Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway

The Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway interface

You work with the Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway through a web interface.

The main window of the web interface contains the following items:

  • Management console tree in the left part of the main window of the program web interface.
  • Workspace in the right part of the main window of the program web interface.

The Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway's control panel tree

The control panel tree contains the sections and subsections for the Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway' functional components.

The Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway's control panel tree includes the following sections:

  • Monitoring—Section containing Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway monitoring data.
  • Rules—Section containing message processing rules.
  • Domains—Section in which you can add, edit or delete information about domains and email addresses, configure Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway settings for these domains and email addresses.
  • Encryption Keys—Section in which you can add, edit or delete DKIM and TLS encryption keys.
  • Backup—Section containing information about message Backup and a filter for finding messages in Backup.
  • Message Queue—Section containing information about the message queue of the MTA mail agent and a filter for finding messages in the queue.
  • Reports—Section containing reports on the operation of the mail server.
  • Settings—Section that lets you configure Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway settings.
  • Quick MTA Setup—Setup wizard that configures the main MTA settings. You can use it to quickly integrate Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway into your corporate mail infrastructure at the first startup of the Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway web interface as well as redefine the MTA settings during subsequent startups of the Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway web interface.

    After you complete all steps of the Quick MTA Setup, Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway resets all values of MTA setting and replaces them with values that you specified in the Quick MTA Setup Wizard.

The working area of the Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway's web interface

The workspace contains information about the sections that you select in the management console and control elements for editing the program settings.

Settings in the workspace of the main window are grouped into settings groups for sections that let you manage Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway settings.