Creating and configuring the task protection scope
To create and configure the task protection scope via the Kaspersky Security Center:
- Open the Real-time file protection window.
- Select the Protection scope tab.
All items already protected by the task are listed in the Protection scope table.
- Click the Add button to add new item to the list.
The Add objects to protection scope window opens.
- Select an object type to add it to a protection scope:
- Predefined scope - to include one of the predefined scopes in the protection scope on the device. Then in the drop-down list, select the desired protection scope.
- Disk, folder or network location - to include individual drive, folder or a network object in the protection scope. Then select the desired protection scope by clicking the Browse button.
- File - to include an individual file in the protection scope. Then select the desired protection scope by clicking the Browse button.
You cannot add an object to a protection scope if it has already been added as an exclusion from a protection scope.
- To exclude individual items from the protection scope, clear check boxes next to the names of these items or take the following steps:
- Open the context menu of the protection scope by right-clicking it.
- In the context menu, select the Add exclusion option.
- In the Add exclusion window, select an object type that you want to add as an exclusion from the protection scope following the procedure used when adding an object to the protection scope.
- To modify the protection scope or an existing exclusion, select the Edit scope option in the context menu of the desired protection scope.
- To hide a previously added protection scope or an exclusion in the list of network file resources, select the Remove scope option in the context menu of the desired protection scope.
A protection scope is removed from the Real-Time File Protection task scope when it is removed from the network file resource list.
- Click OK.
The Protection scope settings window closes. Your newly configured settings are saved.
The Real-Time File Protection task can be started if at least one of the device’s file resource nodes is included in a protection scope.