Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway

Configuring message scanning event notifications for a rule

You can configure delivery of email notifications about message scanning events for one or several rules.

You can configure delivery of email notifications to the administrator, sender, or recipient of messages or to other recipients about the following message scan events:

  • Malicious objects detected
  • Encrypted objects detected
  • Scan errors detected
  • Content Filtering issues detected
  • Phishing messages detected
  • A macro detected in the attachment

To configure delivery of message scanning event notifications:

  1. In the main window of the program web interface, open the management console tree and select the Rules section.
  2. In the list of rules, click the link with the name of the rule to open the rule for which you want to configure delivery of notifications.
  3. Select the Notifications section.
  4. Select a message scanning event for which you want to configure delivery of notifications.

    For example, you can select the Malicious objects detected event.

  5. In the group of settings with the name of the selected event (for example, Malicious objects detected), select the check boxes next to the names of settings:
    • Notify administrator if you want to enable delivery of notifications about the selected event to Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway administrator address.
    • Notify sender, if you want to enable delivery of notifications about the selected event to addresses of mail senders.
    • Notify recipient, if you want to enable delivery of notifications about the selected event to addresses of message recipients.
    • Additional addresses, if you want to enable delivery of notifications about the selected event to additional email addresses.
  6. If you have enabled delivery of notifications to addresses of message recipients, configure the settings of delivery of notifications to message recipients. To do so, perform the following:
    1. Click the link to the right of the Notify recipient setting name to open the User notification settings window.
    2. Select one of the following options:
      • Notify only, if you want to configure delivery of a notification to recipients without the source message.
      • Notify with source message in attachment, if you want to configure delivery of a notification to recipients with the source message in an attachment.
    3. Click the OK button.

      The User notification settings window closes.

  7. If you have enabled delivery of notifications to additional email addresses, specify the additional email addresses of notification recipients. To do so, perform the following:
    1. Click the link to the right of the Additional addresses setting name to open the Addresses for notifications window.
    2. In the Addresses for notifications field, enter the email address of the recipient of notifications.

      The email addresses are entered one at a time. Repeat the process of adding addresses to the list for all email addresses that you are adding.

      You can use the symbols "*" and "?" to create address masks, and regular expressions beginning with the prefix "reg:".

      Regular expressions are not case-sensitive.

    3. Click the button for adding entries to the right of the entry field.

      The list of additional email addresses of notification recipients is compiled in the field under the button for adding entries.

    4. Click the OK button.

      The Addresses for notifications window closes.

  8. Click the Apply button in the lower part of the workspace.

See also

Email notifications for Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway

Editing notification templates

Configuring delivery of personal Backup notifications

Enabling and disabling delivery of program event notifications