Kaspersky Security 9.0 for Microsoft Exchange Servers MR 5

Application deployment models

Before deploying the application, prepare the following accounts:

  • Account for installing the application. The Application Setup Wizard and the Application Configuration Wizard are started under this account.
  • Account for launching the application service. If the SQL server is hosted by the same computer on which the application is installed, the role of this account can be performed by the Local System account. In this case, you do not need to create a special account for launching the service.
  • Account for preparing the database. Under this account, the Installation Wizard prepares the application database on the SQL server. This account is not used after the installation has been completed.

In order for the application to work properly, TCP port 13100 must be opened on all computers that will host the Security Server and Management Console as well as along the path of data transmission between them.

You can deploy the application under one of the following scenarios:

  • Scenario of application deployment with the full set of access privileges.
  • Scenario of application deployment with a limited set of access privileges.

In this Help section

Scenario of application deployment with the full set of access privileges

Scenario of application deployment with a limited set of access privileges