Data provision in Open Single Management Platform

June 25, 2024

ID 265008

Data processed locally

Open Single Management Platform is designed for centralized execution of basic administration and maintenance tasks on an organization's network. Open Single Management Platform provides the administrator with access to detailed information about the organization's network security level; Open Single Management Platform lets an administrator configure all the components of protection based on Kaspersky applications. Open Single Management Platform performs the following main functions:

  • Detecting devices and their users on the organization's network
  • Creating a hierarchy of administration groups for device management
  • Installing Kaspersky applications on devices
  • Managing the settings and tasks of installed applications
  • Activating Kaspersky applications on devices
  • Managing user accounts
  • Viewing information about the operation of Kaspersky applications on devices
  • Viewing reports

To perform its main functions Open Single Management Platform can receive, store, and process the following information:

  • Information about the devices on the organization's network received through scanning of Active Directory or Samba domain controllers or through scanning of IP intervals. Administration Server gets data independently or receives data from Network Agent.
  • Information from Active Directory and Samba about organizational units, domains, users, and groups. Administration Server gets data by itself or receives data from Network Agent assigned to work as a distribution point.
  • Details of managed devices. Network Agent transfers the data listed below from the device to Administration Server. The user enters the display name and description of the device in the OSMP Console interface:
    • Technical specifications of the managed device and its components required for device identification: device display name and description, Windows domain name and type (for devices belonging to a Windows domain), device name in Windows environment (for devices belonging to a Windows domain), DNS domain and DNS name, IPv4 address, IPv6 address, network location, MAC address, operating system type, whether the device is a virtual machine together with hypervisor type, and whether the device is a dynamic virtual machine as part of VDI.
    • Other specifications of managed devices and their components required for audit of managed devices: operating system architecture, operating system vendor, operating system build number, operating system release ID, operating system location folder, if the device is a virtual machine—the virtual machine type, name of the virtual Administration Server that manages the device.
    • Details of actions on managed devices: date and time of the last update, time the device was last visible on the network, restart waiting status, and time the device was turned on.
    • Details of device user accounts and their work sessions.
  • Data received by running remote diagnostics on a managed device: trace files, system information, details of Kaspersky applications installed on the device, dump files, event logs, the results of running the diagnostic scripts received from Kaspersky Technical Support.
  • Distribution point operation statistics if the device is a distribution point. Network Agent transfers data from the device to Administration Server.
  • Distribution point settings entered by the User in OSMP Console.
  • Details of Kaspersky applications installed on the device. The managed application transfers data from the device to Administration Server through Network Agent:
    • Settings of Kaspersky applications installed on the managed device: Kaspersky application name and version, status, real-time protection status, last device scan date and time, number of threats detected, number of objects that failed to be disinfected, availability and status of the application components, details of Kaspersky application settings and tasks, information about the active and reserve license keys, application installation date and ID.
    • Application operation statistics: events related to the changes in the status of Kaspersky application components on the managed device and to the performance of tasks initiated by the application components.
    • Device status defined by the Kaspersky application.
    • Tags assigned by the Kaspersky application.
  • Data contained in events from Open Single Management Platform components and Kaspersky managed applications. Network Agent transfers data from the device to Administration Server.
  • Settings of Open Single Management Platform components and Kaspersky managed applications presented in policies and policy profiles. The User enters data in the OSMP Console interface.
  • Task settings of Open Single Management Platform components and Kaspersky managed applications. The User enters data in the OSMP Console interface.
  • Data processed by the System management feature. Network Agent transfers from the device to Administration Server the following information:
    • Information about the hardware detected on managed devices (Hardware registry).
    • Information about the software installed on managed devices (Software registry). The software can be compared with the information about the executable files detected on the devices by the Application Control function.
  • User categories of applications. The User enters data in the OSMP Console interface.
  • Details of executable files detected on managed devices by the Application Control feature. The managed application transfers data from the device to Administration Server through Network Agent. A complete list of data is provided in the Help files of the corresponding application.
  • Information about encrypted Windows-based devices and the encryption status. The managed application transfers data from the device to Administration Server through Network Agent.
  • Details of data encryption errors on Windows-based devices performed using the Data encryption feature of Kaspersky applications. The managed application transfers data from the device to Administration Server through Network Agent. A complete list of data is provided in the Help files of the corresponding application.
  • Details of files placed in Backup. The managed application transfers data from the device to Administration Server through Network Agent. A complete list of data is provided in the Help files of the corresponding application.
  • Details of files placed in Quarantine. The managed application transfers data from the device to Administration Server through Network Agent. A complete list of data is provided in the Help files of the corresponding application.
  • Details of files requested by Kaspersky specialists for detailed analysis. The managed application transfers data from the device to Administration Server through Network Agent. A complete list of data is provided in the Help files of the corresponding application.
  • Details of external devices (memory units, information transfer tools, information hardcopy tools, and connection buses) installed or connected to the managed device and detected by the Device Control feature. The managed application transfers data from the device to Administration Server through Network Agent. A complete list of data is provided in the Help files of the corresponding application.
  • Information about encrypted devices and the encryption status. A managed application transfers data from the device to Administration Server through Network Agent.
  • Information about data encryption errors on the devices. The encryption is performed by the Encryption data function of Kaspersky applications. A managed application transfers data from the device to Administration Server through Network Agent. The full list of data is provided in the Online Help of the corresponding application.
  • List of managed programmable logic controllers (PLCs). The managed application transfers data from the device to Administration Server through Network Agent. A complete list of data is provided in the Help files of the corresponding application.
  • Data required for creation of a threat development chain. The managed application transfers data from the device to Administration Server through Network Agent. A complete list of data is provided in the Help files of the corresponding application.
  • Details of the entered activation codes and key files. The User enters data in the Administration Console or OSMP Console interface.
  • User accounts: name, description, full name, email address, main phone number, and password. The User enters data in the OSMP Console interface.
  • Revision history of management objects. The User enters data in the OSMP Console interface.
  • Registry of deleted management objects. The User enters data in the OSMP Console interface.
  • Installation packages created from the file, as well as installation settings. The User enters data in the OSMP Console interface.
  • Data required for the display of announcements from Kaspersky in OSMP Console. The User enters data in the OSMP Console interface.
  • Data required for the functioning of plug-ins of managed applications in OSMP Console and saved by the plug-ins in the Administration Server database during their routine operation. The description and ways of providing the data are provided in the Help files of the corresponding application.
  • OSMP Console user settings: localization language and theme of the interface, Monitoring panel display settings, information about the status of notifications (Already read / Not yet read), status of columns in spreadsheets (Show / Hide), Training mode progress. The User enters data in the OSMP Console interface.
  • Certificate for secure connection of managed devices to the Open Single Management Platform components. The User enters data in the OSMP Console interface.
  • Information on which Kaspersky legal agreement terms have been accepted by the user.
  • The Administration Server data that the User enters in the OSMP Console or program interface Kaspersky Security Center OpenAPI.
  • Any data that the User enters in the OSMP Console interface.

The data listed above can be present in Open Single Management Platform if one of the following methods is applied:

  • The User enters data in the OSMP Console interface.
  • Network Agent automatically receives data from the device and transfers it to Administration Server.
  • Network Agent receives data retrieved by the Kaspersky managed application and transfers it to Administration Server. The lists of data processed by Kaspersky managed applications are provided in the Help files for the corresponding applications.
  • Administration Server gets the information about the networked devices by itself or receives data from Network Agent assigned to work as a distribution point.

The listed data is stored in the Administration Server database. User names and passwords are stored in encrypted form.

All data processed locally can be transferred to Kaspersky only through dump files, trace files, or log files of Open Single Management Platform components, including log files created by installers and utilities.

The dump files, trace files, or log files of Open Single Management Platform components contain arbitrary data of Administration Server, Network Agent, and OSMP Console. The files may contain personal or confidential data. The dump files, trace files, or log files are stored on the devices in an unencrypted form. The dump files, trace files, or log files are not transferred to Kaspersky automatically, but an administrator may transfer those files to Kaspersky manually by request from Technical Support to resolve issues related to Open Single Management Platform performance.

Kaspersky protects any information received in accordance with law and applicable Kaspersky rules. Data is transmitted over a secure channel.

Following the links in the Administration Console or OSMP Console, the User agrees to the automatic transfer of the following data:

  • Open Single Management Platform code
  • Open Single Management Platform version
  • Open Single Management Platform localization
  • License ID
  • License type
  • Whether the license was purchased through a partner

The list of data provided via each link depends on the purpose and location of the link.

Kaspersky uses the received data in anonymized form and for general statistics only. Summary statistics are generated automatically from the originally received information and do not contain any personal or confidential data. As soon as new data is accumulated, the previous data is wiped (once a year). Summary statistics are stored indefinitely.

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