Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Linux

Configuring Web Threat Protection in the command line

In the command line, you can manage Web Threat Protection using the Web Threat Protection predefined task (Web_Threat_Protection).

The task starts automatically if one of the supported browsers is detected in the system and local management of Web Threat Protection settings is allowed on the device (a policy is not applied or the "lock" is not set in the policy properties). You can start and stop the task manually.

You can configure Web Threat Protection settings by editing the settings of the Web Threat Protection predefined task.

Web Threat Protection task settings





Specifies the action to be performed upon detection of an infected object in web traffic.

Notify — Allow the detected object to be downloaded, display a notification about the blocked access attempt, and log information about the infected object.

Block (default value) — Block access to the detected object, display a notification about the blocked access attempt, and log information about the infected object.


Enables or disables checking of links against the databases of malicious web addresses.

Yes (default value) — Check if the links are listed in the malicious links database.

No — Do not check if the links are listed in the malicious links database.


Enables or disables checking of links against the databases of phishing web addresses.

Yes (default value) — Check if the links are listed in the phishing links database.

No — Do not check if the links are listed in the phishing links database.


Enables or disables the use of heuristic analysis for scanning web pages for phishing links.

Yes (default value) — Use heuristic analysis to detect phishing links. If this value is specified, the level of heuristic analysis is Light (the least thorough scan with minimal load on the system). You cannot change the heuristic analysis level for the Web Threat Protection task.

No — Do not use heuristic analysis to detect phishing links.


Enables or disables checking of links against the databases of adware web addresses.

Yes — Check if the links are listed in the adware links database.

No (default value) — Do not check if the links are listed in the adware links database.


Enables or disables the scanning of links against the database of web addresses containing legitimate applications that intruders can use to compromise the devices or data.

Yes—Check if the links are listed in the database of web addresses that contain legal applications that may be used by intruders to damage your devices or data.

No (default value) — Do not check if the links are listed in the database of web addresses that contain legal applications that may be used by intruders to damage your devices or data.


Enables or disables the usage of a list of trusted web addresses. The application does not scan trusted web addresses for viruses or other malicious objects. You can specify trusted web addresses using the TrustedAddresses.item_# setting.

Yes (default value) — Use a list of trusted web addresses.

No — Do not use a list of trusted web addresses.


Specifies trusted web addresses.

The default value is not defined.

You can use masks to specify web addresses.

Masks are not supported to specify IP addresses.