Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Linux

Commands for managing Kaspersky Unified Monitoring and Analysis Platform Integration settings

-M is a prefix indicating that the command belongs to the group of commands for managing Kaspersky Unified Monitoring and Analysis Platform settings.

kesl-control --add-kuma-server-certificate

This command adds or replaces a previously added KUMA server certificate.

Command syntax

kesl-control [-M] --add-kuma-server-certificate <path to file>

Arguments and keys

<file path> is the path to the file containing the server certificate.

kesl-control --remove-kuma-server-certificate

This command removes a KUMA server certificate.

Command syntax

kesl-control [-M] --remove-kuma-server-certificate

kesl-control --query-kuma-server-certificate

This command outputs information about a KUMA server certificate.

Command syntax

kesl-control [-M] --query-kuma-server-certificate

kesl-control --add-kuma-client-certificate

This command adds or replaces a previously added client certificate used to secure the connection to a KUMA server.

Command syntax

kesl-control [-M] --add-kuma-client-certificate <file path>

Arguments and keys

<file path> is the path to the cryptocontainer (PFX archive) containing the client certificate and private key.

kesl-control --remove-kuma-client-certificate

This command deletes the client certificate used to secure the connection to a KUMA server.

Command syntax

kesl-control [-M] --remove-kuma-client-certificate

kesl-control --query-kuma-client-certificate

The command outputs information about a client certificate.

Command syntax

kesl-control [-M] --query-kuma-client-certificate