Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway

Creating message processing rules

To create a message processing rule:

  1. In the main window of the program web interface, open the management console tree and select the Rules section.
  2. Click the Create button in the upper part of the workspace.

    A new message processing rule opens.

  3. Select the General rule settings section.
  4. In the Rule Name (required) field, enter the name of the new rule.

    The rule must have a unique name in the list of Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway rules.

  5. In the Rule Description field, enter the rule description.
  6. In the Rule Mode settings group, select one of the following message processing options:
    • Use the settings of scan modules, if you want the program to process messages according to this rule using the settings of the Anti-Spam, Anti-Phishing, and Anti-Virus engines and content filtering settings configured for this rule.

      The following settings groups are displayed in the lower part of the workspace (if they were hidden previously). You can use them to configure Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway settings for a rule:

      • Anti-Spam.
      • Anti-Virus.
      • KATA protection
      • Anti-Phishing.
      • Content Filtering.
      • Notifications.
      • Email Disclaimer.
      • Insecure Message Warning.
      • Mail Sender Authentication.
    • Reject without scanning — if you want the program to reject the message without scanning when processing the message according to this rule.
    • Delete without notifying the sender, if you want the program to delete messages without notifying the sender when processing messages according to this rule.
    • Skip from scanning — if you want the program to deliver messages to recipients without scanning them when processing messages according to this rule.

      The Email Disclaimer section is displayed in the lower part of the workspace, in which you can configure disclaimers for messages processed according to this rule.

  7. Click the Create button in the lower part of the workspace.

The rule is created and added to the list of rules in the Rules section.

In order for a rule to be used by Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway, you must configure the list of message senders and the list of message recipients for that rule.

You can also create a rule by copying an existing rule or editing its settings.

By default, the rule is assigned the highest priority of all previously created rules. You can change the rule priority level.

In order for the settings you configured to be used during operation of Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway, make sure to enable the configured rule. By default, the new rule is disabled and not used during operation of the program.

See also

Using message processing rules

Creating a copy of a message processing rule

Configuring lists of mail senders and recipients for a rule

Deleting message processing rules

Enabling and disabling a message processing rule

Changing the priority of a message processing rule