Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Linux

Creating a trace file

You can use the graphical user interface to create application trace files and define the level of detail in these.

To create a trace file:

  1. Open the main application window.
  2. In the lower part of the main application window, click the Support button.

    The Support window opens.

  3. Click the Tracing link to open the Tracing window
  4. In the Level drop-down list, select the level of detail for the trace file.

    You are advised to clarify the required level of detail with a Kaspersky Technical Support specialists. The default value is Diagnostic (300).

  5. Click the Enable button to start tracing.
  6. Reproduce the situation which caused the problem.
  7. Click the Disable button to stop tracing.

Created trace files are stored in /var/log/kaspersky/kesl/ directory.