Storing diagnostic information about Kaspersky Next XDR Expert components

June 25, 2024

ID 270423

Diagnostic information about Kaspersky Next XDR Expert components is stored on a worker node of the Kubernetes cluster. The amount of disk space required for storing this information is specified in the configuration file before the deployment of Kaspersky Next XDR Expert (the loki_size parameter).

To check the disk space used to store diagnostic information about Kaspersky Next XDR Expert components,

On the administrator host where the KDT utility is located, run the following command:

./kdt invoke observability --action getPvSize

The amount of the allocated free disk space in gigabytes is displayed.

You can also increase the disk space used to store diagnostic information about Kaspersky Next XDR Expert components after the deployment of Kaspersky Next XDR Expert. You cannot set the amount of disk space to less than the previously specified amount.

To increase the disk space used to store diagnostic information about Kaspersky Next XDR Expert components,

On the administrator host where the KDT utility is located, run the following command and specify the required free disk space in gigabytes (for example, "50Gi"):

./kdt invoke observability --action setPvSize --param loki_size="<new_disk_space_amount>Gi"

The amount of free disk space allocated to store diagnostic information about Kaspersky Next XDR Expert components is changed.

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