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- 以静默模式安装 Linux 网络代理(使用应答文件)
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- 查看独立安装包列表
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- 指定 Unix 设备上的远程安装设置
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- 准备运行 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 的设备以安装网络代理
- 为远程安装准备 Windows 设备。Riprep 实用程序
- 授权许可
- 配置卡巴斯基应用程序
- 方案:配置网络保护
- 关于以设备为中心和以用户为中心的安全管理方法
- 策略设置和传播:以设备为中心的方法
- 策略设置和传播:以用户为中心的方法
- 策略和策略配置文件
- 网络代理策略设置
- Windows、Linux 和 macOS 网络代理的使用:比较
- 按操作系统比较网络代理设置
- Kaspersky Endpoint Security 策略的手动设置
- Kaspersky Endpoint Security 更新组任务的手动设置
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- 管理服务器证书
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- 组任务
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- 网络保护状态
- 网络反病毒保护
- 虚拟管理服务器
- 角色组
- 设备所有者
- 身份验证代理
- 还原
- 还原管理服务器数据
- 远程安装
- 连接网关
- 配置文件
- 配置文件
- 隔离区域 (DMZ)
- 集中式应用程序管理
- 额外(或备用)授权许可密钥
- 有关第三方代码的信息
- 商标声明
Connection gateway
A connection gateway is a Network Agent acting in a special mode. A connection gateway accepts connections from other Network Agents and tunnels them to the Administration Server through its own connection with the Server. Unlike an ordinary Network Agent, a connection gateway waits for connections from the Administration Server rather than establishes connections to the Administration Server.
A connection gateway can receive connections from up to 10,000 devices.
You have two options for using connection gateways:
- We recommend that you install a connection gateway in a demilitarized zone (DMZ). For other Network Agents installed on out-of-office devices, you need to specially configure a connection to Administration Server through the connection gateway.
A connection gateway does not in any way modify or process data that is transmitted from Network Agents to Administration Server. Moreover, it does not write this data into any buffer and therefore cannot accept data from a Network Agent and later forward it to Administration Server. If Network Agent attempts to connect to Administration Server through the connection gateway, but the connection gateway cannot connect to Administration Server, Network Agent perceives this as if Administration Server is inaccessible. All data remains on Network Agent (not on the connection gateway).
A connection gateway cannot connect to Administration Server through another connection gateway. It means that Network Agent cannot simultaneously be a connection gateway and use a connection gateway to connect to Administration Server.
All connection gateways are included in the list of distribution points in the Administration Server properties.
- You can also use connection gateways within the network. For example, automatically assigned distribution points also become connection gateways in their own scope. However, within an internal network, connection gateways do not provide considerable benefit. They reduce the number of network connections received by Administration Server, but do not reduce the volume of incoming data. Even without connection gateways, all devices could still connect to Administration Server.
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