Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Linux

Obtaining information for Technical Support

After you inform Kaspersky Technical Support specialists about the problem, they may ask you to send a trace file or dump file.

Technical Support specialists may also need additionally information about the operating system and running processes on the device, as well as detailed reports on the operation of application components.

While diagnosing the problem, Technical Support specialists may ask you to change the application settings to:

  • activate functionality to receive advanced diagnostic information;
  • perform more detailed configuration of individual application components that cannot be performed through the standard user interface;
  • change settings for storing received diagnostic information;
  • to configure the capture and storage of network traffic in a file.

Technical Support specialists will tell you all the information required to perform these actions (the sequence of steps, the settings to change, configuration files, scripts, advanced command line capabilities, debugging modules, special utilities, etc.), as well as the body of information received for diagnostic purposes. The received advanced diagnostic information is stored on the user device. This information is not automatically sent to Kaspersky.

The steps listed above should be performed only with the guidance of Technical Support specialists based on instructions they provide. Independently changing application files using means not described in the application documentation or not recommended by Technical Support specialists may lead to poor performance and failures in the application and operating system, reduced protection, as well as inaccessible and corrupted data.

In this section

Application trace files

Configuring application trace settings

Application administration plug-in trace files

About dump files

Enabling or disabling dump logging