Kaspersky Embedded Systems Security

About installing and uninstalling Kaspersky Embedded Systems Security for Windows from command line

October 25, 2023

ID 147692

Dump and trace files are not deleted on uninstalling Kaspersky Embedded Systems Security for Windows. You can manually delete dump and trace files from the folder specified during the configuration of dump and trace files writing.

You can install or uninstall Kaspersky Embedded Systems Security for Windows and add or remove its components by running the \exec\ess_x86.msi or \exec\ess_x64.msi installation package file from the command line after you specify the installation settings using command-line options.

The "Administration Tools" set can be installed on the protected device or on another device on the network to work with the Application Console locally or remotely. To do this, use the \console\esstools.msi installation package.

Perform the installation using an account included in the administrators group on the protected device where the application is installed.

If the \exec\ess_x86.msi or \exec\ess_x64.msi file is run on the protected device without additional command-line options, Kaspersky Embedded Systems Security for Windows will be installed with the default installation settings.

You can assign the set of components to be installed using the ADDLOCAL command-line option and listing the codes for the selected components or sets of components.

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