Restore a file that has been deleted or disinfected by the application
February 14, 2022
ID 58770
Important: Avoid restoring deleted and disinfected files unless it is extremely necessary, because these files may threaten the security of your computer.
Sometimes it is not possible to save files integrity during the disinfection process. If a disinfected file contained important information that is partly or completely inaccessible following disinfection, you can attempt to restore the original file from its backup copy.
Restore a file that has been deleted or modified by the application during disinfection
The file is restored to its original location with its original name. If there is a file with the same name in the original location (this could happen if you are restoring a file that was copied before disinfection was attempted), a warning appears. You can restore the file to a different location or change the name of the file.
Scan the file for viruses immediately after restoring it. It is possible that the application with updated databases will disinfect the file without losing any of your data in it.