Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway

Report contents

Reports contain the following information about application performance.

  1. The General information section.
    • Detects. Number and volume of processed messages, counted separately for each application module:
    • Actions. Number and volume of processed messages, counted for each type of action performed by the application:
      • Not detected.
      • Disinfected.
      • Attachments deleted.
      • Skipped.
      • Unprocessed.
      • Deleted.
      • Rejected.
      • Quarantined.
    • Nodes. Number and volume of processed messages counted for each cluster node that processes email traffic.
  2. The Object types section.
    • Anti-Virus. Number of messages for the selected period, counted for each Anti-Virus scan status:
      • Not detected.
      • Detected.
      • Attachments with macros.
      • Unprocessed messages.

        Unprocessed messages are grouped by the following reasons why the scan was not performed:

        • Encrypted. Could not scan because the message was encrypted.
        • Scan error. An error occurred during Anti-Virus scan.
        • Application settings. Anti-Virus scanning disabled in general protection settings.
        • License restrictions. License issues.
        • Bases error. Anti-virus databases are missing.
    • Links scanning. Number of messages for the selected period, counted for each link scanning status:
      • Not detected.
      • Detected.
      • Unprocessed messages.

        Unprocessed messages are grouped by the following reasons why the scan was not performed:

        • Scan error. An error occurred during link scanning.
        • Application settings. Link scanning disabled in general protection settings.
        • License restrictions. License issues.
        • Bases error. Application databases are missing.
    • Anti-Phishing. Number of messages for the selected period, counted for each Anti-Phishing scan status:
      • Not detected.
      • Detected.
      • Unprocessed messages.

        Unprocessed messages are grouped by the following reasons why the scan was not performed:

        • Scan error. An error occurred during Anti-Virus scan.
        • Application settings. Anti-Phishing scanning disabled in general protection settings.
        • License restrictions. License issues.
        • Bases error. Application databases are missing.
    • Anti-Spam. Number of messages for the selected period, counted for each Anti-Spam scan status:
      • Not detected.
      • Detected.

        Detected objects are grouped by the following types:

        • Spam.
        • Probable spam.
        • Massmail.
      • Quarantined.
      • Unprocessed messages.

        Unprocessed messages are grouped by the following reasons why the scan was not performed:

        • Scan error. An error occurred during Anti-Virus scan.
        • Application settings. Anti-Spam scanning disabled in general protection settings.
        • License restrictions. License issues.
        • Bases error. Application databases are missing.
    • Mail Sender Authentication. Number of messages for the selected period, counted for each Mail Sender Authentication status:
      • Not detected.
      • Detected.
      • Unprocessed messages.

        Unprocessed messages are grouped by the following reasons why the scan was not performed:

        • Application settings. Mail Sender Authentication disabled in general protection settings.
        • License restrictions. License issues.
        • Bases error. Application databases are missing.
    • Content Filtering.
      • Not detected.
      • Detected.

        Detected objects are grouped by the following types:

        • Message size. Maximum allowed message size exceeded.
        • Attachment name. Attachment name matches criteria set in the message processing rule.
        • Attachment type. Attachment format matches criteria set in the message processing rule.
      • Unprocessed messages.

        Unprocessed messages are grouped by the following reasons why the scan was not performed:

        • Scan error. An error occurred during Anti-Virus scan.
        • Application settings. Content Filtering disabled in general protection settings.
        • License restrictions. License issues.
        • Bases error. Application databases are missing.
    • Message processing rules applied. Number and volume of messages processed for each triggered rule.
  3. The Anti-Virus statistics section.
    • Top 10 malicious objects received. Names of the most frequent malicious objects in received messages and the number of times the Anti-Virus module was triggered for each object.
    • Top 10 senders of malicious objects. Email addresses of the most frequent senders of malicious objects and the number of times the Anti-Virus module was triggered for each sender. The addresses are taken from the SMTP session.
    • Top 10 recipients of malicious objects. Email addresses of the most frequent recipients of malicious objects and the number of times the Anti-Virus module was triggered for each recipient. The addresses are taken from the SMTP session.
  4. The Links scanning statistics section.
    • Top 10 sources of malicious|adware|legitimate links. IP addresses of servers that were most frequently used to send malicious/adware/legitimate links and the number of detections for each source.
    • Top 10 recipients of malicious|adware|legitimate links. Email addresses of the most frequent recipients of malicious/adware/legitimate links and the number of detections for each recipient. The addresses are taken from the SMTP session.
  5. The Anti-Phishing statistics section.
    • Top 10 sources of phishing. IP addresses of servers that were most frequently used to send phishing messages and the number of detections for each source.
    • Top 10 recipients of phishing. Email addresses of the most frequent recipients of phishing messages and the number of detections for each recipient. The addresses are taken from the SMTP session.
  6. The Anti-Spam statistics section.
    • Top 10 sources of spam. IP addresses of servers that were most frequently used to send spam or mass mail and the number of detections for each source.
    • Top 10 recipients of spam. Email addresses of the most frequent recipients of spam or mass mail and the number of detections for each recipient. The addresses are taken from the SMTP session.

See also


Creating on-demand reports

Configuring scheduled reports

Configuring report table display

Filtering and sorting reports

Viewing report information

Deleting reports

Downloading reports

Sending reports by email