The application uses data whose processing requires the consent of the Kaspersky Security administrator.
You can view the list of data and the terms of its use, and give consent to data processing in the following agreements concluded between your organization and Kaspersky:
According to the terms of the accepted End User License Agreement, you agree to automatically send Kaspersky the information listed in the End User License Agreement under "Data Provision". This information is needed to improve the level of real-time protection.
If you participate in Kaspersky Security Network and send KSN statistics to Kaspersky, information received during operation of the application may also be transmitted. The list of data sent is given in the Kaspersky Security Network Statement.
You can read the terms of the Kaspersky Security Network Statement in the following ways:
Participation in Kaspersky Security Network is voluntary. You can opt out of participating in Kaspersky Security Network at any time.
The Kaspersky Security administrator must become familiar with the list of such data and ensure its security.
Kaspersky protects any received information pursuant to the legal requirements and effective Kaspersky rules.
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