Active key
A key that is currently used by the application.
Additional (or reserve) license key
A key that certifies the right to use the application but is not currently being used.
Administration Console
A component of Windows-based Kaspersky Security Center (also called MMC-based Administration Console). This component provides a user interface for the administrative services of Administration Server and Network Agent. The Administration Console is an analog of Kaspersky Security Center Web Console.
Administration group
A set of devices grouped by function and by installed Kaspersky applications. Devices are grouped as a single entity for the convenience of management. A group can include other groups. Group policies and group tasks can be created for each installed application in the group.
Administration Server
A component of Kaspersky Security Center Linux that centrally stores information about all Kaspersky applications that are installed on the corporate network. It can also be used to manage these applications.
Administration Server certificate
The certificate that the Administration Server uses for the following purposes:
- Authentication of Administration Server when connecting to Kaspersky Security Center Web Console
- Secure interaction between Administration Server and Network Agents on managed devices
- Authentication of Administration Servers when connecting a primary Administration Server to a secondary Administration Server
The certificate is created automatically when you install the Administration Server, and then stored on the Administration Server.
Administration Server client (Client device)
A device, server, or workstation on which Network Agent is installed and managed Kaspersky applications are running.
Administration Server data backup
Copying of the Administration Server data for backup and subsequent restoration performed by using the backup utility. The utility can save:
- Database of the Administration Server (policies, tasks, application settings, events saved on the Administration Server)
- Configuration information about the structure of administration groups and client devices
- Repository of the installation files for remote installation of applications (content of the folders: Packages, Uninstall Updates)
- Administration Server certificate
Administrator rights
The level of the user's rights and privileges required for administration of Exchange objects within an Exchange organization.
Administrator's workstation
A device from what you open Kaspersky Security Center Web Console. This component provides a Kaspersky Security Center Linux management interface.
The administrator's workstation is used to configure and manage the server side of Kaspersky Security Center Linux. Using the administrator's workstation, the administrator builds and manages a centralized anti-virus protection system for a corporate LAN based on Kaspersky applications.
Anti-virus databases
Databases that contain information about computer security threats known to Kaspersky as of when the anti-virus databases are released. Entries in anti-virus databases allow malicious code to be detected in scanned objects. Anti-virus databases are created by Kaspersky specialists and updated hourly.
Anti-virus protection service provider
An organization that provides a client organization with anti-virus protection services based on Kaspersky solutions.
Application Shop
Component of Kaspersky Security Center Linux. Application Shop is used for installing applications on Android devices owned by users. Application Shop allows you to publish the APK files of applications and links to applications in Google Play.
Authentication Agent
Interface that lets you complete authentication to access encrypted hard drives and load the operating system after the bootable hard drive has been encrypted.
Available update
A set of updates for Kaspersky application modules, including critical updates accumulated over a certain period of time and changes to the application's architecture.
Backup folder
Special folder for storage of Administration Server data copies created using the backup utility.
Broadcast domain
A logical area of a network in which all nodes can exchange data using a broadcasting channel at the level of OSI (Open Systems Interconnection Basic Reference Model).
Centralized application management
Remote application management using the administration services provided in Kaspersky Security Center.
Client administrator
A staff member of a client organization who is responsible for monitoring the anti-virus protection status.
Configuration profile
Policy that contains a collection of settings and restrictions for an iOS MDM mobile device.
Connection gateway
A connection gateway is a Network Agent acting in a special mode. A connection gateway accepts connections from other Network Agents and tunnels them to the Administration Server through its own connection with the Server. Unlike an ordinary Network Agent, a connection gateway waits for connections from the Administration Server rather than establishes connections to the Administration Server.
Demilitarized zone (DMZ)
Demilitarized zone is a segment of a local network that contains servers, which respond to requests from the global Web. In order to ensure the security of an organization's local network, access to the LAN from the demilitarized zone is protected with a firewall.
Device owner
Device owner is a user whom the administrator can contact when the need arises to perform certain operations on a device.
Direct application management
Application management through a local interface.
Distribution point
Computer that has Network Agent installed and is used for update distribution, remote installation of applications, getting information about computers in an administration group and/or broadcasting domain. Distribution points are designed to reduce the load on the Administration Server during update distribution and to optimize network traffic. Distribution points can be assigned automatically, by the Administration Server, or manually, by the administrator. Distribution point was previously known as update agent.
Event repository
A part of the Administration Server database dedicated to storage of information about events that occur in Kaspersky Security Center Linux.
Event severity
Property of an event encountered during the operation of a Kaspersky application. There are the following severity levels:
- Critical event
- Functional failure
- Warning
- Info
Events of the same type can have different severity levels depending on the situation in which the event occurred.
Group task
A task defined for an administration group and performed on all client devices included in that administration group.
Home Administration Server
Home Administration Server is the Administration Server that was specified during Network Agent installation. The home Administration Server can be used in settings of Network Agent connection profiles.
Secure protocol for data transfer, using encryption, between a browser and a web server. HTTPS is used to gain access to restricted information, such as corporate or financial data.
Incompatible application
An anti-virus application from a third-party developer or a Kaspersky application that does not support management through Kaspersky Security Center Linux.
Installation package
A set of files created for remote installation of a Kaspersky application by using the Kaspersky Security Center remote administration system. The installation package contains a range of settings needed to install the application and get it running immediately after installation. Settings correspond to application defaults. The installation package is created using files with the .kpd and .kud extensions included in the application distribution kit.
Internal users
The accounts of internal users are used to work with virtual Administration Servers. Kaspersky Security Center Linux grants the rights of real users to internal users of the application.
The accounts of internal users are created and used only within Kaspersky Security Center Linux. No data on internal users is transferred to the operating system. Kaspersky Security Center Linux authenticates internal users.
A programming language that expands the performance of web pages. Web pages created using JavaScript can perform functions (for example, change the view of interface elements or open additional windows) without refreshing the web page with new data from a web server. To view pages created by using JavaScript, enable JavaScript support in the configuration of your browser.
Kaspersky Private Security Network (KPSN)
Kaspersky Private Security Network is a solution that gives users of devices with Kaspersky applications installed access to reputation databases of Kaspersky Security Network and other statistical data—without sending data from their devices to Kaspersky Security Network. Kaspersky Private Security Network is designed for corporate customers who are unable to participate in Kaspersky Security Network for any of the following reasons:
- Devices are not connected to the internet.
- Transmission of any data outside the country or the corporate LAN is prohibited by law or corporate security policies.
Kaspersky Security Center Linux Administrator
The person managing application operations through the Kaspersky Security Center Linux remote centralized administration system.
Kaspersky Security Center Linux Web Server
A component of Kaspersky Security Center Linux that is installed together with Administration Server. Web Server is designed for transmission, over a network, of stand-alone installation packages, iOS MDM profiles, and files from a shared folder.
Kaspersky Security Center Operator
A user who monitors the status and operation of a protection system managed with Kaspersky Security Center.
Kaspersky Security Center System Health Validator (SHV)
A component of Kaspersky Security Center Linux designed for checking the operating system's operability in case of concurrent operation of Kaspersky Security Center Linux and Microsoft NAP.
Kaspersky update servers
HTTP(S) servers at Kaspersky from which Kaspersky applications download database and application module updates.
Key file
A file in xxxxxxxx.key format that makes it possible to use a Kaspersky application under a trial or commercial license.
License term
A time period during which you have access to the application features and rights to use additional services. The services you can use depend on the type of the license.
Local installation
Installation of a security application on a device on a corporate network that presumes manual installation startup from the distribution package of the security application or manual startup of a published installation package that was pre-downloaded to the device.
Local task
A task defined and running on a single client computer.
Managed devices
Corporate networked devices that are included in an administration group.
Manual installation
Installation of a security application on a device in the corporate network from the distribution package. Manual installation requires the involvement of an administrator or another IT specialist. Usually manual installation is done if remote installation has completed with an error.
Network Agent
A Kaspersky Security Center Linux component that enables interaction between the Administration Server and Kaspersky applications that are installed on a specific network node (workstation or server). This component is common to all of the company's applications for Microsoft Windows. Separate versions of Network Agent exist for Kaspersky applications developed for Unix-like OS and macOS.
Network anti-virus protection
A set of technical and organizational measures that lower the risk of allowing viruses and spam to penetrate the network of an organization, and that prevent network attacks, phishing, and other threats. Network security increases when you use security applications and services and when you apply and adhere to the corporate data security policy.
Network protection status
Current protection status, which defines the safety of corporate networked devices. The network protection status includes such factors as installed security applications, usage of license keys, and number and types of threats detected.
A policy determines an application's settings and manages the ability to configure that application on computers within an administration group. An individual policy must be created for each application. You can create multiple policies for applications installed on computers in each administration group, but only one policy can be applied at a time to each application within an administration group.
Collection of settings of Exchange mobile devices that define their behavior when connected to a Microsoft Exchange Server.
Program settings
Application settings that are common to all types of tasks and govern the overall operation of the application, such as application performance settings, report settings, and backup settings.
Protection status
Current protection status, which reflects the level of computer security.
Provisioning profile
Collection of settings for applications' operation on iOS mobile devices. A provisioning profile contains information about the license; it is linked to a specific application.
Remote installation
Installation of Kaspersky applications by using the services provided by Kaspersky Security Center Linux.
Relocation of the original object from Quarantine or Backup to its original folder where the object had been stored before it was quarantined, disinfected or deleted, or to a user-defined folder.
Restoration of Administration Server data
Restoration of Administration Server data from the information saved in Backup by using the backup utility. The utility can restore:
- Database of the Administration Server (policies, tasks, application settings, events saved on the Administration Server)
- Configuration information about the structure of administration groups and client computers
- Repository of the installation files for remote installation of applications (content of the folders: Packages, Uninstall Updates)
- Administration Server certificate
Role group
A group of users of Exchange ActiveSync mobile devices who have been granted identical administrator rights.
Service provider's administrator
A staff member at an anti-virus protection service provider. This administrator performs installation and maintenance jobs for anti-virus protection systems based on Kaspersky anti-virus products and also provides technical support to customers.
Shared certificate
A certificate intended for identifying the user's mobile device.
A data encryption protocol used on the internet and local networks. The Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol is used in web applications to create a secure connection between a client and server.
Functions performed by the Kaspersky application are implemented as tasks, such as: Real-time file protection, Full computer scan, and Database update.
Task for specific devices
A task assigned to a set of client devices from arbitrary administration groups and performed on those devices.
Task settings
Application settings that are specific for each task type.
The procedure of replacing or adding new files (databases or application modules) retrieved from the Kaspersky update servers.
Virtual Administration Server
A component of Kaspersky Security Center Linux, designed for management of the protection system of a client organization's network.
Virtual Administration Server is a particular case of a secondary Administration Server and has the following restrictions as compared with a physical Administration Server:
- Virtual Administration Server can be created only on a primary Administration Server.
- Virtual Administration Server uses the primary Administration Server database in its operation. Data backup and restoration tasks, as well as update scan and download tasks, are not supported on a virtual Administration Server.
- Virtual Server does not support creation of secondary Administration Servers (including virtual Servers).