Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Linux

Viewing information about the operation of an application in the Web Console

To view information about the application operation in the Web Console:

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select Assets (Devices)Managed devices.

    The list of managed devices opens.

  2. Select the administration group containing the necessary device. To do so, click the link in the Current path field above the list of managed devices and select an administration group in the window that opens.

    The list displays only the managed devices for the selected administration group.

  3. In the list, find the device for which you want to view information and click the device name.
  4. This opens a managed device properties window; in that window, go to the Applications tab.
  5. In the list of applications installed on the device, click the name of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security 12.2 for Linux application.

    The application properties window opens.

The Kaspersky Endpoint Security 12.2 for Linux window displays the following information about the Kaspersky Endpoint Security application:

  • The General tab in the Information section displays general information about the installed application:
    • Name is the name of the application.
    • Version is the version number of the application.
    • Installed is the date and time when the application was installed on the device.
    • Last software update is the date and time when Kaspersky Endpoint Security software modules were last updated.
    • Last synchronization is the date and time of the last connection of the device to the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server.
    • Current status: status of File Threat Protection on the device, such as Running or Paused.
    • The Installed updates block contains information about installed versions of application updates.
    • Under Application databases, you can find information about the date and time of the application database update release and the date and time of the last update.
  • On the General tab, the Licenses section contains information about license keys added to the application and the licenses corresponding to these keys.
  • On the General tab, the Components section contains a list of functional components of the application. The status (for example, Stopped, Suspended, Not Installed) and version of each component is displayed.

    In the Light Agent mode for protecting virtual environments line, you can see information about the application usage mode:

    • The Running status means that the application is being used in Light Agent mode.
    • The Not installed status means that the application is being used in Standard mode.
  • The Events tab displays a list of application events on the device.
  • The Event settings section displays the types of events that the application stores in event storage and how long they are stored.
  • On the Application settings tab, you can do the following:
    • In the Detection and Response section, you can manage network isolation of a device.
    • In the Application Control section, you can export configured component settings and application categories to a file, and import them from a file.
    • In the Statistics section, you can view application statistics and the list of mount points.