- About Kaspersky Security 9.0 for Microsoft Exchange Servers
- Application architecture
- Common application deployment procedures and scenarios
- Installing, configuring, restoring, and removing the application
- Installing the application using the Setup Wizard
- Step 1. Checking for required software
- Step 2. Viewing information about the start of installation. Reading the End User License Agreement and the Privacy Policy
- Step 3. Selecting the installation type
- Step 4. Selecting application components and modules
- Step 5. Creating a database and configuring the application connection to the SQL server
- Step 6. Selecting an account for launching the Kaspersky Security service
- Step 7. Completing installation
- Installing the application using the command line
- Initial setup of the application
- Step 1. Activating the application
- Step 2. Configuring the Microsoft Exchange server protection
- Step 3. Enabling the KSN service
- Step 4. Configuring the proxy server settings
- Step 5. Completing the configuration
- Application Activation window
- Protection settings window
- Use Kaspersky Security Network services window
- Proxy server settings window
- Configuration node
- Restoring the application
- Removing the application
- Installing the application using the Setup Wizard
- Installing Update Package 9.6 Patch 1
- Kerberos protocol support
- Upgrading the application to version 9.0 Maintenance Release 6
- To administrator
- Role-based user access control for the application features and services
- Working with personal data of users
- Application licensing
- Licensing models. License restrictions
- About the End User License Agreement
- About the license certificate
- About the license
- About the key
- About the key file
- About the activation code
- About the subscription
- Special considerations of activating the application when using profiles
- Activating the application with a key for a Security Server
- Activating the application using an activation code
- About notifications related to the license
- Configuring the license expiry term notification
- Viewing information about installed keys
- Replacing a key
- Removing a key
- Licensing node
- Add License window
- Viewing the number of mailboxes
- Starting and stopping the application
- Default Microsoft Exchange Server protection
- <Microsoft Exchange Server name> node
- Viewing Microsoft Exchange Server protection status details
- Viewing information about the protection status of Microsoft Exchange servers of a single profile
- Server protection node
- Protection for the Mailbox role tab
- Protection for the Hub Transport role tab
- Advanced Anti-Virus settings tab
- About Kaspersky Security Network
- Participating in Kaspersky Security Network
- About Kaspersky Private Security Network
- Configuring the settings for connecting to Kaspersky Private Security Network
- Enabling and disabling the use of Kaspersky Security Network and Kaspersky Private Security Network in Anti-Spam
- Enabling and disabling the use of Kaspersky Security Network and Kaspersky Private Security Network in Anti-Virus
- Anti-virus protection
- Enabling and disabling anti-virus server protection
- Configuring anti-virus object processing: Anti-Virus for the Hub Transport role
- Configuring anti-virus processing of objects: Anti-Virus for the Mailbox role
- Configuring anti-virus scan exclusions
- Editing of the message regarding removal of an attachment by the Anti-Virus module
- How to prevent detainment when sending messages through the Anti-Virus module
- Types of attachment files window
- Names of attachment files window
- Protection against spam and phishing
- Enabling and disabling anti-spam protection of a server
- About anti-phishing scans
- Enabling and disabling message scanning for phishing
- Configuring spam and phishing scan settings
- Configuring additional settings of spam and phishing scans
- Configuring an increase in the spam rating of messages
- About additional services, features, and anti-spam technologies
- Using external anti-spam message scanning services
- About lists of allowed and denied email addresses
- Creating an Anti-Spam address allowlist
- Creating an Anti-Spam address denylist
- Address Allowlist Record Parameters window
- Address Denylist Record Parameters window
- Informing Kaspersky of false alerts returned by Anti-Spam
- Improving the accuracy of spam detection on Microsoft Exchange 2013 servers
- About scanning outgoing mail for spam and phishing content
- Enabling and disabling the scanning of outgoing messages for spam and phishing content
- Configuring mailbox and public folder protection settings
- Background scan and on-demand scan
- Attachment and content filtering
- Enabling attachment filtering
- Managing attachment and content filtering rules
- Creating an attachment and content filtering rule
- Configuring the general settings and conditions of an attachment and content filtering rule
- Configuring lists of users for an attachment and content filtering rule
- Configuring exclusions from an attachment and content filtering rule
- Deleting an attachment and content filtering rule
- Editing of the message regarding removal of an attachment during filtering
- Filtering messages of the same type
- Managing profiles
- Creating a profile
- Configuring Security Servers in a profile
- Specifics of managing profiles in a Microsoft Exchange database availability group
- Adding Security Servers to a profile
- Managing access to a profile
- Removing a Security Server from a profile
- Removing a profile
- Profiles node
- <Profile name> node
- Servers node
- <DAG name> node
- Create new profile window
- Add server to <Profile name> profile window (Step 1)
- Add server to <Profile name> profile window (Step 2)
- Rename existing profile window
- Updates
- About update centers
- About database updates in configurations with a DAG of Microsoft Exchange servers
- Updating databases manually
- Configuring scheduled application database updates
- Select update source
- Configuring the proxy server settings
- Designating a server as an update center and configuring its settings
- Updates node
- Notifications
- Backup
- Viewing Backup objects
- Viewing the properties of objects in Backup
- Filtering the list of Backup objects
- Saving objects from Backup to disk
- Forwarding objects from Backup to their original recipients
- Forwarding of objects from Backup to other email addresses
- Deleting objects from Backup
- Configuring Backup settings
- Selecting Backup database for viewing its contents from the profile
- Database window
- Send object to Kaspersky window
- Backup node
- Reports
- Anti-Virus activity report for the Mailbox role
- Anti-Virus activity report for the Hub Transport role
- Report of Anti-Spam activity
- Generating a report manually
- Creating a report generation task
- Viewing the list of report generation tasks
- Editing the settings of a report generation task
- Starting a report generation task
- Deleting a report generation task
- Viewing a report
- Saving a report to disk
- Deleting a report
- Report generation settings window
- Task settings window
- Reports node
- Application logs
- Using Kaspersky Security in Windows PowerShell
- About Windows PowerShell commands
- Connecting the Kse.Powershell library
- Viewing the protection status of a Microsoft Exchange server
- Viewing the statistics of the Anti-Virus and Attachment and Content Filtering modules
- Viewing the statistics of the Anti-Spam module
- Viewing the Anti-Spam address allowlist
- Viewing the Anti-Spam address denylist
- Adding addresses to the Anti-Spam address allowlist
- Adding addresses to the Anti-Spam address denylist
- Deleting addresses from the Anti-Spam address allowlist
- Deleting addresses from the Anti-Spam address denylist
- Synchronizing the Anti-Spam address allowlists and denylists
- Working with a message signature decryption key
- Exporting and importing the application configuration
- Managing the application using the Kaspersky Security Center
- Installing the Kaspersky Security administration plug-in
- About application activation via Kaspersky Security Center
- Updating application databases via Kaspersky Security Center
- Kaspersky Security events in Kaspersky Security Center
- Viewing Microsoft Exchange Server protection status details
- Application operation statistics in Kaspersky Security Center
- Monitor the application's operation via System Center - Operations Manager
- Appendix. Script for sending spam for analysis
- Appendix. Scalability and Sizing Guide
- Contacting the Technical Support Service
- Sources of information about the application
- Glossary
- Active key
- Anti-virus databases
- Background scan
- Backup
- Container object
- Disinfection
- Domain Name System Block List (DNSBL).
- Enforced Anti-Spam Updates Service
- File mask
- Formal message
- Infected object
- Kaspersky CompanyAccount
- Kaspersky Private Security Network
- Kaspersky Security Network (KSN).
- Kaspersky update servers
- Key denylist
- License certificate
- License term
- Malicious URLs
- Managed device
- Management Console
- Mass mail
- Message deletion
- Object removal
- PCL rating
- Personal data
- Phishing
- Potential spam
- Probably infected object
- Profile
- Proxy server
- Reserve key
- SCL rating
- Security Server
- Simple object
- Spam
- Spam URI Realtime Block Lists (SURBL)
- Storage scan
- Unknown virus
- Update
- Virus
- Information about third-party code
- Trademark notice
Protection settings window
Enables the Anti-Virus module. If the check box is selected, Anti-Virus starts working on completion of the Application Configuration Wizard. If the check box is cleared, Anti-Virus is not enabled automatically on completion of the Application Configuration Wizard. The check box is selected by default.
Enables the Anti-Spam module. If the check box is selected, Anti-Spam starts working on completion of the Application Configuration Wizard. If the check box is cleared, Anti-Spam is not enabled automatically on completion of the Application Configuration Wizard. The check box is selected by default.
Enable Enforced Anti-Spam Updates Service
Enable Enforced Anti-Spam Updates Service. If the check box is selected, the application starts using the Enable Enforced Anti-Spam Updates Service on completion of the Application Configuration Wizard. If the check box is cleared, the application does not start using the Enforced Anti-Spam Updates Service on completion of the Application Configuration Wizard. The check box is selected by default.
Enable automatic database updating
Enables automatic Anti-Virus and Anti-Spam database updates from Kaspersky servers. If the check box is selected, the application starts automatic database updates from Kaspersky servers on completion of the Application Configuration Wizard. If the check box is cleared, the application does not start automatic database updates on completion of the Application Configuration Wizard. The check box is selected by default.
Use these settings for the following tasks Step 2. Configuring the Microsoft Exchange server protection |