Kaspersky for Android

About weak settings

When you are using your device, operating system settings can be changed as a result of your actions or the actions of apps that you run. The changed weak settings can pose a risk to the security of your device. For example, if a lock screen PIN or password is not set on the device, other people can access the data on your device.

Notifications about weak settings of the operating system can be divided into two types:

  • Warning notifications. The settings affect operating system security and are equivalent to vulnerabilities.
  • Recommendation notifications. You are advised to fix the settings to improve the security of the operating system.

The Weak Settings Scan searches for weak settings of the operating system at least once a day. If it detects weak settings in the operating system, it prompts you to fix them in order to restore the security of the operating system.

Information about detected weak settings is displayed in the Weak Settings Scan section of the main screen of the app. Tap this section and open it to perform the following actions: