Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Linux

Configuring Removable Drives Scan in the command line

In the command line, you can manage the removable drives scan using the Removable Drives Scan predefined task (Removable_Drives_Scan).

Removable Drives Scan is stopped by default. You can start and stop this task manually. You can configure scan settings by editing the settings of this task.

If the task is running, the application monitors the connection of removable drives to the device and, when a removable drive is connected, it creates and starts a temporary boot sector scan task (task of the ODS type). This task cannot be stopped. After the task execution completes, the application automatically deletes the task.

If you enabled file scanning in the Removable Drives Scan task settings, the application also starts one or more temporary custom file scan tasks (tasks of the ODS type). If necessary, a user with administrator privileges can stop these tasks.

If you change the Removable Drives Scan task settings, the new values are not applied to temporary tasks that are already running. Stopping the Removable Drives Scan task does not stop temporary tasks that are already running.

Removable Drives Scan task settings





Enables the scanning of removable media when it is connected to the device.

This setting does not apply to CD/DVD drives and Blu-ray discs (see the ScanOpticalDrives setting).

DetailedScan — Scan all files on removable media (except CD/DVD and Blu-ray discs).

A detailed scan is performed with the default settings for the Scan_File task (ID: 3).

QuickScan — Scan only files of specific types on removable media (except CD/DVD and Blu-ray discs).

A quick scan is performed with the default settings for the Critical_Areas_Scan task (ID: 4).

NoScan (default value) — Do not scan removable media when it is connected to the device.


Enables the scanning of CD/DVD drives and Blu-ray discs when they are connected to the device.

DetailedScan — Scan all files on CD/DVD drives and Blu-ray discs.

A detailed scan is performed with the default settings for the Scan_File task (ID: 3).

QuickScan — Scan only files of specific types on CD/DVD drives and Blu-ray discs.

A quick scan is performed with the default settings for the Critical_Areas_Scan task (ID: 4).

NoScan (default value) — Do not scan CD/DVD drives and Blu-ray discs when they are connected.


Enables the blocking of files on a connected disk during scanning. While scanning boot sectors, files are not blocked.

Yes — Block files during the scan.

No (default value) — Do not block files during the scan.