Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway

Filtering and finding messages in Backup

To find messages in Backup:

  1. In the application web interface window, select the Backup section.
  2. Click Filter..

    This opens the Filters window.

  3. Click Add filter to add a filter criterion to search for messages.
  4. In the fields that appear, configure the filtering criterion that you want. To do so, populate the filter fields in accordance with the following table.

    a. Select a criterion:

    b. Select a logical operator:

    c. Enter a value:

    Detected by

    Logical operators are not provided for this criterion

    Select the check boxes next to the names of application modules whose scans detected threats in the message.

    You can select one or several scan engines:

    • Anti-Virus.
    • Anti-Spam.
    • Anti-Phishing.
    • Content Filtering.
    • Personal denylist of addresses.
    • Links scanning.
    • Mail Sender Authentication.
    • KATA (displayed only when KATA integration is configured).

    Scan engines can be combined with the logical "AND" operator.

    Sender email

    • contains

    Text for searching sender email addresses. The addresses to be searched are taken from the SMTP session.

    You can enter an email address (for example: example-email@example.com), domain name (for example: example.com) or several symbols from the email address (for example: exa).

    If you have configured LDAP server integration, the application searches for LDAP cache records matching the entered search string and displays a tooltip with account names.

    Sender IP

    • equal

    Search text for the IP address from which the message was sent.

    You can enter the address in IPv4 or IPv6 format.

    Recipient email

    • contains

    Text for searching recipient email addresses. The addresses to be searched are taken from the SMTP session.

    You can enter an email address (for example: example-email@example.com), domain name (for example: example.com) or several symbols from the email address (for example: exa).

    If you have configured LDAP server integration, the application searches for LDAP cache records matching the entered search string and displays a tooltip with account names.

    When filtering messages in personal Backup, recipient addresses from the BCC field are disregarded.


    • contains

    Message subject search text

    Application message ID

    • equal

    Unique identifier assigned to the message by the application.

    SMTP message ID

    • contains

    Message ID on the mail server.

    This ID can be used for searching for the message in Backup when responding to a user request, if you have configured an ID to be added to notifications about rejected messages.

    Date and time

    • from
    • before

    Time period for processing messages and placing them in Backup.

    Message size

    • more or equal
    • less or equal

    Size limit for message search.


    • equal
    • not equal

    Cluster node that processed the message.

    The criterion is not available in personal Backup.

    You can enter multiple filtering criteria. To add another criterion, click Add filter.

  5. Click Apply.

Messages that match the search criteria are displayed in the list of messages in the Backup section.

The table displays information about the last 5000 messages. If more than 5000 messages match the filtering criteria, consider refining the search criteria.

See also


Configuring Backup settings

Configuring personal Backup

Viewing the table of objects in Backup

Configuring the display of the table of objects in Backup

Viewing information about a message in Backup

Delivering a message from Backup

Downloading a message from Backup

Deleting a message from Backup