database version. Background scans can be launched either automatically (using a schedule) or manually. The scan involves all protected public folders and mailbox storages. Scanning may reveal new viruses that had not been included in the database during earlier scans.
Unknown virus
A new virus that is not yet registered in the databases. The application usually detects unknown viruses in objects by means of the heuristic analyzer. Such objects are tagged as probably infected.
A function performed by a Kaspersky application that enables it to keep computer protection up-to-date. During the update, an application downloads updates for its databases and modules from Kaspersky's update servers and automatically installs and applies them.
A program that infects other ones by adding its code to them in order to gain control when infected files are run. This simple definition allows exposing the main action performed by any virus – infection.
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Information about third-party code
Information about third-party code is contained in the file named legal_notices.txt in the application installation folder.
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Trademark notice
Registered trademarks and service marks are the property of their respective owners.
Active Directory, Access, Microsoft, Outlook, SharePoint, SQL Server, Win32, Windows, Windows Server, and Windows PowerShell are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation registered in the USA and other countries.
Intel and Pentium are trademarks of Intel Corporation registered in the USA and other countries.
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