How to cancel a subscription for Kaspersky VPN Secure Connection

You can cancel your Kaspersky VPN Secure Connection subscription. A canceled subscription is not automatically renewed, and you will be able to use the subscription until the last paid period expires.

To avoid unnecessary expenses, you should cancel your subscription before the payment date for the next period. Note that the payment for the next period is made before the current period expires. 30 days in advance of the expiration date of the current period, we will send information about subscription renewal conditions to the email address you provided when making the order.

The steps involved in canceling your subscription vary depending on the payment services provider from which you purchased your subscription.

To cancel the subscription:

  1. Check the inbox for the email address you specified when making your purchase. In the order confirmation message or the subscription renewal reminder message, you will find a link to your account on the of the payment provider website, or a link to your automatic renewal management page.
  2. Click the link.

    In your default browser, you will be taken to the login page on the payment provider website, or your personalized page for managing automatic renewal.

  3. You can cancel your Kaspersky VPN Secure Connection subscription on the page with information about renewal.

The subscription is canceled. A cancellation confirmation email is sent to your email address.

To cancel your subscription in your My Kaspersky account:

Canceling the subscription via the My Kaspersky account is not available in some regions.

  1. Open the main application window.
  2. In the main application window, click the Menu button.
  3. Go to the Profile section. Click the Details button.
  4. This opens a window with subscription information; in that window, click Manage subscription.
  5. This opens your My Kaspersky account in your browser.

    By default, you are taken to the Subscriptions section on your subscription information page.

  6. Click Manage subscription. In the drop-down list, select Cancel subscription.

    This option is available only if you have previously activated a subscription with auto-renewal.

  7. You will be taken to the subscription management page on the payment provider's website in a new browser window.
  8. You can cancel your Kaspersky VPN Secure Connection subscription on the page with information about renewal.

The subscription is canceled. A cancellation confirmation email is sent to your email address.

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