Kaspersky Security 9.0 for Microsoft Exchange Servers MR 5

Selecting Backup database for viewing its contents from the profile

Information about Backup objects is stored in the SQL database specified during installation of the application.

When several Security Servers have been added to a profile, by default the node of the profile shows the node of the Backup whose SQL database server appears first in the list arranged alphabetically in the format <SQL server name>\<instance>.

In the profile, you can select the SQL database to store information about Backup objects in the storage whose contents you want to view.

To select a Backup database in the profile to view its contents:

  1. In the Management Console tree, expand the Profiles node.
  2. Expand the node of the profile containing the Security Server that uses the relevant SQL database.
  3. Select the Backup node.
  4. Click the Select button.

    The Database window opens, listing all SQL databases that are used by at least one Security Server in the profile.

  5. In the Database window, select the Security Server that hosts the SQL database of the Backup you need.
  6. Click the OK button.

If the connection is to a remote database on an SQL server, make sure that this SQL server is enabled to support TCP/IP as a client protocol.