Kaspersky Security Center

Installation packages

January 20, 2025

ID 92447

The first and main method of defining the installation settings of applications is all-purpose and thus suitable for all installation methods, both with Kaspersky Security Center Linux tools, and with most third-party tools. This method consists of creating installation packages of applications in Kaspersky Security Center Linux.

Installation packages are generated by using the following methods:

  • Automatically, from specified distribution packages, on the basis of included descriptors (files with the kud extension that contain rules for installation and results analysis, and other information).
  • From a ZIP, CAB, TAR, or TAR.GZ archive file, for standard or supported applications.

Generated installation packages are organized hierarchically as folders with subfolders and files. In addition to the original distribution package, an installation package contains editable settings (including the installer's settings and rules for processing such cases as necessity of restarting the operating system in order to complete installation), as well as minor auxiliary modules.

Values of installation settings that would be specific for an individual supported application can be defined in the user interface of Kaspersky Security Center Web Console when the installation package is created. When performing remote installation of applications through Kaspersky Security Center Linux tools, installation packages are delivered to devices so that running the installer of an application makes all administrator-defined settings available for that application. When using third-party tools for installation of Kaspersky applications, you only have to ensure the availability of the entire installation package on the device, that is, the availability of the distribution package and its settings. Installation packages are created and stored by Kaspersky Security Center Linux in a dedicated subfolder of the shared folder.

Do not specify any details of privileged accounts in the parameters of installation packages.

Deployment using group policies of Microsoft Windows is not supported.

Immediately after Kaspersky Security Center Linux installation, a few installation packages are automatically generated; they are ready for installation and include Network Agent packages and security application packages for Microsoft Windows.

Although the license key for an application can be set in the properties of an installation package, it is advisable to avoid this method of license distribution because there it is easy to obtain read access to installation packages. You should use automatically distributed license keys or installation tasks for license keys.

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