List of objects scanned by extension
List of objects scanned by extension
September 12, 2023
ID 24413
If when creating a scan task in Kaspersky Security Center, in the scan settings you have selected the Scan applications and documents by extension option, Kaspersky Endpoint Security performs malware scans on objects without extensions and objects with the following extensions:
General formats:
- txt
- csv
- htm
- html
Multimedia (audio/video) files:
- flv
- f4v
- avi
- 3gp
- 3g2
- 3gp2
- 3p2
- divx
- mp4
- mkv
- mov
- qt
- asf
- wmv
- rm
- rmvb
- vob
- dat
- mpg
- mpeg
- bik
- fcs
- mp3
- mpeg3
- flac
- ape
- ogg
- aac
- m4a
- wma
- ac3
- wav
- mka
- rm
- ra
- ravb
- mid
- midi
- cda
Image files:
- jpg
- jpe
- jpeg
- jff
- gif
- png
- bmp
- tif
- tiff
- emf
- wmf
- eps
- psd
- cdr
- swf
Executable and system files:
- exe
- dll
- scr
- ocx
- com
- sys
- class
- o
- so
- elf
- prx
- vb
- vbs
- js
- bat
- cmd
- msi
- deb
- rpm
- sh
- pl
- dylib
Documents and templates:
- doc
- dot
- docx
- dotx
- docm
- dotm
- xsl
- xls
- xlsx
- xltx
- xlsm
- xltm
- xlam
- xlsb
- ppt
- pot
- pps
- pptx
- potx
- pptm
- potm
- ppsx
- ppsm
- rtf
- msg
- eml
- vsd
- vss
- vst
- vdx
- vsx
- vtx
- xps
- oxps
- one
- onepkg
- xsn
- odt
- ods
- odp
- sxw
- pub
- mdb
- accdb
- accde
- accdr
- accdc
- chm
- mht
- zip
- 7z*
- 7-z
- rar
- iso
- cab
- jar
- bz
- bz2
- tbz
- tbz2
- gz
- tgz
- arj
- dmg
- smi
- img
- xar
Note: The actual format of a file may not match its file name extension.
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