- About Kaspersky Security 9.0 for Microsoft Exchange Servers
- Application architecture
- Common application deployment procedures and scenarios
- Installing, configuring, restoring, and removing the application
- Installing the application using the Setup Wizard
- Step 1. Checking for required software
- Step 2. Viewing information about the start of installation. Reading the End User License Agreement and the Privacy Policy
- Step 3. Selecting the installation type
- Step 4. Selecting application components and modules
- Step 5. Creating a database and configuring the application connection to the SQL server
- Step 6. Selecting an account for launching the Kaspersky Security service
- Step 7. Completing installation
- Installing the application using the command line
- Initial setup of the application
- Step 1. Activating the application
- Step 2. Configuring the Microsoft Exchange server protection
- Step 3. Enabling the KSN service
- Step 4. Configuring the proxy server settings
- Step 5. Completing the configuration
- Application Activation window
- Protection settings window
- Use Kaspersky Security Network services window
- Proxy server settings window
- Configuration node
- Restoring the application
- Removing the application
- Installing the application using the Setup Wizard
- Installing Update Package 9.6 Patch 1
- Kerberos protocol support
- Upgrading the application to version 9.0 Maintenance Release 6
- To administrator
- Role-based user access control for the application features and services
- Working with personal data of users
- Application licensing
- Licensing models. License restrictions
- About the End User License Agreement
- About the license certificate
- About the license
- About the key
- About the key file
- About the activation code
- About the subscription
- Special considerations of activating the application when using profiles
- Activating the application with a key for a Security Server
- Activating the application using an activation code
- About notifications related to the license
- Configuring the license expiry term notification
- Viewing information about installed keys
- Replacing a key
- Removing a key
- Licensing node
- Add License window
- Viewing the number of mailboxes
- Starting and stopping the application
- Default Microsoft Exchange Server protection
- <Microsoft Exchange Server name> node
- Viewing Microsoft Exchange Server protection status details
- Viewing information about the protection status of Microsoft Exchange servers of a single profile
- Server protection node
- Protection for the Mailbox role tab
- Protection for the Hub Transport role tab
- Advanced Anti-Virus settings tab
- About Kaspersky Security Network
- Participating in Kaspersky Security Network
- About Kaspersky Private Security Network
- Configuring the settings for connecting to Kaspersky Private Security Network
- Enabling and disabling the use of Kaspersky Security Network and Kaspersky Private Security Network in Anti-Spam
- Enabling and disabling the use of Kaspersky Security Network and Kaspersky Private Security Network in Anti-Virus
- Anti-virus protection
- Enabling and disabling anti-virus server protection
- Configuring anti-virus object processing: Anti-Virus for the Hub Transport role
- Configuring anti-virus processing of objects: Anti-Virus for the Mailbox role
- Configuring anti-virus scan exclusions
- Editing of the message regarding removal of an attachment by the Anti-Virus module
- How to prevent detainment when sending messages through the Anti-Virus module
- Types of attachment files window
- Names of attachment files window
- Protection against spam and phishing
- Enabling and disabling anti-spam protection of a server
- About anti-phishing scans
- Enabling and disabling message scanning for phishing
- Configuring spam and phishing scan settings
- Configuring additional settings of spam and phishing scans
- Configuring an increase in the spam rating of messages
- About additional services, features, and anti-spam technologies
- Using external anti-spam message scanning services
- About lists of allowed and denied email addresses
- Creating an Anti-Spam address allowlist
- Creating an Anti-Spam address denylist
- Address Allowlist Record Parameters window
- Address Denylist Record Parameters window
- Informing Kaspersky of false alerts returned by Anti-Spam
- Improving the accuracy of spam detection on Microsoft Exchange 2013 servers
- About scanning outgoing mail for spam and phishing content
- Enabling and disabling the scanning of outgoing messages for spam and phishing content
- Configuring mailbox and public folder protection settings
- Background scan and on-demand scan
- Attachment and content filtering
- Enabling attachment filtering
- Managing attachment and content filtering rules
- Creating an attachment and content filtering rule
- Configuring the general settings and conditions of an attachment and content filtering rule
- Configuring lists of users for an attachment and content filtering rule
- Configuring exclusions from an attachment and content filtering rule
- Deleting an attachment and content filtering rule
- Editing of the message regarding removal of an attachment during filtering
- Filtering messages of the same type
- Managing profiles
- Creating a profile
- Configuring Security Servers in a profile
- Specifics of managing profiles in a Microsoft Exchange database availability group
- Adding Security Servers to a profile
- Managing access to a profile
- Removing a Security Server from a profile
- Removing a profile
- Profiles node
- <Profile name> node
- Servers node
- <DAG name> node
- Create new profile window
- Add server to <Profile name> profile window (Step 1)
- Add server to <Profile name> profile window (Step 2)
- Rename existing profile window
- Updates
- About update centers
- About database updates in configurations with a DAG of Microsoft Exchange servers
- Updating databases manually
- Configuring scheduled application database updates
- Select update source
- Configuring the proxy server settings
- Designating a server as an update center and configuring its settings
- Updates node
- Notifications
- Backup
- Viewing Backup objects
- Viewing the properties of objects in Backup
- Filtering the list of Backup objects
- Saving objects from Backup to disk
- Forwarding objects from Backup to their original recipients
- Forwarding of objects from Backup to other email addresses
- Deleting objects from Backup
- Configuring Backup settings
- Selecting Backup database for viewing its contents from the profile
- Database window
- Send object to Kaspersky window
- Backup node
- Reports
- Anti-Virus activity report for the Mailbox role
- Anti-Virus activity report for the Hub Transport role
- Report of Anti-Spam activity
- Generating a report manually
- Creating a report generation task
- Viewing the list of report generation tasks
- Editing the settings of a report generation task
- Starting a report generation task
- Deleting a report generation task
- Viewing a report
- Saving a report to disk
- Deleting a report
- Report generation settings window
- Task settings window
- Reports node
- Application logs
- Using Kaspersky Security in Windows PowerShell
- About Windows PowerShell commands
- Connecting the Kse.Powershell library
- Viewing the protection status of a Microsoft Exchange server
- Viewing the statistics of the Anti-Virus and Attachment and Content Filtering modules
- Viewing the statistics of the Anti-Spam module
- Viewing the Anti-Spam address allowlist
- Viewing the Anti-Spam address denylist
- Adding addresses to the Anti-Spam address allowlist
- Adding addresses to the Anti-Spam address denylist
- Deleting addresses from the Anti-Spam address allowlist
- Deleting addresses from the Anti-Spam address denylist
- Synchronizing the Anti-Spam address allowlists and denylists
- Working with a message signature decryption key
- Exporting and importing the application configuration
- Managing the application using the Kaspersky Security Center
- Installing the Kaspersky Security administration plug-in
- About application activation via Kaspersky Security Center
- Updating application databases via Kaspersky Security Center
- Kaspersky Security events in Kaspersky Security Center
- Viewing Microsoft Exchange Server protection status details
- Application operation statistics in Kaspersky Security Center
- Monitor the application's operation via System Center - Operations Manager
- Appendix. Script for sending spam for analysis
- Appendix. Scalability and Sizing Guide
- Contacting the Technical Support Service
- Sources of information about the application
- Glossary
- Active key
- Anti-virus databases
- Background scan
- Backup
- Container object
- Disinfection
- Domain Name System Block List (DNSBL).
- Enforced Anti-Spam Updates Service
- File mask
- Formal message
- Infected object
- Kaspersky CompanyAccount
- Kaspersky Private Security Network
- Kaspersky Security Network (KSN).
- Kaspersky update servers
- Key denylist
- License certificate
- License term
- Malicious URLs
- Managed device
- Management Console
- Mass mail
- Message deletion
- Object removal
- PCL rating
- Personal data
- Phishing
- Potential spam
- Probably infected object
- Profile
- Proxy server
- Reserve key
- SCL rating
- Security Server
- Simple object
- Spam
- Spam URI Realtime Block Lists (SURBL)
- Storage scan
- Unknown virus
- Update
- Virus
- Information about third-party code
- Trademark notice
To administrator > Reports > Deleting a report
Deleting a report
Deleting a report
You can remove reports that you no longer need from the list of reports. You can remove one report at a time or several reports at once.
Deleted reports cannot be restored.
To delete a report:
- Perform the following steps in the Management Console tree:
- to delete a report for an unassigned Security Server, maximize the node of the relevant Security Server
- to delete a report for Security Servers belonging to a profile, expand the Profiles node and, in this node, expand the node of the profile for whose Security Servers you want to delete the report.
- Select the Reports node.
- In the table of reports in the Generate and view reports section, select the report you want to delete and click the Delete button.
A confirmation window opens.
- Click Yes in the confirmation window.
The selected report will be removed from the reports table.
Article ID: 71602, Last review: Nov 12, 2024