- Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway
- The Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway interface
- Program licensing
- About the End User License Agreement
- About the license
- About the license certificate
- About the key
- About the key file
- About the activation code
- About the subscription
- About data provision
- Viewing information about the license and added keys
- Updating of license and added keys information
- Adding a key file
- Adding an activation code
- Removing a key
- Modes of Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway operation under license
- Notifications that the license expires soon
- Purchasing a license
- Mail server protection status
- Getting started with the program web interface
- Integrating Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway into the corporate mail infrastructure
- Direct integration using a Quick Setup Wizard
- Integration through an edge gateway (SMTP verification of recipient email addresses is enabled) with the help of a wizard
- Step1. Adding local domains (relay_domains)
- Step 2. Configuring email routing (transport_map)
- Step 3. Entering address of your Edge Gateway (relayhost)
- Step 4. Adding trusted networks and network hosts (mynetworks)
- Step 5. Completing the integration of Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway through an edge gateway (SMTP verification of recipient email addresses is enabled)
- Integration through an edge gateway (SMTP verification of recipient email addresses is disabled) with the help of a wizard
- Step 1. Configuring email routing (transport_map)
- Step 2. Entering address of your Edge Gateway (relayhost)
- Step 3. Adding trusted networks and network hosts (mynetworks)
- Step 4. Completing the integration of Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway through an edge gateway (SMTP verification of recipient email addresses is disabled)
- Monitoring the Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway
- Using message processing rules
- Domains and configuration of email routing
- DKIM signature for outgoing messages
- Using the TLS protocol in the operation of Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway
- Configuring TLS security for incoming email messages
- Configuring TLS security for outgoing email messages
- Creating a TLS certificate
- Deleting a TLS certificate
- Preparing a self-signed TLS certificate for import
- Preparing to import a TLS certificate signed by a certification authority
- Importing the TLS certificate from file
- Backup
- Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway message queue
- Enabling and disabling the transmission and reception of messages
- Viewing information about the message queue, KATA Quarantine, and Anti-Spam Quarantine
- Sorting messages in queue
- Filtering and searching messages by queue name
- Filtering and searching messages by message ID in queue
- Filtering and searching messages by mail sender's address
- Filtering and searching messages by message recipient's address
- Filtering and searching messages by time of message arrival in queue
- Forced delivery and deletion of messages from the queue
- Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway operation reports
- Content of Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway operation reports
- Viewing Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway operation reports
- Deleting Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway operation reports
- Enabling and disabling daily reports
- Configuring the daily report
- Enabling and disabling weekly reports
- Configuring the weekly report
- Enabling and disabling monthly reports
- Configuring the monthly report
- Generating a custom report
- Configuring general settings of Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway
- Configuring the proxy server connection settings
- Configuring email addresses of the administrator
- Configuring HelpDesk account settings
- Changing the Administrator account password
- Configuring the settings for the event log and audit log
- Configuring program performance settings
- Configuring the appearance of scanned messages
- Configuring the template for messages when removing an attachment
- Exporting program settings
- Importing program settings
- Restarting the program
- Configuring integration with Kaspersky Security Center
- Configuring MTA settings
- Upgrading Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway via the web interface
- Database update for Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway
- Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway Protection
- Participation in Kaspersky Security Network and use of Kaspersky Private Security Network
- Mail Sender Authentication
- Connecting to a DNS to perform message authentication
- Enabling and disabling SPF message authentication
- Enabling and disabling DKIM message authentication
- Enabling and disabling DMARC message authentication
- Enabling and disabling Mail Sender Authentication for a rule
- Configuring detection of TempError and PermError during message authentication
- Configuring additional DMARC authentication settings for a rule
- Configuring additional SPF message authentication settings for a rule
- Configuring additional DKIM message authentication settings for a rule
- Configuring tags added to message subjects after SPF message authentication
- Configuring tags added to message subjects after DKIM message authentication
- Configuring tags added to message subjects after DMARC message authentication
- Configuring actions on messages during DMARC, SPF and DKIM message authentication
- Preparing to configure SPF and DMARC Mail Sender Authentication for outgoing messages
- Anti-Virus protection
- About Anti-Virus scan statuses
- Enabling and disabling Anti-Virus protection of messages
- Enabling and disabling Anti-Virus scanning for a rule
- Configuring Anti-Virus engine settings
- Setting default values for Anti-Virus engine settings
- Configuring actions on messages during Anti-Virus scanning
- Configuring tags added to message subjects after Anti-Virus scanning
- Configuring Anti-Virus scan restrictions and exclusions
- Anti-Spam protection
- About Anti-Spam message scan status labels
- Enabling and disabling Anti-Spam protection of messages
- Enabling and disabling Anti-Spam scanning of messages for a rule
- Configuring Anti-Spam engine settings
- Setting default values for Anti-Spam engine settings
- Configuring the custom DNSBL list for the Anti-Spam engine
- Configuring the custom SURBL list for the Anti-Spam engine
- Configuring Anti-Spam scan settings for a rule
- Configuring Anti-Spam scan actions on messages
- Configuring tags added to message subjects after spam scanning
- Anti-Spam Quarantine
- Anti-Phishing protection
- About Anti-Phishing message scan status labels
- Enabling and disabling Anti-Phishing protection of messages
- Enabling and disabling Anti-Phishing scanning of messages for a rule
- Configuring Anti-Phishing engine settings
- Setting default values for Anti-Phishing engine settings
- Configuring Anti-Phishing scan actions on messages
- Configuring tags added to message subjects after Anti-Phishing scanning
- Content filtering of messages
- About message content filtering status labels
- Enabling and disabling content filtering of messages
- Setting the maximum archive nesting level for content filtering
- Setting default values for Content Filtering settings
- Enabling and disabling content filtering of messages for a rule
- Configuring settings of message content filtering for a rule
- Configuring actions to take on messages during content filtering
- Configuring tags added to message subjects based on content filtering results
- KATA protection and integration of Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway with Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform
- Entering integration settings for Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway
- Confirming integration on the KATA side
- Checking the connection of Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway to KATA
- Configuring Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway to send messages for checking by KATA
- Enabling and disabling KATA protection
- Configuring KATA protection settings
- Setting default values for KATA protection settings
- Enabling and disabling KATA protection for a rule
- Configuring actions on messages based on KATA scan results
- Configuring tags added to message subjects based on KATA scan results
- Black and white lists of addresses
- Integration with an external directory service
- Using the program via the SNMP protocol
- Email notifications for Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway
- Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway's disclaimers and warnings
- Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway event log
- System information for Technical Support
- Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway audit log
- Viewing the audit log and events in the audit log
- Sorting events in the audit log
- Filtering and searching events by date and time
- Filtering and searching events by event type
- Filtering and searching events by subject identifier
- Filtering and searching events by event result
- Filtering and searching events by event description
- Configuring the date and time in Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway
- Publishing program events to a SIEM system
- Extracting settings from Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway to an XML file
- Enabling export of events in CEF format
- Content and properties of syslog messages in CEF format
- Values of fields in the body of CEF messages for classes of Settings group events
- Values of fields in the body of CEF messages for classes of Tasks group events
- Values of fields in the body of CEF messages for classes of Import / Export Settings group events
- Values of fields in the body of CEF messages for classes of Backup group events
- Values of fields in the body of CEF messages for classes of Report group events
- Values of fields in the body of CEF messages for classes of License group events
- Values of fields in the body of CEF messages for classes of Rules group events
- Values of fields in the body of CEF messages for classes of Auth group events
- Values of fields in the body of CEF messages for classes of Quarantine group events
- Values of fields in the body of CEF messages for classes of Update group events
- Values of fields in the body of CEF messages for classes of ScanLogic group events
- Values of fields in the body of CEF messages for classes of Appliance group events
- Disabling export of events in CEF format
- Applying new values to settings of Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway
- Contacting the Technical Support Service
- Glossary
- Advanced persistent threat (APT)
- Anti-Phishing
- Anti-Spam
- Anti-Virus
- Backup
- Content filtering
- Directory service
- DKIM Mail Sender Authentication
- DMARC Mail Sender Authentication
- Email notification
- Heuristic analysis
- Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform
- Kaspersky Private Security Network
- Kaspersky Security Network (KSN)
- Key file
- Malicious links
- Phishing
- Reputation filtering
- SNMP agent
- SNMP trap
- Spam
- SPF Mail Sender Authentication
- Targeted attack
- Virtual machine
- Zero-day attack
- Zero-day vulnerability
- AO Kaspersky Lab
- Information about third-party code
- Trademark notices
Configuring Anti-Spam scan actions on messages
To configure the actions to be performed by Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway on messages during spam scanning:
- In the main window of the program web interface, open the management console tree and select the Rules section.
- In the list of rules, click the link with the name of the rule to open the rule for which you want to configure actions on messages during spam scanning.
- Select the Anti-Spam section.
- Flip on the toggle switch next to the name of the Anti-Spam settings group if it is off.
- In the If spam is detected drop-down list, select one of the following actions to take on messages containing spam:
- Delete message
- Reject
- Skip
- If you want to configure the application to automatically save copies of messages in Backup before they are processed, select the Move copy to Backup check box.
By default, the application places a copy of messages in Backup before performing the Delete message action.
- In the If probable spam is detected drop-down list, select one of the following actions to take on messages containing probable spam:
- Delete message
- Reject
- Skip
- If you want to configure the application to automatically save copies of messages in Backup before they are processed, select the Move copy to Backup check box.
By default, the application places a copy of messages in Backup before performing the Delete message action.
- In the If mail sender's address is blacklisted by DNSBL drop-down list, select one of the following actions to take on messages whose sender has been detected in the DNSBL list and that has been assigned Blacklisted status:
- Delete message
- Reject
- Skip
- If you want to configure the application to automatically save copies of messages in Backup before they are processed, select the Move copy to Backup check box.
By default, the application places a copy of messages in Backup before performing the Delete message action.
- In the If mass mailing is detected drop-down list, select one of the following actions to take on messages found to contain mass mailing:
- Delete message
- Reject
- Skip
- If you want to configure the application to automatically save copies of messages in Backup before they are processed, select the Move copy to Backup check box.
By default, the application places a copy of messages in Backup before performing the Delete message action.
- Click the Apply button in the lower part of the workspace.
The Skip action is selected by default for all messages.
In order for the settings you have configured to be used during operation of Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway, make sure to enable Anti-Spam scanning of messages for the rule and to enable the configured rule.