Kaspersky for Android
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- العربية (الإمارات العربية المتحدة)
- Български
- Čeština (Česká republika)
- Dansk (Danmark)
- Deutsch
- Ελληνικά (Ελλάδα)
- Eesti
- Español (España)
- Español (México)
- Français
- Bahasa Indonesia
- Italiano
- 한국어 (대한민국)
- Magyar (Magyarország)
- Norsk, bokmål (Norge)
- Nederlands (Nederland)
- Polski (Polska)
- Português (Brasil)
- Português (Portugal)
- Română (România)
- Suomi (Suomi)
- Svenska (Sverige)
- ไทย (ไทย)
- Tiếng Việt (Việt Nam)
- Türkçe (Türkiye)
- Русский
- 日本語(日本)
- Latviešu
- Lietuvių
- Srpski
- Српски
- 简体中文
- 繁體中文
- About Kaspersky app for Android
- Subscription & Account
- About free, trial and premium versions
- About the subscription for Kaspersky app
- Viewing information about the subscription and its term
- Activating the subscription for Kaspersky app
- Signing in to My Kaspersky using your Google, Facebook or Apple account
- Signing in to My Kaspersky using the QR code
- Subscription restoration troubleshooting
- Data provision
- Installing and uninstalling the app
- Scan
- Updating anti-virus databases
- Automatic Anti-Virus
- Where Is My Device
- Using a screen lock
- App Lock
- Safe Browsing
- Safe Messaging
- Text Anti-Phishing (for Huawei devices without Google Play services)
- Call Filter
- My apps and permissions
- Data Leak Checker
- Kaspersky VPN
- About Kaspersky VPN
- Transferring VPN settings to Kaspersky app
- Free version of Kaspersky VPN
- Unlimited version of Kaspersky VPN
- Viewing the secure connection state and available traffic
- Activating the unlimited version of Kaspersky VPN
- Restoring the unlimited version of Kaspersky VPN
- Configuring Smart Protection
- Choosing the virtual server
- Protecting data if a secure connection is lost
- Viewing the statistics of secure traffic use on My Kaspersky
- Turning off Kaspersky VPN
- Restrictions for the use of Kaspersky VPN
- Smart Home Monitor
- Password manager
- Weak Settings Scan
- Viewing app reports
- Social Privacy
- Screen Repair Warranty
- Secure QR Scanner
- Premium Support Services
- Using My Kaspersky
- Configuring app's notifications
- Changing the app theme
- Selection of relevant security news
- Early access to features
- How to get customer support
- Sources of information about the app
- Known issues
- Legal
- For beta testers
Secure QR Scanner
A QR code or a barcode that you scan with your device can contain different kinds of information. This information can be unsafe for your device: for instance, a link to a phishing website. The Secure QR Scanner feature lets you scan QR codes and barcodes and safely access the information encrypted in the codes by checking any links they may contain.
Here are the instructions for performing typical user tasks that the feature provides:
To scan a QR code:
- Point the camera at the QR code or barcode.
- Keep the device steady for 1-2 seconds.
Secure QR Scanner automatically focuses the image and decrypts information encrypted in the code.
Depending on the type of information encrypted in the code, the device displays text, a link to a website, contact details, or Wi-Fi network connection settings.
Secure QR Scanner saves all scanned codes into history if the saving history functionality is enabled in app's settings.
You can see up-to-date information about QR code or barcode contents check results in history by tapping required entry. The app checks the links again and shows up-to-date result.
Follow these recommendations when scanning a code:
- If Secure QR Scanner is unable to decode the code, move the camera to or from the QR or barcode to get the image in focus.
- When illumination is insufficient, tap the flashlight icon on the feature's screen to turn on the flashlight
In the Settings section of the feature, you can:
- Turn on sound and vibration confirmation that a code has been scanned;
The vibration confirmation is only available on devices that support this feature.
- Turn on history to save scanned codes;
- Choose whether you want to be prompted before opening a link from a code.
Secure QR Scanner scans websites for online threats before opening them. The app uses
An infrastructure of cloud services that provides access to the online Knowledge Base of Kaspersky which contains information about the reputation of files, web resources, and software. The use of data from Kaspersky Security Network ensures faster response by Kaspersky apps to threats, improves the effectiveness of some protection components, and reduces the risk of false positives.
To open a website:
- Point the camera at a code with an encrypted website link.
Secure QR Scanner automatically focuses the image and decrypts the link encrypted in the code, then checks the link for threats.If the link is safe, the app prompts you to open it in your device's default browser.
- If you don't want to be prompted about opening links that are safe, you can disable this prompt in the feature's settings.
Secure QR Scanner can recognize contact details encoded in a QR code.
After decoding the QR code, you can:
- See the content of the contact card;
- Call the contact if a mobile phone number is specified in the contact card;
- Send an SMS message to the contact if a mobile phone number is specified in the contact card;
- Create this contact in your device contact list.
If malicious or phishing links were detected in any field of contact data, it is impossible to add this links to the contact card on your device.
To connect to a Wi-Fi network:
- Point the camera at a QR code with encoded Wi-Fi network connection settings.
Secure QR Scanner automatically focuses the image and decodes the QR code. A window with Wi-Fi network connection settings opens:
- SSID / Network name
- Password
- Type
- Tap Save network. If a system prompt appears, agree to save the network.
- On the next scree, tap Connect.
If you are using a device running Android 10 or lower, to connect to a Wi-Fi network:
- Point the camera at a QR code with encoded Wi-Fi network connection settings.
Secure QR Scanner automatically focuses the image and decodes the QR code. A window with Wi-Fi network connection settings opens:
- SSID / Network name
- Password
- Type
- Tap Show available networks.
Secure QR Scanner will copy the network's password to the clipboard. A window with available Wi-Fi networks list will appear.
- Tap the network name that appeared in step 1.
- In the window that opens, insert the password from the clipboard and tap Connect.